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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Holy shit, nice!

How many marines did you start with? Was there a mega death turn that killed everyone or did you lose guys here and there? Haven't played myself in a while but I love that game.
I started with 8. Only lost one marine (the most tactical sacrifice I have ever made) prior to the reaching the Hive Lord. Then a death spiral claimed the rest,
I'd prefer you get a bunch of new scenarios at once, in a box, with new figures and whatnot. Or maybe a pack of codes with new physical stuff. It probably works best for the way the game is now (haven't played either version yet, but had been thinking about it), but I just loathe the nickel and dime method to DLC.

I'm put off enough by video games doing it that. Part of why I got into board gaming was to escape the worst of video games.

This can exist like this, it's nice to see variety, and all kinds of experiences can and should exist, but I pray it doesn't invade tabletop gaming en masse.

Nickle and dime is nothing new for tabletop gaming and have been around since Magic the Gathering and all the WizKids games from the 90s. If you don't like their model don't support it personally I think it's great that they bring back old games that have potential and doing a new edition and in case of Mansion, the app is really what the game needed to fix many of the first edition's issues. If you had try the game you would see that they put a lot of works and thought into the app and the scenarios all have good replayabity. The original version might came with five scenarios and frankly half of them were terrible.

Anyway there are thousands of board games coming out each year if you don't like this particular model don't support it there are still so many choices to pick from I am sure more than time you have to play them. People were screaming about TIME Stories and Legacy games like it would be the end of board gaming, and I don't see how they ruin anything and there was no deluge of legacy games actually, this year we saw even more great games.


A buddy of mine organized a get together this past weekend, we rented a cabin in Maryland and twelve dudes crammed in there for a four-day weekend of board games, beer, and too much food! I played:

Secret Hitler
Captain Sonar (with 7 players)
Mafia De Cuba
Isle of Skye
Happy Salmon
Quartermaster General
Cry Havoc
Blood Rage
The Others (with Men of Faith vs Gluttony)
Dead Last
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Room 25
Codenames: Deep Undercover
Specter Ops
Mission: Red Planet

After all that I need a vacation from my vacation! Whew!


I wish I hadsomany boardgamefriends :(
This sounds so epic.
A buddy of mine organized a get together this past weekend, we rented a cabin in Maryland and twelve dudes crammed in there for a four-day weekend of board games, beer, and too much food! I played:

Secret Hitler
Captain Sonar (with 7 players)
Mafia De Cuba
Isle of Skye
Happy Salmon
Quartermaster General
Cry Havoc
Blood Rage
The Others (with Men of Faith vs Gluttony)
Dead Last
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Room 25
Codenames: Deep Undercover
Specter Ops
Mission: Red Planet

After all that I need a vacation from my vacation! Whew!


I wish I hadsomany boardgamefriends :(
This sounds so epic.

Find a board game meetup in your area and start attending! One of the regulars and I hit it off, he invited me since he thought I'd be a good match with his bigger group of friends and a few others from the meetup. It was a great time!


If it's the first 2-4 plays of the game, the spy won't have everywhere memorized, and reaching across the table to grab the cheat sheet with places instantly gives it away.

If the spy tries to be sneaky and just drops their eyes to look at the cheat sheet, it instantly gives it away. If everyone had a copy of the cheat sheet it might help.

If anyone asks a question about the picture, the spy is doomed so we made this illegal.

If someone asks the spy a question like "How's the weather" or "Can you see the sky" or "Where are we going" etc., the spy has to 50/50 guess if it's an outdoor/indoor location, or if it's a train/plane vs. fixed location. If they guess wrong or try to dodge the question, they're instantly out.

In summary, it feels like a game people have to work to enjoy, instead of just easily enjoying, in my limited experience. With some groups I'm imagine it's fun.

Have everyone take picture of the location sheet so they can view it easily on their phone.

Asking anything related to the specific image on the card is definitely forbidden.

It's okay to give a vague answer sometimes as the spy. Also use the roles listed on the cards, cause it can change things a bit. It gives reason for people to have atypical answers.
After a three hour long struggle for survival against the Tyranid swarms, two of my Space Marines escaped the Space Hulk.

Of course my man Zael is one of the survivors. That guy is such a champion in all my Death Angel games he has becomes somewhat of a mythical figure among my friends.


Played 2 games of MOM2 this weekend. One with 2 players. We won and had a great time. Bad things happened and man that game really pulls you in.

