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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Hail to the KING baby
Is Seafall any better than Pandemic Legacy for solo play? I never finished PL because it became too much for myself towards the end.
3 is minimum player count because it's competitive 4x. I think solo hotness from GenCon is definitely Arkham LCG.


New things I got from Gen Con are Ra, the Flick Em Up Native Americans expansion and an indie Rpg called The Quiet Year.

Played Ra one of the nights and that's a really great game. It is super easy to teach and the auction stuff leads to lots of interesting decisions and drama based on what's getting pulled from the bag.

I think I'm also sold on Mansions of Madness 2nd. It looked really cool and I like what the app does.
New things I got from Gen Con are Ra, the Flick Em Up Native Americans expansion and an indie Rpg called The Quiet Year.

Played Ra one of the nights and that's a really great game. It is super easy to teach and the auction stuff leads to lots of interesting decisions and drama based on what's getting pulled from the bag.

I think I'm also sold on Mansions of Madness 2nd. It looked really cool and I like what the app does.

I'm a fan of The Quiet Year.
I'm assuming you got the deck of cards and rules book.
It's normally just a downloadable PDF that you play with a normal deck of cards.


I'm a fan of The Quiet Year.
I'm assuming you got the deck of cards and rules book.
It's normally just a downloadable PDF that you play with a normal deck of cards.
Yep! I already had the PDF but the cards look nice. Really want to get more into these kind of smaller RPG/story/collaboration games. Also have Microscope and Fall of Magic and a couple Apocalypse World style games.


Unconfirmed Member
I tried to pick up MoM 2nd edition at a few local stores but they were sold out right away. Put my name down for a copy for hopefully later this week.


Going to be ordering a 3d printer soon and was wondering if there are any resources for boardgame parts. This actually started from stranger things. We got Dungeon! and the characters were shit. Then I got an idea of 3d printing them went down a rabbit hole on reddit and here I am wondering what and where to get models to print?
Anything free is usually on thingiverse. But really 3d printed minis don't look that great, small details of them on most commercially available printers looks bad. Do yourself a favor and spend a few bucks on some cheap Reaper Bones figures and save yourself the Hassel of fixing up 3d prints


There was also a prototype copy of Dead of Winter: Flick Em Up floating around Gen Con. That's a zombie game I'd be willing to try.

If they could somehow do crossroad cards or a betrayer in a dexterity game thatd be awesome.


so according to board game geek the new dead of winter expansion will either require you to have both versions of dead of winter or two copies of one of them.

it's an expansion that turns the two versions of the game into a 5vs5

I finally logged my first play of Dead of Winter: The Long Night. I love the component upgrades and I love the new features. I was a bit sad to see that the only thing the base game had to offer to combine was the characters and crossroads; because otherwise everything was the same but polished.

So when GenCon apparently announced a new expansion "Warring Colonies" and Plaidhat said at their booth that it required both the base game and the Long Night... I said HELL YES!~ Not only does this add even more replayability for both copies, but I'm super excited for a 5v5 colony showdown. This is the ultimate in nerd party games.

also I am looking forward to Legendary Buffy Version and the app that was announced (not sure what IP will be supported with the APP), sadly both likely won't be until 2017


I heard Last Friday sold out at Gencon, but I have yet to see impressions. How frustrating. There is nothing on BGG. :(


Just picked up Falling Skies! My first step into the COIN series! I realize this is pretty boring among the Gencon pickups and such, but I am excited.
so according to board game geek the new dead of winter expansion will either require you to have both versions of dead of winter or two copies of one of them.

it's an expansion that turns the two versions of the game into a 5vs5

Yep! Its essentially an expansion that ties the games into warring factions. Based on the concept alone, I dont think I'll ever get the opportunity to play it.


