So I went to my friend's and played a stupid amount of board games almost all of which I had never played before! It was so much fun. I've probably forgot like half of them...
CS Files (Deception: Murder In Hong Kong): I had played this before (we rushed a game in before our GOTY podcast last year to see if it should be on the list...) and I was kinda so-so on it. Each game we played yesterday was great though, I got to play as each of the roles and it is just one of those games that hits the things about board games that appeal to me, kinda like A Fake Artist Goes to New York (which plays very similarly too in some ways.)
Between Two Cities: A tile drafting city building game, where the twist is you're building two cities, one with the player to your left and the other with the player to your right. I enjoyed this one a lot, it felt very friendly for the most part. The city you contribute to which scores the
least is the one whose points you use so you have incentive to try to make both of them the best and less incentive to try and fuck with another person's city. It also went by surprisingly quickly, I thought it was going to be a longer game.
Smash Up: So, I've played Smash Up before (a lot actually) but have never picked up the expansions. My friend owns all/almost all of them so we got a big ol' game of Smash Up going. I played as the Changerbots and Super Spys because I decided Transform- uh, Changerbots would be great Spies as they can blend in to any car-related situation. Always a fun game, Smash Up. I need to pick up the big box and the expansions.
Celestia: Been meaning to play this one for a while primarily because it comes with a little boat thing that you place all the character pieces into an it looks lovely. Turns out the game is really fun too, each turn one player is the Captain and rolls dice to move the boat forward. He/She then says whether or not they have the cards to match the dice and players need to choose to either stay in the boat or get out and claim treasure in the current location, the further the location is the higher the point value of the treasure. If the captain can't match the dice, regardless of whether they said they could, the ship crashes and everyone goes back to the start. It's a really simple and fun push your luck and bluffing game which I am probably going to pick up a copy of!
Beyond Baker Street: Hanabi style game where you are trying to solve a mystery before Sherlock does by playing cards from your hand that match the colour and cost of cards on the board. The Hanabi connection comes in because you can't
see the cards in your hand but everyone else at the table can. It was hard as hell, we lost both games but it came stupidly close in the last game. We were literally one round away from winning. Very tense, very fun and probably my favourite thing I played the whole day.
Knitwit: Very light and cool game where you place wool and spools on a table and attach words to the wool. Each spool has a number and then after everything is placed you need to write down a thing related to whatever words the pieces of wool surrounding that spool are. Like "Tall, Dense, Rich" etc etc. Then everyone reads their answers and gets points if everyone agrees they fit it (or people can challenge them if they think it doesn't) but also, if any people wrote the same answer neither of them get points. It's a smart little game and very very pretty, will probably pick this one up too because it seems like you can play it with anyone.
I think that was everything? I'm probably missing like 6 games, it was a long day. A very fun day though!
Fuse is fun but oh so frustrating. But so small and quick to set up and play
I'm thinking of taking my copy into work to play at lunch time. We've made a bad habit of going over our lunch hour with recent games (Portal can really drag on a bit!) so something that has an enforced time limit would be pretty great.
Although I don't really care that much because my last day is on Friday