I strongly dislike "push your luck" games. There must be a set of genre fans, but I suppose I've never been into gambling enough to like it.
I don't know, a push your luck party game sounds like an easy way to just describe a bad game. "it's just like Dark Souls!"
Lot of old games were like that, lot of pushing your luck, quick random deaths..... it wasn't fun or well made. Slap Dark Souls IP on it and it's ok?
In a way it's alot like the game, alot of the games shortcomings are forgiven as if it was "intentional" to have jank to create artificial difficulty? oooo "just like the old days"
I guess the only real question we had was whether or not you needed four of one potion to get tokens for both three of a kind and 5 unique potions if they shared a potion.
As a solo experience, I think they're fine, but when I start losing to someone because their first two dice rolls were great, I'm not really having fun. It always seems that if you roll well on the first roll, that's what really determines how far you can go in those types of games.
Not to get off topic but the games rewarded those who paid attention & were ready and not just running head first into battle, throwing caution to the wind. While I don't think this type of game can 100% mimic it, it sounds like it captures the same vibe of trying to think ahead with what you are using the and the risk that goes along with it.
Do you back out with all your points and score/better equip or do you risk to to make sure you get the kill and extra points?
Thanks for the heads up, I grabbed a copy... which I wasn't planning on doing.Amazon listing a few copies of Death Angel from Book Depository for 12.35 + 4.99 shipping. Couldn't pass at that since I was regretting not picking it up last week.
Ugh I didn't know they were doing another clearance. Probably a good thing, last clearance I bought so many games I haven't even open.All the games I wanted from the B&N clearance are gone. *wipes sweat* Don't need that temptation now.
I've got to find some good Dominion tutorials tonight. The owner of the local store asked if I would help demo it for a workshop he's got setup at an education assistance type place tomorrow (like, helping kids with learning disabilities or kids who have problems focusing or kids who just don't like to read and stuff). He'll be taking comics to introduce to kids who aren't interested in reading or have problems with it, and some model kits to teach attention to detail and patience, and some games. I have never played Dominion but have played four or five other deckbuilders and figured that this being the original, that it would be no problem. I mean, people joke all the time about Dominion just being a mechanic that other people turned into actual games. But there are no rule books that I can find online and online rules summaries in the BGG files. And those summaries don't make it look as simple as I expected (like, as simple as Star Realms). Plus I'm just not that good at teaching games to other people anyway, and I've got to teach this to people who may have trouble paying attention or comprehending. So I am stressing out over it.
Kind of wishing I hadn't volunteered now, especially since it is X-Wing night. I just don't want to get there and fumble through it and make the local store look bad.
Okay, that seems pretty simple, thanks. It seems like every other deckbuilder I've played then, minus some things like combat. I was reading the rules summary and when I got confused when it started talking about the treasures and different kingdom cards, because I don't have the game or rulebook to look at (the owner hasn't opened the copy he is taking and I don't have any time before it starts to dig into it). I'll watch a couple vids so I can get a feel for the setup and things like how many cards are dealt and whatnot.Easiest way to break down Dominion rules is ABC
First, do your 1 Action, then your 1 Buy with the coins in hand and from cards, then your cleanup where you discard everything and draw 5 new cards. Easy as ABC!Buy action and money cards early, and victory cards when you get 8+ coins.
This is the recommended starter set from rules: First Game: Cellar, Market, Militia, Mine, Moat, Remodel, Smithy, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop
I'd quickly teach each one just to explain mechanics, but then realistically people can just focus on buying what they can afford. Early Dominion is pretty straightforward like that in that buying money is usually best, and most-expensive action second best (unless you have trashing cards like Chapel, or Attack cards like Witch). Actually might be more up-front load but lack of variable set of cards to purchase makes it easier over the course of the game because you're not always teaching new cards.
It's funny to think how many deckbuilders are out there now, and how it seems such an obvious idea, yet it was basically nonexistent before Dominion?
Just in case you didn't see, they do have the rules here: http://riograndegames.com/getFile.php?id=348Okay, that seems pretty simple, thanks. It seems like every other deckbuilder I've played then, minus some things like combat. I was reading the rules summary and when I got confused when it started talking about the treasures and different kingdom cards, because I don't have the game or rulebook to look at (the owner hasn't opened the copy he is taking and I don't have any time before it starts to dig into it). I'll watch a couple vids so I can get a feel for the setup and things like how many cards are dealt and whatnot.
We'll see if any of these kids can get excited about Dominion. I think Quarriors might have been a better choice if the game had to be a deckbuilder. I bet kids would like rolling dice and recruiting monsters and minions more than buying land and stuff.
Is it a no brainer to buy Fury of Dracula if I get the chance even if I'm still new to the hobby and building up my collection? Is it a good game in it's own right?
Is it a no brainer to buy Fury of Dracula if I get the chance even if I'm still new to the hobby and building up my collection? Is it a good game in it's own right?
Content is great too. If you sub in the dice you can have multiple games on the go.Manouvre is the game I did not think would be such a good stay when I bought it on a whim when released. Now I have played it probaly close to 80 games. Thats most for a board game that has not been tournament game.
I can't believe it took me this long to find this thread. I guess I don't really look at the community side of NeoGAF.
Can anyone recommend a good folding table for playing games on? Space in my apartment is precious and the SO usually has stuff on existing tables.
This one is basically perfect. Super small, 2 different setup varieties and store room.
Haha that's my kitchen table, we keep napkins and stuff in the drawers. My wife has had it since college.
