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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Buying a birthday present for a friend (Krazy Wordz) I also picke dup Broom Service: The Card Game. I'll let you guys know how that one is once it arrives.


So Zombie Tower 3D ended up being a lot of fun. While waiting to play it between the time that it arrived and last night, I read all the reviews for it and the negatives that people wrote about started to get me worried that I wouldn't enjoy it. I took it in though and had three other people who were there for the night looking to play a game, two people who were new to the store.
Set up went quick and my explaining of the rules wasn't too painful for the other players I think. The game played out and we ended up winning by Win Condition B on the last turn of the game (everyone has vaccines, 4 flares, everyone ends turns in room 10) and I came in third when adding up VP.
The consensus from everyone was that they had fun and would want to play it again. We ended up trying to get another game in but only played about half before the store was going to close; a guy swapped out with someone who watched us play the previous game. Anyone who came into the store while we played was curious what it was and wanted to play, but with it being a 4P-max game, they had to play other games. The cardboard building definitely catches people's eyes.
The rule book is available online and is pretty short and simple for anyone who wants to see details about how it plays. A quick rundown: you select a character who has a unique ability, get a random starting item such as a gun with no ammo, and a hidden objective that nets you bonus VP (such as "Have two rooms on fire in your quadrant at end of game" or "Finish the game with a handgun in possession"). You spawn zombies and survivors in rooms and then begin the game. Everyone simultaneously goes through the Emergence Phase where zombies and survivors are spawned. Next is the action phase where each player in-turn has 3AP that lets you move, use an item, pass items through a wall, or search the room (you can collect or release survivors as free actions). Zombies then move for all players at once, towards you or survivors depending what is located on the floor with them, and then damage is dealt. Then it is the end phase and a new round begins. Losing happens when any player dies or you go through the emergence deck twice (12 total turns).

Zombies always ignore you and move towards survivors on the same floor, so the strategy with releasing survivors in a room was very fun. Having a hoard following you on a floor and then realizing "Oh, I can just drop this little kid off in this room and let him be eaten while I flee and it will buy me more time" made things interesting. That is actually how we won: We needed to end everyone's turns in Room 10. I began my turn in room 10 but there was a room of 9 zombies next to me. After I finished up my actions and we entered the next phase where zombies would move, they would move into my room and kill me, even if I dropped all my survivors as shields. It was then that I realized that I could move into the room with the zombies in it, drop one survivor off, and then move back into room 10. We entered the zombie phase after the three other player's turns were finished and the zombies did not move into my room because there was a feeding frenzy in their room as they devoured the boy I left there. So we won, at the expense of that little survivor.
I explained at the beginning that the game wasn't so much a Zombicide clone and that combat wasn't a big focus, it was more of a puzzle game where you have to find the best route and manage your resources (survivors) rather than a bunch of action. So they all enjoyed it more than if they had gone in expecting combat and killing zombies.

I can probably post more later and should have pictures after the store owner posts them to Facebook. I liked it and would recommend people try it if they have a chance.


I kickstarted this game . Thanks for the impressions
No problem. The in-depth reviews on BGG or that can be found on other sites via Google are better than what I typed up real quick but I can answer any questions you have. I can't wait for the English Kickstarter edition with the updated card art. I'm actually thinking that when that arrives, I might try combining my two buildings and trying to make a harder variant.

I just cancelled my Potion Explosion pre-order from CSI (will re-order when it releases) and now have an awesome order shipping out. On the way are the following:
-Apex Therapod Deckbuilding Game: Suchomimus Expansion
-Pixel Tactics 2
-Pixel Tactics 3
-Pixel Tactics 4
-PitchCar: Long Straights Expansion
-Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game
-X-Wing Minis: Slave 1 Expansion
-X-Wing Minis: Lambda-Class Shuttle Expansion (hope I get one of the newer produced units with wings that unfold properly without modification)
-X-Wing Minis: Mist Hunter Expansion
-Flick Em Up! Canyon Expansion

Should be some fun when those start rolling in but I will be paralyzed with indecision over where to start. The three Pixel Tactics games mean I will now own all Pixel Tactics content, so I could start sorting it all into the DX box and then figure out how to play it. The Slave 1 and Lamda have my mind racing at some Imperial ship builds that I could create. Sellswords is so exciting to me because it will fill my Triple Triad needs (man I wish I could buy the official Triple Triad cards for a reasonable amount that wouldn't require organs being sold...). Spyfall sounds like a bunch of fun and I might be able to get it to the table at one of the board game nights at the local store. Sigh, too many options.
Hey folks,

Thanks for the 5p recs earlier--super useful and we played several of them. New request now--good games for 7+ players that are not necessarily pure social deduction.

