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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Thanks for the Eminent Domain impressions, everyone. I'm still on the fence about buying it. Looking at my collection, I have a couple of deck builders already (no Dominion though). My wife loves the genre but I kinda want to diversify my collection.


Exotica adds a fair amount of new things to do, though the game is really meant to be about as quick as Race for the Galaxy. On the point of it being really abstract, what are you comparing it to? Just about any deck builder I've played is the same (or worse) at that.

I guess I should say more abstract than normal. I think the Legendary series does a pretty good job of tying mechanics to theme inside a deck building framework. Same with Pathfinder ACG (which some would argue is not a deck builder per se, but I definitely think it falls under the broader definition).
Gah, it's time for another round of Kickstarter/pledge manager avalanche.

Within the next month or two, I'll have to decide whether to actually go in on the pledge managers/preorders for:

Massive Darkness
This War of Mine
Aether Captains

There's a slightly less specific timeline for:

Dark Souls
Star Saga
Siege of the Citadel
Apocrypha Card Game

And then, within the next month or so, there's also the Kickstarters for:

Shadows of Brimstone
Kingdom Death: Monster

It's funny - I HATE Kickstarter exclusives as a concept, but they also do play a significant role in determining whether or not I pay through the pledge manager or wait until after the game is released. Guh.

EDIT: Not to mention the things I took a pass on but which will be popping up sooner or later, with * indicating preorders are still open:

Sword and Sorcery
Perdition's Mouth
Endure the Stars
*Folklore: The Affliction
Blackout: Journey into Darkness
*Darklight: Memento Mori
*Darkness Sabotage
*Vampire Hunters
And this'll be the last Feast for Odin post I'll do for a while, especially since I'll be getting Mechs vs Minions today. But anyway, I played a total of 5 solo games, 1 short and 4 long games. I'm really enjoying this much more than I thought. I don't usually replay solo modes of Euros very often, especially worker placement ones. This definitely rivals Viticulture's Automa for solo. Having played it more, I do like it more than Fields of Arle because of the latter's lack of enough variability.

My scores have been steadily increasing, 19 to 38 to 55 to 79 to 121. Big caveat on the last two scores though. Pretty sure I misunderstood an occupation that let you buy blue tiles with silver if you have a cattle in your stable. But that was on the 79 game. With the 121 I decided to see how much occupations affected things and went through the A deck and picked out several cards that would work in a raiding/pillaging strategy. Around 10 occupation cards were chosen and then shuffled. Ended up filling all but 4 spaces of my home board and had Labrador, a stone house, and a long house with around 30 negative points.

Still going to stick with A deck until I can get passed the 80 mark without cheating. Definitely need to see how this'll play out versus other people, but this is getting to be right up in there with Le Havre as my favorite Uwe.


I still have yet to do even a solo play with my copy of Feast for Odin since having a 3-year-old and a 2-month-old really limit free time. But I'm jonesing to try it so badly and you guys are feeding into that. Haha first I need to put aside the time to just punch the cardboard tokens.
The last thing I need is another dungeon crawler, but I think I'm going to put in for the $120 late pledge on Massive Darkness. That's just too much content to pass up.


I'm getting up my first children's games (through a math trade): Whoowasit? and The Enchanted Tower. I hope to get Rhino Hero or Animal Upon Animal in the future, as well as Outfoxed and maybe Max. My kid's still way too young to play any of them, but it doesn't hurt to swap for games that are sitting around unplayed.

Any other recommendations for board games for young children (pre-school aged)?


TMNT: Shadows of the Past has begun shipping! The "Works" Edition from the Kickstarter is shipping first and they said copies will be going out East to West, so I should have my hands on a copy soon. I don't really do much painting but the four turtles (or eight in my case, from the Works Edition, but I only really need a set of four painted in the beginning) should be fairly easy once people figure out which greens look the best.
The SUSD review apparently goes up at 4PM Pacific too. I don't normally check out reviews but I'll watch this one and see what I'm in store for.


TMNT: Shadows of the Past has begun shipping! The "Works" Edition from the Kickstarter is shipping first and they said copies will be going out East to West, so I should have my hands on a copy soon. I don't really do much painting but the four turtles (or eight in my case, from the Works Edition, but I only really need a set of four painted in the beginning) should be fairly easy once people figure out which greens look the best.
The SUSD review apparently goes up at 4PM Pacific too. I don't normally check out reviews but I'll watch this one and see what I'm in store for.