I played solitaire with 2 investigators last night. Same scenario (the easy one) and it went WAY BAD. Mistakes were made. There was a portal, bad things, Monterey Jack completely lost his sanity after becoming claustrophobic in a house full of small hallways.

Great game!
Have everyone take picture of the location sheet so they can view it easily on their phone.

Asking anything related to the specific image on the card is definitely forbidden.

It's okay to give a vague answer sometimes as the spy. Also use the roles listed on the cards, cause it can change things a bit. It gives reason for people to have atypical answers.

Even on phone, the spy is the one who is typically going to be constantly staring at the phone, it is a major problem with the concept of the game. You still have to memorize a bunch of cards and their details, otherwise you are looking at multiple images. Those who aren't the spy don't have to look at the image much at all once you've seen your card once. It's a big flaw with the game, and what everyone I try playing with complains about, as it's too easy to spot the spy.

Only way we've found to try to avoid this, is only playing in smaller groups around a tight table where the cheat sheet is within everyones view so the spy is not so obvious.... but it's still difficult to see all the cards on the cheat sheet since they are all partially covered on the sheet, and hard to see the small partially covered images from all angles.


Unlimited Capacity
Can I get some opinions on Star Wars Rebellion? I would like a 2 player wargame-ish something to play and this one looks pretty interesting. Also, anyone preorder A Feast fir Odin? Looks fun, and huge.


Also, anyone preorder A Feast fir Odin? Looks fun, and huge.
After how dry and confusing some people found Agricola, I'm a little scared. Still, thanks for the heads up. I preordered at CSI since Miniature Market was out. I've been switching to Miniature Market in general since they have better preorder selection typically and lower shipping even though they're further away.


Can I get some opinions on Star Wars Rebellion? I would like a 2 player wargame-ish something to play and this one looks pretty interesting. Also, anyone preorder A Feast fir Odin? Looks fun, and huge.

If you like Star Wars I think you'd be hard pressed to hate it.

Note: it's still not as good as War of the Ring. Buy that first if you don't have it !


First tragedy, then farce.
Tabletop Simulator is an amazing piece of software.

Yeah, it's a fantastic piece of kit for stealing peoples work.

The owners of it and Valve absolutely refuse to do anything to stop people from posting "workshop" games that are 300 DPI scans of artwork that cost us thousands of dollars.

It's hurt me a couple of times with deals to get App versions of our games made in the last few months. Digital board games are worth money. Creating a platform where thousands of people have downloaded our games for free is essentially a piracy market in my eyes, and given that the developers won't do anything to stop it, I'm guessing it's a feature. If you "partner" with them for official DLC they do a hell of a job keeping pirated versions from popping up on the workshop.


Yeah, it's a fantastic piece of kit for stealing peoples work.

The owners of it and Valve absolutely refuse to do anything to stop people from posting "workshop" games that are 300 DPI scans of artwork that cost us thousands of dollars.

It's hurt me a couple of times with deals to get App versions of our games made in the last few months. Digital board games are worth money. Creating a platform where thousands of people have downloaded our games for free is essentially a piracy market in my eyes, and given that the developers won't do anything to stop it, I'm guessing it's a feature. If you "partner" with them for official DLC they do a hell of a job keeping pirated versions from popping up on the workshop.
Have you tried legal action against Valve and/or the company? I'm sure it's expensive, but something as simple as DMCA takedown notices that work on YouTube should work in this situation, otherwise either Valve or Tabletop should end up in massive trouble.

"Should" being the operative word.


Yeah, it's a fantastic piece of kit for stealing peoples work.

The owners of it and Valve absolutely refuse to do anything to stop people from posting "workshop" games that are 300 DPI scans of artwork that cost us thousands of dollars.

It's hurt me a couple of times with deals to get App versions of our games made in the last few months. Digital board games are worth money. Creating a platform where thousands of people have downloaded our games for free is essentially a piracy market in my eyes, and given that the developers won't do anything to stop it, I'm guessing it's a feature. If you "partner" with them for official DLC they do a hell of a job keeping pirated versions from popping up on the workshop.

Yeah I saw the paid options the other day and it rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't even think of it like a shakedown situation, where they only protect you if you pay them.


Yeah I saw the paid options the other day and it rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't even think of it like a shakedown situation, where they only protect you if you pay them.
The thing is, it's direct copyright violation when someone scans artwork. I can't imagine a situation where it's legal for there to be no takedown option.