Here's what I have so far:
-7 Wonders
-Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
-Bang! the Dice Game
-Shadows over Camelot

Anything I'm missing? Especially newer stuff....

a few pages late, but Steampunk Rally is an awesome euro style engine builder/race game with simultaneous action that plays 2-8. Awesome choice for if you're sick of party/social/traitor games and have played 7 Wonders half to death (aka my group)


Here's a pic from last night. The rest that they took for the store's Facebook page have a bunch of people's faces visible and I don't know that these people who do not know me would want me posting their likeness around without their permission, so this is the only photo I can post:
Here's a pic from last night. The rest that they took for the store's Facebook page have a bunch of people's faces visible and I don't know that these people who do not know me would want me posting their likeness around without their permission, so this is the only photo I can post:

I kickstarted that game! Looks pretty fun :D

One of the early negatives on this was that it wasn't true coop since there was only one winner, but after receiving feedback from backers and reviewers they added in a fully cooperative variant that I'm really excited about.


I kickstarted that game! Looks pretty fun :D

One of the early negatives on this was that it wasn't true coop since there was only one winner, but after receiving feedback from backers and reviewers they added in a fully cooperative variant that I'm really excited about.
There are victory conditions A and B that allow you to win. The game calls it winning. Then there is the "True Winner" that is the person with the most VP. I mean, only one of the four of us was the "True Winner" but two of the guys and myself didn't feel like we 'lost' the game to the guy who had the most VP. I announced at the beginning while going through rules that there was actually going to be a 'winner' out of the four of us and made an off-hand comment that they probably added the "True Winner" for the people who don't like coops and feel like if they didn't do better than the other players, then they didn't really win anything regardless of how the team did. A couple other people agreed and said there is a time and place for a 'winner' but it seemed like these were guys who had played Pandemic and other coops before and were comfortable with the win/lose conditions.

So it really depends on what kind of group you are playing with, I guess. If you have an ultra-competitive gamer playing in your group, I would be worried about other things like him quarterbacking as an Alpha Gamer (the other sections of building being hidden from their view should prevent that some, but they still might try to dictate who needs to do what and order that items be given to themselves; I'm thankful that I have never had to deal with an Alpha Gamer in a coop game).

I'm curious to see what a new fully cooperative variant would look like. I have't been following the KS updates or comments all that much. I kind of tune out and ignore most of the updates for my backed projects as long as things are going well, with the exception of L99 updates, which I am eager to read for games that I didn't even back.
Hey all. I have gotten into board gaming a bit over the last months. Still new but enjoying a lot of new games such as Ticket to Ride, One Hit Kill, Love Letter, King of New York. I also have a few Kickstarter games I am waiting on such as TMNT, Secret Hitler, Little Drop of Poison, and Karmaka. I just got Boss Monster in the mail today and will be bringing it on my vacation tomorrow to play with some old friends I see once a year of so. Any advise on that one? It seems real fun but I yet to get the expansion or BM 2.


Putting together the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower miniatures has reminded me just how much better GW's miniatures are than the rest of the industry. Such a joy to put together. It is crazy.
Putting together the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower miniatures has reminded me just how much better GW's miniatures are than the rest of the industry. Such a joy to put together. It is crazy.

Sounds like you need Deathwatch Overkill and Space Hulk in your life! Great games with amazing miniatures!


Putting together the Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower miniatures has reminded me just how much better GW's miniatures are than the rest of the industry. Such a joy to put together. It is crazy.

I always get stressed out thinking I'm going to slice off a tiny detail or glue a piece in wrong.
I always get stressed out thinking I'm going to slice off a tiny detail or glue a piece in wrong.

I think this is GWs most fiddly kit yet. One of the heroes as 12ish parts? I don't think this set is going to win over too many board gamers over to the miniature side if things. However, it may very well bring the mini crowd over to the board gaming side because the game itself is great.

This is where GW's strength lies IMO. There is a middle ground between board gaming and table top gaming that is begging to be exploited.

Their recent update and release of Lost Patrol is yet another good example of this. It is a simple and straightforward game that really comes alive with the provided miniatures and takes it to another level IMO.

Seriously, Deathwatch Overkill is such a fun game as either marines or genestealers. As the marine player you really wreck shit. Its a great time!
Is Lost Patrol really worth it? Im glad to see them back in the Board game business, but some of their old games... just weren't good. Read somewhere that the rules were essentially the same, which I don't know if thats a good thing.