Are you going turtle accurate and have different shades of green for each turtle?

Not sure if I care about "reviews" for games I am already getting. Unless it is horrible, what am I going to do, try to sell it off?


Are you going turtle accurate and have different shades of green for each turtle?

Not sure if I care about "reviews" for games I am already getting. Unless it is horrible, what am I going to do, try to sell it off?
I'm not completely sure what I will do yet. I was thinking of doing one set to look like the classic cartoon and the other set with all red bandannas, maybe even in black and white. The Eastman sculpts would be the most fitting for the latter paint job but they also look the most like the classic cartoon designs, so I don't know. I didn't give any thought to doing different greens though. The classic cartoon had all four the same color, no? EDIT: I guess there were variations in color scheme among the toys in the early 90's, I'm seeing some lighter greens, which I remember, as well as darker olive colors, which I also remember. I will have to give it some thought. Tell you one thing I wish I could get to go with the board game though and to add a little bit 'extra' to the game: The Heroclix Turtle Van. Too bad it was a con-exclusive and goes for $40-$50.

I'm not watching the review to really learn anything about the game, I just want to see more comparisons of the minis and see more of the components than what was shown in KS updates, maybe see some explanation of how the game is played since I just started reading the rulebook yesterday in preparation of its arrival.


Unconfirmed Member
The last thing I need is another dungeon crawler, but I think I'm going to put in for the $120 late pledge on Massive Darkness. That's just too much content to pass up.

Its super tempting, but I don't think I can do it.

Alternatively my friends and I may start playing D&Dor CoC RPG.


The last thing I need is another dungeon crawler, but I think I'm going to put in for the $120 late pledge on Massive Darkness. That's just too much content to pass up.
I hadn't heard of this, but got tempted for a few minutes as well. I just got into painting minis, and was ogling those. However, the gameplay looks a little too simplistic, so I'm going to have to pass on it.

Funnily, I'm painting my minis for Mansions of Madness 2E right now, which is super simplistic in its gameplay. However, it's absolutely dripping in theme, so I let it slide.


Saint Nic
Does CMON stuff show up at discounted rates on MM and CSI? The extras sound cool but my pledge could get pretty expensive really quick. I may get the BP Crossover to sell off later..


Unlimited Capacity
I hadn't heard of this, but got tempted for a few minutes as well. I just got into painting minis, and was ogling those. However, the gameplay looks a little too simplistic, so I'm going to have to pass on it.

Funnily, I'm painting my minis for Mansions of Madness 2E right now, which is super simplistic in its gameplay. However, it's absolutely dripping in theme, so I let it slide.

I will say that the gameplay looks a bit more in depth than Zombicide, and that game is a blast.
Does CMON stuff show up at discounted rates on MM and CSI? The extras sound cool but my pledge could get pretty expensive really quick. I may get the BP Crossover to sell off later..

I tend to only go for the core/KS exclusive stuff. If you're willing to wait, you can generally get the add-ons later via CSI/MM/Amazon for at least as cheap as the KS price.


I will say that the gameplay looks a bit more in depth than Zombicide, and that game is a blast.
I'll check out the gameplay video tomorrow and make a decision then. I haven't played Zombicide, as I'm much more of a "euro" player. But I do like dungeon crawlers and Cthulhu mythos (thus the Mansions of Madness).


Unconfirmed Member
I hadn't heard of this, but got tempted for a few minutes as well. I just got into painting minis, and was ogling those. However, the gameplay looks a little too simplistic, so I'm going to have to pass on it.

Funnily, I'm painting my minis for Mansions of Madness 2E right now, which is super simplistic in its gameplay. However, it's absolutely dripping in theme, so I let it slide.

I'm slowly painting the minis too for MoM. Really enjoying painting.


Let me come over and play bruh
Feel free if you are ever in SC.
One of these days, I'll track down someone parting out pieces from the older edition "Samurai Swords" and buy the plastic swords from them that determine turn order. They should have never removed those when they rereleased it as Ikusa.


I want ikusa. Why did I pass up on it wyen it was at my flgs

I still have my old copy from the Eighties, when it was called Shogun: the box is broken and I lost a green archer, but other than that the game is in good shape. loved it as a teen. Hope to put it on the table again in the next few weeks.

