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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Another game of Runebound tonight, this time with Master Thorn.

A few things of note!

  • This game took me somewhere between 90-120 minutes as I wasn't looking at the rules outside of very specific situations (the reference book was quick and painless looking up).
  • I feel like I spoke too soon on the movement thing. Once you realize that you need to focus on roads to move around the map, you can get places a LOT quicker. I actually did explore quests and Story Quests all over the map on purpose just to see how it played out.
  • Exerting is super important. This game played out a lot differently than my last one thanks to +1 hand size (5 cards). Exerting for movement, combat, and tests makes a world of difference.
  • I only did 2 combat adventures this entire game and still won the final battle. I'm a HUGE fan of the fact that it's possible to do that. I focused on Social and Exploration adventures, running Combat adventures only to get trophies for skills or for fodder for Lore tokens (closest adventure gem was Combat, so do what works).

Overall, the second game was much more fun than the first. I'm going to play all the heroes against Margath before moving on to the next Scenario.

Almost made the same comment about combat from my last play! I think I had like 3 combat encounters and still was in good shape. I think combat is the fastest and most direct way to get money, but the game can totally play out in other ways. I need to try to use the roads better for sure.
First board game day I have. We played for about 9 hours. Games including Avalon, Codenames, Exploding Kittens (I still regret this purchase but they seemed to like it) and DC deck building game.

Out of those the standouts were Avalon and DC. They took a while to get into lying and trying to find out who was who in Avalon. The first game we played, we did tree quests without anyone saying a word. So I got into overdrive and started lying and getting into everyones minds. By the second game everyone knew what to do.

They really liked DC as well. We played two games, so a little more than two hours of play. They understood the mechanics surprisingly fast.


Saint Nic
Almost made the same comment about combat from my last play! I think I had like 3 combat encounters and still was in good shape. I think combat is the fastest and most direct way to get money, but the game can totally play out in other ways. I need to try to use the roads better for sure.

Yeah, combat is still the best money maker. However, certain quests and events allow you to obtain free items or goods, which can be amazing money. I started my 3rd game over lunch today (Laurel) and am already halfway through Act II with 15 gold worth of items and 6 gold in my bag, mostly thanks to goods and quests. A few enemies here and there.

I gotta say, once you get the flow down and understand how to play this, you can probably solo a game in 60-75 minutes. I played for ~35 minutes over lunch and am (as stated above) half-way through Act II. The second half of Act II is where it slows down a bit since you need to start deciding how to wrap up and prepare for the final showdown. It's growing on me big time, and I am really excited to buy the expansions for new heroes and scenarios.


Yeah, combat is still the best money maker. However, certain quests and events allow you to obtain free items or goods, which can be amazing money. I started my 3rd game over lunch today (Laurel) and am already halfway through Act II with 15 gold worth of items and 6 gold in my bag, mostly thanks to goods and quests. A few enemies here and there.

I gotta say, once you get the flow down and understand how to play this, you can probably solo a game in 60-75 minutes. I played for ~35 minutes over lunch and am (as stated above) half-way through Act II. The second half of Act II is where it slows down a bit since you need to start deciding how to wrap up and prepare for the final showdown. It's growing on me big time, and I am really excited to buy the expansions for new heroes and scenarios.
One character solo is fast for sure. Got used to playing it and went back to Falling Sky. That was a shift!
First board game day I have. We played for about 9 hours. Games including Avalon, Codenames, Exploding Kittens (I still regret this purchase but they seemed to like it) and DC deck building game.

Out of those the standouts were Avalon and DC. They took a while to get into lying and trying to find out who was who in Avalon. The first game we played, we did tree quests without anyone saying a word. So I got into overdrive and started lying and getting into everyones minds. By the second game everyone knew what to do.

They really liked DC as well. We played two games, so a little more than two hours of play. They understood the mechanics surprisingly fast.

Why do you regret exploding kittens? It is simple but always seems to go down well.
I'm going to get together with a friend who has more experience than I do with board games. The purpose, apart from having fun, is to see which games to buy next.

He owns these games:

7 Wonders
7 Wonders Babel
Mafia de Cuba
Mage Wars Arena
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Pandemic / Pandemic: In the Lab / Pandemic: On the Brink
Sheriff of Nottingham
Sushi Go!

Which ones should I tell him to bring over? He will probably bring about 5 games.

Why do you regret exploding kittens? It is simple but always seems to go down well.

I actually had fun in a two player game. We both acumulate enough cards to form a solid defense and strategy.
With more players I feel it loses a lot of depth.


Hail to the KING baby
without even knowing player count or anything else, i will rank my top 5 from your list :p

1. 7 Wonders
2. Carcassonne
3. Pandemic
4. Patchwork
5. Sushi Go!

Don't care for the rest all that much but I'm not much of a social-deduction guy.


A friend of mine got Sheriff of Nottingham a couple months ago and we've been enjoying it a lot, definitely give that one a shot and see what you think!
without even knowing player count or anything else, i will rank my top 5 from your list :p

1. 7 Wonders
2. Carcassonne
3. Pandemic
4. Patchwork
5. Sushi Go!