I think this is GWs most fiddly kit yet. One of the heroes as 12ish parts? I don't think this set is going to win over too many board gamers over to the miniature side if things. However, it may very well bring the mini crowd over to the board gaming side because the game itself is great.

This is where GW's strength lies IMO. There is a middle ground between board gaming and table top gaming that is begging to be exploited.

Their recent update and release of Lost Patrol is yet another good example of this. It is a simple and straightforward game that really comes alive with the provided miniatures and takes it to another level IMO.

Seriously, Deathwatch Overkill is such a fun game as either marines or genestealers. As the marine player you really wreck shit. Its a great time!

I put together the big guy last night and it was so much easier than putting together Privateer Press kits or heaven forbid Shadows of Brimstone. and you can use plastic glue. It ALMOST makes me want to get more into Age of Sigmar, but I will prolly stick to just expanding WHQ as much as possible.


Hey all. I have gotten into board gaming a bit over the last months. Still new but enjoying a lot of new games such as Ticket to Ride, One Hit Kill, Love Letter, King of New York. I also have a few Kickstarter games I am waiting on such as TMNT, Secret Hitler, Little Drop of Poison, and Karmaka. I just got Boss Monster in the mail today and will be bringing it on my vacation tomorrow to play with some old friends I see once a year of so. Any advise on that one? It seems real fun but I yet to get the expansion or BM 2.

The dungeon cards are fiddley. Good quick game, in my opinion.
Is Lost Patrol really worth it? Im glad to see them back in the Board game business, but some of their old games... just weren't good. Read somewhere that the rules were essentially the same, which I don't know if thats a good thing.

It's hard as nails. The marines have it rough. I would compare the difficulty to something like the Space Hulk Card game. Actually, it's difficulty is probably more in line with DungeonQuest. You'll lose a hell of a lot more than you win. The rules are simple and turns go fast. I think of it more like a palate cleanser. It's a $25 game with miniatures that jack the price up. Some people may take real umbrage with that if they could care less about the minis, but it suits GW's overall strategy of getting their high quality miniatures into people's hands. After all, it's the lore, art, and miniatures that got so many people into 40k in the past. I see their current effort as trying to do that again, hopefully with a new crowd.

This highlights a problem I find when looking for gameplay reviews of these latest efforts from GW. People just want to talk about the miniatures and the game itself is often an afterthought (if its even mentioned at all). The more popular reviewers tend to not touch them, leaving it up to the amateurs to do gameplay walkthroughs.

There have been some real hits, like Space Hulk, and some real duds, like Dreadfleet. Then there have been mixed results, like Execution Force. I have heard nothing but good about Betrayal at Calth, so I will pick that up someday. The internet is rather silent about Deathwatch Overkill, but that game is great! It's such a mixed bag that it's hard to know what you're getting into with a new game from GW.
It's hard as nails. The marines have it rough. I would compare the difficulty to something like the Space Hulk Card game. Actually, it's difficulty is probably more in line with DungeonQuest. You'll lose a hell of a lot more than you win. The rules are simple and turns go fast. I think of it more like a palate cleanser. It's a $25 game with miniatures that jack the price up. Some people may take real umbrage with that if they could care less about the minis, but it suits GW's overall strategy of getting their high quality miniatures into people's hands. After all, it's the lore, art, and miniatures that got so many people into 40k in the past. I see their current effort as trying to do that again, hopefully with a new crowd.

This highlights a problem I find when looking for gameplay reviews of these latest efforts from GW. People just want to talk about the miniatures and the game itself is often an afterthought (if its even mentioned at all). The more popular reviewers tend to not touch them, leaving it up to the amateurs to do gameplay walkthroughs.

There have been some real hits, like Space Hulk, and some real duds, like Dreadfleet. Then there have been mixed results, like Execution Force. I have heard nothing but good about Betrayal at Calth, so I will pick that up someday. The internet is rather silent about Deathwatch Overkill, but that game is great! It's such a mixed bag that it's hard to know what you're getting into with a new game from GW.

It really seems to me that since it's GW, and most of the figs require putting together, most board gamers and board game sites are simply ignoring GW's output. Lot of board gamers when they see the hobby style minis they have to put together, are instantly out and see it as a miniature game. Many board gamers want to have ready to play out of the box, while some of us are used to minis. The higher price points of the products doesn't help either.


