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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Amazon is taking more orders for SH Death Angel it seems. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1589946634/?tag=neogaf0e-20
I think if you like harder co-op gaming, SHDA is a really good buy. There's really nothing else quite like it out there. The big one I had to resist was Fury of Dracula, but watching (positive) reviews talk about how the game is three hours long and super AP inducing finally got me off that kick. Seems like a good convention game but not one I need in my personal collection.
I'm sure I'll like it for the most part. Definitely better getting it than FoD. That would have been too heavy for my SO and I, aside from the theme being a put off for them.
Fuck, 5 hours a round, I just ordered this, I'm keeping in Shrink for investment purposes.
I taught and completed a game with two friends in <3 hrs. I was familiar enough with the rules that we didn't have to refer to them that much. Also, it was my first time as Dracula so I obviously made some poor choices which probably shortened the game, but we were able to get the flow down. I think we're at about 2-2.5 hrs now per game.
I can sometimes be a weak willed person. Saw a tip on BGG and ordered Space Hulk Death Angel along with all the expansions from some smaller store based in NY. Hoping they actually have the items. D:

I don't think you make a bad choice worst thing if you hated it you can probably sold them for nice sum or use it as trade bait. It is a good game and while that cursed dice do introduce some luck the game really is all about minimizing the lost. You will loose the Marines but you can make the choice of which one to sacrifice and make the most out of what you have. Check out this guy (Nano) YouTube gameplay and you can fully appreciate the game is more than just picking action and roll the dice and hope for the best.


I think if you like harder co-op gaming, SHDA is a really good buy. There's really nothing else quite like it out there. The big one I had to resist was Fury of Dracula, but watching (positive) reviews talk about how the game is three hours long and super AP inducing finally got me off that kick. Seems like a good convention game but not one I need in my personal collection.

I don't know if Fury is really Super AP inducing any games can be AP inducing depend on who you play with. I mean Potion Explosion is really AP inducing and even a game of Dice City we played yesterday, there is a guy at my Meet Up who usually take good 5-10 mins each turn to make the decision. We played Fury only a few times we find the problem is not so much the AP but I think it is one of those game that require repeated play with same people. Dracula can be particularly hard to play and frustrating.


Yessss, thanks to Tabletop Simulator my gf is now officially an Eldritch Horror devotee (after finishing this afternoon's game she hungrily stated "again, another") and now she's off mentally noting the prices of the physical boxes.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Soooo, yeah. I was on my way to our board game night today and had a backpack and several bags of games with me as we were planning to have a little tournament with different games (and our rounds are usually 9-10 hours long).

I was stopping at a bistro near me to grab some food and while I went to the cashier, someone who I was briefly talking with before passed me, grabbed my backpack and ran.

180€ in board games and my mobile phone gone. Arctic Scavengers, Potion Explosion, Lords of Waterdeep (+Expansion), Hive and Patchwork. Poof. Why did that happen on the first effing day in ages where I take more than 2 games -_______-

Wanted to play Scavengers for the first time today (recently bought Waterdeep Expansion and Potion Explosion too) and was really looking forward to it. Almost annoys me more than my mobile phone to be honest.

So no gaming impressions from me today.
pen and paper rpgs actually have an OT as well, I think. I'm sure there's some crossover with board gamers, but you'd likely get better/more advice there.

Oh yeah! I forgot.

If you're DMing you should be familiar with the rules but it isn't super important for your players to be at the start of the game, if you're starting with pre made characters. You can just describe the initial scenario, let them know they can do basically whatever they want, and the ask "what do you do?" Get the adventure started fast and when it comes time for a rule to intervene just let them know and explain it. Also, let them take stuff back after you explain the rule till they can know how tell what their character is good at.

Great. Thanks you!


Sorry about the theft, Toma. :( Any chance your phone has tracking in case they're dumb? You could also put in a police report with the person's description.

I tried Imperial Settlers with 4, but sadly it took like 7 hours to play 4 rounds. We called it game at that point and didn't play the 5th round.

OK, I'm exaggerating, it only took like 2 hours to play 4 rounds with 2 new players. But still, I didn't realize how incredibly long people would take agonizing over which card to keep. I feel like it would be fun with people who can force themselves into making a decision though.

