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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I like what they did with the Science cards, which is the one mechanic from the regular game that spoils the experience for me ("You got a bunch of science cards and won the game, what a surprise").

I also think they should print all future editions of the regular game with the icon system for free upgrade cards (rather than looking for the card's name). It's just so much faster and usable to see a card with a matching icon and know you can get it for free.


I like what they did with the Science cards, which is the one mechanic from the regular game that spoils the experience for me ("You got a bunch of science cards and won the game, what a surprise").

I also think they should print all future editions of the regular game with the icon system for free upgrade cards (rather than looking for the card's name). It's just so much faster and usable to see a card with a matching icon and know you can get it for free.
Those things, plus yellow cards making trade better, plus all cards being unique ("You accidentally built a duplicate card, YOU CHEATED AND YOUR VICTORY IS HOLLOW") are great.


After massively getting back into board games over the past few months and enjoying somewhat fiddly games like Eldritch Horror and Fury of Dracula, I think I'm finally ready for the supposedly ultimate gamer's game: Mage Knight.

I'm planning on jumping into solo gaming for the first time with this one. I used to scoff at the idea of playing a board game by yourself, but this one seems interesting enough to change my mind.

Once I learn the rules I'd like to play with my significant other. We've been playing more games together, and I'm hoping we can eventually tackle some co-op scenarios. Since we're working together I'm hoping that'll make the learning experience more fun and less frustrating for her.

I know Mage Knight can be quite divisive. I'd be interested in hearing others thoughts and experiences on the game.


Hail to the KING baby
So heads-up that miniature market apparently has a huge sale planned for tomorrow ("bigger than Black Friday"). I love sales though realistically I pretty much own every game I could possibly want (or have it as part of a preorder bundle thing at CSI or elsewhere). Maybe will check it out just for rando fun kids games. :p


So heads-up that miniature market apparently has a huge sale planned for tomorrow ("bigger than Black Friday"). I love sales though realistically I pretty much own every game I could possibly want (or have it as part of a preorder bundle thing at CSI or elsewhere). Maybe will check it out just for rando fun kids games. :p

Here's the list of games on sale, from BGG (no price yet)



I picked up the Worlds of Android book from FFG. It's really nice, especially if you like cyberpunk world building and the art in Netrunner. It's quite a nicely fleshed out universe, and much more interested than some of their more cliched and stereotypical IP.
After massively getting back into board games over the past few months and enjoying somewhat fiddly games like Eldritch Horror and Fury of Dracula, I think I'm finally ready for the supposedly ultimate gamer's game: Mage Knight.

I'm planning on jumping into solo gaming for the first time with this one. I used to scoff at the idea of playing a board game by yourself, but this one seems interesting enough to change my mind.

Once I learn the rules I'd like to play with my significant other. We've been playing more games together, and I'm hoping we can eventually tackle some co-op scenarios. Since we're working together I'm hoping that'll make the learning experience more fun and less frustrating for her.

I know Mage Knight can be quite divisive. I'd be interested in hearing others thoughts and experiences on the game.

It's my all time favorite game to solo (or 2-player). If you want to learn how to play go watch Ricky Royal (Box of Delight channel). He did awesome play through and teach you the basic. The only difficulty really is the combat resolution. There are just so many icons, step, block, armor but once you get a hang of it became 2nd nature as you play.


I needed to make a decision quick on what to do with my expiring points from MinMart ($6 expiring, $11 in total). I ended up doing a customer hold (I keep forgetting they have holds now!) for the upcoming Portal edition of Robinson Crusoe. It's about time I get in on that, and $30 isn't a bad price at all.


I needed to make a decision quick on what to do with my expiring points from MinMart ($6 expiring, $11 in total). I ended up doing a customer hold (I keep forgetting they have holds now!) for the upcoming Portal edition of Robinson Crusoe. It's about time I get in on that, and $30 isn't a bad price at all.