Zombicide Black Plague second wave of Kickstarter arrived in a ridiculous big box. Ridiculous amount of stuff in it, and I didn't even buy any extras. I genuinely am overwhelmed; it's too much stuff, especially when I already have too much 'plain' Zombicide. #firstworldproblems, right?

Card Boy

Is there any niche actively sold TCGs (no deckbuilder or LCGs) I should look into? I want to collect them. I'm talking stuff like Shadow Era.


I finally got to play Biblios today! It seems quick and fun, with lots of agonizing "Do I keep it, or TRY FOR WHAT'S BEHIND DOOR NUMBER 3?"

Probably pretty random, but fun if you don't mind that.


I received the big order I was waiting on today, so I am pretty pleased.
Sellswords looks great and I absolutely cannot wait to play it (those squared corners though make me feel uneasy about potential card wear, so I have already searched and found Swan PanAsia 90x90 sleeves to fit them). I can't wait for the next Duelist Library Kickstarter with the Greek Myth version of Sellswords in it now.

The PitchCar Long Straights are a helluva lot longer than I was expecting (I didn't expect to see two packages to the shipment; a long triangular poster box solely for the Long Straights). I've already begun looking up custom track designs on BGG and plan to pitch (lol) the idea of a tourney or league at the FLGS. I also want to start replicating some of the Mario Kart variants that people have created.

My X-Wing Minis Lambda was a newer version that doesn't have the extraneous plastic on it which means the wings fold down perfectly and do not require X-Acto modifications. The shuttle feels and looks so good that I plan to pick up at least another one to just set on a shelf and maybe another one to paint or modify. I love the Lamdbda and have for a very long time: A very long time ago my stepdad and I built a very large Lambda model (might have been the Tyderium but it came with a tiny Vader to glue to the extendable entry plank, so must have been a generic) and it is a fond memory of mine. It used to be in my room growing up but I have no clue what happened to it over the years.

And I haven't opened a FFG game in months, so it was nice to open Warhammer Quest Card Game and find the familiar sheets of cardboard to punch and shitty insert. Does anyone expect an announcement soon (GenCon maybe?) for an expansion?

I just opened Pixel Tactics 2, 3, and 4 and then organized all of my Pixel Tactics content. I purchased PTDX from a guy after missing out on the Kickstarter and the seller included PT1, PT5, and the mini packs. Everything was separated from each other but just wrapped together tightly in seran wrap, so it took a while. Now I have got everything divided up. The only things I want to do now are get a playmat from the L99 Store and get the newer version of PT1, because the newer boxed version has updated iconology and text to bring it in line with the rest of the line and I want my PT1 cards to match the rest. Now that I have sorted it but I am back in the same situation as with the rest of my L99 product: Big-ass box full of cards that intimidates the hell out of me. I plan on using the PT1 rules to learn how to play the basic rules but there are a ton of different ways to play this: drafting, a cube, using each standalone small box as a red and blue deck, full-on deckbuilding from desired cards... And then whoever I play with is going to need to figure it out too. All of my recent BattleCON stuff is still sitting in their boxes unsorted but at least I still have my original box of War that is sorted, sleeved, and I know how to play it.
Anyone going to Gen Con this year? Since I'm a digital nomad who travels alone, I don't get much chance to play board games. Cons are the best times for me! Can't wait for Indianapolis.

I'm also an "industry insider" and featured panelist on a handful of panels. Pretty exciting. I've got some cool panels I'm running with designers about starting a company, publishing a game, and running a Kickstarter.


Saint Nic
Anyone going to Gen Con this year? Since I'm a digital nomad who travels alone, I don't get much chance to play board games. Cons are the best times for me! Can't wait for Indianapolis.

I'm also an "industry insider" and featured panelist on a handful of panels. Pretty exciting. I've got some cool panels I'm running with designers about starting a company, publishing a game, and running a Kickstarter.

I'm on the fence this year. I'm about out of vacation time, and I hate driving into the city during Gen Con. Also, there's not a ton of stuff I'm looking for right now. I may change my mind as it gets closer. Also depends on if my brother wants to come down from Chicago to go. If he wants to go, I'm pretty much locked into going with him!
Anyone going to Gen Con this year? Since I'm a digital nomad who travels alone, I don't get much chance to play board games. Cons are the best times for me! Can't wait for Indianapolis.

I'm also an "industry insider" and featured panelist on a handful of panels. Pretty exciting. I've got some cool panels I'm running with designers about starting a company, publishing a game, and running a Kickstarter.

