Still want to play Kingdom Death. I'm ready to throw money at it, too. But fuck scalper prices on ePay.
My KS list is Gloomhaven and Massive Darkness. Agility has already been fulfilled (and it's a great 2p game if anyone is looking for a new one).
I don't know if you heard but they announced that 2nd edition of Kingdom Death is coming next year either for pre-order or Kickstarter.
My Kickstarter wait list:
Airborne in Your Pocket
Journey - Extra items
Shadows of Brimstone - Wave 2
Camp Grizzly - Expansions
Myth Journeyman
The Dwarves
12 Realms Bedtime Stories
Shadowrift 2nd Edition
Shadowrift: Eve of the Sickle Moon
Spirit Island
Spaceteam Expansion
7th Continent
Banner Saga
Sentinels Obliveaon
Mythos Tales
Fabulous Beasts
Zombie Tower 3d
Fog of Love
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game
Dark Souls
This War of Mine
Black Orchestra
One Deck Dungeon
Catacombs & Castles
Days of Ire: Budapest 1956
Massive Darkness
Near and Far
Granted Airborne will likely never show up...
And I thought I have problem with Acquisition Disorder. My Kickstarter wait list. Stuffs from last year or the year before
Gloom of Kilforth
7th Continent
This year is mostly game that are either a sequel, remake or expansion. I guess I got a bit guy shy after so many mediocre games from Kickstarter.
Mistfall (Heart of the Mist) not sure why I back this considering the first one while good was a bit of a disappointment , I guess I am hoping that the expansion with fix some of the game problem as I really like the game for the most part.
Tesla VS Edison Power Up, another one hoping that the expansion will fix the problem (so far looking at the YouTube review and game play seems like it would)
Xenoshyft - we really like the fist one and the expansion is more of it plus fixing some of the issue in the first game.
Near and Far (sequel of Above and Below), we really enjoy Above and Below even if it's not the most balance game.
Vinhos - remake should be good and can't wait to get this to the table. I love the Gallerist.
Hero Realms - fantasy version of Star Realms
Mythos Tales - remake
and Nemo's War - remake
Only original game this year - Karmaka
Eldritch Horror overlap though!
I think you mention before but if you don't mind what app do you use to track your game? I try to do it on BGG but it's clunky on the phone. Thanks.