It's a great co-op with folks wanting more than the Pandemic/social co-op trend, and it works well solo.


It's my all time favorite game to solo (or 2-player). If you want to learn how to play go watch Ricky Royal (Box of Delight channel). He did awesome play through and teach you the basic. The only difficulty really is the combat resolution. There are just so many icons, step, block, armor but once you get a hang of it became 2nd nature as you play.

I'm not going to get it until my birthday in November (otherwise I'd just buy it now - delayed gratification is nice) so I'll have plenty of time to prep. I watched the first half of that already and it got me super excited.

I also have two roommates who are onto board gaming that over played Arkham and Fury with. Would you recommend any of the scenarios (competitive or coop) for three players or is it too much?


Please forgive the cult of the new, but I have another Feast for Odin report. Second game, 2 players again.

First off, we narrowly avoided disaster when my girlfriend reached for her phone and knocked over a glass of red wine on a sideboard. It went into the floor and only maybe 2 drops got on a player mat, with the rest of the table being fine. If it had been on the table, it would have almost guaranteed destroyed an $70+ game.

I lost our game yesterday, 8 to 15. I forgot to reroll some hunting tiles, made an awful decision picking up an island, and probably cheated with green tiles at least once (you're penalized 3 points for each pair of green tiles you cheat by putting them adjacent). I felt so dumb when I realize that mistake, too.

8-15 is obviously a horrible score, so today we played again. I still lost, but 56-57. If I hadn't cheated again (why am I so dumb!) with two green tiles, I might have actually won. Heck, if I had remembered to get my 2 silver one round, I would have won. It's like when we play Lords of Waterdeep -- I typically forgot plot quests 3+ times a game and don't get the resources. The neat thing is that our scores grew as we learned, but stayed so close despite our different strategies.

I was a Catapaulter whose stones were doubly effective, so I could do raiding and pillaging with much better odds than normal (you spend stones to help your dice rolls). I was also a Village Leader with a fancy fur coat (once I crafted it), meaning every feast people threw 2 silver at me. She was a Tanner who could turn salt meat into hide for free, and she kept doing that to get a nice crafting chain going. She ended up with tons of food, and bought a food house to store most of it and get extra points. She emigrated her people twice to reduce mouths to feed, giving her a ton of points, yet I had lots of silver and a massive income, balancing it out.

The biggest things that strike me about Feast for Odin are the feelings of gaining skill and the feelings of variety.

Gaining Skill
There are so many variables to consider with the different special tile shapes, the different islands with bonuses, the different houses, the different resources, and the occupations, finding even basic action flows and layout strategies takes some time. It is super satisfying to go from a first game where you fill maybe 2/3 of your home board to a second game where you cover every single negative space. Apparently experienced players start scoring around 100 (a designer mentioned a high score of 150, not sure if that was solo or 2-player), so we still have a lot to improve on from the 50's.

If you include the two advanced decks, there are 45 different starting occupations, and each player only gets one. Each one changes an action or rule in some fashion, affecting your optimal path. It is easy to get another few additional occupation cards (out of 145), so your chances of getting another rules-affecting card seem decent. So right out of the gate, each game is going to feel a bit different and probably have a slightly different strategy. Adding onto that, there are a bunch of uniquely shaped tiles, and a lot of ways you can drop resources into your grid and pad with silver, and multiple options for feeding vikings, so you have more variability. Adding onto THAT, even if you have some carefully calculated euro strategy, you might be off by one if you gamble on something like hunting, or you might have two basically identical spaces but your opponent takes the cheaper one so you're set back a round (this happened to me tonight).

Obviously it is new and shiny at the moment, and only time will tell how it is received. Are certain spaces too powerful despite extensive testing? Will the integration of dice and cards turn hardcore euro fans off? Will the price and initial intimidation from the action spaces prevent it from getting much play? Who knows.