Thanks for finding those. I went and searched on Google just now and sure enough it is the first result, but for whatever reason my eyes skimmed past the top link when I looked yesterday.Just in case you didn't see, they do have the rules here: http://riograndegames.com/getFile.php?id=348
Also Quarriors is way more complicated and less intuitive than Dominion imo. It does have cool art and theme though.Damn you Eric Lang!!!
Thanks for finding those. I went and searched on Google just now and sure enough it is the first result, but for whatever reason my eyes skimmed past the top link when I looked yesterday.
I agree that Quarriors is a lot more complicated than how Dominion seems to play, but I wouldn't say it is a complicated game; just not as simple and a bit fiddly (combat).
FoD is my favorite hidden movement game. It's not as complicated as people make it seem and it's more interesting mechanically than any other hidden movement game I have played. I'd say pick it up now if you get a chance.Is it a no brainer to buy Fury of Dracula if I get the chance even if I'm still new to the hobby and building up my collection? Is it a good game in it's own right?
So we played Argent finally. First thing, first impression is that it has great components..... And a LOT of them. Holy shit. That game is a monster on the table and we only had 2 players. We played out a 2 player game and it is very tense. Every single action you take is incredibly crucial. Turn after turn after turn of important descisions to make. The variabilty is crazy as well. Each worker you place, each room that makes up the biard and each player board is double sided. Flip them over the get a different abilty or function or spell. You never go through the different upgrade decks in one game no matter how many players it seems. Even the hudden victory conditions chsnge every game. It was a very impressive game.
Well I'm losing all confidence in my Fury of Dracula order. When I placed it with Amazon shortly after the GW announcement it was listed as "In stock, extra 1-2 days to process." Right after I placed it, it went to "out of stock more expected soon". On Saturday my order status went to Shipping Monday with Delivery today.
It stayed there till about 11 am today, it has now shifted to "expected to ship Friday 9/15, arriving Monday". Oddly it still says "on time". Which is obviously going by some arcane definition of the phrase I'm unfamiliar with hahah.
The last time this happened to me with Amazon my order ended up getting cancelled because they didn't receive expected stock and couldn't fill all orders. Oh well, might still happen but it expecting to actually receive it now.
Can anyone recommend a good folding table for playing games on? Space in my apartment is precious and the SO usually has stuff on existing tables.
EDIT: Oops, I multo-quoted this ^ but forgot to type anything in before posting. Anyway, if I understand the rules right, placing curse cards during setup is unnecessary using the above starter sets because only the witch makes use of them?This is the recommended starter set from rules: First Game: Cellar, Market, Militia, Mine, Moat, Remodel, Smithy, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop
I won't say that Quarriors is a great game, or even 'good,' but I still like it and don't think it is too bad. Chucking handfuls of dice drawn from a bag never gets old for me. It is fiddly though and you make a good point about some of the random setups winding up horribly unbalanced. I play the digital version quite a bit, which is odd because I don't get to chuck any dice on an iPad, but it cuts down on the setup time, the fiddly "I'm going to attack, so let me move my dice to this section of the mat, now they are spent so I move them over here" nature is taken care of, and games are very quick. One of these days I'll buy a couple expansions for my physical box though because I think my daughter would like it.Friends don't let friends buy Quarriors these days. It's fiddly, takes longer to play than it should be, and suffers some horrible to play setups at times (with the random card pool). I've flipped flopped on it a few times, and it's a great pitch that should work far better than it does in the end. The 'advanced' rules make it better but far slower. The expansions add tons of variant modes, none of which make the game better.
I've bought it a couple of times & am happy to no longer own it. Dominion or even the DC Deck Builder are better experiences (though DC Deck builder has its own problems at times).
I bought one of these: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-6-Fold-In-Half-Tailgate-Table-Blue-Sapphire/51686669
The traditional card table wasn't cutting it for some of the more expansive games. I've used this table to play Fortune & Glory, Eldritch Horror, Zombicide with a bunch of the kickstarter expansions, and Ghostbusters with a decent amount of room.
Hello again MichaelI took the reverse path, I found this thread first then discovered BGG
So we played Argent finally. First thing, first impression is that it has great components..... And a LOT of them. Holy shit. That game is a monster on the table and we only had 2 players. We played out a 2 player game and it is very tense. Every single action you take is incredibly crucial. Turn after turn after turn of important descisions to make. The variabilty is crazy as well. Each worker you place, each room that makes up the biard and each player board is double sided. Flip them over the get a different abilty or function or spell. You never go through the different upgrade decks in one game no matter how many players it seems. Even the hudden victory conditions chsnge every game. It was a very impressive game.
I own something similiar to this (white rather than black, but same dimensions). I only wish it was wider. It's adequate at 6 feet long, but only 2.5 feet wide. I've always felt a bit limited with larger games.
I also have two 3x3 playing mats, and they always end up hanging over the table on both ends. I really wish I could a folding 3x6 table, but I haven't come across one yet! They're always 2.5x6.
Manouvre is the game I did not think would be such a good stay when I bought it on a whim when released. Now I have played it probaly close to 80 games. Thats most for a board game that has not been tournament game.
I own something similiar to this (white rather than black, but same dimensions). I only wish it was wider. It's adequate at 6 feet long, but only 2.5 feet wide. I've always felt a bit limited with larger games.
I also have two 3x3 playing mats, and they always end up hanging over the table on both ends. I really wish I could a folding 3x6 table, but I haven't come across one yet! They're always 2.5x6.
Yep I own it. I like it, can be a bit Mathy and abstract. Stories play out in your head rather than FFG dripping in theme card texts (which get old fast for me).So I picked up a copy of Shadows of Malice and it's expansion at the local Half Price Books. Anyone ever play this? Looks kind of neat...