I'm going with a group of friends I've been going with for years. For us, it's just a board game vacation. I think I was only one of the few who was interested in new releases and other exclusive stuff


I'll be there this year for the sixth year running. Definitely my favorite weekend of the year since the con is so big it lets my friends with a ton of different interests get together and all have stuff to do. (Also have Origins in two weeks for that focused board gaming.)

Have more actual game events planned then any year in the past. We made the slight tactical error of loading up Friday with events and leaving Saturday, when the hall is the worst, free. Currently scheduled to try Mystic Vale, Legendary: Big Trouble in Little China, CRISIS, and Bear Valley. And then the con specific stuff like a True Dungeon run and some games of DnD.
Finally played patchwork and 7 wonders duel last night. Lovely games. I can always use more great two player games.

Not sold on duel because I think it struggles to find a place. The people I would play it with are the people I would spend the time playing something heavier.

Patchwork on the other hand is always a big winner. I think maybe it needs one more point of complexity "somewhere", because it gets samey. But it will always work well for a quick game or with someone new.


Finally played patchwork and 7 wonders duel last night. Lovely games. I can always use more great two player games.

Not sold on duel because I think it struggles to find a place. The people I would play it with are the people I would spend the time playing something heavier.

Patchwork on the other hand is always a big winner. I think maybe it needs one more point of complexity "somewhere", because it gets samey. But it will always work well for a quick game or with someone new.
I really like Duel and would rather play it over say, Jaipur. But I don't mind the original 7 Wonders so I enjoy the Duel theme. It's straightforward enough and heavy enough for me. I think I'd rather play that than manage the fiddly bits of Tzolk'in for 2 players.

I finally played Race for the Galaxy with the first expansion with more than 2 players tonight. We played with 4, and it took a while because of the coordination, but I think it went okay. I ended up getting lucky combinations of cards and winning. Another player had most of the goals and a full set of 12 cards...but only 40 points.

I had 28 points from 10 cards (including the 7 VP Rebel homeworld) and 1 VP token. BUT, my last two cards were 6-cost developments and I got 20 points from those two alone. I had the Galactic Imperium, plus some other 6-cost Imperium card, plus something like 7 military cards including 3 rebel cards. Both developments gave me bonuses for military cards besides the bonuses for Rebel/Imperium cards.


Played Smash Up for the first time last night and after some confusion at the start, it seemed to go down quite well.

I rated it as a 7, my mate gave it a 7 and my wife a 6. I think it was having to remember which cards have ongoing effects and bases which had constant effects which was the main issue so it didn't feel as straightforward as it was expected to be although maybe that's just first game teething issues.
I really like Duel and would rather play it over say, Jaipur. But I don't mind the original 7 Wonders so I enjoy the Duel theme. It's straightforward enough and heavy enough for me. I think I'd rather play that than manage the fiddly bits of Tzolk'in for 2 players.

Yeah I still think it is great, I just personally don't have the right mix of people. Unfortunately that happens for a lot of games I want to play :(
What happened last year??

The crowds, the housing, prices, just sapping fun from the event. Just getting to demo a game is even getting to be a chore with the crowds and event sell outs crazy fast. Gets worse each year. Rather hit up the less popular game cons where I can actually play what I want and not deal with the headaches
The crowds, the housing, prices, just sapping fun from the event. Just getting to demo a game is even getting to be a chore with the crowds and event sell outs crazy fast. Gets worse each year. Rather hit up the less popular game cons where I can actually play what I want and not deal with the headaches
Sounds like Comic-Con. Used to be amazing like 10 years ago. There were little lines and getting in to screenings was a breeze. Now, it's an absolute nightmare. I don't think I would ever go back.
Sounds like Comic-Con. Used to be amazing like 10 years ago. There were little lines and getting in to screenings was a breeze. Now, it's an absolute nightmare. I don't think I would ever go back.
Not to mention a nightmare to get ticket. We stop going about 8 years ago. I draw a line when you have to get in line to get ticket so you can get a chance to get a ticket to stand in another line. Sometimes I regret wishing geek stuffs become mainstream.


I'm trying Two Rooms and a Boom this friday evening, with 12-15 people ranging from 6 years old kids to their grandparents (for work).
Any experience with children for this game and tips to host it smoothly?

We'll also try Dixit (with teams child/adult) and Say Anything (well, i'll write some questions on pieces of paper).
The store near my office is clearing out its stock of Relic Knights stuff. Anyone know if the game is worth dipping into?

I looked at the subreddit and the game looks to be pretty dead. That said, I like the figures and the pseudo anime aesthetic, and won't mind having a sub game to play when friends are over.
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