For me, my gut feel is that it may be one of Rosenberg's finest efforts.
I needed to make a decision quick on what to do with my expiring points from MinMart ($6 expiring, $11 in total). I ended up doing a customer hold (I keep forgetting they have holds now!) for the upcoming Portal edition of Robinson Crusoe. It's about time I get in on that, and $30 isn't a bad price at all.

$30? Sorry but I hate you.


$30? Sorry but I hate you.
All the points that were expiring were from when I drove to Missouri a while back and stopped at the MM store going in and out of St Louis. I don't know if they still have it, but there was a wheel on the wall and when you spent "X" amount of money in the store in a day, you spun the wheel and got bonus points. So most of the points that I used to make Crusoe cheap were from lucky spins. Those lucky spins came from buying some great games off of their ding and dent walls and clearance walls though, like Twilight Imperium 3E (for somewhere around $50 if I remember correctly, when it was OOP at a lot of retailers and selling for $100+ on Amazon) or Bora Bora for really cheap.
I cannot wait for the next time I have a chance to go to the MM store. I hope that I can drive down to a CSI location too before I leave the southeast for good.

Li Kao

Being traditionally more of an euro gamer I'm curious to discover the ameritrash genre. I have Blood Rage still under shrinkwrap but Zombicide Black Plague is mighty tempting too, for the coop aspect. There would be Arcadia Quest too, mostly because Tom Vasel has a stellar opinion about it, but this genre of game is expensive af, so....
Oh, Imperial Assault too... shit.
And that's without mentionning the great games that are coming our way in the next few weeks or months, like Scythe (in French), Conan and The Others.
I think I miss my 30$ euros :-S


There would be Arcadia Quest too, mostly because Tom Vasel has a stellar opinion about it, but this genre of game is expensive af, so....
Oh, Imperial Assault too... shit.

I can't recommend Arcadia enough. It is possibly one of the best games I've played with friends. It's relatively light as well on rules and you can almost learn as you go.

IA is a damn sight more heavier though. Equally as good. Miniatures aren't as high class though.

Li Kao

I can't recommend Arcadia enough. It is possibly one of the best games I've played with friends. It's relatively light as well on rules and you can almost learn as you go.

IA is a damn sight more heavier though. Equally as good. Miniatures aren't as high class though.

Would you still recommend AQ for two players only ? It's the most frequent setup in my house so it never hurts to ask. My FLGS said it was cool with two players each playing two guilds but what if we want to play just one ?


Would you still recommend AQ for two players only ? It's the most frequent setup in my house so it never hurts to ask. My FLGS said it was cool with two players each playing two guilds but what if we want to play just one ?

When you're playing a guild each you still have three minis on the board while one person can still run away with the round, in the grand scheme of things it's easy to claw it back. As there is still a good element of luck on rolls (I rolled 8 defence dice and whiffed them all). Especially with the expansion which often rewards death. The game doesn't just score on who finished first it also scores on gold made (kills on people or mobs) and titles won etc. It makes sure one person doesn't feel like they are just going to get dumped on.

To put all this in context: I played a 2 player campaign and still only won by one category. I think the results went: Me, Me, Friend, Friend, Friend, Me.


Monday featured my third game of Scythe. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about the game. If it wasn't for the hype setting high expectations, would I view it in a more positive light? As it is, I look forward to playing it again more than most games that I rate higher. Much of that anticipation, though, is just for attempting to optimize each of the 25 faction + action board combinations, rather than any real interest in interactive play. In fact, each of the three games (all 4P or 5P) I've played have been largely solitary experiences with combat only for end-game star(s) and sometimes the factory, with almost no concern for carving out territory. Terra Mystica feels more cut-throat and competitive, despite that game's lack of combat.

The first and third games were quick affairs, played in about 75 minutes. In both, the most experienced player (not-me and me, respectively) dominated every facet of the game while the less experienced players had pushed a few wooden tokens around on their player mats and were almost ready to start playing by the final, three-star turn.