Don't care for the rest all that much but I'm not much of a social-deduction guy.
When you say Pandemic, do you mean the base version? Are in the lab and on the brink expansions, or a variation of the same game?


I just realized I've had Boss Monster 2 sitting on a shelf since it arrived from Kickstarter a have yet to play it. In my bag now, it shall be tomorrow's work game.


Now comes the time when I try to find a group to play with in a new city. Board gaming seems to be pretty popular in Ottawa, so hopefully it won't be too difficult.


Hail to the KING baby
When you say Pandemic, do you mean the base version? Are in the lab and on the brink expansions, or a variation of the same game?

I think they are all little mini-module expansions basically. On the brink adds new roles which is great. Personally I like regular Pandemic with new roles mixed in. Or Pandemic: The Cure (which I actually slightly prefer).
Should I be paying attention to this game? it has been recommended to me quite frequently.

Since you are starting the hobby probably not. See for me I dig really deep theme games, and it being set in the Cthulhu mythos really does it for me. Ontop of that its a coop game set In a spooky mansion.

It pushes all my buttons.

Maybe eventually but it's a big investment when you building a collection


It's just the new hotness. Go for tried and true classics

but just like with books, most of the classics are super boring :p

welcome to the new age

on a more serious note though, I still highly recommend just finding people who have games and learning what you like and not just jumping on games unless money is no object. which if that is the case, care to find a place in wisconsin so I can play with you :p

personally the single session of Mansions of Madness 2E was more enjoyable than the combined enjoyment of my time playing
Ticket to ride (okay but to long for what it is, digital version is actually slightly enjoyable)
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (never really want to play this one again... so damn boring and long... I know this isn't really a classic but I haven't played agricula which is a classic and would like to include on this list because no doubt I would hate it, but since I haven't it I will just include it's spirited sequel :p)
Puerto Rico (I don't actually mind this one but San Juan (which is a card game version of the game) is more enjoyable, and I like race to the galaxy more than both of them (which is actually a different card game version based off of puerto rico :p)
Carcassonne (I like chance in my games, but this one just doesn't typically play well. The games where it goes well for one person it really doesn't go well for another person. I don't hate the idea, but I don't actually have fun playing the game. Machi Koro is a much better use of the mechanic to me)

Classic I would actually recommend.
7 Wonders (I don't find this game exciting, but after playing a bunch of board games, it's still a good experience, and does play well with a small or large group. I dislike most of the more recent expansions to it though)

good reason to not jump in on the hotness of a time though.
Eclipse (there wasn't a single ounce of fun to be found here. It stands a top my list of worst board game experiences in my life. not remotely for me or most of the people who played it with me.)

Since you are starting the hobby probably not. See for me I dig really deep theme games, and it being set in the Cthulhu mythos really does it for me. Ontop of that its a coop game set In a spooky mansion.

It pushes all my buttons.

Maybe eventually but it's a big investment when you building a collection

I don't think it hurts to pay attention to it. It's one of the starting blocks of what could be a new direction of board games (with the app focus) so seeing how things go wouldn't be a bad thing to do. Plus since it is co op, as long as someone knows the rules, it isn't that bad to pick up. but yeah as someone new to a hobby you shouldn't be jumping on buying the game, but it could easily be a decent one to play with someone else if they have it.


Playing my first game of Mage Knight, using the solo variant and via Tabletop Simulator. I suspect I've started too passively.

This is the board state at the close of Day 2, both cities having been revealed.


I'm still only Lvl 3, yet now I'm surrounded by buuuullllshiiiiit I don't feel equipped to handle. I suspect I should played more aggressively earlier, taken on a few wounds in order to gain earlier momentum (in the form of more power) so that I I have the mid-tier abilities and numbers to attempt tackling this high tier things. Maybe? Dunno, that's all just novice strategeering.

Game's fun though. :)

The table currently,



Saint Nic


Thank you! They'll get a look for sure.

I actually just realised I played Day 2 (the round just completed) incorrectly -- I forgot the rule about attacking fortifications, treating the nearby conquered Keep as a rampaging monster: rather than spending the three movement to first move into the Hill space (and two to move back out) I just punched it from the adjacent Field. I'm feeling bad about that one; the advantage that it's given me feels too huge -- lots of information revealed that I wouldn't have reached in today's daylight hours, three Core map tiles revealed, etc. I'm half-tempted to go back to the start of Day 2 (I have the save state), shuffle pieces around so I'm not able to predict the tiles/tokens/cards, and re-play the Day through again following my same route.


Played Boss Monster 2 finally. It seems like Boss Monster with better, more varied cards.

Kinda feels more like a second edition of a game rather than a full sequel given the mechanics are identical. I had a lot of fun with it though.


Hail to the KING baby
So uhhh, I think it might be time to check out this Tabletop Simulator? It's actually pretty cool?

dang man me too. jelly of people just randomly playing Eldritch and stuff whenever they want haha.

(though past few months i have been playing a ton of IRL board games with lots of different folks so maybe don't need it quite as much)


I downloaded TTS a while back and loaded a few modules. It's not too difficult to use and it definitely speeds up the setup/tear down process for big games.