I also got to play Captain Sonar twice. I was the radio person both times. We did turn-based introduction and then the real-time mode. We won both games, 4v4 turn-based and 4v3 realtime.

This is probably an extreme minority opinion but I almost think I preferred turn-based mode, at least if we had some sort of red ball to toss back and forth so there was no question of when a turn had finished. The real-time mode lent itself to people being confused, accidentally cheating (themselves or the other team), not hearing what the other team said properly and wondering whether you screwed up or they screwed up, etc. Maybe that's supposed to be the appeal of the game, and my girlfriend liked it, but I was so-so on it.

The radio position is neat, but in practice you sit doing nothing for a long time while you wait on the other team to decide, if they're slow at moving. The second game I must have missed a call about 4 moves in which made almost my entire tracking useless. We only pinpointed the other team later when they fired a torpedo.

Especially in real-time, it seemed very difficult for anyone to escape once they take a direct hit. We just cheesed 3 quick moves to charge torpedoes and do another 2 damage before the other team could recover and do anything.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Sorry about the theft, Toma. :( Any chance your phone has tracking in case they're dumb? You could also put in a police report with the person's description.

Yeah, filed the report, blocked everything and changed all my pw. They apparently turned off the phone already, so no luck there. I might have some luck with the bistro owner having some connections he can ask, but I am not holding my breath.

Board games are too expensive to buy them twice. >_<


Well, I went out to my FLGS and found Fury of Dracula and Forbidden Stars and picked them up.

Could have saved a lot of money if I looked online on Friday, but oh well. I had my eye on them both for a while now, sucks that there's a huge rush on them due to the announcement.


Hail to the KING baby
I don't know if Fury is really Super AP inducing any games can be AP inducing depend on who you play with. I mean Potion Explosion is really AP inducing and even a game of Dice City we played yesterday, there is a guy at my Meet Up who usually take good 5-10 mins each turn to make the decision. We played Fury only a few times we find the problem is not so much the AP but I think it is one of those game that require repeated play with same people. Dracula can be particularly hard to play and frustrating.

Got it, that's fair. I really would love a good hidden-movement game that's not too AP-inducing (Mr. Jack...ugh) per the earlier discussion. I would definitely try out FoD if it wasn't for the required playtime though, and given the variety of people I play with sort of having similar experience levels needed is also a pretty tough requirement. I mean I can do Eldritch a couple times a month, but that sort of tops out at 2.5 hours and experience with the game isn't really that big a deal since it'll just come down to your die rolls and the like most times. I guess on the one-vs-many front I could finally try out Ghost Stories: Black Secret, which I've had for years, but always wind up playing base GS since we think White Moon is unnecessarily fiddly and I just haven't bothered to learn Black Secret. :p


Hail to the KING baby
Just a heads-up that Fury of Dracula is back up on coolstuffinc if anyone is interested. (I was still able to resist -- barely! :p)
Mansions 2e is such a big hit with my wife, she actually said lets play mansions with your mom tonight. She loves the App and the effects and how it tells her what to do.

So amazing


it's $10 cheaper on amazon if you want to take the chance on it being restocked.

What's with all the FOD talk lately? Is it becoming rare? My local game store (401 Games) shows 26 in stock right now for $69.99 CAD. It's been in stock for a while, too (as far as I know).


What's with all the FOD talk lately? Is it becoming rare? My local game store (401 Games) shows 26 in stock right now for $69.99 CAD. It's been in stock for a while, too (as far as I know).

Fantasy Flight is losing the Games Workshop license. All FF games with GW IPs (including Fury of Dracula) are/will be discontinued and may never be republished.


Awesome thread! I've been subscribed for quite a while, and although I never post, I love to read everybody's impressions of games. I've made more than a few purchases based on reviews in here (my current jams at the moment are Forbidden Island, Splendor, and Sushi Go!), and it's fun to hear about cool new games that I probably wouldn't have known about otherwise.

