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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Unlimited Capacity
Guys, someone is going to keep the apps alive. It will be fine. The water wars will destroy the earth in like 20 years anyway.


I like the way Fuse uses an app because when that app eventually is unusable you could just use a regular timer.

Or a person counting to 600.

Also I played Fuse again, that game's dumb but fun.

Also also I played 7 Wonders for the first time with some people over lunch at work, fun game. I can see why so many people like it.
Didn't realize the Arkham LCG preorders were sold out at the usual places, so picked up a couple copies at Cardhaus and added Bloodborne and Potion Explosion to reach free shipping. Probably swap out Bloodborne at some point. Now to wait a few months :p....
Shit. Didn't think to preorder.

When did Cardhaus raise the limit for free shipping. Woof. Or maybe I'm remembering incorrectly. My Black Friday order was over $125. Hmm.


Found the starcraft board game in my facebook sale thread local for $50 obo - amazon shows this thing for 400+

Anyone play it or know if it's worth picking up? Also starcraft risk is $25 and I am thinking about getting that more since I don't own any risk variants.


Found the starcraft board game in my facebook sale thread local for $50 obo - amazon shows this thing for 400+

Anyone play it or know if it's worth picking up? Also starcraft risk is $25 and I am thinking about getting that more since I don't own any risk variants.

I don't know if it's any good but it is pretty rare and worth a decent amount.
You should probably fleece this dude and resell it if you don't like it.


Found the starcraft board game in my facebook sale thread local for $50 obo - amazon shows this thing for 400+

Never believe the prices for Amazon 3rd party sellers on out of print stuff. Just because they put it up for an exorbitant price doesn't mean it's ever going to sell. Completed eBay listings for Starcraft show the highest one sold recently at $275 (with some GenCon promo). After that, they're all hovering around $100 sold, and a bunch that went without bids due to being priced too high.


Found the starcraft board game in my facebook sale thread local for $50 obo - amazon shows this thing for 400+

Anyone play it or know if it's worth picking up? Also starcraft risk is $25 and I am thinking about getting that more since I don't own any risk variants.

That is cheap but I am pretty sure most people just say to play Forbidden Stars instead.


Saint Nic
Found the starcraft board game in my facebook sale thread local for $50 obo - amazon shows this thing for 400+

Anyone play it or know if it's worth picking up? Also starcraft risk is $25 and I am thinking about getting that more since I don't own any risk variants.

LTTP, but the Starcraft game is definitely worth that price. You can flip it quick on the Facebook board game sale groups, probably on BGG, here, or keep it for the nostalgia alone. If it were complete, is buy it in a heart beat.


Never believe the prices for Amazon 3rd party sellers on out of print stuff. Just because they put it up for an exorbitant price doesn't mean it's ever going to sell. Completed eBay listings for Starcraft show the highest one sold recently at $275 (with some GenCon promo). After that, they're all hovering around $100 sold, and a bunch that went without bids due to being priced too high.

Starcraft's $100 regularly in BGG sales/auctions. Expansion can go for the same price. The promo (it's from blizzcon, not gencon) goes for 40-80 alone too. I sold a shrinkwrap expansion for $140 earlier this year.

Demand came down a bit after forbidden stars got release.

I love it, but it's hard to get to the table.


Found Captain Sonar at a booth at Otakon of all places after missing it as Gen Con. (Two con weekends in a row are rough.) Really excited to play it and Mansions when I'm actually at home for a weekend.


LTTP, but the Starcraft game is definitely that price. You can flip it quick on the Facebook board game sale groups, probably on BGG, here, or keep it for the nostalgia alone. If it were complete, is buy it in a heart beat.
Show me somewhere where Starcraft sold for $400. As stated by fenners and me looking up completed auctions on eBay earlier, it's closer to $100 for the base game, and then the expansion goes for about the same price. That means a base game + expansion + GenCon promo might bring $250-$280, but nowhere near $400.

It's a peeve of mine when people use Amazon sellers as a metric for how much something is worth.


Saint Nic
Show me somewhere where Starcraft sold for $400. As stated by fenners and me looking up completed auctions on eBay earlier, it's closer to $100 for the base game, and then the expansion goes for about the same price. That means a base game + expansion + GenCon promo might bring $250-$280, but nowhere near $400.

It's a peeve of mine when people use Amazon sellers as a metric for how much something is worth.

I never said $400 is the price it's worth. I said it's worth more than $50.

E: Saw the typo in my post. Sorry. My bad!


