Brainfarting, but what abooooout... Fuse Off (as a play on the term 'face off').
This a good suggestion, hah
Brainfarting, but what abooooout... Fuse Off (as a play on the term 'face off').
Yeah, I hear you, and that's actually a great point with regards to the kickstarter terminology and something that had not occurred to us. The main conceit of the game is that players take on the role of scientists and splice together genetic samples to create chimeras which then battle. The game was initially just called "Chimera" however I worried there is too much fantasy baggage related to that word for it to effectively convey the scientific theme on its own. Hence the addition of project.
Thanks for the help already! You've given me something to think about before our team meeting tomorrow.
I was under the impression this was designed by Fowers. Oh well, still interested.
really interested in MOM 2e. I think me and the wife will like it a lot. We really enjoy Betrayal at House before the haunt, lol.
Same. I saw some ads for it on Facebook saying it was coming to KS soon and they were playing up the Paperback/Fowers connection pretty hard. I haven't played Paperback and don't know if I want to, but this game sounds kind of interesting. I'll keep an eye on it and maybe watch a couple of the videos of it later.I was under the impression this was designed by Fowers. Oh well, still interested.
Something Dr. Moreau related, maybe? That's my first thought on reading your description here. It's Battle Royale on the Island of Doctor Moreau.
From my own observations, some of the most effective and memorable board game titles are ones that express the main action of the game. For example:
Some obvious action-word examples:
"Survive: Escape From Atlantis"
"Escape: the Curse of the Temple"
"Twilight Struggle"
"Panic on Wall Street"
"Race for the Galaxy"
"Innovation (as in, to innovate)"
Of course, many games don't follow this and do fine. There are names that describe more so an interesting setting, like a specific time or place:
King of Tokyo
Puerto Rico
Shadows Over Camelot
As well titles that use more abstract settings, with words that give you a concept you can picture immediately:
Dead of Winter
Forbidden Desert
Fields of Green
So maybe your title can evoke a setting that people will immediately get a picture of. Or maybe you want to evoke the main action of the game.
I love this description and I think you're definitely on to something there.
Yeah, you're making a fair amount of sense. I think we're going to want to have a big brainstorming session for this as I want to nail down a site url and snag a Twitter and all that jazz as soon as possible.
You coulda asked.
I go to Game Market every year, and know the guys who own Role and Roll.
I've never played with Strikers (hell, I've yet to even play with the arenas), but here's an excerpt from the rules sheet in my Strikers box:Anyone who has played with the Strikers expansion in BattleCON, do you only get to use the assists once per battle? Or do they like go in your discard pile and cycle like other attacks.
I've never played with Strikers (hell, I've yet to even play with the arenas), but here's an excerpt from the rules sheet in my Strikers box:
"After a Striker is used in any of these ways, it goes to the discard pile with the attack pair it was played with (if you used your Striker's 'S' power, this means you'll have an extra style at your disposal for a few beats). The Striker can be used once it returns to your hand after a normal cycle through your discards."
So you had it right in the latter half of your post.
Yea I heard the core box is all kinds of replayable even before adding any of the variants. I wouldn't have gotten the 2 extra sets if it wasn't part of the package deal. Can't wait to play it.
So jealous, I went there last year and had a ton of fun. Wish I could afford to go there again. The themes, size and art style there resonated a lot more with me than your typical Queen Games.
Do you usually go in fall or spring?
Wow that's Tabletop Simulator? At first I was like damn you're organized!
So in my haste to get some more App driven goodness I required Descent 2 and a few expansions and had forgotten how dog shit stupid these LOS rules are.
Has the D2 community given up the fight and just roll with the stupid or is there a popular variant?
Would it destroy balance if we just used IA's rules?
What's wrong with the LOS rules? I actually don't understand the hate for them. On the other hand, I don't know what the IA rules are.
In creating stupid simple rules, at least attempting too, they created more confusion as also the rules defy logic.
But how? Corner-to-corner sight with no interruption (including the targeting and targeted figure). That seems pretty simple to me in the times I've played it.
It's mainly in that it's way too simple to draw line of sight, the whole one corner to one corner thing is really lame, and in so many illogical situations a person can draw line of sight. To actually hide a figure and put them in any type of cover in D2 is almost impossible on most layouts. With primitive weapons and such, everyone is pulling off some crazy ass trick shots through terrain and around obstacles with how you just have to touch corners.
IA basically improved this by requiring a figure to do the same, but you have to draw two lines from one of the attacker corners, to two different corners. It makes alot more sense since obstacles actually work, figures can take cover behind things and block LOS, and it just is more logical for combat scenarios. After you play IA and go back to D2, it just makes D2 look stupid in it's simplicity.