All that being said, I figured this would be the best thread on GAF to ask -- is there any interest to try out a print-and-play version of a board game my friend and I are developing together? We presented the game this past weekend at the Boston Festival of Indie Games as part of their Tabletop Showcase finalists, and it was our first time getting real feedback from folks outside of our friends / family / acquaintances. The festival was an incredibly positive experience; everyone really enjoyed the game and offered wonderful suggestions, so we're eager to share it with a wider audience.

If this isn't the right place to mention this sort of thing, totally my bad!


Fantasy Flight is losing the Games Workshop license. All FF games with GW IPs (including Fury of Dracula) are/will be discontinued and may never be republished.

yup, the reason we are jumping on them is because most board games in this situation at least double in value, with a lot of them going 4-5 times in value.

so this time next year fury of Dracula could easily run $150-$200 to get a copy.

thus will just buy them now, so that if I discover i like them later I won't have to be sad that I am unwilling to pay so much for them later.


I own Specter Ops already. Is Fury of Dracula worth looking into? I can play with several players from time to time, but I mostly play with my fiancee. How is the 2 player game (especially compared to Specter Ops)?
My local store still have some of the FFG/GW stuffs, but most popular stuffs are all gone like Fury of Dracula and Forbidden Stars. One store still have some Death Angel Space Hulk but all the POD expansions are gone (they were a whole bunch last time I was there, all the Warhammer Quest POD expansions were gone also). Blood Bowl Team Manager are still around including the OOP Foul Play expansion, so I got those. I was hoping to find Chaos in the Old World just to have it in my collection but even before the announcement I don't think I ever see the game at my local stores.

I went to the usual Euro day Meet Up and got a chance to play some older game. The first one was Clippers by Alan R Moon of Ticket to Ride. It is essentially a train game set at sea, you are trying to connect the route from one island to the next and score points base on where you put your ports. I did some research after and found out the game was remake of an even older game of his, Santa Fe, from 1992. It was fun and even if the board was a bit sparse by today standard there were a lot of interesting choices. You can sort of see the heritage of Ticket to Ride. The clippers lead ship mechanic was neat, it is sort of like Snake game where you could only point the track / lane in one direction so you are pretty much trying to steer it to your island while the other people try to do the same.

The 2nd game we played, was not as old but old by today standard I suppose in the cult of the new. Edo from Queen Games, it's an action programming, action selections and a bit of area control via your building. It took a bit for me to wrap my head around and I was so focus on earning money and neglect building the fortress for points. It was fun though, and would play it again.

I own Specter Ops already. Is Fury of Dracula worth looking into? I can play with several players from time to time, but I mostly play with my fiancee. How is the 2 player game (especially compared to Specter Ops)?

I think it plays just fine with 2 players, some might argue that it's probably easier for Dracula player having to deal with just one person instead of 4 opponents. It is a bit more involve than Specter Ops, as you have a lot of options as far as movements and gaining items and for Dracula you are also doing a lot more than just hiding from the hunters, you can set up trap, expand your nest and get you to end game. I really recommended Fury if you at all like this type of games, Spectre Ops while fun, light and easy to set up do not have to complexity and repeated plays of Dracula.


I think it plays just fine with 2 players, some might argue that it's probably easier for Dracula player having to deal with just one person instead of 4 opponents. It is a bit more involve than Specter Ops, as you have a lot of options as far as movements and gaining items and for Dracula you are also doing a lot more than just hiding from the hunters, you can set up trap, expand your nest and get you to end game. I really recommended Fury if you at all like this type of games, Spectre Ops while fun, light and easy to set up do not have to complexity and repeated plays of Dracula.

Thanks for the reply! I did find Specter Ops to be a little too light for my liking. I find it hard to get to the table with my fiancee, and I think a lot of it has to do with the theme/general look, which just kinda falls flat for us. I think I might have to pull the trigger on FOD soon then, while it's still in stock!

Though, I'm still waiting on more reviews for The Last Friday to come in. I don't think I'd want to own three hidden movement games, but with Specter Ops not fully satisfying I wanna try something else (because I do love the mechanic). The Last Friday really speaks to me because I grew up with the Friday the 13th movies, but I'm not sure if it's gonna be worth picking up yet. Ugh, decisions, decisions!