Waiting for my wife to pick me up and take me home:

-Potion Explosion is excellent.
Did you get your hands on a copy of Potion Explosion? I know they sold out of what they had available but I don't think it was supposed to have been as quick a mover as say, the Harry Potter game. Glad you enjoyed it.
I keep going back and forth on it. One moment I'll think "Hey, I need to go check and see if there is a new estimated release date for Potion Explosion anywhere," then it's "Well CMoN sure are taking their sweet time getting this out; they are making it REALLY hard for me to keep caring," and then I go back to "I need this game! Release already!!!"


Unlimited Capacity
His website says he has designed, developed, or produced over 100 games/expansions in a 15-year career. So no, apparently he never stops. That's over 6 games a year, wow.

He also seems to be damn great at it. His games that i have played have all been pretty excellent.


Unlimited Capacity
I wasn't a big Quarriors fan (very random/swingy, I guess the nature of dice games), but that's my main exposure to him.

Chaos in the Old World and XCOM are 2 of our favorites. Blood Rage seems to have people going crazy and he has the Bloodborne game and that 7 sins coming out which looks massive.

Blizz you play Scythe right? Have you tried with two yet?

Edit: earlier someone mentioned on of the Eldritch Horror xpacs added a bunch of the encounter cards, which was kind of much needed. Which xpac is that, my buddy going to buy it today.


Chaos in the Old World and XCOM are 2 of our favorites. Blood Rage seems to have people going crazy and he has the Bloodborne game and that 7 sins coming out which looks massive.

Blizz you play Scythe right? Have you tried with two yet?

Edit: earlier someone mentioned on of the Eldritch Horror xpacs added a bunch of the encounter cards, which was kind of much needed. Which xpac is that, my buddy going to buy it today.

There's a bloodborne board game too? Or do you mean Dark Souls?

Edit: NM, BB is getting a card game, I guess. Wasn't aware of that.


Hail to the KING baby
Chaos in the Old World and XCOM are 2 of our favorites. Blood Rage seems to have people going crazy and he has the Bloodborne game and that 7 sins coming out which looks massive.

Blizz you play Scythe right? Have you tried with two yet?

Edit: earlier someone mentioned on of the Eldritch Horror xpacs added a bunch of the encounter cards, which was kind of much needed. Which xpac is that, my buddy going to buy it today.

Forsaken Lore. It basically rounds out the base game.


Chaos in the Old World and XCOM are 2 of our favorites. Blood Rage seems to have people going crazy and he has the Bloodborne game and that 7 sins coming out which looks massive.

Blizz you play Scythe right? Have you tried with two yet?
I've played Scythe with 2 players and 2 + an Automa. Both styles seem fine. Even if 2 players are far apart, you can use fast travel abilities and/or mines/tunnels to quickly get near someone.


First tragedy, then farce.
Had a fun GenCon.

Didn't get to play much at all, only bought 2 games (Potion Explosion and Star Trek Ascendency). Played a lot of Wasteland Express and am still not tired of it.

People in this industry are the best.

Spent a lot of time with Jon Gilmour, and Pinchback and Riddle who are super super nice.

Little bit with Eric Lang and Bruno Faidutti who are amazing. They had bigger releases than what were doing with them of course, but really excited about future stuff.

Tak from Japon brand was in town and he laughed at my shit Japanese.

Finally met Jamie Stegmaier whose brother is marrying my wife's sister (totally unrelated to board games)

SUSD are super funny nice guys. Actually spent some time with Paul at the Indy airport while we waited for our flights. Really genuinely nice guy.

Got some really exciting news about the Wasteland insert. We're working with Game Trayz and it's gonna be super dope. Getting out set up time to play down from 15 min to less than 5.


Hail to the KING baby


I always have a tricky time with video-game-site impressions of board games as I feel like they have lower standards than dedicated BG places and are easily impressed (not saying that's the case here!) :p

"wow it's not Dark Souls monopoly, this is incredible"


I always have a tricky time with video-game-site impressions of board games as I feel like they have lower standards than dedicated BG places and are easily impressed (not saying that's the case here!) :p
Agreed, depends on the Polygon writer's board game knowledge and taste which we don't really know much about. I'd certainly be more interested in a group like Dice Tower giving impressions on it instead.


