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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Scythe is the only big release this year that I can remember affecting me, though you've probably already looked at it.

Yeah, Scythe and Millennium Blades to me seem like the most impactful games this year.

I actually haven't played Scythe yet, so that's a good shout. I've been wanting to take a look at it but it has never been in stock for a reasonable price at a time I've had money...

Codex? Tom Vasel seemed to really enjoy it. I have it, but haven't played it yet.

Codex looks alright, i'll take a look at that :)

Star Wars Rebellion came out this year and turned quite a few heads.

I loved Star Wars Rebellion.

The other games that came out this year that I personally thought were pretty memorable would be Beyond Baker Street and Via Nebula.

Mr E.

Funny thing is that the game of the year probably won't surface till next year. Spiel is taking place soon and the market will be drenched in games that will be unnoticed for a bit.

Mainstream wise I suppose Pandemic legacy (was that this year?) Scythe (although it doesn't live up to the ernomous hype). Are popular front runners.

Still haven't found mine yet.

Edit Pandemic was last year lol.


I have like 25+ kids games haha. Actually what I started doing with my 5 y-o is every first Sunday we get to go to the game store and pick out and play one game. Teaching her to be a good little board-game consumer like me :p

Some of our favorite games that I think would work for that age range are The Enchanted Tower, Heroes of Kaskaria, Viva Topo, Plucky Pilots, and My First Carcassonne. Also most dexterity games like Coconuts, Animal upon Animal, and Rhino Hero work.The Tales & Games series like Three Little Pigs and Tortoise & Hare are pretty well regarded too though for some reason we haven't quite gotten into them (think they're about one level of rules too many is the thing). I also can sometimes play adult games with just a little handholding, like King of Tokyo, Patchwork, and regular Carcassonne. I was actually shocked by how well she understood Patchwork but when I thought about it, it made a lot of sense since the rules are really simple but the strategy is crunchy.

All my kids are older now so I don't really pay attention to game for younger crowd but the new Ticket to Ride First Journey look pretty good. Many of board game podcasters always raving about Animal Upon Animal and many of other Haba games.

I have played many games of Stone age junior because it is my five year olds "go to" game. Be aware that there really isn't much to it, so they will grow out of it quickly. But for now it combines just enough elements to keep the kids entertained.

They will need to be able to handle a bit of "take that" though. There have been tears early on when somebody else takes the hut they were working towards.

Beyond losing to my wife in Spledor or Lost Cities every bloody time, most of my gaming is with a 5 and 8 year old so http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=209040451&postcount=12278 may help you out further.

Escape From Atlantis was probably the single best family board game purchase I have ever made. Been playing it since my girls were 5&6. Nothing to read, just symbols and actions. Simple game with an ever changing modular board. It's always interesting and always fun. After a single game I grabbed both expansions.

It is a vs game, which some kids handle better than others. My kids loved having sharks and whales eat and attack everyone, lol.

Thanks all.

Based on everyone's suggestions I now have the following in the shopping cart: Animal upon Animal, Coconuts, Stone Age Junior, Patchwork, and Escape From Atlantis (hopefully this doesn't cause too much fighting but it looks awesome). Unfortunately Zooloretta (all versions) are sold out at the online game store I use, but I'll revisit everyone's recommendations if what I buy converts my kids in to board gamers.
For Escape From Atlantis, you can house rule some team play if your kids can't handle the vs aspect that well. You can do kid + mom vs kid + dad. Then the parents can help keep things positive and even make it funny when one of your meeples gets eaten. Not our family though. We're cutthroats to the core.

If you YouTube reviews, you won't find a bad one out there. Enjoy!

As your kids grow and their reading and math skills increase, there are tons of board games to enhance those skills. My kids have enjoyed a steady incline of difficulty and mechanics in family board games as they have aged. Board games have been extremely beneficial in making learning fun.

Their path was something like:

Zombies!!! (No cards, just rolling and using hearts/ammo. Now that they can read, we play with cards)

Survive: Escape From Atlantis

Ticket to Ride

King of Tokyo

Machi Koro - at ages 7&9 this game is a phenomenal learning tool

Pandemic - plays well with the family working together. They still require us to remind them of the smaller rules while playing

Smash Up - (heavy on math!)

