Kingdom Death is in my mind the tabletop equivalent of Darkest Dungeon.
Seen a few reviews of Kingdom Death and I think that is a very apt comparison.
Kingdom Death is in my mind the tabletop equivalent of Darkest Dungeon.
Maybe a bit off topic but I started playing Darkest Dungeon recently with it hitting console and I think it has to be one of the most board game-esque video games I have ever played. For some reason if feels so much like a complicated dungeon crawler. Was a nice surprise.
Also stay safe hurricane GAF. All these posts make me worry.
I have played it once and thought it was compitent, but kind of dull. The bidding mechanic felt a little arbitrary. You knew what you were going for and so do your opponents, so you can math it out and it was almost never worth fighting over the cards. I seem to recall that there was "Trump" mechanic where if someone had the most strength they would end up winning no matter what. It sort of exacerbated the problem I had with the regular bidding mechanic. It's also very abstract so don't go expecting any sort of theme.Impulse bought Viceroy today from MM. Is it as good as it looks?
Kingdom Death is in my mind the tabletop equivalent of Darkest Dungeon.
I opened my copy of Fury of Dracula the other night, and there is a roughly 5-inch scratch on the back of the board. Normally it wouldn't bug me so much, but if I decide not to keep it (haven't played it yet) and trade/sell it, someone might dock the value down. The game is likely to be a bit of a rarity soon too. Should I have the board replaced with Fantasy Flight, or am I just being too picky?
Kingdom Death is in my mind the tabletop equivalent of Darkest Dungeon.
On Reddit and BGG, people have recommended using coin protectors for your order tokens to prevent wear and giving away your plans. Seemed like a pretty good idea for not too much money.In unrelated news, my backup copy of Forbidden Stars shipped from Amazon!
So no real challenge? Just a matter of grinding forever?
Other than that. See above post, which fairly well nails it. Lots of caring after characters damaged by horrific sanity-destroying events, knowing they will die at some point in your campaign, using human meat as a tool to accomplish increasingly difficult challenges...
No joke, one of my KD characters had his penis stolen by dream bugs last session. Not making that up.
Finally got around to actually playing Eldritch Horror. I took the advice from earlier about just mixing all the expansion stuff in which was a mixed blessing and curse. First mythos I drew was like monster invasion or something from an expansion and wanted like four monsters so I wised up and pulled those from the mythos deck and replaced them. Some of the other expansion stuff was helpful though.
I notice you get fucked over, a lot in this. Spent many turns resting. Got a few bad conditions. Couldn't beat the one monster I fought. Had shitty dice rolls. Ended up having the tentacle disks count down off a running mythos card to end things. Had like four portals open. Shit just kept getting worse but I had a lot of fun!
Don't forgot when it hits zero it just means the Ancient One wakes up and you have to solve an extra mystery in most cases. Usually means you're screwed but last time we beat him after he woke up (was Yig I think).
On Reddit and BGG, people have recommended using coin protectors for your order tokens to prevent wear and giving away your plans. Seemed like a pretty good idea for not too much money.
That is a hell of a lineup to play lol. I really want Food Chain Magnate but damn is it a lot and damn do we need to play the stuff we already have.
On Reddit and BGG, people have recommended using coin protectors for your order tokens to prevent wear and giving away your plans. Seemed like a pretty good idea for not too much money.
Edit: 32mm is best. Pic added.
So FFG (Asmodee USA) is help co-publishing Kickstarter Siege of the Citadel, so is this is their way of expanding license and getting in on Kickstarter pie?
I got shipping notice for Conan along with Vinhos and also the expansion for Tesla VS Edison. So we might get Conan finally!
Got Netrunner core set for my birthday. This game is legit. I already want to buy a expansion lol.
I found some on Amazon.
Have you received these and put the tokens in? The description says the inside is 32.7mm. Some folks on BGG were saying the 32.5s were already slightly loose. Wondering about your take on the fit.