I never said $400 is the price it's worth. I said it's worth more than $50.
I've only played it once, and I didn't really care for it all. I think it's just not my type of game at all, as I tend to stay away from games that are pretty much direct confrontation the whole time.


Unlimited Capacity
I'm glad you like it! I'm hoping to get a 4-5 player human game going today, finally.

Yea we are going to get a full game tonight. It should be pretty crazy because even with only 3, the board still felt really compact. Anyone could almost get anywhere at anytime.
Look what we found at Target tonight!


It was $30 and is basically Machi Koro + both expansions (tweaked) with a new "Moon Tower" landmark, new artwork, and a better/more consistent way to deal out your marketplace.

The Moon Tower costs 22 coin and allows the user to roll 3 dice and pick 2. Oddly, it replaces the 22 coin card from the original game called "Radio Tower", which let you reroll your dice once per turn.

All the artwork is the same, except at night. So, stars in the sky and the various buildings are lit up. I was hopeful that perhaps the day/night cards would have some sort of play mechanic, but that is not the case.

Our kids are away for the week but we'll play it when they get back and I'll post a review. It does not seem drastically different at all, but the new landmark and way to deal out the market may be nice refinements over the original + expansions.

If you do not own the game, this seems like the version to get.
Look what we found at Target tonight!


It was $30 and is basically Machi Koro + both expansions (tweaked) with a new "Moon Tower" landmark, new artwork, and a better/more consistent way to deal out your marketplace.

The Moon Tower costs 22 coin and allows the user to roll 3 dice and pick 2. Oddly, it replaces the 22 coin card "Radio Tower" which let you reroll your dice once per turn.

All the artwork is the same, except at night. So, stars in the sky and the various buildings are lit up.

Our kids are away for the week but we'll play it when they get back and I'll post a review. It does not seem drastically different at all, but the new landmark and way to deal out the market may be nice refinements over the original + expansions.

If you do not own the game, this seems like the version to get.

Awww, just got the deluxe version. Stupid tin, this looks better.


Awww, just got the deluxe version. Stupid tin, this looks better.

From what I understand it's a "greatest hits" version of the original+expansions, and that variant setup rule is just a simple rule tweak you can use on any version of the game (it was something posted on BGG). I doubt you're missing out, honestly.
Old art vs new art


Also, the new version completely ditches the construction mechanic. We really didn't care for that anyway, but it was super uncommon for one of those cards to be active that it wasn't a big deal one way or the other.

It also includes everything for a 5 player game.


Saint Nic
Neighbors had a party tonight and one of the guys brough Spy Alley. It was more fun than I expected considering the simplistic nature of it. Kind of a Neat twist on Clue. Biggest issue I had was player elimination plays a HUGE role and can make one player feel awkward really quick. I eliminated a player within the first 5 minutes due to a lucky guess (that had no consequences if I were to be wrong). It reminded me that I do not enjoy games where direct and devious conflict are a core mechanic.

However, the group I played with had 2 big gamers amongst it. Both are Gen Con regulars. I told them about Gloomhaven and they both really want to do the campaign with me when it comes out. May setup a weekly or bi-weekly game night with them. Wives all get along super well, too. Huge perk!


Old art vs new art


Also, the new version completely ditches the construction mechanic. We really didn't care for that anyway, but it was super uncommon for one of those cards to be active that it wasn't a big deal one way or the other.

It also includes everything for a 5 player game.


What do you mean by the construction mechanic?


Neighbors had a party tonight and one of the guys brough Spy Alley. It was more fun than I expected considering the simplistic nature of it. Kind of a Neat twist on Clue. Biggest issue I had was player elimination plays a HUGE role and can make one player feel awkward really quick. I eliminated a player within the first 5 minutes due to a lucky guess (that had no consequences if I were to be wrong). It reminded me that I do not enjoy games where direct and devious conflict are a core mechanic.
I feel I respect Mensa-endorsed games, and I picked up Spy Alley several years ago because of it. My family had fun with it, but player elimination is the biggest annoyance about it.

Speaking of spies, I played Spyfall for the first time tonight. There were some funny moments, but it was awkward getting a bunch of engineers to communicate semi-normally, and we all basically had to massively handicap ourselves to let the spy win. Some of us didn't realize stuff like hinting about the picture was bad. The game would be a lot more playable if there was a copy of the location list for every player. 8 people around a tiny sheet makes it pretty obvious who is the spy.

Also, I went to game night early to set up Scythe. Even with a plastic organizer box, it took FOREVER, and forever again to pack back up.

