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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Been meaning to post this for a while, but finally remembered after the Glory to Rome talk a few pages back. I bought the I.V. version off of Pepboy a while back and got around to making something to replace that awful clamshell it comes in.

Behold, a quick and dirty cigar box painted and lined with foam. Had to dremel the sides to get the player cards to fit, but it's way better. Bought the cigar box for $5 at a local tobacconist. Not quite the same art aesthetic, but it'll do.
I've owned this game for a while but haven't had a chance to learn it yet -- heard the manual is pretty bad at describing the game so I'll have to check out some videos because I've only heard good things.
It's not the best rulebook, but I didn't have too much of a problem playing from reading the book. You should give it a shot, it's a lot of fun.

Been meaning to post this for a while, but finally remembered after the Glory to Rome talk a few pages back. I bought the I.V. version off of Pepboy a while back and got around to making something to replace that awful clamshell it comes in.

Behold, a quick and dirty cigar box painted and lined with foam. Had to dremel the sides to get the player cards to fit, but it's way better. Bought the cigar box for $5 at a local tobacconist. Not quite the same art aesthetic, but it'll do.
Nice work, that clam shell was awful. The Black Box edition may not be perfect but it's 100x better than what it came in before.


I'm nervous. Going to a game shop later today. First time going with a friend. Excited to play some board games. I think we're going to play the Battlestar Galactica board game.


Ahh, you're gonna have fun with them, the Defender is a beast although it took me a game or two to get used to him and Headhunter is a real useful alpha strike craft. As for Slave 1, I think I've had that ship in about 50% of my lists since I brought him, he is a hell of an enjoyable and verstile ship. The only pity is I don't really rate any of his named pilots which is a shame because one of them is Boba Fett (well, Krassis is okay but I've had limited success with secondary weapons in the Slave thusfar).

On an X-wing note, played some Star Trek Attack Wing last night and I rather enjoyed it. Although the final few turns were perhaps a little unfair because I was the more maneuverable Enterprise while he was a massive slow ass battlecruiser which would have worked me if I had ever let it get line of sight on me but with his movement dial he just couldn't.
Yeah I really wanted Slave 1 but all stores I visited had sold out, the TIE Defender and Headhunter were literally the last two ships (apart from the Rebel Transport) which I hadn't bought yet. I went E-Wing and TIE Phantom first, the former is now probably my favorite Rebel ship because it's so powerful.

We got suck in big time with X-Wing Miniatures. My son and I played it when it was first introduced and have a lot of fun but the game do require more than just a starter so we haven't play it much until now when I saw the TIE Defender which bring back memory of X-Wings VS TIE Fighters. We just got the TIE Defender, TIE Interceptor, Slave 1 the Falcon and I have Tantive IV along with E and Z-95 coming.

So far I find the Empire to be a bit weaker and the Rebel usually win due to having shield and able to withstand more attack. I don't know if I am just bad at Empire playing.
X-Wing is a money sink if I've ever seen one, but yeah for the longest time I found Rebels to be more powerful or at least much easier to play. It isn't until you master swarming or create clever combo's between ships that Imperials start making sense.


Played a scenario solo from Forgotten Heroes Vietnam 2nd Edition last night. First off I think this is by FAR the best LnL game to start with. There are enough units and stuff in the game to keep it interesting but not so many that its over whelming (Band of Heroes holy shit.) The rules really clicked with me finally for infantry and I was able to play with just the basic player aid for the most part.
I've owned this game for a while but haven't had a chance to learn it yet -- heard the manual is pretty bad at describing the game so I'll have to check out some videos because I've only heard good things.

Watching 10 minutes of a youtube video was a godsend when I was learning this game.

On a similar note, digital versions of board games can really help clear up the rules in fuzzy situations!
Hey. Do you love Love Letter? Would you love Love Letter more if there was about 15% more gameplay and a few more interesting decisions to make on your turn?

Well then, I think you'll love Lost Legacy. It scratches that same itch, but in a different way, meaning both games are still viable. So if you're not in the mood for some LL, pull out LL instead, and keep both LL and LL in your collection so people can always ask "hey what's in those dicebags?"

Lost Legacy is pretty great.


Pathfinder Adventure Card Game just became kind of awesome.