I should give it a better shot, but yeh, seems really clunky compared to Tabletopia, which no one uses.

Would be neat to have a game night with people sometime.


So after playing Arcadia Quest at EGX 2 years ago, a mate from work invited me over to play Imperial Assault. My wallet is now £70 lighter and I'm already looking at buying the expansions!

I know this has been asked a billion times no doubt but does anyone know of anything in that vein (adventure RPG-esq games with a bit of back stabbing) that I might be interested in? :D
Out of the games you have played, do you have one that stands out clearly as your favorite? I think that would give us more to go on as far as recommendations.
I really liked DC comics deck building game and Bang is a lot of fun. Avalon was great too. I have played DC and Avalon two times each so I don't think I can say if they'll remain enjoyable for a long time.

As I've said, I have a very limited frame of reference and experience when it comes to board games, so it's hard to say either way. Coming upon this hobby was completely unexpected and sudden, and it has me excited for the posibilites, like videogames once did.

I think this saturday (reunion with my friends) will prove very fruitful, as I'll hopefully get time with the games I listed above.
I like TTS for what it is, but you need to spend time to learn the interface or your experience will feel kinda frustrating imo.

Learn the interface like... what difficulty level are we talking here Western RPG? Paradox Grand Strategy? Dwarf Fortress.

I mean, I've done all of those, but don't know if I have it in me at the moment to go full Dwarf Fortress, and I've been putting my return to Crusader Kings II off because I don't want to deal with that interface again at the moment...


Man Falling Sky is great. If you like ancients and the COIN series looks interesting to you jump in here. If I can figure this thing out you can too. Still so far from really understanding the results of my moves but boy is it fun to have that game run like a clock.


Learn the interface like... what difficulty level are we talking here Western RPG? Paradox Grand Strategy? Dwarf Fortress.

I mean, I've done all of those, but don't know if I have it in me at the moment to go full Dwarf Fortress, and I've been putting my return to Crusader Kings II off because I don't want to deal with that interface again at the moment...

Nah it's like 15 minutes of your time if you use the tutorial videos, I wrote up a text in the visible notepad of useful shortcuts for my friends since they aren't exactly intuitive.

I watched their series here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNw52Xh4Rwo and you only need to watch parts 1-3 for playing. other vids are more for importing your own textures into the game.

Actually, here I'll paste what I wrote for my friends

 The following are commands will be helpful for navigation in TTS:

WASD - Movement. Everyone is a floating camera and WASD will move you around the table

Left Click - Pick up and move objects. Objects are held only as long as you hold left click.
     - To pick up a stack of cards, hold the top card until the rest of the stack is picked up before moving.
      - While holding an object, right click over another object to add it to your hand
      - Rotate the object with mouse scroll

Right Click - There's quite a few things you can do with right click:
      - Hold it down to change the camera angle
      - Right click objects to change their properties
      - If holding a card, hold down right click to slide it underneath a stack of cards
      - If holding a stack of cards, tap right click to shuffle the stack

F - flip the selected and mouseovered objects

R - shuffle/roll selected and mouseovered stacks of cards or dice

G - group up selected cards into a stack

Alt - Display a zoomed in version of the mouseover object

Space Bar - Center your view

Middle Mouse Click - Zoom in to the area clicked. Another click will zoom out. You can refine the zoom with mouse wheel scroll

There's more but I feel that the above are essential.


It's also worth saying that TTS has a great VR / Vive implementation.

It's not a replacement to real life board gaming, but still a great tool to play with people you couldn't otherwise.


Unlimited Capacity


Saint Nic
Finished up another game of Runebound last night. Margath rolled 8 skulls and a doubler - so that's 10 damage. There was literally no way I could have survived it. Them's the breaks.

Still loving the crap out of it and am working on crafting a few more casual scenarios to try out that would encourage a more relaxed paced game.
So after playing Arcadia Quest at EGX 2 years ago, a mate from work invited me over to play Imperial Assault. My wallet is now £70 lighter and I'm already looking at buying the expansions!

I know this has been asked a billion times no doubt but does anyone know of anything in that vein (adventure RPG-esq games with a bit of back stabbing) that I might be interested in? :D

Arcadia Quest would seem like the best bet for the kind of game you want. We used to play a lot of Cutthroat Cavern , you do a lot of backstabbing with one another since the only person getting points is the one that land killing blow. Also several people here are into Runebound, I am looking into it but never play it myself so I can't really tell you much beside that it's a semi-cooperative adventure, though not a lot of backstabbing but you are controlling the monster when it's the other person turn.


Hail to the KING baby
My BG Stats for August!

As you can tell I'm slightly more of the type to play lots of different games than just dig down on one game in a short timespan. :p (Also play with lots of different people (20 different this month) and player counts (everything between and including 2-8 this month), which sort of forces that too.)

My favorite new game (to me) of the month was definitely Bruges, which I look forward to playing w/ 3, and my favorite revisited old game was Shadow Hunters. But I really enjoy randomness to an almost condemnable degree. :D

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