My sister was like that too. Ultimately I let her borrow the game so I could get it out of her system. I like the game but there are many games to play. Seems to have worked - now when we meet up to play it's not Splendor 24/7!I've created monsters, every lunchtime at my work it's Splendor, Splendor, Splendor.
Send help.
More Mage Knight talk...
My wife has continuing education all weekend. Last night, I decided to get a game setup and ready so that I could refresh rules today and play a few games this weekend. I forgot how much table space this game takes up. I really need to look into optimized setups for this game.
Wow - this is fantastic. If my wife asks me what I'm playing, that's exactly what I'm telling her. "You know Cones of Dunshire? It's kind of like that."
played a good game of Lords of Waterdeep tonight, just two player.
No mandatory quests (by chance) to muck things up.
The loser would have won if not for being denied a single purple cube.
Now I'm on Etsy looking for meeples to replace the boring cubes, and maybe even agents. And a better organiser for the box than that pathetic bit of plastic they give you!
I got the playmat made and it really help organizing the game for me. This was from my last solo play. Now you guys making me want to set this up for play. I finally got around to try Shades of Tezla after the game above (I think I was playing Krang with Mine conquest). That is really a good expansion and adds many nice new stuffs. It really is too bad about the components but some of the scenario the tokens are kept separate anyway so it sort of work out.
played a good game of Lords of Waterdeep tonight, just two player.
No mandatory quests (by chance) to muck things up.
The loser would have won if not for being denied a single purple cube.
Now I'm on Etsy looking for meeples to replace the boring cubes, and maybe even agents. And a better organiser for the box than that pathetic bit of plastic they give you!
I got the playmat made and it really help organizing the game for me. This was from my last solo play. Now you guys making me want to set this up for play. I finally got around to try Shades of Tezla after the game above (I think I was playing Krang with Mine conquest). That is really a good expansion and adds many nice new stuffs. It really is too bad about the components but some of the scenario the tokens are kept separate anyway so it sort of work out.
You've sleeved all the cards?
My mage knight is definitely sleeved. I need to sleeve up millennium blades, but i think the store deck would never stay standing lol
Side note, in Zcide Black Plague the new characters make the game really easy. I guess you cant add thr nre heroes and not add the wolf zombies. We had one character who did plus 1 damage and we basicalky went unthreatened the entire game. We got in the new bosses and I tjink that should ramp up the difficulty. We really don't like easy games lol
I actually really liked the Lords of Waterdeep box. The cubes are easy to pull out because of the nicely curved bowls, in contrast to sharp square containers. The cards are easy to lift because there are slanted indentations below either side, so you just press down on one end.played a good game of Lords of Waterdeep tonight, just two player.
No mandatory quests (by chance) to muck things up.
The loser would have won if not for being denied a single purple cube.
Now I'm on Etsy looking for meeples to replace the boring cubes, and maybe even agents. And a better organiser for the box than that pathetic bit of plastic they give you!
played a good game of Lords of Waterdeep tonight, just two player.
No mandatory quests (by chance) to muck things up.
The loser would have won if not for being denied a single purple cube.
Now I'm on Etsy looking for meeples to replace the boring cubes, and maybe even agents. And a better organiser for the box than that pathetic bit of plastic they give you!
I actually really liked the Lords of Waterdeep box. The cubes are easy to pull out because of the nicely curved bowls, in contrast to sharp square containers. The cards are easy to lift because there are slanted indentations below either side, so you just press down on one end.
Other parts have nicely fitting holes, plus typically they have finger grooves on the end for easy removal. There's easy a guide in the rules for where everything fits, I think?
I can't really think of another commercial game so designed around ease of taking the parts out. One of the only downsides for me was that not all the cardboard pieces fit into the health/coin slots in my game.
Broken Token has all those things, plus metal coins, and it's all FUCKING GORGEOUS.
Masmorra has a pretty fantastic insert.
I have the Broken Token insert for Mage Knight and Suburbia. Yeah, they take some time. But if you're careful and reinforce all the glued spots with some tape, they work AMAZINGLY well. I wouldn't do it any other way for games you play regularly.