The game seems to kick into gear around the end of the first expansion pack (Burnt Offerings).For the longest time the game felt devoid of interesting choices but that's changed, we really had to pause for a moment, devise a strategy and calculate winning chances when we found out that Seoni and Lem were burning through their decks at an alarming rate, with five out of six locations still open and almost halfway through the blessings-deck. Pretty much all locations were dangerous too with few boons to find and bad exploring/closing conditions. The scenario card stated that all creatures with the "goblin" treat were 1d4 more difficult in a skill-check, of course we randomly drew nothing but goblins all the time :/

At some point we only had one more turn for each of the four players, neither Lem or Seoni could afford to even loose one card. We had the villain in the last spot of one open location and then a fully unexplored location for him to flee too, so we made the calculated risk to chase the villain to that location and closing his previous location, then have Seoni have two encounters in the deck which had the villain in it (and 9 other cards) without having to discard a card (otherwise she'd die and yes.. we do start characters from scratch when they die), and have the next player explore twice in the hope that he'd encounter the villain again and beat it. It was our only chance and we had 40% chance to succeed. So when he did you can imagine the relief.

It was a great game, it didn't play us like the base-game scenarios did, we really took some calculated risks and had the right characters explore the right locations to make the strategy work. We genuinely felt like we solved a tough puzzle. Hopefully we'll have more sessions like this one, because we'll remember it for years.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hey. Do you love Love Letter? Would you love Love Letter more if there was about 15% more gameplay and a few more interesting decisions to make on your turn?

Well then, I think you'll love Lost Legacy. It scratches that same itch, but in a different way, meaning both games are still viable. So if you're not in the mood for some LL, pull out LL instead, and keep both LL and LL in your collection so people can always ask "hey what's in those dicebags?"

Lost Legacy is pretty great.

I've heard a ton of good things about Lost Legacy and was REALLY close to getting it, but... the fact that it's also limited to 4p puts it into the exact same category as love letters. :/ And Love Letters is fantastic with 3p/4p. How is Lost Legacy with 2p? That's really the only thing Love Letters kind of sucks at.

Also, I did a thing and ordered a bunch of games -sigh-

Terra Mystica (love the idea/theme, despite probably not getting a lot of playtime with it)
Ricochet Robots (has been on my wishlist for a long time, should be quick&fun for work lunchbreaks)
7 Wonders - both Cities&Leaders (we all LOVE 7 Wonders at work already)
Coup (see above, Love Letters is a HUGE hit, but we're often more than 4 people and then it gets no playtime. Coup should hopefully be similar)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game just became kind of awesome.

The game seems to kick into gear around the end of the first expansion pack (Burnt Offerings).For the longest time the game felt devoid of interesting choices but that's changed, we really had to pause for a moment, devise a strategy and calculate winning chances when we found out that Seoni and Lem were burning through their decks at an alarming rate, with five out of six locations still open and almost halfway through the blessings-deck. Pretty much all locations were dangerous too with few boons to find and bad exploring/closing conditions. The scenario card stated that all creatures with the "goblin" treat were 1d4 more difficult in a skill-check, of course we randomly drew nothing but goblins all the time :/

At some point we only had one more turn for each of the four players, neither Lem or Seoni could afford to even loose one card. We had the villain in the last spot of one open location and then a fully unexplored location for him to flee too, so we made the calculated risk to chase the villain to that location and closing his previous location, then have Seoni have two encounters in the deck which had the villain in it (and 9 other cards) without having to discard a card (otherwise she'd die and yes.. we do start characters from scratch when they die), and have the next player explore twice in the hope that he'd encounter the villain again and beat it. It was our only chance and we had 40% chance to succeed. So when he did you can imagine the relief.

It was a great game, it didn't play us like the base-game scenarios did, we really took some calculated risks and had the right characters explore the right locations to make the strategy work. We genuinely felt like we solved a tough puzzle. Hopefully we'll have more sessions like this one, because we'll remember it for years.

They do become more interesting, but the scenarios also feel really uneven as you move along with the randomness of some of the card skill check requirements become quite large. Suddenly you get stuck because no one in the group has a specific skill that can achieve the target number of the skill check, and it brings the whole thing to a halt. At the earlier scenarios you can get around this because you can simply boost someone with a relevant stat to have a chance, but the skill checks just get progressively harder and boosting someone to meet a random check no longer works. The game is not very friendly to a group if they try to spread their character capabilities out too much, and with how it scales it promotes players to stack upgrades into their best characteristics and skills instead of creating more balanced characters. You put yourself at a disadvantage by expanding your characters potential. The scenarios and difficulty spike as you progress, but more situations of the game just feeling unfair pop up randomly too.
Watching 10 minutes of a youtube video was a godsend when I was learning this game.