They have all the basic skills and understanding to play pretty much everything now. Splendor, Dixit, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and so many more are on our family "to be played" pile.
It's getting close to the end of the year and I need to start thinking about GOTY podcasts.
Last year I didn't really get to contribute to the board game section of our podcast (we're still primarily video games although it has been pretty board game heavy this year...) beyond "Man, I sure liked Mysterium."

I want to change that this year.

What games do you guys feel I need to look at before the year's end?

That's a hard one. I don't think the year overall was as strong as last year as last year had some mega-hits. I'll put my two cents behind Scythe as well, especially for being an all-around great package. I'll second Captain Sonar too, for being a concept that people are familiar with and making a really great team game with.

The new Uwe or Feld game hasn't come around yet since Essen's still around the corner. I hear really great things about Terraforming Mars, but I haven't played that yet. Seafall seems like it missed the mark set by his previous legacy games. Cry Havoc has gotten a lot of buzz, and Mechs vs Minions is surely worth a look at since it's by Riot Games.
That's a hard one. I don't think the year overall was as strong as last year as last year had some mega-hits. I'll put my two cents behind Scythe as well, especially for being an all-around great package. I'll second Captain Sonar too, for being a concept that people are familiar with and making a really great team game with.

The new Uwe or Feld game hasn't come around yet since Essen's still around the corner. I hear really great things about Terraforming Mars, but I haven't played that yet. Seafall seems like it missed the mark set by his previous legacy games. Cry Havoc has gotten a lot of buzz, and Mechs vs Minions is surely worth a look at since it's by Riot Games.

Inis and potion explosion seem like other crowd pleasers as well.

Uwe's odins thing looks like it'll be up there with scythe overall. Cry havoc will probably drop a little once the cheques stop coming in.


Hail to the KING baby
I get you. I have sooo many munchkin and smashup boxes due to the collectors cases/ boxes. But I just can'tthrow them away:(

Oh man, it was so liberating when I started bailing on expansion boxes and tossing mediocre inserts. Give it a shot starting with a game you play often but dread having to lug multiple boxes around for! (Unless you just mean hanging on to old expansion boxes serving nearly no purpose -- in which case, ditch 'em!)

The one step I won't take is cramming my games into generic boxes like some of those Kickstarters have. I do think there is still some importance to having the aesthetics of the game preserved except for the outright crappiest boxes (ahem Mystery Rummy v1).


My list of games I am definitely going to buy this year in Essen is pretty small:

Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu
Power Grid: The Card Game
Schotten Totten
Codenames: Pictures

Maybe Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient if it ends up being language independent.


Unconfirmed Member
I get you. I have sooo many munchkin and smashup boxes due to the collectors cases/ boxes. But I just can'tthrow them away:(

Let's do it!

Oh man, it was so liberating when I started bailing on expansion boxes and tossing mediocre inserts. Give it a shot starting with a game you play often but dread having to lug multiple boxes around for! (Unless you just mean hanging on to old expansion boxes serving nearly no purpose -- in which case, ditch 'em!)

The one step I won't take is cramming my games into generic boxes like some of those Kickstarters have. I do think there is still some importance to having the aesthetics of the game preserved except for the outright crappiest boxes (ahem Mystery Rummy v1).

Yeah, I need to get rid of them. I really don't need that empty Foresaken Lore box, haha.

One of these days I need to buy i fancy box for Arkham and Elritch. Surprised FFG hasn't tried to cash in on that yet.


You should get some weird japanese games too.

My friend is bringing me a couple of things from this list!

I never know what to get from them. I only hear what's cool from them after the first day and then they are sold out. That's how I missed out on Onitama before for example. Looks like the pre-orders are already gone.

I have Cottage Garden on my maybe list. I read the rules and I kinda got less excited for it afterwards. It seems simpler than Patchwork for some reason. I really like how you also have to manage the buttons in Patchwork and there is nothing like that in Cottage Garden.


It's getting close to the end of the year and I need to start thinking about GOTY podcasts.
Last year I didn't really get to contribute to the board game section of our podcast (we're still primarily video games although it has been pretty board game heavy this year...) beyond "Man, I sure liked Mysterium."