IA pretty much tweaked all of D2's rules and made a better game out of the core system, and it plays just as fast.
Just finished my first game of Eldritch Horror. Played solo, using TTS with all expansions thrown in. Charlie, Lily, Trish and Jacqueline, versus Azathoth.
It went right down to the wire. Last mystery required me to close gates while the Omen track matched, which - due to board circumstances - gave me a really short window to deal with two hordes of mostly fatty monsters and successfully gate-close.
Charlie was being a beast of an investigator sat on Tokyo dealing direct damage across the globe, though he was a pitiful at acquiring assets throughout.
Managed to fulfil the requirements for the final mystery but had to also survive the Mythos Phase. That final turn's Mythos event dealt two damage to everybody (unless discarding a blessing!), killing Charlie -- advancing the Doom Track to 1 -- and *very* nearly killing Jacqueline (1 health remaining) which would have awakened Azathoth for a loss.
Loved it! And the whole thing went pretty smoothly rules-wise and with regard to pace of play.
I'll definitely be playing this again.
End of game:
That's fair. I haven't played IA so I wasn't sure how LOS worked there.
Have people tried to play D2 with the IA LOS rules with success?
Fall is way too busy for us.
You coulda asked.
I go to Game Market every year, and know the guys who own Role and Roll.
I want a copy of Who Soiled the Toilet!
I just cannot pay MSRP for board games. Sorry brick & mortar and mom and pop shops, but I just cannot pull the trigger. When online shops have huge % off, the money adds up way too fast. I can't even buy a $25 game knowing it's $16 online. I'll wait the 2 days for delivery.
I just cannot pay MSRP for board games. Sorry brick & mortar and mom and pop shops, but I just cannot pull the trigger. When online shops have huge % off, the money adds up way too fast. I can't even buy a $25 game knowing it's $16 online. I'll wait the 2 days for delivery.
Don't post that on any of the other forums out there because people get super shitty about this.
But I'm with you. I don't buy anything from the LGS because the owner is the worst. I (and MANY other locals) refuse to support him. Even if he wasn't a piece of trash, I'd still limit myself to small purchases due to MSRP and other fun markups some shop owners throw in. It's probably why most other shops in the Indy area are primarily MtG hubs.
I just cannot pay MSRP for board games. Sorry brick & mortar and mom and pop shops, but I just cannot pull the trigger. When online shops have huge % off, the money adds up way too fast. I can't even buy a $25 game knowing it's $16 online. I'll wait the 2 days for delivery.
I just cannot pay MSRP for board games. Sorry brick & mortar and mom and pop shops, but I just cannot pull the trigger. When online shops have huge % off, the money adds up way too fast. I can't even buy a $25 game knowing it's $16 online. I'll wait the 2 days for delivery.
I usually buy my board games in $100-150 bulk orders. I go to a site and start looking over my lists and build an order. I usually flesh out the order with expansions for games I already own. So, I'm used to starting with the money and working my way down. It's about getting the most for my money, and with this hobby the difference can be pretty staggering depending on where you buy. It doesn't help that I started and continue to do the vast amount of my board game shopping online where every game is discounted to one extent or another. Actually seeing nothing but a wall of MSRP is the very definition of sticker shock. I just stand there shaking my head with my jaw on the floor.
I usually buy my board games in $100-150 bulk orders. I go to a site and start looking over my lists and build an order. I usually flesh out the order with expansions for games I already own. So, I'm used to starting with the money and working my way down. It's about getting the most for my money, and with this hobby the difference can be pretty staggering depending on where you buy. It doesn't help that I started and continue to do the vast amount of my board game shopping online where every game is discounted to one extent or another. Actually seeing nothing but a wall of MSRP is the very definition of sticker shock. I just stand there shaking my head with my jaw on the floor.
Hi everyone. I'm just now getting into the hobby and it feels completely overwhelming how many games are out there and how seemingly all of them are various degrees of good.
Can anyone help me start my collection in the right direction by telling me what are the absolute must have have games?
Hi everyone. I'm just now getting into the hobby and it feels completely overwhelming how many games are out there and how seemingly all of them are various degrees of good.
Can anyone help me start my collection in the right direction by telling me what are the absolute must have have games?
I sometimes buy from the local shop because they're decent people I want to support, and the prices aren't that bad.
If they were jerks OR if the prices were crazy high, I'd go online only.
RE: D2 LOS rules.
Shit ain't logical, captain.