On a similar note, digital versions of board games can really help clear up the rules in fuzzy situations!

I love this game and I hate this game. I swear that piece of shit dice that came with it is loaded.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Buy it next month with the next deck of cards. The rules straight up say to mix the two for a 6 player game.

Now hang on a second right there, what?

Like, buy the base set and the first expansion (?) and mix them together for up to 6p? If so, that makes me incredibly happy.


Played some Lost Legacy last night. I found it interesting in that even more than Love Letter it demands paying attention to every card your opponents play and trying to determine what is in their hand. Most games don't end due to eliminations so it comes down to the Investigation thing at the end where you need to guess the location of a specific card. I think this makes a significantly more difficult game for beginners to play and makes it much less "light" than it seems, even though it still is a ten minute game.

Be sure to do the thing where card exchanges are secret in regards to whether you actually switched or not. We missed that the first game through by assuming it was just Love Letter.

We were playing it with a movie on in the background so I think everyone was a little distracted. I'm very interested to try it out again in a more focused environment.


Now hang on a second right there, what?

Like, buy the base set and the first expansion (?) and mix them together for up to 6p? If so, that makes me incredibly happy.

Lost Legacy: The Starship and Lost Legacy: Floating Garden, yes. One would assume you could replace one of those with the third deck coming out the month after FG as well.


They're all stand-alone decks that can be mixed (either as a 6p game, or swapping out cards for one 4p deck). AEG presumably wants to fill your house with pouches.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Lost Legacy: The Starship and Lost Legacy: Floating Garden, yes. One would assume you could replace one of those with the third deck coming out the month after FG as well.

They're all stand-alone decks that can be mixed (either as a 6p game, or swapping out cards for one 4p deck). AEG presumably wants to fill your house with pouches.

Sounds amazing. Will buy both once they come out then. Next month you say? Great.

Also, is Caverna not out in English yet or why does StarlitCitadel not have it in stock...


Sounds amazing. Will buy both once they come out then. Next month you say? Great.

Also, is Caverna not out in English yet or why does StarlitCitadel not have it in stock...

Because Z-Man refuses to print a reasonable run of games ever since they got sold.

Same shit happened with Terra Mystica and Robinson Crusoe and Fairy Tale and on and on.

Don't have high hopes that TM expansion will be available long.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Because Z-Man refuses to print a reasonable run of games ever since they got sold.

Same shit happened with Terra Mystica and Robinson Crusoe and Fairy Tale and on and on.

Don't have high hopes that TM expansion will be available long.

So I should be happy I got a copy of Terra Mystica? :lol

Guess I'll have to wait quite some time for Caverna then. Probably for the best.
GMT put up their P500 page for the next COIN game. I haven't even gotten Fire in the Lake yet and I'm already salivating for the next game. It's the Gallic War and I'm interested in seeing how they handle ancient warfare. All the COIN games up to now have been modern conflicts.
Because Z-Man refuses to print a reasonable run of games ever since they got sold.

Same shit happened with Terra Mystica and Robinson Crusoe and Fairy Tale and on and on.

Don't have high hopes that TM expansion will be available long.
ZMan has been so frustrating since they were bought out. Their customer service has gotten worse and the constantly are having issues with supply. That being said, Mayday is publishing Caverna now not ZMan. The main problem with Caverna's print run was a wood shortage at the Ludo Fact Factory. Yes, Caverna is so massive, they ran out of wood to make the bits. The second printing was released recently though, so it should be in stock.


I keep getting that mixed up haha.

Z-man still sucks.

And who plays 7 player Caverna? Just cut out all that bullshit and ship a 6 player game.
I keep getting that mixed up haha.

Z-man still sucks.

And who plays 7 player Caverna? Just cut out all that bullshit and ship a 6 player game.
Dude, even six would be too much. I played it four player with Agricola veterans at it still took us a couple hours to finish. With Six or seven players the down time would be a nightmare.


GMT put up their P500 page for the next COIN game. I haven't even gotten Fire in the Lake yet and I'm already salivating for the next game. It's the Gallic War and I'm interested in seeing how they handle ancient warfare. All the COIN games up to now have been modern conflicts.