I managed to drag in 4 other people, so we filled out the game. I think 4 of us didn't mind it, but the house owner was miserable because he wasn't using bottom actions much and his turns were very short. So, he was bored and kept wandering around hating the game because everyone else was taking longer turns.

With 5 people, it's a massive hassle to keep track of everything, especially once enlisting happens. I was also teaching 4 new people which made it even more involved.

I did awful playing as Nordic since I left too early and got pinned in a side area, and the Polania player crushed us all (it's apparently common for white to win).


Backed Hostage Negotiator today. It's not shipping until next March? Yikes...how doy ou guys deal with these long Kickstarter waits?


Backed Hostage Negotiator today. It's not shipping until next March? Yikes...how doy ou guys deal with these long Kickstarter waits?

I forget about my purchase until it arrives on my doorstep 2 years later as a happy surprise.

Played a LOT of games today and yesterday.

New games:

Alchemists - This one is a huge brain burner but I love it. My first time playing after my friend had been recommending it to me for a year. Played on the novice level and trying to figure everything out with limited time to do it is pretty insane. Plus I love how a lot of the game revolves around publishing and debunking theories to get your name out there as a reputable scientist. I can't even imagine how I'd play master level what with the harder debunks and fewer ingredients. The app for this game is a godsend as well; one quick look at the way to do it without made me go @_@

Above and Below - I hate betrayal at house on the hill but this game pulls off the story aspect of it excellently while also having good gameplay mechanics. If anything I would say that I'm disappointed at how often choosing the harder to achieve adventure is the most rewarding one, and how failing an excursion completely more often than not doesn't come with heavier consequences.

Codenames: Deep Undercover - Played one game so it might be an outlier, but cluegiving is hella hard in this one compared to my experiences with the original. So many of the words link together simply because they are dirty that it's hard to isolate just the 2 or 3 that you need. Would still play it more so I don't think it's a terrible purchase if you like the original.

Can't Stop - Not really new for me as I played it 3-4 years back at bgg, but I never got the game to put on the table because I can't justify $40 or even $30 for what the game is. Finally printed out a board for it on a sheet of paper and we played using pandemic pieces as markers. Everyone that played loved the game. It's one of the few games of pure randomness that I enjoy so it makes me think that my problem with randomness lies in most games not allowing you to mitigate the worst luck in any shape or form.

Evolution - My second play and I already know I need to play this more. It's just so fun creating interesting species combos and engines. One of my buddies made a cooperation chain through 4 species and just gobbled up all of the food before most of us had a chance. I wanted to make carnivorous work but I never got the cards for it.

Revisited (Old staples):

Walk the Plank - Always a great filler game if you want to play one in the super light programming genre. Since you're supposed to be the worst crew on the ship it even makes thematic sense to just play random 3 cards when teaching the game; the kraken with the bib on really sets the mood for the game as well.

Colt Express - Another programming game that also shines because it incorporates a little (anti-)deckbuilding with flex in your programming choices, given that you can remember everything else that happens. Thematically it's also fairly unique since you're robbing a train; at some point in the future I'll print out the railroad tracks on desert landscape to really amp up the immersion, since I passed on the paper poster when I was at bggcon.

Perudo - The tagline I use to get new players to play this is by telling them it's the dice game in Pirates of the Carribean. Always fun and it clicked in my head that I could use my leftover 1.5" felt pads to smooth out sounds form the bottom of the cup. Contemplating lining the sides of the cups as well in a future project with any leftover scraps from when I make nicoga's table improvements.


I forget about my purchase until it arrives on my doorstep 2 years later as a happy surprise.

Played a LOT of games today and yesterday.

New games:

Codenames: Deep Undercover - Played one game so it might be an outlier, but cluegiving is hella hard in this one compared to my experiences with the original. So many of the words link together simply because they are dirty that it's hard to isolate just the 2 or 3 that you need. Would still play it more so I don't think it's a terrible purchase if you like the original.

Played a few rounds of this too. Clue giving was a bit more difficult, especially when we had 'sex' as the assassin card. Still, it's a great game if you've exhausted the words from the original Codenames. There are even a few blank cards that you can fill your own words in. What I notice was the absence of the hourglass sand timer. Not that we needed it but it came with the original Codenames and figured it would come with Deep Undercover since it can be played separately from it.


Played my first game of Mission Red Planet today and it was great. Really glad I got it.

Also saw that the Game Boy Geek did a review of Last Friday, which sadly proved some of my fears right. Still waiting for more reviews though. Otherwise I guess Whitehall will be the next hidden movement game I look forward to.