In the second game, everyone had roughly the same level of experience (i.e., 1 play or no plays but familiarity with the rules) and muddled through with lots of bad decisions, resulting in a longer (~150 minute) game. I believe there were six battles in this game, which is as much as there were in the other two combined.

In each of the three games, two players got to the factory. One of those two always won. In Monday's game, there were some complaints that being first (or early) to the factory was a dominant strategy because the first (maybe second) factory card was so powerful. And certainly the first-to-factory player made good use of that first factory card in each of the games I played. But in the first and third games, the eventual winner could have skipped the factory entirely and still dominated -- perhaps not doubling the runner-up's score, but still winning by a comfortable margin. What really mattered was running an efficient engine for end-game scoring/stars; that is, thinking ahead to what the final game state should look like and then racing to that condition (with realistic expectations and contingencies in mind).

Being traditionally more of an euro gamer I'm curious to discover the ameritrash genre. I have Blood Rage still under shrinkwrap but Zombicide Black Plague is mighty tempting too, for the coop aspect. There would be Arcadia Quest too, mostly because Tom Vasel has a stellar opinion about it, but this genre of game is expensive af, so....
Oh, Imperial Assault too... shit.
And that's without mentionning the great games that are coming our way in the next few weeks or months, like Scythe (in French), Conan and The Others.
I think I miss my 30$ euros :-S

I really wouldn't consider Blood Rage or Scythe Ameritrash. Blood Rage is a card drafting game with area control elements and is no more Ameritrashy than El Grande, beyond the theme. Scythe is an efficiency engine race with area control and 30 seconds of combat per hour of play.

Imperial Assault might be closer to what you're looking for, especially for 2P competitive play.


Hail to the KING baby
Well I did wind up buying some things in the MM sale. They actually had some really good stuff that I would totally buy on sale like Blood Rage and Broom Service, but unfortunately it was sold out before 9 pacific (damn you east-coast bargain hunters).

-Survive: Space Attack! (have the original (1970s) Survive! and have had my eye on this)
-Innovation: Echoes Expansion (didn't even know the Iello version had any expansions -- I don't love Echoes but we've been playing a good amount so could use the variety again, and it's decent)
-The Little Prince: Rising to the Stars (for playing with Kids)
-Beppo der Bock (Beppo the Billy Goat) (Kids)
-Oceanos (not on sale, but added this to hit free shipping. even a middling Bauza game with great production values is right up my alley)


Most of the sale stuff I wanted were sold out by the time I got to it and both were expansions. I feel most of MM's sales are like this. Big hype for nothing, unless people buy out the good stuff the second it goes live.


Hail to the KING baby
CSI has the worst damn sales I swear. But they have awesome customer service and generally very good prices. MM I think has some of the best sales around, but yeah you have to be on them early. I should have checked at home at like 7 AM and I would have gotten even more stuff I wanted, but I still made out OK at 930 pacific.
I'm partial to CSI since I've been using them the most since I started buying board games, but their sales have definitely gotten worse. Maybe once or twice a month is there a sale with a board game I actually would want. Lately, I've been splitting my orders between 4-5 different places. MM, CSI, Cardhaus, Amazon, and Funagain. I think I like Cardhaus the most so far because of their better daily sales and they aren't as popular so games don't get sold out as quickly. The only thing is that their site interface isn't very nice looking.


I wanted to use CSI exclusively, but they kept not getting a preorder I wanted (the Scythe expansion) where you could even reserve it, while Miniature Market already had it. I even emailed CSI directly to ask if I could be notified or whatever, and their answer was basically that they have no idea until it happens. I didn't want to keep checking every day so I switched to MM for some stuff.
Got to play a lot of games this past week, more so than I have in the last couple of months put together. Orleans, Captain Sonar, Burgle Bros., Mafia de Cuba, Bora Bora, Arboretum, Voyages of Marco Polo, Onitama, Clank!, Draconis Invasion, Shadows over Camelot, and a solo game of Dawn of the Zeds.