I am beyond excited. I pre-ordered immediately. The P500 was over 260 after just a couple of hours. Pretty sure once it's out it will be my most played COIN game of them all. Love the Roman period.
Be sure to do the thing where card exchanges are secret in regards to whether you actually switched or not. We missed that the first game through by assuming it was just Love Letter.

The best part here is that you don't always have to do that. Sometimes we don't do that to let people know "oh hey, this card? Yeah I know what it is and I'm letting you know I know what it is..."

Only to have it be undone by a map the next turn, but still, little extra mind games like that have really refreshed the game system of Love Letter for us.

Oh yeah, want a great 2 player version of Love Letter? Get Brave Rats.


Oh Caverna, it's a game I'm looking forward to playing but I'm in no hurry to buying it since I'm still enjoying Agricola a lot. A colleague of mine has it so I'll probably get to play it soon.

They do become more interesting, but the scenarios also feel really uneven as you move along with the randomness of some of the card skill check requirements become quite large. Suddenly you get stuck because no one in the group has a specific skill that can achieve the target number of the skill check, and it brings the whole thing to a halt. At the earlier scenarios you can get around this because you can simply boost someone with a relevant stat to have a chance, but the skill checks just get progressively harder and boosting someone to meet a random check no longer works. The game is not very friendly to a group if they try to spread their character capabilities out too much, and with how it scales it promotes players to stack upgrades into their best characteristics and skills instead of creating more balanced characters. You put yourself at a disadvantage by expanding your characters potential. The scenarios and difficulty spike as you progress, but more situations of the game just feeling unfair pop up randomly too.
That's what I feared :/ I'm just going to cheat and reallocate Lem's feats, he's a filler character anyway in our group. We mostly play with 3 players and auto-level Lem (he gets the same reward as the others do but doesn't get better equipment if he hasn't played). When we play with 4 people then the new guy gets Lem. Right now his stats favor charisma which Seoni is already good at.

Something else, I tried to play Doom the Board Game using the Solo rules variant as found on BGG and man that game is as difficult as I remember it. I couldn't even get past the first corner :/


First tragedy, then farce.

Don't know how to handle this.

There are specialty stores that import my games into Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, etc.

I only distribute the games in US Canada and in fact, for one of the games in question those are the only places I can.

People keep e-mailing me for replacement parts and it costs a small fortune to ship to those countries. Not super sure how to handle. I mean, it was my game with a missing part, but it shouldn't have gotten to that country. One of the packages is going to cost 32 dollars to ship :/

Don't know how to handle this.

There are specialty stores that import my games into Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, etc.

I only distribute the games in US Canada and in fact, for one of the games in question those are the only places I can.

People keep e-mailing me for replacement parts and it costs a small fortune to ship to those countries. Not super sure how to handle. I mean, it was my game with a missing part, but it shouldn't have gotten to that country. One of the packages is going to cost 32 dollars to ship :/
Ask them to contact their sellers or tell them you will provide replacement but they have to pay shipping cost. Also explain that you only provide direct support to area where your game is suppose to be distributed. Excuse my ignorant but which only is your game.


Hail to the KING baby
Ask them to contact their sellers or tell them you will provide replacement but they have to pay shipping cost. Also explain that you only provide direct support to area where your game is suppose to be distributed. Excuse my ignorant but which only is your game.

Yeah I think if you be nice about it and let them know you don't sell games there but are happy to send them the piece AT shipping cost (and no more) that should sound reasonable to most. You will always get the random griper on BGG but better than taking a big loss every time it happens I'd imagine.


Played two rounds of Zombicide: Season 2 this weekend and forgot how fun the game could be. But I'm trying to figure out what is the best combination of draw cards from other decks. Right now everything is separate but considering optimizing the deck with just the best stuff...maybe a few more glass bottles, more zombies, less duplicates of weapons, etc. Anyone mess around with that?

Then there is the zombie deck, ha!

Don't know how to handle this.

There are specialty stores that import my games into Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, etc.

I only distribute the games in US Canada and in fact, for one of the games in question those are the only places I can.

People keep e-mailing me for replacement parts and it costs a small fortune to ship to those countries. Not super sure how to handle. I mean, it was my game with a missing part, but it shouldn't have gotten to that country. One of the packages is going to cost 32 dollars to ship :/

Tell them that you can't support those regions because of distribution agreements, but that you would be happy to provide replacement pieces (if you are) if they can pay shipping. Otherwise they should contact their retailer. I think most companies would send a form letter that says something like "your region is outside our area of service and unfortunately at this time your request cannot be handled." I think doing the above is a higher level of customer service than they should expect.