I played Guilds of London last night using the solo variant. Overall I found the game to be a lot of fun, even though the rule book and iconography are kind of a bear, but thankfully the designer is active on the game's forum on BGG. I also played up to the full 16 turns of the 2 player game instead of stopping at 10 as the variant dictates. So I ended up beating the AI player by more than double his score. I'm really looking forward to getting this to the table with more players.

Solo variant here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1595999/playing-oneself


Hail to the KING baby
Captain Sonar does seem like a cool game (per SU&SD review, and other impressions, and the fact that on occasion I actually could get 8 together to play it), but to me it just suffers from a fundamental problem that means I'll probably never play it and certainly won't buy it -- real-time self-policing of rules. This is why I really didn't like Space Cadets and to a lesser extent Escape even though the latter should be a pretty perfect game for me. You're in this frantic, crazy experience...and expected to remember every little dumbass rule and limitation, most of which harm you? GO ALL OUT!!!! (Except don't really, go 70% out, and reserve 30% to stop yourself from cheating at all times.) Bleh. Really wish one of these games would do it that the enforcement is done by the opposing team somehow rather than yourself. Captain Sonar does seem to have that cool role where you track and follow the other team's movements, and it would be cool if they shared responsibility for tracking rules too instead of putting it all on the individuals. Real-time games are just inherently flawed but they really haven't progressed in even basic ways here (and funny enough, the ways in which they have progressed -- by lathering on complexity -- only exacerbate the problem).


First tragedy, then farce.
I'm going to go off a bit.. but man, the expectations for international shipping are so unreasonable.

We are doing a pre-order campaign for Wasteland Express. We real-time calculate shipping charges by weight and package size from USPS/UPS and FexEx and i am being accused of being a dick on BGG because it turns out a 6+ pound box costs a small fortune to ship to Europe and Australia.

I know I'm a company owner, so I probably shouldn't say this... but when I import goods from Japan or Europe I expect to pay through the nose for it. I mean, when I ship games back from Tokyo Game Market I expect to pay 200-300 dollars for a big box of games.

I don't know where the expectations that you can ship a game cheaply across an ocean came from.
I'm going to go off a bit.. but man, the expectations for international shipping are so unreasonable.

We are doing a pre-order campaign for Wasteland Express. We real-time calculate shipping charges by weight and package size from USPS/UPS and FexEx and i am being accused of being a dick on BGG because it turns out a 6+ pound box costs a small fortune to ship to Europe and Australia.

I know I'm a company owner, so I probably shouldn't say this... but when I import goods from Japan or Europe I expect to pay through the nose for it. I mean, when I ship games back from Tokyo Game Market I expect to pay 200-300 dollars for a big box of games.

I don't know where the expectations that you can ship a game cheaply across an ocean came from.

People don't realize how expensive it's to ship stuff. USPS got way more expensive in recent years too.

I stopped importing games for the most part, I just save a bit more and go to the us, visit a few friends then come back with a bag full of games.


Unlimited Capacity
I tried painting a mini again and it reconfirmed that the hobby part of board gaming is not for me at all. Pre-constructed and painted minis for me, plz.
I'm going to go off a bit.. but man, the expectations for international shipping are so unreasonable.

We are doing a pre-order campaign for Wasteland Express. We real-time calculate shipping charges by weight and package size from USPS/UPS and FexEx and i am being accused of being a dick on BGG because it turns out a 6+ pound box costs a small fortune to ship to Europe and Australia.

I know I'm a company owner, so I probably shouldn't say this... but when I import goods from Japan or Europe I expect to pay through the nose for it. I mean, when I ship games back from Tokyo Game Market I expect to pay 200-300 dollars for a big box of games.

I don't know where the expectations that you can ship a game cheaply across an ocean came from.

From my experience I find many board gamers to be pretty terrible when it comes to paying and are very cheap. They think all companies are greedy and just out for "cash grab" and that everyone selling anything not at discount on eBay is a scalper. I have a guy send me message via eBay told me that my listed priority mail shipping is too high (even though eBay auto-calculate base on weight and size and destination). He demand that I should sold it to him at discount. I have a guy on Facebook complaining because he had to pay $7.00 shipping and tax buying from a company because all company should be shipping thing for "free" like Amazon.