Captain Sonar was great. Got to play this twice with a full 8 players. Simple game, easy to pitch to new players/gamers. Lost both times, but had a lot of fun.

Clank! definitely makes my short list of best deck-building games. The added board does much for the genre, like what Trains did but even better. Speaking of DBGs, Draconis Invasion feels like a much better game solo or with less players. Played with 4. The tension wasn't really there.

Dawn of the Zeds is cool. I need to get this to the table more often to learn more of the game. I had played the no-brains ruleset before, and just did the Basic Game set up and lost badly. Lots of game in one box; I didn't even punch out all the tokens yet since I haven't reached those levels.


CSI has the worst damn sales I swear.

ooh a new cool stuff sale.

HUNDREDS OF ITEMS ON SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*clicks to sort so it only shows board games on sale*

*stares at the 4 games on sale*


that is all CSI is good for board game wise anymore.
that being said I still order plenty of stuff through them as they tend to have the better every day prices.


Hail to the KING baby
ooh a new cool stuff sale.

HUNDREDS OF ITEMS ON SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*clicks to sort so it only shows board games on sale*

*stares at the 4 games on sale*


that is all CSI is good for board game wise anymore.
that being said I still order plenty of stuff through them as they tend to have the better every day prices.
"hey look the one board game is Bioshock Infinite!"

ok i'll stop now :p but that game must be one of the most overproduced ever because it's been in almost every sale since it released years ago (was even in the MM one today)


One of the guys from my board game meetup got his copy of Mechs vs Minions in yesterday right before the meetup and brought it. The components are as lavish and nice they look in pics. I was actually really shocked at how much fun it was, I had a great time playing it! The timed drafting is tense and cool, and I like the command line idea along with special powers your Mechs get as the team levels up. We played through the intro story and two more missions after. There is a good reason for needing so many minion minis!

Am I going to hunt down a copy? Nah, so many people are buying it that if I ever want to play it, I'll have no problem getting a game going. You don't need to know a damn thing about LoL to enjoy it, either.


I know that a couple from the local store wants to do a big Betrayal at House on the Hill night for Halloween (I'm gonna try to talk them out of their plans to do it ON Halloween though, since I've got a kid), but I'm going to try to get an Elder Sign night going before Halloween too and see if I can talk people into showing up for it. Not that it accommodates too many players, but then again, we don't get too many people showing up for game night anymore anyway. I haven't played Elder Sign in probably over a year and a half though and I miss it. I played Omens earlier on my iPad and it reminded me of how much I like the game. I have Unseen Forces (though I have never used it; that Cursed die seems like it will make things really tough) and think I might grab Gates of Arkham from Amazon. I missed out on the latest expansion for $17 though. I might also get one of the nice custom inserts/organizers for it from etsy.


One of the guys from my board game meetup got his copy of Mechs vs Minions in yesterday right before the meetup and brought it. The components are as lavish and nice they look in pics. I was actually really shocked at how much fun it was, I had a great time playing it! The timed drafting is tense and cool, and I like the command line idea along with special powers your Mechs get as the team levels up. We played through the intro story and two more missions after. There is a good reason for needing so many minion minis!

Am I going to hunt down a copy? Nah, so many people are buying it that if I ever want to play it, I'll have no problem getting a game going. You don't need to know a damn thing about LoL to enjoy it, either.

Glad I managed to get in before the queue got too long, still have to wait till December but definitely looking much more forward to getting it now. :)


The app for Descent 2nd edition seems to be good enough that I finally pulled the trigger and got the core set one one of the hero/monster packs. I didn't want too many tiles to start off with but I can't wait to sink my teeth into it. Seems a little more fiddly than MoM2e, but I would imagine that is just because it was not designed from the ground up for the app. Super cool though.
I'm not going to get it until my birthday in November (otherwise I'd just buy it now - delayed gratification is nice) so I'll have plenty of time to prep. I watched the first half of that already and it got me super excited.