Yeah honestly that will almost always be the case unless you completely do it yourself (which some people do, esp with foamcore). These aren't high-volume operations (especially not Insert Here) so you're basically paying for manual craftsmanship done at very low volumes in most cases. Niche product for sure.Broken Token seems very overpriced. I don't have a problem with assembly (you're gonna be doing that with any custom insert), but an insert costing almost as much as the game is not a very sound proposition.
I'd just as soon make my own foam core with those prices. :-X
Yeah honestly that will almost always be the case unless you completely do it yourself (which some people do, esp with foamcore). These aren't high-volume operations (especially not Insert Here) so you're basically paying for manual craftsmanship done at very low volumes in most cases. Niche product for sure.![]()
Make sure you're cool with gluing together wood bits if you go Broken Token though. I have one of their organizers and haven't yet been arsed to put it together when I realized it would take more than 5m and if i wasn't careful I could permanently damage it.
Masmorra has a pretty fantastic insert.
You have yours already?
Thanks for your input. It seemed like it would be overwhelming in the beginning but it may a bit much. I still want it, but I'll probably hold off for a while until it is on sale somewhere. Like I said, the game group at the local store kinda fell apart, so it wouldn't get to the table anytime soon. I'm supposed to take in PitchCar on Tuesday and I am already assuming it will be a group of 3 people max again, and probably as fun as the game of Zombicide and Escape (which is to say, not all that fun).Tragedy Looper is ...actually a game that would benefit from an app, lol.
It's a quirky Japanese game with some interesting ideas. The concept sounds neat on paper: run through a scenario where you try to deduce what's going on, and stop some disaster from happening.
But I think it has a lot of flaws in the design. I find the game downright confusing to look at. Z-Man did nothing but translate the game, so the look of it is definitely to a Japanese taste, but nevertheless very BUSY. A lot of the important information in the game just doesn't pop, and the most crucial information is stuffed on a black and white player aid.
Yes, you refer to tables on a player aid with a LOT of information, and this is absolutely necessary to play the game. Imagine a game that requires you to keep checking the rulebook to play - now imagine if the rulebook is badly designed.
I find it really hard for the Mastermind player to run the game. The Mastermind needs to know the game VERY well to make it a smooth experience. On top of that, they need to figure out how to inject theme into the rather mechanical things going on; WITHOUT giving too many clues. If they don't get this right, the game suffers for everybody.
When the game works, it's a pretty interesting experience. I'd say the meat of the game is more interesting than Mysterium. I wish they did a second edition with a real effort to streamline the game. As it is, the game just feels like more trouble than its worth.
I watched a few Gen Con interview videos and walkthroughs today. The one that really surprised me was the one with Poots for Kingdom Death. He seems pretty genuine about the whole thing. He said a reprint is coming with the new 1.4 update. I'm almost considering it after watching what I have...
Another fascinating one was the guy talking about people who think they're entitled to a free game because they do a few YouTube videos and want a handout. I kind of agreed with him and appreciated him calling people out for that shit. Buy your games like the rest of us.
Yooooooo. I need that mat. Details/link/etc?
You've sleeved all the cards?
You have yours already?
Yup, got it at Gen Con! Great freaking game.
Shame that I'm missing out on all the Kickstarter minis, but I doubt I'll ever play it enough where I'll be upset I don't have them. I'll pick up the expansion sets though when I can!
I normally don't sleeve all my games especially not games I usually play solo or just at home with my kids (since they know better to not abuse my games) but I recently broke down and sleeved all my Mage Knight because last session I noticed that cards start to scratch in places and I really want to incorporate the Shades of Tezla expansion (the cards in the expansion are slightly different than the core game cards) and I have local sport card shop that recently put all their board game sleeves on clearance. I got about 2000 or so premium sleeves for about $26. They are not Dragon Shield grade but more about Fantasy Flight grade which for me is just perfect. I usually sleeved games that I take to MeetUp and also sleeve most of my deckbuilding game like Alien Encounters that need a lot of shuffling (and Mage Knight).You've sleeved all the cards?