Did you get your hands on a copy of Potion Explosion? I know they sold out of what they had available but I don't think it was supposed to have been as quick a mover as say, the Harry Potter game. Glad you enjoyed it.
I keep going back and forth on it. One moment I'll think "Hey, I need to go check and see if there is a new estimated release date for Potion Explosion anywhere," then it's "Well CMoN sure are taking their sweet time getting this out; they are making it REALLY hard for me to keep caring," and then I go back to "I need this game! Release already!!!"

I did score a copy on Saturday. I really enjoy the combo nature of the game. On the surface it looks pretty simple but using potions and favor to setup large scores can get pretty complex. Each potion's different ability feels very meaningful. Scored 102 points on my first play through and I'm looking forward to breaking this out with the wife.


Really enjoydd Game of 49, pictured here with the designer Mark Corsey.



Gave someone my thoughts on Harry Potter so I am copying them here:

I got to demo it on Thursday. Played as Harry in Year 3. The game felt like a pretty standard deck-builder with a "buy-line" similar to Accession, Star Realms etc. This is a coop game so you and your team are playing against enemies that can add treachery to location cards. If a certain number of location cards fill up with treachery points you lose the game. You also have a deck of Dark Art cards that add negative effects to each players turn. The further into the location deck you are the more dark arts you draw. (Think LoTR LCG or Shadowrun Crossfire.) The game is won by keeping treachery off the locations and killing the bad guy pile.

The resources in the game are money, attack, and health. Typically the better cards will have options of healing or doing something else like attacking or buying. It is all very standard Dominion style cards. You even have a "moat" to defend yourself with. You start at 10 health and if you reach 0 you are stunned, lose half your cards but start back at 10 life next round. We lost our demo.

The biggest gripe I had is there weren't a whole lot of different Dark Art cards so there were lots and lots of repeat cards between the Dark Art deck and your starting cards. Hoping this was only because of the demo and the base game will have more variety. Also the art is directly from the movie, which is a lost opportunity in my opinion. Overall I enjoyed it, wished I could have scored a copy and will be buying it next month.


I've played the same Dark Souls demo they were doing at Gencon, if anyone has any specific questions. This is my general thoughts after a few goes.

It's 2 characters vs the Dancer boss, in a double-tile room. We did it with starter gear each time, but there was better gear available if we wanted to try different things.

It's definitely a different take on how a boss fight in a board game can go. Positioning and movement matters a lot, as does memorizing the AI deck for the enemy.

I think it captures the feel of the video games decently, which may actually feel counter-intuitive at times, which I'll explain in a minute.

Typically, the boss AI is controlled by 5 cards randomly drawn from their overall AI deck. The demo just uses the same 5 cards each time, plus a Heat Up card.

The tile is effectively broken down like a grid, and the boss can face directly towards any of 9 directions. He has 4 arcs. Front, Back, Left, Right, which are each a 90 degree arc.

The boss activates in between each player. You flip over the next AI card and resolve it. For the same of this, let's say the below is the order of cards.

- Grab: Move 1 space forward, then do 5 damage to target at range 1. Takes 2 successes to dodge. Weak point is right arc.
- Flashing Blade: Move two spaces forward, then attack for 6 damage to all spaces at range 1. 1 success to dodge, no weak arc.
- Ash Cloud: No movement. Attack all spaces in front arc up to range 8 for 5 damage. 1 to dodge. Weak point is rear arc.
- Uppercut: Move 2 spaces towards target player then attack them at range 1 for 7 damage. Takes 2 to dodge. Weak point is right arc.
- Wide Swing: Move 1 space forward, rotate 90 degrees left, attack all front and right arc spaces at range 1 for 6 damage. 1 to dodge. Weak arc is left arc.

