Neo Member
Just be aware that Blood Rage is much more about card drafting (e.g., 7 Wonders) than anything else; yes, there are minis on a map and combat, but scoring is decided by the card drafting between combat/placement rounds.
I can't suggest any dungeon crawlers, as I've never found one I really liked (I tolerate the D&D ones -- Castle Ravenloft, Tomb of Elemental Evil, etc.).
As for other suggestions, given your current library I'd suggest One Night Ultimate Werewolf or The Resistance: Avalon (social deduction games kind of in the same vein as Saboteur, but much faster paced and more intense), Lords of Waterdeep (similar to Stone Age, but with a D&D theme and more interaction), and maybe Terra Mystica (if you want to get into heavier, more complex strategy games). Small World might also be up your alley if you want a fast Risk-like area control/combat game with a fantasy theme and minimal dice rolling.
Ah thanks will take a look at those. Forgot I had SmallWorld.