Tom Vasel has been posting his top 100 games of all time, and he only has the final two videos left to post (#20-11, and #10-1). Cry Havoc hasn't been mentioned yet, but several games from this year have been already so it's very likely it will be in his top 20 games - maybe even top 10.
Someone in this thread mentioned that they suspected Dice Tower of being susceptible to publisher bribes, and honestly I'm kinda starting to feel like that may be the case here. If you head over to BGG, you'll see that the game is having a lot of issues. Lots of scenarios that will come up during gameplay are left unexplained in the rulebook, and one of the cards has an errata fix. The designer of the game is being very helpful with the community in clarifying certain rules and scenarios, and a faq has been written with revisions on the way, but it does seem odd in retrospect that Tom gave it such high praise, especially since his review was posted mid-July.
I dunno. Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it. I respect the Dice Tower crew and really hope their reviews can be trusted. I've yet to play Cry Havoc myself (though I do own it), but I honestly feel like it might be best for a revised manual or something before I dive into it.
I really don't think there are many reviewers you can just trust their reviews full stop. TDT, Rahdo, Drive-Thru, GameBoyGeek -- they all really have their pros and cons, and as a general matter I find them all to be often too positive (not saying they're never critical -- more so that when they go unequivocally apeshit for a game you should take it with a grain of salt). What I do appreciate is just the level of polish in the reviews, especially those that go in-depth on the rules and have nice views of the game. You can glean a lot from that while ignoring the "review" part of the videos usually if so inclined. I like Tom and TDT, but he does have some awkward conflicts that he doesn't always mention (doesn't hide, but just doesn't always mention). Like I think in the Top 100 there was a Dice Tower Essentials game, and Mechs vs. Minions (which he was paid to consult on) and he didn't mention the conflict in either case. I don't see it as nefarious at all, more what happens when you have rank amateurs elevated to the status of being leaders in the field of news/reviews and there's really no one out there to set a clear standard and they don't really know how to handle these issues in the professional manner we're used to from non-hobbyist press. I think he probably lets his designer friendships cloud his judgment too, but again it's mostly inadvertent so not something he'd really notice himself.
This is sort of adjacent, but I do wish there were more top-flight women reviewers or podcasts. Has anyone found any they'd recommend? Suzanne does a KS segment on Board Game Breakfast but I really don't care for KS. I tried a few podcasts too but they were really short. Would love to get a perspective that's not just white-guy gamer all the time.
I really don't think there are many reviewers you can just trust their reviews full stop. ...
I don't see it as nefarious at all, more what happens when you have rank amateurs elevated to the status of being leaders in the field of news/reviews and there's really no one out there to set a clear standard and they don't really know how to handle these issues in the professional manner we're used to from non-hobbyist press. I think he probably lets his designer friendships cloud his judgment too, but again it's mostly inadvertent so not something he'd really notice himself.
Woah. As much as I agree with reviewers needing to be more up-front with conflicts of interest and paid reviews/previews, etc, I wouldn't call them amateurs. I mean, if they're the amateurs, who the hell are the professionals? If we're talking dictionary-definition, a good amount of them are reviewers by profession. Most of the big names play hundreds of games per year, with that much experience they no doubt should be able to tell between a bad game and a good game objectively. Sure, they may not be formally trained to review games, but nobody is.
Woah. As much as I agree with reviewers needing to be more up-front with conflicts of interest and paid reviews/previews, etc, I wouldn't call them amateurs. I mean, if they're the amateurs, who the hell are the professionals? If we're talking dictionary-definition, a good amount of them are reviewers by profession. Most of the big names play hundreds of games per year, with that much experience they no doubt should be able to tell between a bad game and a good game objectively. Sure, they may not be formally trained to review games, but nobody is.
That all makes sense, particularly what you said about elevated amateurs. I know biases are hard to avoid in pretty much any situation, but his Cry Havoc review is just particularly glaring to me. I think what rubs me the most is he says he cannot find a flaw with the game, but a quick check on BGG shows plenty of very obvious flaws. He also gave the game a 9 on the Dice Tower website, which conflicts in my mind with the "flawless" comment. I guess I need to just see how I feel about the game when I finally play it. I'm cautiously optimistic.
