I've narrowed down my next purchase to either Elder Signs or Eldritch Horror.
any thoughts?
Try out the Elder Signs app? Its cheap enough to count as a demo for the physical game.
I've narrowed down my next purchase to either Elder Signs or Eldritch Horror.
any thoughts?
EDIT: well, fuck. I typed all this out and pressed submit and only now do I realise that I saw the name 'Elder Signs', but my brain read 'Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed'. Why? Buggered if I know. I guess none of the below comparison is strictly useful now, shit.Sorry for the mistake dump.
I've been learning/playing a bunch of both over the past two weeks (albeit on Tabletop Simulator, and doing so solo) and I've had a fantastic time with the pair of them. Difficult to say one way or the other which I've preferred; moment-to-moment decision-wise they both play fairly similarly at their core. For me it's a matter of slightly faster-paced and breezier (MoM) versus grander investment and, um, 'chewier'. In other words, I found I was able to just spontaneously decide "I want to play MoM again" and get started shortly after. Whereas with EH, it took more of an "okay, let's get my chores done so I can set this up and make a whole thing out of it". Plus I found that the ongoing story and decision-making would stick in my mind during 'walk away from the table' breaks in EH, whereas MoM was cleaner and easier to mentally walk away from without it lingering in the back of mind.
Couple of more mundane, general things to consider:
- Is table footprint an issue for you? (MoM's fairly compact)
- If you get EH, are you okay with perhaps completing the core game by getting the Forsaken Lore expansion in tandem or shortly after?
- Does the option of shorter 60-90 minute games sound particularly appealing? (EH games are going to stretch to 120 minutes minimum maybe?)
Again though, gonna stress: these thoughts are only from me playing these games a bunch just these past two weeks (I'm a newcomer to both, no doubt). Plus, I've been playing them solo on TTS. Plus, I've had a damn, damn good time across both.
you aren't crazy I ninja edited it elder signs because i accidently typed Mom 2e. I am looking at that also so I really appreciate the write up.
I just played my copy of Escape for the first time last week. There were some favorable comments in this thread after I mentioned that I would be playing it. It was a tiny bit fun but also fell a bit flat for me, but only because we had a rule wrong (somehow missed multiple times that you could set aside dice for use later, like 'locking' them) and we also only had three people; I think more people are needed for it to be a good time. It is a frantic game though and the timer is a novel idea. It plays quickly too and doesn't have too many rules. The expansions that are available look like they can switch up a lot of things and add a lot to the game while slowly being introduced into the main game.Thanks for all the recommendations. GAF never disappoints. I'll look into everything suggested here, including what my friends and relatives enjoy.
Two questiona though. How is Marvel Legendary better than Dc Comics?
Is Escape: the curse of the temple a good acquisition? The Shut up and Sit down review really made it look fun.
Thanks for all the recommendations. GAF never disappoints. I'll look into everything suggested here, including what my friends and relatives enjoy.
Two questions though. How is Marvel Legendary better than Dc Comics?
Is Escape: the curse of the temple a good acquisition? The Shut up and Sit down review really made it look fun.
Eldritch Horror is brutal and I would recommend watching videos of playthroughs or finding another way to try it out first. I like Elder Signs but couldn't get into EH. You are much more at the mercy of the dice in EH than ES.I've narrowed down my next purchase to either Elder Signs or Eldritch Horror.
any thoughts?
I've narrowed down my next purchase to either Elder Signs or Eldritch Horror.
any thoughts?
Get both!
EH if you want more of a challenge up front.
ES if you want to not get whipped like a Novigrad whore (at least until you buy Xpacks).
That's exactly why I canceled my preorder actually. DoW is fun but already slightly too complex for what it is imo.The game itself is component and fiddly enough, when I hear them adding more features to a game like this, I often kinda take pause. Some games really don't need more rules
Personally (and I've only played a couple of sessions of core Elder Signs so take as you will) the yahtzee-ing is too heavily-implemented, too intrinsic, for my liking. The game rode a hollow story on a sequence of dice rolls much more than any of the other likely games in the family.
I can see that and honestly its kind of the draw for me. a little lighter game that the wife can get into.
she has a hard time with longer really thematic story games.
Speaking of Mysterium, I played a somewhat similar game recently that was called Deception: Murder in Hong Kong. It went over really well and has become a favorite "party game" for larger player counts on game nights.