Hail to the KING baby
From my experience I find many board gamers to be pretty terrible when it comes to paying and are very cheap. They thing every company is greedy and just out for "cash grab" and that everyone selling anything not at discount on eBay is a scalper. I have a guy send me message via eBay told me that my listed priority mail box shipping is too high (even though eBay auto-calculate base on weight and size and destination). He demand that I should sold it to him at discount. I have a guy on Facebook complaining because he had to pay $7.00 shipping and tax buying from a company because all company should be shipping thing for "free" like Amazon.
Hahah yep board gamers are super entitled. Especially the international shipping people -- I've totally noticed that on BGG even though it shouldn't even come across my radar but they just shit up every thread.


played some new games this weekend.

Fuse: Dice rolling with a timer. This is not going to be for everyone, but overall it seems like a nice filler game to change things up. if you aren't careful you can easily get stuck unable to do anything but constantly lose dice if you roll bad though.

Bomb Squad: thickest cardboard ever for components. sadly... they cut them slightly wrong and the board doesn't fit :/. The actual game isn't to bad though. It plays like hanabi, with more to remember, and it is timed. Instead of building fireworks, you need to program a robot to do things, you do so by giving hints to people ala hanabi style as their hands are faced out and you have to get them to play the needed cards to do what the robot wants in time.
you would think with unlimited clues it would be easier, but with the time ticking down and a bit more to remember, it can be rough.

Super Fantasy: decent little dungeon crawl game. the components are odd in that some of the pieces are really nice, while others are cheap cardboard. but overall it played like a light version of stuff like the D&D game or mice and mystics so wasn't a bad play.

Marvel Legendary Civil war expansion: I was hoping they would borrow the cordinate system from alien encounters, instead their big new mechanic is split cards. It's alright, but for the most part is just more of a good thing.

Five Tribes: given how poorly worker placement games have gone for me recently, when we were setting this up and there were so many meeples I figured I wasn't going to enjoy this game (I had never looked into it before). Turns out, it's not really worker placement, it's basically a puzzle game with some resources you can maybe spend, but most of it is just to get points. Overall I actually quite enjoyed my time with this one as being able to look at something and quickly analyze tons of moves is one of my specialties. With Five tribes there were so many different choices of what to do at almost every given point of time that I actually had to stop and think on my turn from time to time which was nice. Usually with euro games I just figure out my top couple moves and take which ever one is the best that someone else didn't mess with taking basically no time thinking on my turn.
On the flip side I wasn't playing with the person that typically causes issues with point scoring games like this, and given how many choices there are on your turn, and the fact that I needed to figure out my best move from time to time there is another player that I enjoy playing with that i don't think I can play this game with as his turns would likely take forever as he can have a bad case of indecision in games with far less options.
I'm going to go off a bit.. but man, the expectations for international shipping are so unreasonable.

We are doing a pre-order campaign for Wasteland Express. We real-time calculate shipping charges by weight and package size from USPS/UPS and FexEx and i am being accused of being a dick on BGG because it turns out a 6+ pound box costs a small fortune to ship to Europe and Australia.

I know I'm a company owner, so I probably shouldn't say this... but when I import goods from Japan or Europe I expect to pay through the nose for it. I mean, when I ship games back from Tokyo Game Market I expect to pay 200-300 dollars for a big box of games.

I don't know where the expectations that you can ship a game cheaply across an ocean came from.

The expectation will come from sites like ozgameshop that have $0-$5 shipping to Australia from the UK. Even locally games are very expensive, but obviously the delivery fee is being absorbed somewhere since it is still under what you might see quote sometimes(which is probably why games shops don't stay open).

It does build up an expectation.

Not that I don't understand your problem, but I tend to not buy games through kickstarter once I see the $40 delivery fee. It isn't that I think it is wrong to charge it, but it moves it to a wait and see state for when it hits other sites. The cost just becomes too high.


Backed Hostage Negotiator today. It's not shipping until next March? Yikes...how doy ou guys deal with these long Kickstarter waits?

I tend to forget they exist until they announce they are shipping.

add 1-6 months to most board game kickstarters.

sometimes (rarely) they will ship on time, but most of the time there is some delay that sets them back a few months in my experience.

in other thoughts, I know that it was brought up not to long ago, but I want to post these because I got the reminder for it.

Mech Command RTS - A Real Time Strategy Board Game

has some of the most interesting tracking ever for a kickstarter.

I can't wait to see where it ends at in 2 days :p


I tend to forget they exist until they announce they are shipping.

add 1-6 months to most board game kickstarters.

sometimes (rarely) they will ship on time, but most of the time there is some delay that sets them back a few months in my experience.

in other thoughts, I know that it was brought up not to long ago, but I want to post these because I got the reminder for it.