Don't know how to handle this.

There are specialty stores that import my games into Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, etc.

I only distribute the games in US Canada and in fact, for one of the games in question those are the only places I can.

People keep e-mailing me for replacement parts and it costs a small fortune to ship to those countries. Not super sure how to handle. I mean, it was my game with a missing part, but it shouldn't have gotten to that country. One of the packages is going to cost 32 dollars to ship :/

I'll agree with the other posters, but the one thing that you can to do make it like you are going above and beyond is subtracting average domestic shipping costs from international orders.
Where do you buy games online if you're Canadian? The links in the OP only ship to the US.

There is a local store near me that sells a lot of stuff but I'm looking toward Freedom: Underground Railroad and Police Precinct as near future buys and with their low prints/hard to get status I'm worried the local store will be unable to get it and it would end up being cheaper to find it online.



Unlimited Capacity
Starting to like Netrunner more and more. Only have the base set and the very first data pack but I think I have a pretty solid criminal deck. Splashed a bit in both other factions for a few things I think I have to have. Stimhack, diesel, datasucker etc. Now I just have to chose a corp. Whenever we play people only ever play one side lol

Don't know how to handle this.

There are specialty stores that import my games into Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, etc.

I only distribute the games in US Canada and in fact, for one of the games in question those are the only places I can.

People keep e-mailing me for replacement parts and it costs a small fortune to ship to those countries. Not super sure how to handle. I mean, it was my game with a missing part, but it shouldn't have gotten to that country. One of the packages is going to cost 32 dollars to ship :/

On a personal experience, I used to import games all the time and some companies would send me parts and some wouldn't. I usually stopped buying games from the companies that wouldn't. Not because they where not willing to ship it to me, that was reasonable, but because of shitty manufacturing that would probably bite me in the ass again in the future. And believe me, importing games is usually more expensive than the game itself so it really sucks when it happens.

You are on it for the money I suppose, so if it doesn't make financial sense, don't do it, every importer knows this is a possibility and part of the risk. Good customer service goes a long way though, how big are the pieces missing? if you can fit on an envelope it shouldn't be more than 10 bucks anywhere on the world.

If you can't afford to pay the shipping I'd recommend for you to offer replacements for free and let him pay the shipping minus what it would cost you to ship on the states. That makes sense for everyone and should keep him happy.


Hail to the KING baby
I'll agree with the other posters, but the one thing that you can to do make it like you are going above and beyond is subtracting average domestic shipping costs from international orders.

Oooh good call. That would definitely be "wow" level of customer-service conscientiousness imo.


First tragedy, then farce.
That actually sounds totally fair.

Thanks dudes.

It's a tricky situation, it's not at all uncommon for packing errors to occur, but sometimes shipping can cost a ton (i.e. an entire bag of one wooden part doesn't get dropped in the box, expensive to send even stateside).

Everyone just wants to play their game and I totally get that, not like they bought the game assuming there would be an issue. I was obviously playing these things way before I was on this side. It's just scary to look down the barrel of 4-5 giant shipping fees in convention season.


At $32 to ship a replacement part, is that entering the territory where it would make more sense for that person to buy another copy of the game?


Now hang on a second right there, what?

Like, buy the base set and the first expansion (?) and mix them together for up to 6p? If so, that makes me incredibly happy.

A bit late on this, but as explained, yeah, you can. I've played it this way and it works well.

You can do the same thing with Love Letter. Our group commonly plays LL with 5-6 people using two sets (you just use a few cards from the second set, not the entire extra set). I think it's a houserule you can find on BGG. It plays great that way.

Oh Caverna, it's a game I'm looking forward to playing but I'm in no hurry to buying it since I'm still enjoying Agricola a lot. A colleague of mine has it so I'll probably get to play it soon.

I have Agricola and have played Caverna. I like both games. Caverna feels less cutthroat than Agricola since there is more than one way to get most resources, so that may be a good thing for some groups.


I'm done with Game Salute after this recent purchase. Against my better judgement I placed an order on Great Heartland Trucking when it was marked for preorder. That was May 3rd. Since then there has been no communications. Even after reaching out to the company multiple times through multiple channels. Eventually I was able to get in contact with the designer who said the game was on the boat and to expect it to ship out late August early September. If you are going to wait all summer on your reprint to hit GenCon A: State that on the website B: Offer GenCon pickup. C: Communicate with your customers.