First tragedy, then farce.
Have you tried legal action against Valve and/or the company? I'm sure it's expensive, but something as simple as DMCA takedown notices that work on YouTube should work in this situation, otherwise either Valve or Tabletop should end up in massive trouble.

"Should" being the operative word.

DMCA takedowns work, but I have to do a seperate one for each instance.

The problem is I have done about 75. Valve takes them down and within a week a bunch more are back up there again.

Valve should remove the software. It is nothing but stolen work.

As of right now there are 7 versions of Machi Koro alone.
DMCA takedowns work, but I have to do a seperate one for each instance.

The problem is I have done about 75. Valve takes them down and within a week a bunch more are back up there again.

Valve should remove the software. It is nothing but stolen work.

As of right now there are 7 versions of Machi Koro alone.

I've been looking into machi koro. But I've heard bad things about quality control. Have those Been resolved


First tragedy, then farce.
I've been looking into machi koro. But I've heard bad things about quality control. Have those Been resolved

It was only ever a problem with the very first print run of about 2500 units where there was an issue with card sizing that caused some real issues especially when the first expansion came out.

The rest of it is BGG "experts" claiming cards have gotten thinner when they have objectively been made thicker and cheap Chinese printing when we've actually moved all production to the US.


I've ended up buying a couple of games I messed around with in TTS (it's just easier to play the damn game IRL), but that account really makes me reconsider the whole thing.


Really wish I'd jumped into the Secret Hitler kickstarter. That edition with the wooden box is just sweet! Hopefully the standard versions hits retail soon.
That's part of the reason why I've yet to purchase TableTop Simulator. Aside from those that are officially supported by the designers/publishers of the game, a lot of it seems to be essentially piracy of board games. I used to use VASSAL a fair amount before TTS and Tabletopia were made and I know publishers had mixed feelings regarding their games on the service. I much prefer Tabletopia as a platform as I feel they are doing things the correct way.


Received Summoner Wars Master Set in a trade recently. It's gone over extremely well with my fiancee - she seems more obsessed with it than 7 Wonders: Duel, which is saying a lot.

Has anyone here purchased the big box Alliances Master Set? If so, would you say it's a worthwhile investment? Also, would that be all I'd need to buy in order to have "everything"?


First tragedy, then farce.
That's part of the reason why I've yet to purchase TableTop Simulator. Aside from those that are officially supported by the designers/publishers of the game, a lot of it seems to be essentially piracy of board games. I used to use VASSAL a fair amount before TTS and Tabletopia were made and I know publishers had mixed feelings regarding their games on the service. I much prefer Tabletopia as a platform as I feel they are doing things the correct way.

The thing about VASSAL back in the day was there was no real market for digital board games. So, having them online was good marketing. I was also almost always asked by the online platform for permission.

Now that app versions and digital versions are a revenue source, it's far more problematic.


Unlimited Capacity
Stooge that sucks man. It didn't really strike me as that because I went and modded in games I already own to play with my friends. I was shocked at how easy and how many versions were there for basically every game I own.

After how dry and confusing some people found Agricola, I'm a little scared. Still, thanks for the heads up. I preordered at CSI since Miniature Market was out. I've been switching to Miniature Market in general since they have better preorder selection typically and lower shipping even though they're further away.

I would pre-order it, but I will be getting The Others and Mechs vs Minions the same day. On top of that we are basically only playing BattleCON and Through the Ages (is this the best game? yes is the answer) at this point.

If you like Star Wars I think you'd be hard pressed to hate it.

Note: it's still not as good as War of the Ring. Buy that first if you don't have it !

Let me look up War of the Ring I guess.


I would pre-order it, but I will be getting The Others and Mechs vs Minions the same day. On top of that we are basically only playing BattleCON and Through the Ages (is this the best game? yes is the answer) at this point.
Through the ages sounds cool, but no one including me wants to play 3 hour games, heh.
Yeah, it's a fantastic piece of kit for stealing peoples work.

The owners of it and Valve absolutely refuse to do anything to stop people from posting "workshop" games that are 300 DPI scans of artwork that cost us thousands of dollars.

It's hurt me a couple of times with deals to get App versions of our games made in the last few months. Digital board games are worth money. Creating a platform where thousands of people have downloaded our games for free is essentially a piracy market in my eyes, and given that the developers won't do anything to stop it, I'm guessing it's a feature. If you "partner" with them for official DLC they do a hell of a job keeping pirated versions from popping up on the workshop.
Can those unofficial versions charge money? (Not familiar with the software or Steam Workshop.) If not, I can see why the developers and Valve won't do anything. It's bad for you and your feelings are valid, but I don't think they are entirely in the wrong. Giving preference to official add ons is scummy. Pragmatic but scummy.

