If it's the first 2-4 plays of the game, the spy won't have everywhere memorized, and reaching across the table to grab the cheat sheet with places instantly gives it away.
If the spy tries to be sneaky and just drops their eyes to look at the cheat sheet, it instantly gives it away. If everyone had a copy of the cheat sheet it might help.
If anyone asks a question about the picture, the spy is doomed so we made this illegal.
If someone asks the spy a question like "How's the weather" or "Can you see the sky" or "Where are we going" etc., the spy has to 50/50 guess if it's an outdoor/indoor location, or if it's a train/plane vs. fixed location. If they guess wrong or try to dodge the question, they're instantly out.
In summary, it feels like a game people have to work to enjoy, instead of just easily enjoying, in my limited experience. With some groups I'm imagine it's fun.