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks for the reply! I did find Specter Ops to be a little too light for my liking. I find it hard to get to the table with my fiancee, and I think a lot of it has to do with the theme/general look, which just kinda falls flat for us. I think I might have to pull the trigger on FOD soon then, while it's still in stock!

Though, I'm still waiting on more reviews for The Last Friday to come in. I don't think I'd want to own three hidden movement games, but with Specter Ops not fully satisfying I wanna try something else (because I do love the mechanic). The Last Friday really speaks to me because I grew up with the Friday the 13th movies, but I'm not sure if it's gonna be worth picking up yet. Ugh, decisions, decisions!

game boy geek (who's super positive in most cases) was pretty down on last friday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkzKUn6IigM


Friend of mine kickstarted The Others: 7 Sins, apparently. The stack of shit he received this weekend is ridiculous.



Friend of mine kickstarted The Others: 7 Sins, apparently. The stack of shit he received this weekend is ridiculous.

well it should be for a $245 + shipping pledge :p (at a min, he might have bought other add ons that aren't in the picture)

to be fair only 5 of the boxes are from the extra $145.

the base game and the sin boxes are in the original pledge so that is still pretty neat :p


God I am glad I bought Forbidden Stars when it came out, still, fucking idiotic to let this drop, the GW board games from FFG were (mostly) great. :(


God I am glad I bought Forbidden Stars when it came out, still, fucking idiotic to let this drop, the GW board games from FFG were (mostly) great. :(

sometimes things are out of others hands.

GW make be asking for to much money.
or if they have the rights to the game and not FF they might have found a different publisher offering a better deal that FF won't match.

it also might end up just being a disagreement right now and resolved and next year they announce a new contract.

either way I got space hulk death angel today. hopefully it's a decent game :p
Usually license renewals involve price going up or having to commit to a long period of time. The license was a long one, in a way I think FFG just feels like they tapped out the GW properties for all they could and really not much else they could do to support another 8-10 year license renewal. Most of their big warhammer games already peaked and were not being supported anymore, outside of expanding Warhammer Quest and maybe some more Conquest packs, there wasn't anything really that they needed to focus on unless they planned on making a ton of new products.

I can see it simply being that they saw no need to renew, which often happens with licensed products. Heck can see the same happen with Star Wars eventually once they have tapped it out for as much as they can, and their big sellers like X-Wing lose steam.


Hail to the KING baby
That pile of boxes is hilarious. Would probably make me stay away even if I was interested in the game haha (not a big fan of Lang even though I am getting Bloodborne just because it seems basic enough that even he can't overcomplicate it like he usually does). Hope they can mostly fit into the base box down there, which is already huge. Guess that's minis gaming though. :)

re GW, I saw a drive-by post on BGG linking to some GW forums where the guy said that GW was pissed with X-Wing minis and some of FFG's other minis efforts and told them to pull the plug or they wouldn't renew the license. Who knows if that's true since obviously no one will be willing to speak on the record, but doesn't seem too outlandish that GW started to get annoyed at FFG creeping into the minis space.


Funny all this Fury of Drac stuff is going down. Bought it ages ago and finally playing it again with one of my play groups. I haven't played it in months. Does anyone who has played it recently have any advice on things to make it go smoothly? Last group I played it with did a poor job of playing the hunters (they basically only chased me, Drac, and then unceremoniously lost...) and did not enjoy the game. I'd like to avoid that with this group :).

(I'm having them watch the SUSD rules overview video before they get here, if only to expedite the rules process... and because Quinns does a better/more entertaining job of explaining things anyhow)


re GW, I saw a drive-by post on BGG linking to some GW forums where the guy said that GW was pissed with X-Wing minis and some of FFG's other minis efforts and told them to pull the plug or they wouldn't renew the license. Who knows if that's true since obviously no one will be willing to speak on the record, but doesn't seem too outlandish that GW started to get annoyed at FFG creeping into the minis space.