I want to change that this year.

What games do you guys feel I need to look at before the year's end?

I preordered Inis after the Shut Up And Sit Down review. It looks outstanding. Has it been at many shows or anything though? It doesn't come out for a couple of weeks so beyond review copies I don't think many people here will have deets about it.

Is Codenames this year? I've lost track, but that's probably been one of the best. Scythe is also one that will be considered by many people.
Terraforming Mars - playing it solo and already loving it. I can see this would be fun with more players (and faster). The game looks intimidating and the player mat design is terrible to say the least. For a retail price of $70.00, Stronghold really should put in better components. Cards are nice and high quality, board is decent, the box is really thin and feel like it would rip if you pick the lid up wrong and the insert while pretty is also terrible quality. The game is a lot of fun and I can't wait to teach this to the gang this weekend (if I don't get call in to work.)

My brother-in-law has (or had may be at this point) Hasting store near him that going out of business and found a copy of Legendary Predators for $25 (60% off) and got it for me since he knew I like Aliens version. I am debating about cracking this thing open, may be saving it for rainy day when I have no new games to open.
I'm trying to bring myself to throw away some of my empty expansion boxes.

I would say if you have room in garage put them there. If you ever want to sort them back out for whatever reason, you always have the option. For Eldritch, I combined the core box with Forsaken Lore because it's pretty much needed to flesh out the core box. I combine the small expansion into the big expansion box (Mountain and Pyramid). Lately I just find combining everything just ruin the cohesiveness.


SeaFall is another hugely hyped release from this year, but it's almost completely fell off the scene. Maybe that will pick up again after more people get their hands on it (so far I think only GenCon attendees have had the opportunity to get it) but the discussion seems to have disappeared after a number of lukewarm reviews. Definitely not the juggernaut Pandemic:Legacy follow-up they were expecting.


I know the competetive aspect is what puts me off Seafall. Like I'd end up seriously tilted if some rules change fucked me over disproportionately.


Got my copy of Karmaka yesterday. 2016 has seen the art in tabletop games really taken to the next level.



Unconfirmed Member
I would say if you have room in garage put them there. If you ever want to sort them back out for whatever reason, you always have the option. For Eldritch, I combined the core box with Forsaken Lore because it's pretty much needed to flesh out the core box. I combine the small expansion into the big expansion box (Mountain and Pyramid). Lately I just find combining everything just ruin the cohesiveness.

Not a had idea, but my garage is small and full.....and my wife would be annoyed, lol


The BattleCON: Trials Kickstarter hasn't had much steam and that left me fearing that we wouldn't get the storage box, but Brad posted the following today:
@Luke: If it doesn't turn out that we can do it as part of this project, we are going to launch another project right after that contains just the storage box
The demand has been made very clear to me. I'm going to provide this thing to you guys sooner than later, one way or another.
Fantastic news. As soon as I can get my hands on a storage box, I'll go park myself at a table at the biggest game store an hour away in Columbia and pitch the game to anyone whose eyes meet mine. I need to get people interested in League Play so I can nab some of those amazing promos (like the ice version of Kallistar).


The Harry Potter co-op deckbuilder got here today. I wasn't expecting it until November, slow delivery from the official Harry Potter shop etc.

And then I checked Amazon. It was in stock, free ONE DAY delivery with prime. I cancelled the other order and got it a month earlier than expected, and in time for my girlfriend's birthday! Lesson learned, never use the official HP shop.


I got in on early backer but it seems really complicated and not that intuitive. Am I watching this video wrong?

I haven't looked at it closely yet. likely will tomorrow night. I tend to back early backer and look into things over time and keep the page up so if i want to cancel later I do.


I'm looking for a card holder/tower/thingie that could hold onto a big deck of sleeved cards so its more stable and doesn't as easily tip over, specifically for my Millennium Blades game. Turns out this was a lot harder to find than I thought.

So far I've found this:
but I am trying to find one that is just a single tower, a lot higher, doesn't have to be glued and can be dismantled (easier storage in the box). Also preferably is sold somewhere in Europe or ships to Europe without an extreme shipping cost attached. Anyone have any suggestion?


