Just finished playing through the tutorial scenario for Arkham Horror TCG (a rather polished and perfectly functional TTS upload was added to Workshop recently). I had a blast!
I played as Roland (the recommended 1-p investigator). Actually managed to squeak out a very, very close win -- I won't go into exactly why (so as not spoil the scenario) but it basically came down to an unavoidable token-pull which was to decide life or death for the investigator. Fortune favoured me and I was able to chalk down a turn-5 win with 4 victory points.
I'm definitely going to play again, hopefully later today; looking forward to messing around with other decks, combining two decks for solo play and dipping my toes into custom deckbuilding. As is, that was a very nice first impression and the game just jumped to Definitely Purchase status.
*edit -- wait, no. Turn 6 win, not Turn 5. I counted total doom tokens at game end (5) but you don't place a token on the 1st turn, so yeah, game end was Turn 6.