Should have listened to everyone, avoid Game Salute.
I'm done with Game Salute after this recent purchase. Against my better judgement I placed an order on Great Heartland Trucking when it was marked for preorder. That was May 3rd. Since then there has been no communications. Even after reaching out to the company multiple times through multiple channels. Eventually I was able to get in contact with the designer who said the game was on the boat and to expect it to ship out late August early September. If you are going to wait all summer on your reprint to hit GenCon A: State that on the website B: Offer GenCon pickup. C: Communicate with your customers.

Should have listened to everyone, avoid Game Salute.
I hate myself for backing Wok Star, but I have been waiting for that game to come back in print since 2010. Their kickstarter said it was "print ready" and would go directly to the printers right after the campaign ended. Well, their "print ready" kickstarter was a fucking lie and I have been forced to wait it out. They say they'll ship in September but I'll believe it when I have the game in my hands.
Huh, on a completely related note, I fell in love with Viva Java a year ago when a friend brought it to the game night to play. I went to go get it and it was sold out everywhere. Flash forward a few months and the only traces I could find in the U.S. were asking an arm and a leg for it ($150+).

So last week, I backed the Unpub kickstarter of all things to get a copy (it's gonna be signed!). What's weird is that the expected delivery is March of 2015, but Unpub is in Feburary. And there are eight months between now and then.

Dice Hate Me Games have some neat stuff (Viva Java, Great Heartland, Compounded), but man it's hard as hell to get them.


What if it is still missing the same part?

Horrible luck!

If a game part is that expensive, the game itself is probably double or triple that.

I guess that could be a factor. I have no idea what game prices are like in many other parts of the world.

I've been in one situation where I lost a game piece (from a game by Rio Grande Games), and it almost seemed more sensible to buy another copy to cannibalize, rather than pay them $4 or so to replace a single, tiny piece. At least the extra game will give me many, many replacement pieces to keep, or share with others.

It must be tough for companies to solve these headaches, especially when their games are produced overseas.
Oh the part costs about .50 cents.

International shipping can kill you. Sometimes I can get them out for 15-20 if it fits in a small flat rate box.

I meant how much it actually costed him. Another user was saying asking why he doesn't jut buy another copy of the game altogether.


GMT put up their P500 page for the next COIN game. I haven't even gotten Fire in the Lake yet and I'm already salivating for the next game. It's the Gallic War and I'm interested in seeing how they handle ancient warfare. All the COIN games up to now have been modern conflicts.
ZMan has been so frustrating since they were bought out. Their customer service has gotten worse and the constantly are having issues with supply. That being said, Mayday is publishing Caverna now not ZMan. The main problem with Caverna's print run was a wood shortage at the Ludo Fact Factory. Yes, Caverna is so massive, they ran out of wood to make the bits. The second printing was released recently though, so it should be in stock.

Second printing sold through quickly in like late May / early June. I'd ordered about a month before the second printing came through, and that wasn't early enough.

New restock is arriving now though. Supposed to be plenty and satisfy demand.
Where do you buy games online if you're Canadian? The links in the OP only ship to the US.

There is a local store near me that sells a lot of stuff but I'm looking toward Freedom: Underground Railroad and Police Precinct as near future buys and with their low prints/hard to get status I'm worried the local store will be unable to get it and it would end up being cheaper to find it online.

I like Great Boardgames and have ordered a bunch from them. They have Freedom in stock and have Police Precinct as an upcoming title. The owner, Sean, has been great at communication.

I've also bought stuff from Supernova Games and they tend to have pretty great prices and free shipping with orders over $140. Email communication is lacking though. I never did hear back from them.

Board Game Bliss is a fairly new site and has some good prices. Some damaged copies (minor box damage) of Freedom are available for $50 and PP is also listed as upcoming. Undamaged copies of Freedom are out of stock unfortunately.

I don't see any of these doing pre-orders for Police Precinct. May just have to sign up for an email notification at one of the sites.

Here are a couple of links for more info:
Reddit analysis of Canadian retailers. They have a pretty nice chart breakdown of the different prices of some titles.
Board Game Geek list of Canadian retailers. They have an online only retailers section which is where you'll usually find some of the best prices.
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