Pirates gonna pirate, the only thing you can do is make it more alluring for people to go the legal route. Still free advertising for your products.
Besides the piracy thing, I just find tabletop simulator to be awful in general. How do people really play a game with it and not get frustrated as hell?

I think I would rather do a print and play by drawing the components myself instead.


Can those unofficial versions charge money? (Not familiar with the software or Steam Workshop.) If not, I can see why the developers and Valve won't do anything. It's bad for you and your feelings are valid, but I don't think they are entirely in the wrong. Giving preference to official add ons is scummy. Pragmatic but scummy.

Pirates gonna pirate, the only thing you can do is make it more alluring for people to go the legal route. Still free advertising for your products.

The issue is chiefly that people are scanning and copying the artwork, which is blatantly illegal. You can't stop people from playing a home-made "Spyfall" with some index cards and a marker, but all that artwork adds value that people are just copying wholesale on TTS.

The other thing is that playing stuff on TTS is made possible by being able to find rules PDFs online - a huge privilege for gamers that starts to look like a huge abuse on TTS.


Now that the B&N clearance hit 75% off, I went back to my closest one and picked up a few things. Like always, they never had too much that was good, certainly none of the amazing things other people find. I did get some things to play with my family though: Star Munchkin Deluxe, Apples to Apples Junior, and Pictomania (which might be my first Vlaada game!).
I also got the Firefly: Blue Sun expansion. Man, would I love to play Firefly again.
The issue is chiefly that people are scanning and copying the artwork, which is blatantly illegal. You can't stop people from playing a home-made "Spyfall" with some index cards and a marker, but all that artwork adds value that people are just copying wholesale on TTS.

The other thing is that playing stuff on TTS is made possible by being able to find rules PDFs online - a huge privilege for gamers that starts to look like a huge abuse on TTS.
Those are good points. My bias is as a consumer.


Can't wait for the Betrayal expansion on Friday.
Oh yeah, it is coming out that soon, isn't it? I know that a couple at the local store who loves Betrayal has it pre-ordered and is planning a big Halloween-themed game night at the store. I might buy some of the custom character board holders (with spots for the clips where they don't move around) on Etsy in advance for my personal copy and bring that in.


Hail to the KING baby
That's annoying that people use TTS as leverage in negotiation. I'm an insanely hardcore board-game player with a PC I built, and I've never touched that and have little interest. I could see supersuperfans who have no alternative getting into games they already own that way, or just cheap people who wouldn't even pay .99 for an app anyway, but it's total apples & oranges in terms of whether it's competing with competent board-game apps. I think there's no way it is at all.
The ios version of patchwork is on sale and is well worth picking up.

Just in time for cottage garden. I'd love to try Feast for Odin but I'd never get to actually play it. A bit of Uwe gardening might go down alright though.


The ios version of patchwork is on sale and is well worth picking up.

Just in time for cottage garden. I'd love to try Feast for Odin but I'd never get to actually play it. A bit of Uwe gardening might go down alright though.
2 hours is the upper limit of what I can rope people into ("2 hours" games take 3 hours in reality), so I can play stuff like Scythe every once in a while.

At the very least, Feast for Odin has a singleplayer mode, so I figure I'll get to do that.


I could see supersuperfans who have no alternative getting into games they already own that way
It's kind of where I am right now. If it wasn't for TTS I would play my tabletop games with my brother only 1 or 2 times a year.
Same with some of my friends, I already did the trip in train, it's still better experienced this way, but time & cost wise it's simply not something I would do every weekend, or even every month.


SUSD has been on point his year for sure, both in production and analysis in most if their reviews. Quinns was a consultant on Mechs vs. Minions too, and I'd honestly eat my hat if they reviewed it, but then again he has an actual writing and journalism background. Come to think of it while I do have differing tastes, the SUSD guys are the only ones I trust 100% in the field.


I think your hat is technically safe! :D


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
2 hours is the upper limit of what I can rope people into ("2 hours" games take 3 hours in reality), so I can play stuff like Scythe every once in a while.

At the very least, Feast for Odin has a singleplayer mode, so I figure I'll get to do that.

Yeeaaah, the good old times when "3 hours" was a long game for my group.


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