Mech Command RTS - A Real Time Strategy Board Game

has some of the most interesting tracking ever for a kickstarter.

I can't wait to see where it ends at in 2 days :p

What features did they announce, or drop to cause the dip in funding!?


Saint Nic
What features did they announce, or drop to cause the dip in funding!?

I can only imagine the name change is causing this. People wanted it for the name, but also some folks may have realized that these don't have their shit together and aren't about to wait even longer for potentially broken promises.
They stalled when alot of allegations came out about who the developers were, and their connection to another kickstarter fiasco. Soon after that, they announced the dropping of the Armored Core IP and it's been downhill since.

Many backers held on waiting to see if they were gonna get something for backing the project that should now be alot cheaper since it had no license, but all they did was offer some of the backers, one large mech miniature as incentive. As such, it was pretty much straight downhill from there.


Captain Sonar does seem like a cool game (per SU&SD review, and other impressions, and the fact that on occasion I actually could get 8 together to play it), but to me it just suffers from a fundamental problem that means I'll probably never play it and certainly won't buy it -- real-time self-policing of rules. This is why I really didn't like Space Cadets and to a lesser extent Escape even though the latter should be a pretty perfect game for me. You're in this frantic, crazy experience...and expected to remember every little dumbass rule and limitation, most of which harm you? GO ALL OUT!!!! (Except don't really, go 70% out, and reserve 30% to stop yourself from cheating at all times.) Bleh. Really wish one of these games would do it that the enforcement is done by the opposing team somehow rather than yourself. Captain Sonar does seem to have that cool role where you track and follow the other team's movements, and it would be cool if they shared responsibility for tracking rules too instead of putting it all on the individuals. Real-time games are just inherently flawed but they really haven't progressed in even basic ways here (and funny enough, the ways in which they have progressed -- by lathering on complexity -- only exacerbate the problem).

My group owns it and has played it 3+ times. We prefer to play the turn-based rule set on the turn-based board side.


My group owns it and has played it 3+ times. We prefer to play the turn-based rule set on the turn-based board side.

ooooh, I was reading the box and wondered if a turn based mode was an option! I may have to get this now.

How fun is it? Aside from real time vs turn based, how does it compare to space cadets?


ooooh, I was reading the box and wondered if a turn based mode was an option! I may have to get this now.

How fun is it? Aside from real time vs turn based, how does it compare to space cadets?

Super fun. Better than Space cadets IMO. Really draws a crowd. Quinns hype is not misplaced on this one.


Junior Member
Been keeping my eye on Ticket to Ride lately (well last few years), with UK and Rails and Sails popping up on the radar recently, my interest has peeked. I only own the base game plus 1910, and have been holding off to buying a new expansion/map for a while because it seems there is always a new one around the corner.

I think its time to dive in and buy a new one now. So my question is very obvious, its 2016 whats the best one to buy as of today?


They stalled when alot of allegations came out about who the developers were, and their connection to another kickstarter fiasco. Soon after that, they announced the dropping of the Armored Core IP and it's been downhill since.

Many backers held on waiting to see if they were gonna get something for backing the project that should now be alot cheaper since it had no license, but all they did was offer some of the backers, one large mech miniature as incentive. As such, it was pretty much straight downhill from there.

I still don't get how the project is still being funded.
I would have ran so fast from anyone who started a project using an established IP who dropped it in the middle of the campaign.

they should have stopped the campaign at that time, and relaunched with the IP removed to be clear to everyone that it was no longer going to be an armored core game.

I still feel that despite what they have said it's doubtful they had the IP at all. Why would you remove the IP from your game merely for your stretch goals. more so... why would you design stretch goals that you don't have the rights to do.

I hope for the backers that do end up still backing it that it turns out well. but at this point it has project Phoenix written all over it and this will likely be the theme song.

Been keeping my eye on Ticket to Ride lately (well last few years), with UK and Rails and Sails popping up on the radar recently, my interest has peeked. I only own the base game plus 1910, and have been holding off to buying a new expansion/map for a while because it seems there is always a new one around the corner.

I think its time to dive in and buy a new one now. So my question is very obvious, its 2016 whats the best one to buy as of today?

the digital version, as it's the only enjoyable way to play ticket to ride >.> (yeah I know I am not being that helpful, but seriously ticket to ride is so much better when you can easily see your paths and don't have to count anything. PC version of ticket to ride is so much faster and enjoyable :p)

I can't actually help with physical versions, but mostly wanted to point out there is a great digital version of the game.
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