Wouldn't surprise me, their miniature department have gone completely insane. They seriously think the big problem was that the game was too complicated to play, not at ALL that the miniatures costs the amount of a small house and takes fucking forever to paint and if you're not good all you got is a very derpy army.
That pile of boxes is hilarious. Would probably make me stay away even if I was interested in the game haha (not a big fan of Lang even though I am getting Bloodborne just because it seems basic enough that even he can't overcomplicate it like he usually does). Hope they can mostly fit into the base box down there, which is already huge. Guess that's minis gaming though. :)

re GW, I saw a drive-by post on BGG linking to some GW forums where the guy said that GW was pissed with X-Wing minis and some of FFG's other minis efforts and told them to pull the plug or they wouldn't renew the license. Who knows if that's true since obviously no one will be willing to speak on the record, but doesn't seem too outlandish that GW started to get annoyed at FFG creeping into the minis space.

Really don't see it at all, X-Wing's market is completely different from what GW does really. And I'm sure the "source" is somebody who made it up based on something he might have heard a GW store employee say, who typically have about as much clout as a gamestop employee.

A renewed license is in GW's best interest, licensing has been a huge source of money for the company for the past few years while they were suffering in other categories. It's big reason they have been so liberal with giving out their license and a new Warhammer video game comes out almost weekly now, when they used to be so tight up about licensing their IP. They saw lot of success by selling out the Warhammer IPs


They saw lot of success by selling out the Warhammer IPs

As opposed to a long term deal limited to one company (now with more competing products in a different licenced IP, and who is now under new ownership). I dunno. I can see reasons from both sides to kill the deal, and I can see why FFG maybe doesn't feel like they need the "old fashioned" Games Workshop licence moving forward with Asmodee ownership.
It's also possible that FF wanted exclusivity which is counter to GW's current strategy regarding licensing. They might also feel that they don't need FF any more.


Seems to be the right place to me. What sorry of game is it

Sweet! We're billing it as a competitive 2-6 player adventure game: You assume the role of an airship captain stranded in a broken world beyond time and space, where islands float in the sky above a distant sea. The only way out of this strange pocket universe is through the Sky's Edge, which represents a pathway back into reality. Your ship is battered and bruised, however, so you'll need to gather or trade for scraps of material resources (metal bolts, wooden planks, fistfuls of circuitry, etc.) to rebuild your ship before you'll stand a chance of escaping. The Sky's Edge collapses afterward -- the first captain to successfully pass through wins the game.

We're focusing on streamlined, quick turns with lots of agency and meaningful choice, and our target game length is between 45 minutes to 75 minutes. You only have 3 energy during your turn to spend between 8 actions (each action costs 1 energy), and most actions are contextual to keep complexity low but depth high -- planning your position is important, so that you always find yourself in the right place to use the action you want. As soon as you feel like your ship is strong enough, you can attempt a run into the Sky's Edge at any time, which helps make the end game exciting as captains try to anticipate each other's moves.

The biggest themes of the game are exploration and replayability; all players start on the same island, and they have to chart the map themselves. The map is completely modular and consists of hexagonal tiles -- you can build it in any direction, which often leads to a wildly different vibe and strategy each session. Different types of tiles have unique rules and opportunities.

You draw "Discovery" cards when you explore certain islands, and you usually find landmarks, which are searched by rolling three 6-sided dice and then summing their results. If the sum is high enough, you find a handful of scraps. If the sum is too low, you still get a scrap and make some progress, but you also gain distortion which will hamper you in the Sky's Edge unless repaired.

Finally, a day and night cycle governs your movement, as certain islands are empowered and offer rewards during the day, while others are empowered at night. And in that dark, hushed hour between day and night, you are at risk of being caught in the Twilight -- a storm of distortion will damage you severely unless you wait it out in a village or sanctuary.

Here's a shot from BostonFIG this past weekend:

And here's our (work-in-progress) website in case anyone's interested: www.anotherskygame.com

We don't have a print-and-play version available yet, but it's next on our to-do list so we can keep the play test ship flying. Overall, we're just really stoked to get some more eyes and hands on it.
That pile of boxes is hilarious. Would probably make me stay away even if I was interested in the game haha (not a big fan of Lang even though I am getting Bloodborne just because it seems basic enough that even he can't overcomplicate it like he usually does). Hope they can mostly fit into the base box down there, which is already huge. Guess that's minis gaming though. :)

re GW, I saw a drive-by post on BGG linking to some GW forums where the guy said that GW was pissed with X-Wing minis and some of FFG's other minis efforts and told them to pull the plug or they wouldn't renew the license. Who knows if that's true since obviously no one will be willing to speak on the record, but doesn't seem too outlandish that GW started to get annoyed at FFG creeping into the minis space.
Read and heard some bad reviews on Bloodborn so I am going to keep that one on my radar and may be you can let me know how it is.