So the boss never rolls dice against you. You just roll to defend. You can either block or dodge. To block, you roll a number dice equal to your resistance to that damage type, physical or magical. With starter gear, this is 1-2 black dice at best. Black dice at 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0. If you have blue defense dice, it's 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1. You subtract what you roll from the damage of the attack. Dodging is similar. You get X dice based on equipment, but each dice is 50/50 on dodges, and you roll vs the dodge value of the attack. Success means you dodge the damage and any effects entirely.

When you attack, you roll the black or blue dice depending on your weapon, and subtract the boss' resistance. Dance was 1/1 phys/mag. You also get to add 1 blue dice for attacking a weak point.

Where the dissonance kicks in is that I expect a board game AI system to ensure that the enemy is always either attacking us, or moving to a point where they can attack us. This AI deck, however, can lead to a boss charging into a wall and swinging pointlessly at empty air. In the above order of cards for example, if you maneuvered behind him, you're totally safe for the first 3 turn. It's why Uppercut is his most dangerous attack. He will rotate to face someone before moving and attacking.

In video game terms, it makes perfect sense to me though. You know that he's going to do a big swing, followed by a breath attack, so you dodge behind and wail on him for 5 seconds until the animation completes.

In that way, I think it captures the feeling of the boss fights pretty well. You'll probably spend a few turns being somewhat cautious, saving stamina for sprinting and dodging, while you see what attacks he uses. You don't reshuffle the AI cards, so once he's done 5 attacks, you know exactly what's coming and can start to maneuver to dodge AND attack weak points. The hitch is that the boss will Heat Up when he loses half health. You immediately add one of their heat up cards randomly, which are basically super attacks, and then reshuffle the entire AI deck. Now you know 5/6 attacks, but not what order they're coming.

So overall, I like how it works, but I can see people having some issue with the fact that doing well means tricking the boss into acting stupid. I think people who play a lot of video games will take to it better than those who only play board games.


I did score a copy on Saturday. I really enjoy the combo nature of the game. On the surface it looks pretty simple but using potions and favor to setup large scores can get pretty complex. Each potion's different ability feels very meaningful. Scored 102 points on my first play through and I'm looking forward to breaking this out with the wife.
That's cool that you were able to buy a copy and enjoyed it.
I haven't seen much information about the expansion "The Fifth Ingrediant" outside of a description of it on its BGG page. Did they have it there?


I picked up just a few games at Gen Con....I have a problem.

Masmorra! Did you demo that or anything first? The designer of that is from Brazil, and he was super friendly when he showed us the game a year or two ago. I usually expect the designers to be faking some amount of their enthusiasm by like day 4 of Gencon, but he was so into it. Then we ran into him the last day on the street, and he recognized us and remembered our names. Ended up grabbing food with him. Whole thing kinda blew my mind.

I had no idea the game was out now though. I have to buy it and support the guy.


Masmorra! Did you demo that or anything first? The designer of that is from Brazil, and he was super friendly when he showed us the game a year or two ago. I usually expect the designers to be faking some amount of their enthusiasm by like day 4 of Gencon, but he was so into it. Then we ran into him the last day on the street, and he recognized us and remembered our names. Ended up grabbing food with him. Whole thing kinda blew my mind.

I had no idea the game was out now though. I have to buy it and support the guy.

I demoed it and loved it immediately! Arcadia Quest art style? Oh hey what's this. Cool minis? Sweet. Roll dice and spend them to select actions? Oh I like that. Tile based random dungeons? GIVE ME THIS GAME RIGHT NOW.

Apparently it's not shipping to Kickstarter backers until November, they flew a bit via Air and I was able to snag one! No idea when it'll hit retail, hopefully around the same time as it ships to backers. Plenty of game in the base box to keep me going!


Didn't go to GenCon, but I just got my latest order from CSI. I was hoping to have it in time for GenCan't, but missed that mark by a little bit.
Let me know how you like the Rick and Morty game, please. I got it in right before I went on vacation and took it into a store but we already had games lined up to play for the night. I'm hoping to play it soon though, a couple of people at the store are also Rick and Morty fans also and also want to play it.
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