Yooooooo. I need that mat. Details/link/etc?
I was actually looking at this yesterday. But I really didn't want to shell out $30 for the mat from inkedplaymats lol. I might eventually but who knows.
And if you like that you'll probably like these too.
Files ready to print at
Tovak -
Norowas -
Goldyx -
Arythea -
Re: getting an insert. eh, Everything fits in my box pretty snug so I haven't thought about getting one since shaking it around doesn't make a mess.
Yeah I sleeved all of mine too lol. Getting some 500-pack of sleeves isn't too expensive and you can do it while watching TV or something.
I've created monsters, every lunchtime at my work it's Splendor, Splendor, Splendor.
Send help.[/img ]
I made a lot of inserts in the past and actually enjoying it but as AstroLad said Time > Money. I don't mind getting Broken Token stuffs on occasion especially for games with a lot of bits and miniatures that would required a lot of cutting and planning. I agree that sometime it seems silly to spend the money for an insert that cost as much as the game itself, but after all this is a hobby not life necessity so spend what you think is worth it to you. I usually cheat a little when making inserts and try to incorporate the Plano or tackle boxes for the chits and tokens and only essentially build a frame to hold in and separate bigger parts like cards, miniatures and tiles.
Most of the time (especially lately), I am fine with just small plastic box to sort out the tokens and only would make inset if the game really needed one to help set up time. Inserts for Mage Knight and especially miniature heavy games like Zombicide (original) and Imperial Assault. The insert really help facilitate setting up and playing the game. If I were to leave all my Mage Knight in the box like you did, my laziness would stop me from setting the game up after I open that box and see all the components everywhere.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah. Just to be clear I'm not against getting inserts, I bought a broken token one for PACG after all. It's more that I didn't feel a need for one in Mage Knight because I bag everything separately so setup is still simple and even without an insert everything stays separated and not mixed up since there isn't too much space for the cards/tiles to shift around. Might start using a plano box for the monster tokens though after seeing yours.
I like the Plano box, you can pick them up for few bucks and I often just play the tokens right out of the box.Oh yeah. Just to be clear I'm not against getting inserts, I bought a broken token one for PACG after all. It's more that I didn't feel a need for one in Mage Knight because I bag everything separately so setup is still simple and even without an insert everything stays separated and not mixed up since there isn't too much space for the cards/tiles to shift around. Might start using a plano box for the monster tokens though after seeing yours.
Do you do anything about balancing going first?
I like the Plano box, you can pick them up for few bucks and I often just play the tokens right out of the box.
Hmm, I just got Lords of Waterdeep and now I wonder if I can just use El Grande (and if necessary Carcassonne) meeples instead of the cubes...You can get a mini meeple set from Germany for about $10 before shipping (the shipping shouldn't be too much). $25 for the sets on Etsy or Meeplesource before shipping is rather insane.
Do you shuffle the tokens when you tear down then? That's really the only thing I see that's inconvenient about the plano box.
Edit: also curious, what's the random d6 for?
My sister was like that too. Ultimately I let her borrow the game so I could get it out of her system. I like the game but there are many games to play. Seems to have worked - now when we meet up to play it's not Splendor 24/7!
Is this an issue? I thought all players played the same amount of turns.Do you do anything about balancing going first?
Got in a play of Runebound 3rd Edition last night playing solo with just one character. It was a ton of fun. Ended up actually winning mostly due to getting duel wielding and black market. I did 2 auto damage before every battle and had a good chance at going first in every battle. Also got an ability that let me exert to use my surge ability. All that together and I won on the last round before I would have been beaten. Such a fun game!
Flip the tokens like you are supposed to then try to kill my character. It is not hard at all. You would have to purposely make dumb moves and ruin the game for yourself. I don't alter anything when I play the game solo. BGG is full of people who can't seem to work against themselves. I also play war games against myself as long as they have no hidden info. In short, play each side to the best of your ability.How do you handle combat?
Is this an issue? I thought all players played the same amount of turns.