For what it's worth I know Tom has said that he does not do any kind of paid review or anything like that. I think he had said in a recent q&a that he had done paid coverage in the past but they don't anymore. He was basically saying that he loves games, so most of his reviews will be positive. I buy that and don't think there is any moneyhatting going on. That is arguably high risk for them too because of the backlash if it got out... There is certainly a conflict of interest when it comes to Dice Tower Essentials and things he is involved in (M&M), but it would be equally strange if he didn't love the games he is helping publish or help design. Some people won't know the relationship to the game, but I understand the possible overkill of him having to bring it up every time... We should all know not to trust a single reviewer though, and the best thing to do really is to diversify in the reviewers we trust (whether it's other reviewers, GAFfers, family, friends, etc).
Does he even review the Dice Tower Essentials games? And aren't they already existing games? I thought DTE was just to reprint games that he thinks are already good.
Pretty sure he's reviewed them. In his reviews I do think he mentions the affiliation, or at least that something is DTE. I don't think the guy is moneyhatted under the table or anything like that, absolutely not. More clumsiness about affiliation on account of inexperience at worst.The Dice Tower Essentials® line of games, is in partnership with noted reviewer, Tom Vasel, of the Dice Tower. These are games that Tom himself has played, loves, and believes are essential to any gamers collection. Partnering with Tom, Arcane Wonders® is building a library that will consist of everything from brand new games and brand new designers to existing games from experienced designers which have not seen full exposure yet.
I just think the term in unsuited for the situation of board game reviewers. Maybe it's just me getting caught up in semantics (I'm a rules lawyer, after all...). Like I said before, I do think they could stand to disclose information like that, but I also have to realize that for many of them, their output is crazy high for the small operations they lead. Positivity abounds in their reviews because they do still pick and choose what games to review; there's simply not enough time to review everything. I don't doubt they accept money to review games quicker than others, but I don't think their moral integrity is to be questioned just because of that. If they review a bad game as good, there's some cause for concern, but I don't think there's been instances of that (where money was exchanged for a good review) which was not due to subjective tastes. Aside from the Undead Viking thing, which is why I've abstained from mentioning him as I don't know his full story.
Personally, I find the whole thing to be a rather moot point, compared to other media. With the exception of video games that come with demos or are free to start, there's so much information out there to discern whether or not a board game is good. Even then, the rest of the video game may not be up to par with what is shown in the specially crafted demo. But board games aren't like that. One google search for a released game will show you pretty much all the components and artwork so you can determine if it's to your taste. Rulebooks are readily available so you can know how it plays without reviewers being biased. With board games you can pretty much know everything there is to know about it short of playing the actual thing.
On your first paragraph, I don't think anyone's said anything to the contrary? I certainly haven't, or at least haven't meant to. I totally don't think they should "review all games" or anything like that. I actually think if anything The Dice Tower reviews too many shit Target/mainstream games, rather than the other way around. Also as I said in pretty much every post, I absolutely don't think they're being nefarious about it or actively trying to deceive people.
But in response to your second para, I think it's all just legitimate observation regarding someone's potential conflicts. imo imo imo it's weird that you have your own "line" of games as a reviewer and then still actually review them and include them in your Top X lists. Or review games you've been paid to advise on. It would be outright laughable in nearly any other field, even video games. It's just funny is all. I'm neither hating nor fronting and Dice Tower will continue to get my clicks and KS support.
1) Entertainment. This applies to something like Shut Up & Sit Down who are pretty creative and often hilarious with their writing and presentation
On the other point, I don't think there's any chance in hell he's getting moneyhatted for positive reviews. If you've been following him for any length of time you'll know he's the David Koresh of the Cult of the New. He just likes new, fresh, shiny things.