It's a strange combination of Clue, Mysterium, and Codenames, with some hidden role thrown in as well.
Basically, each player(6-10ish?) is dealt a role. There's one forensic scientist, one murderer, and X detectives. Then, all players except the scientist are dealt 4 face up murder "weapons" and 4 face up clues.
The murderer then picks one of his face up clues and one weapon, which the scientist sees. The scientist then has 5 random tiles in front of them with a list. For example, one might be location, with Office, Bedroom, Hospital Room, etc listed. Another one might be cause of death, with things like Accidental, Poison, suffocation, blood loss. He has to put a marker next to ONE item per board. He cannot speak at all, or hint towards the murderer in any way except by placing his markers on the tiles. Then the detectives spend some time discussing it as a group, followed by a brief chance to each make their case individually. To win, they have to correctly guess the murderer, as well as which specific clue and weapon they chose. Each detective gets one guess for the entire game. If nobody gusses correctly, the scientist draws a new tile which he can use to replace a current tile, and place a marker on it. This is a good time to get rid of a tile that seems to be misleading the detectives. Everyone talks again about the new info, then you repeat one last time.
So it's like Codenames and Mysterium in that the clues and weapons deliberately share similarities, and the scientist is trying to give you info that points specifically to what he needs. Also like Mysterium, the scientist is forced to remain silent and only use the resouces in front of him to provide info. Hidden role is obviously the aspect of the murderer being one of the detectives, deliberately trying to lead people down the incorrect path.
I can see that and honestly its kind of the draw for me. a little lighter game that the wife can get into.
she has a hard time with longer really thematic story games.
So you'd record play through in tabletop simulator?
Maybe check out FUSE, same vibe but I prefer the theme. Scales well, adjustable difficulty and very portable.Is Escape: the curse of the temple a good acquisition? The Shut up and Sit down review really made it look fun.
Yep. The Yahtzee comparison is bull. There is more legitimate criticism of the base game.You'd have to wrestle me down to get me to play a game of Yahtzee and I rather enjoy ES. There's much much more going on than simply rolling dice and saying "welp, I guess that's that!"
My friends and I finished the base game of T.I.M.E. Stories last night. It was really fun. What do you guys think of the expansions?
I also manage to get Mansion of Madness to the table late at night and while my niece loved it (she loves story and mystery type of games) my daughter still has a lot of hatred for Mansion from the 1st edition we tried couple weeks ago. I like it better but the base for the new version along with the miniatures are terrible. The card board tokens do not fit into the base and the figures barely stay on it. I think when I play this next time we are going to use cardboard chits and standee from Eldritch instead of the miniatures. My niece and I really enjoy the app and the story but my daughter and her friend got really bore with the game half-way through. We did manage to get to the end but the difficulty of the game and the random bad things were really a turn off for them. Also I definitely play too many of this game solo and it was frustrating for me (and for them) to play this co-op. I was quarterbacking and have to stop my self several time.
To add to the ES vs EH discussion, I might argue that EH is actually an easier to gronk game if you are using the expansions for ES. Especially the Omens of Ice one. You have multiple resources and tracks, story decks, different sequences of decks. It is a lot of management and honestly table space being the only factor at that point I really would rather play EH or MoM 2nd. Also just get the first expansion for EH if you choose that, it is basically completing the base game.
whats weird about MOM 2e is that it makes the game much more a board game. You pull it out and try and win. I feel like first edition took on a story telling aspect and was light role playing. 2e seems to have this a little but with the scenarios repeating and the "randomness" coming from monster and clue locations it feels a little more like a standard board game where the goal is to just win.
if that makes sense, maybe I am rambling.
That kinda makes sense i think. It plays so much better. The character interactions is neat too. I just hope they release new scenarios frequently.
I hope you like microtransactions in your physical boardgames. Because I have a pretty strong hunch that's how it's gonna happen.
I hope you like microtransactions in your physical boardgames. Because I have a pretty strong hunch that's how it's gonna happen.
I hope you like microtransactions in your physical boardgames. Because I have a pretty strong hunch that's how it's gonna happen.
I want a copy of Who Soiled the Toilet!
Someone here was looking for Mage Knight expansions, the reprints are now showing up in stores so might want to check your local gaming stores. I just got the replacement tokens and cards for Shades of Tezla expansion for request I put in back in February so the rumor that reprint are showing up make sense.