The BattleCON: Trials Kickstarter hasn't had much steam and that left me fearing that we wouldn't get the storage box, but Brad posted the following today:

Fantastic news. As soon as I can get my hands on a storage box, I'll go park myself at a table at the biggest game store an hour away in Columbia and pitch the game to anyone whose eyes meet mine. I need to get people interested in League Play so I can nab some of those amazing promos (like the ice version of Kallistar).
Should it really be hard to get to the box itself even in a separate kickstarter, a good alternative would at least to make a not as expensive stretch for the tuckboxs only.
But god do I want such a box.. I mean I now use sleeve for the cards and put each character cards & token in separate bags, it work, it definitely make setting up a game faster, but it's plain ugly. ><


The BattleCON: Trials Kickstarter hasn't had much steam and that left me fearing that we wouldn't get the storage box, but Brad posted the following today:

Fantastic news. As soon as I can get my hands on a storage box, I'll go park myself at a table at the biggest game store an hour away in Columbia and pitch the game to anyone whose eyes meet mine. I need to get people interested in League Play so I can nab some of those amazing promos (like the ice version of Kallistar).

Good, I'll pitch immediately for that one as soon as it starts. I do hope they go for something like the character select screen a guy on BGG did.
Fuckin' brilliant. With all the bases, expansions etc. cards under the "Select Your Character" board.


Some of you might remember my attempt at the biggest zombicide game ever?
Well, next weekend we we're hoping of almost doubling it.
Going to 68 tiles, 1500+ zombies and we've already had 21 enlisted as survivors.
We're hoping on making it to 36 so we can have 4 teams of 9.

Keep ya'll posted !


Some of you might remember my attempt at the biggest zombicide game ever?
Well, next weekend we we're hoping of almost doubling it.
Going to 68 tiles, 1500+ zombies and we've already had 21 enlisted as survivors.
We're hoping on making it to 36 so we can have 4 teams of 9.

Keep ya'll posted !

YES! Let me know.
The Harry Potter co-op deckbuilder got here today. I wasn't expecting it until November, slow delivery from the official Harry Potter shop etc.

And then I checked Amazon. It was in stock, free ONE DAY delivery with prime. I cancelled the other order and got it a month earlier than expected, and in time for my girlfriend's birthday! Lesson learned, never use the official HP shop.

Let us know what you think about it. I'm on a deck building hunt.


CharAznable's second cousin
Some of you might remember my attempt at the biggest zombicide game ever?
Well, next weekend we we're hoping of almost doubling it.
Going to 68 tiles, 1500+ zombies and we've already had 21 enlisted as survivors.
We're hoping on making it to 36 so we can have 4 teams of 9.

Keep ya'll posted !

I'm greatly interested in this. Please post pics if you can!

Also, I'm considering of getting into Zombicide. I'm checking out reviews here and there. Which one would you guys recommend? The originals + expansions? I heard that there were some complaints about the rules - but also noticed that they have updated the rulings. Is it better?

Or should I just try out Zombicide black plague considering I am a person who does like medieval settings.



I'm greatly interested in this. Please post pics if you can!

Also, I'm considering of getting into Zombicide. I'm checking out reviews here and there. Which one would you guys recommend? The originals + expansions? I heard that there were some complaints about the rules - but also noticed that they have updated the rulings. Is it better?

Or should I just try out Zombicide black plague considering I am a person who does like medieval settings.


Zombicide Rue Morgue is the best of the original series, though the rules really haven't changed much over its seasons/expansions, just "more" of everything.

Honestly, buy Black Plague.


Good, I'll pitch immediately for that one as soon as it starts. I do hope they go for something like the character select screen a guy on BGG did.

Fuckin' brilliant. With all the bases, expansions etc. cards under the "Select Your Character" board.
I've always loved that image and the guy's work, but I can't imagine that the official box could have a layout like that just because we are up to double that amount of characters at this point. I don't think there is anything on the top of the tuckboxes (although maybe we didn't see a mockup yet? I think I remember seeing one) but it should be hard for someone to create images as labels or stickers that could be printed out and affixed to the top of the tuckboxes.


I'm greatly interested in this. Please post pics if you can!