The Others is designed to be modular you pick the heroes team or teams and the Sin player pick one of the sins and then all decide on which map scenario. That is the reason why they come in multitude of boxes, they are meant to line up on a shelf and you pick the expansion module you want to play. I did not see too many great reviews for this one either.


Just picked up Vladimir Suchy's ShipYard and GMT's Manoeuvre. Awesome.
Manouvre is the game I did not think would be such a good stay when I bought it on a whim when released. Now I have played it probaly close to 80 games. Thats most for a board game that has not been tournament game.


I picked up Castles of Mad King Ludwig yesterday from the Barnes & Noble 50% off "clearance markdown." I was hoping to get Camel Up too but a guy walked out with the last/only copy while I was walking in. I passed up Roll for the Galaxy as well and am kicking myself for not getting it. Happy to have gotten Castles... though.


Read some of bad reviews on Bloodborn so I am going to keep that one of radar may be you can let me know how it is.

The Others is designed to be modular you picked the heroes team and the sins player picked the Sin and then all decided on a scenario. That's the reason why they come in multitude of boxes, they are meant to line up on a shelf. I did not see too many great reviews either for this one.

I am really anxious for it!

I think the bad reviews (which I haven't read so don't know) might be how Demon's Souls/Dark Souls was first received in the video game world. They weren't ready/aware of the unforgiving nature of pressing your luck and taking chances or playing it safe.

At least it is is 30ish minutes long?


Just got Mansions of Madness 2e, Dead of Winter: The Long Night and Pandemic: On the brink. Can't wait to get them to the table but got a lot of rules to learn hah.


Fury of Dracula stock dropping fast at 401 Games in Toronto. I believe yesterday morning at this time stock was around 26, and now it's down to 7!

Even though I just placed an order for The Last Friday yesterday, I decided to pull the trigger on Fury of Dracula before I lost my chance. Gonna keep it sealed, and if The Last Friday goes over well with my friends, I'll just sell FOD locally. (And vice versa, if The Last Friday is awful I'll sell it locally and open FOD).

Edit: Aaaaaand it's sold out.


Hail to the KING baby
I am really anxious for it!

I think the bad reviews (which I haven't read so don't know) might be how Demon's Souls/Dark Souls was first received in the video game world. They weren't ready/aware of the unforgiving nature of pressing your luck and taking chances or playing it safe.

At least it is is 30ish minutes long?

Haven't really seen much in the way of bad reviews myself and I've seen about five or six from the major outlets. All sound like exactly the type of game I'd enjoy, which is a quick push-your-luck game with just enough meat to it. The only negative impression out of all of those was Sam's or Zee's from TDT I think where they fully admitted it wasn't their style of game. Again, it's not going to be earth-shattering and don't expect to get a five-hour game with 120 minis like Dark Souls, but if you know fully what you're getting into (basically a meaty party game) it seems to hit the mark. Of course I'm not a huge fan of Lang so I get it that it might be a slightly kludgier design than it needs to be like most of his games are.

Speaking of which, played Xcom for the first time yesterday. Was pretty down on the game after the tutorial (which moves really slowly as you're learning the game) and super annoyed at lack of a paper manual because since this is an FFG game of course there are corner cases where a manual would be needed to refer to quickly (rather than fiddling around in the iPad), but actually really enjoyed the Easy mission we tried afterward and excited to try Normal (we kind of stomped Easy) where the time pressure is even more serious.
I don't know, a push your luck party game sounds like an easy way to just describe a bad game. "it's just like Dark Souls!"

Lot of old games were like that, lot of pushing your luck, quick random deaths..... it wasn't fun or well made. Slap Dark Souls IP on it and it's ok?

In a way it's alot like the game, alot of the games shortcomings are forgiven as if it was "intentional" to have jank to create artificial difficulty? oooo "just like the old days"
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