I also have two roommates who are onto board gaming that over played Arkham and Fury with. Would you recommend any of the scenarios (competitive or coop) for three players or is it too much?

If you don't mind Star Trek theme, it is easier to play than Mage Knight. They simplify a lot of combat in the game. I would recommend that if you looking for something a little less fiddly, but it also make the game somewhat easier though you can always adjust difficulty.

As for multiplayers, it really depends on how experience they are and what type of gamers. I usually just do co-op Conquest scenario when playing Mage Knight or Star Trek where you essentially just compete for points at the end of the game. The game can be very long if you are playing with Analysis Paralysis gamers or deep thinker. That is the only reason I don't play with more than 2 people, but I don't see why 3 wouldn't work if people you play with don't suffer from AP. You can look at your cards and sort of plan what you want to do but sometimes, that all depend on what the other people did on their turn. If you are playing with hyper competitive type, you can go with competitive version, the only rule added is the PvP combat.


My Vinhos kickstarter just arrived today. Man, this game is beautiful. The components are top-notch. It goes well with my The Gallerist. Next up, Lisboa.
I know that a couple from the local store wants to do a big Betrayal at House on the Hill night for Halloween (I'm gonna try to talk them out of their plans to do it ON Halloween though, since I've got a kid), but I'm going to try to get an Elder Sign night going before Halloween too and see if I can talk people into showing up for it. Not that it accommodates too many players, but then again, we don't get too many people showing up for game night anymore anyway. I haven't played Elder Sign in probably over a year and a half though and I miss it. I played Omens earlier on my iPad and it reminded me of how much I like the game. I have Unseen Forces (though I have never used it; that Cursed die seems like it will make things really tough) and think I might grab Gates of Arkham from Amazon. I missed out on the latest expansion for $17 though. I might also get one of the nice custom inserts/organizers for it from etsy.


Unseen Forces I think made the difficulty just right. I don't think we ever lost to the core game after we know how to play Elder Sign. I finally opened the mini POD expansion Grave Consequences and added to Gates and was really surprised and how well it integrated into the game. If you played Arkham Horror, it sort of like the Madness and Injury deck. It's a fun little addition that give the game more narrative that said it is a litttle pricey retail becaude you essentially just getting three small mini decks.


Unconfirmed Member
Played the first scenario MoM2E with another friend, making it the 4th time I've played the first scenario and it was probably the best experience I had with it.

while we were busy fending off monsters the Priest of Dagon was able to complete the ritual and came down from the roof to fight us. After killing him my friend got an insanity card which caused him to wander off to finish looking at some search tokens. The other investigators booked it too the roof.

We got to the roof and were able to finish a rune puzzle and destablize the ritual. This brought out a Shoggoth. At each mythos phase a first the house floor boards started to rip apart sending splinters at us. The next phase the mansion started ripping apart and we had to start removing tiles which was cool.

So with a Shoggoth getting closer and the mansion falling apart we were able to finish closing the portal by making Lore tests and win the scenario.

The end was such a nail biter. The first scenario in he game is great. I've seen 4 different layouts and due to our level of success through the mansion saw different endings. Great game!
I got my Jungles of Nectavus warpack yesterday to complete my Warhammer 40k: Conquest collection. Managed to get a few of the current cycle just before they went out of stock everywhere and had to have Jungles shipped from the UK. Now to hope my friend I play with can get a copy of Jungles too and figure out how to work deep strike cards into my decks.
This is the problem I'm facing. I really want to try games with a heavy narrative, like mansions of madness for example, but my game group is not used to story in games, or playing a role.

Are there good games to ease them into those types of narrative heavy games? I don't want to overwhelm them with tons of reading and dialogue.


Mansions Of Madness 2e has been craaazy popular for me as a gateway game with sporadic take-a-chance hosting evenings these past few months. I'm really amazed at its magnetism.
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