Also, I'm considering of getting into Zombicide. I'm checking out reviews here and there. Which one would you guys recommend? The originals + expansions? I heard that there were some complaints about the rules - but also noticed that they have updated the rulings. Is it better?

Or should I just try out Zombicide black plague considering I am a person who does like medieval settings.


Season 1 & 3 are the best (Original and Rue Morgue) Prison Break has more mini's but I don't like all the tiles.

Also, the earlier versions are pretty expensive now since stocks are running low I think ?
100€ for the basegame now vs 60€ when I bought it 2 years ago.

Friend of mine back Black Plague with the exp, it's ok. I'm not to much into dungeon crawlers persé but I get why it's good.

I'll be updating with the map we're going to play and I'll try and make lotsa pictures.


I'm greatly interested in this. Please post pics if you can!

Also, I'm considering of getting into Zombicide. I'm checking out reviews here and there. Which one would you guys recommend? The originals + expansions? I heard that there were some complaints about the rules - but also noticed that they have updated the rulings. Is it better?

Or should I just try out Zombicide black plague considering I am a person who does like medieval settings.


I have the first two seasons, it is largely the same. There is only one rule people complain about in the originals. We used a house rule immediately and now seems to be the defacto rule.

  • If you shooting at a space with a zombie and survivor, hits hit zombies and misses hit survivors.
But if you like medieval setting fighting zombies and necromancers vs using modern day tools/guns and cars, go for Black Plague cause you also get a cool stand for your character car. But I'm sure you could probably get vanilla Zombicide for cheaper.


iello just posted this, game seems interesting but wonder how light it is.



I opened my copy of Fury of Dracula the other night, and there is a roughly 5-inch scratch on the back of the board. Normally it wouldn't bug me so much, but if I decide not to keep it (haven't played it yet) and trade/sell it, someone might dock the value down. The game is likely to be a bit of a rarity soon too. Should I have the board replaced with Fantasy Flight, or am I just being too picky?


I'm greatly interested in this. Please post pics if you can!

Also, I'm considering of getting into Zombicide. I'm checking out reviews here and there. Which one would you guys recommend? The originals + expansions? I heard that there were some complaints about the rules - but also noticed that they have updated the rulings. Is it better?

Or should I just try out Zombicide black plague considering I am a person who does like medieval settings.


I have owned both and Black Plague is the one I still have in my collection. It is a better game if you are down with the theme. Also the first expansion with the werewolves is fun and can really up the challenge. Player boards also make a HUGE difference in clutter for me.


It's sad I don't have the new Robinson Crusoe yet. It would be the PERFECT themed game to play just before I get destroyed by the hurricane.


Maybe a bit off topic but I started playing Darkest Dungeon recently with it hitting console and I think it has to be one of the most board game-esque video games I have ever played. For some reason if feels so much like a complicated dungeon crawler. Was a nice surprise.

Also stay safe hurricane GAF. All these posts make me worry.


CharAznable's second cousin
I have owned both and Black Plague is the one I still have in my collection. It is a better game if you are down with the theme. Also the first expansion with the werewolves is fun and can really up the challenge. Player boards also make a HUGE difference in clutter for me.

Thanks for the responses guys - you have won me over to Black Plague. :) Gonna try to pick it up this weekend - fortunately when I showed a couple of vids to my potential play group, they seemed interested.


Thanks for the responses guys - you have won me over to Black Plague. :) Gonna try to pick it up this weekend - fortunately when I showed a couple of vids to my potential play group, they seemed interested.

It is fun solo and really fun in a group. It is super "playable" for what that is worth. The reason the GAFFER above can run games that huge is because the game looks like a mess, but is actually very easy to keep track of. The lack of brain burn in a game where I kill hundreds of zombies and complete objectives and stuff is actually kind of amazing.


Maybe a bit off topic but I started playing Darkest Dungeon recently with it hitting console and I think it has to be one of the most board game-esque video games I have ever played. For some reason if feels so much like a complicated dungeon crawler. Was a nice surprise.

Also stay safe hurricane GAF. All these posts make me worry.

Kingdom Death is in my mind the tabletop equivalent of Darkest Dungeon.
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