I'm pretty new to the board gaming world: I entered in it after a big hiatus since the Eighties just 6 months ago: I'm having a lot of fun playing my best friends (we are playing the classics like Puerto Rico, Carcassone and Ticket to Ride, but also some "new" stuff like Splendor, Istanbul and Takenoko. My fav game, at the moment, is the amazing 7 Wonders)
Does CMON stuff show up at discounted rates on MM and CSI? The extras sound cool but my pledge could get pretty expensive really quick. I may get the BP Crossover to sell off later..

Often, and not uncommon for them to get even further discounted during sale periods. Not touching CMON stuff anymore since if you had waited a bit you would get a huge discount on the products via CSI and MM. Only thing you might miss out on sometimes is a handful of KS exclusive figs, but really you don't need them unless your huge into miniatures for painting/collecting.


Saint Nic
Often, and not uncommon for them to get even further discounted during sale periods. Not touching CMON stuff anymore since if you had waited a bit you would get a huge discount on the products via CSI and MM. Only thing you might miss out on sometimes is a handful of KS exclusive figs, but really you don't need them unless your huge into miniatures for painting/collecting.

Yeah, this is why I closed my pledge with only the two KS exclusive items. I just spent $100 on Shadows of Brimstone stuff I was missing, so I'm good for quite some time.
Yeah, this is why I closed my pledge with only the two KS exclusive items. I just spent $100 on Shadows of Brimstone stuff I was missing, so I'm good for quite some time.

I wish I hadn't backed Shadows of Brimstone. Still most of the kickstarter hasn't been delivered to us backers, while it's been in stores for months now, and much of it put on sale multiple times already.


Saint Nic
I wish I hadn't backed Shadows of Brimstone. Still most of the kickstarter hasn't been delivered to us backers, while it's been in stores for months now, and much of it put on sale multiple times already.

This has me terrified of the upcoming KS campaign for Forbidden Fortress. On one hand, I want to buy ALL of it. But on the other, they have been GARBAGE for delivery to backers.
This has me terrified of the upcoming KS campaign for Forbidden Fortress. On one hand, I want to buy ALL of it. But on the other, they have been GARBAGE for delivery to backers.

I will never support them again after this. They put out a ton of content that had nothing to do with the kickstarter instead of producing what was owed to backers. They are claiming we might get the rest of our stuff maybe by December now, so stupid. When retailers got your product owed to you for 2 years on discount before you get it, and they are asking for more money to ship your rewards early? Screw that, bad business.

They also have given the game zero online support, no official faqs, errata, or answered countless rule inquiries, and they abandoned their website. Questions unanswered for years on social media. They just got our money and are happy to have made a bundle.


Saint Nic
I will never support them again after this. They put out a ton of content that had nothing to do with the kickstarter instead of producing what was owed to backers. They are claiming we might get the rest of our stuff maybe by December now, so stupid. When retailers got your product owed to you for 2 years on discount before you get it, and they are asking for more money to ship your rewards early? Screw that, bad business.

They also have given the game zero online support, no official faqs, errata, or answered countless rule inquiries, and they abandoned their website. Questions unanswered for years on social media. They just got our money and are happy to have made a bundle.

This brings up an interesting discussion (to me at least, as I have only backed 2 things on KS and neither have had this sort of an issue). Is there ANY legal obligation for them to deliver to you on any sort of timeline? Not just FFP - any "successful" KS where the item is available to purchase but has not been delivered to those who backed it?
So. Something kinda amazing happened today. I decided to order some Fantasy Flight Games card sleeves for Clank! last night because the cards aren't the greatest quality. FFG sleeves tend to be my go-to even though they're a little more expensive. But they're thick, have little variance, and usually in-stock. Bought 4 packs of 50 card sleeves for ~$20, one day prime shipping with something else.

I picked up the box and wondered why the hell it was so heavy, and was completely bewildered when I saw I didn't just get 4 packs of 50 card sleeves, but 4 boxes of packs of card sleeves. Went back to Amazon to see if I didn't get charged extra or something weird happened, but nope. I ended up getting 40 packs of sleeves for the price of 4.


I will never support them again after this. They put out a ton of content that had nothing to do with the kickstarter instead of producing what was owed to backers. They are claiming we might get the rest of our stuff maybe by December now, so stupid. When retailers got your product owed to you for 2 years on discount before you get it, and they are asking for more money to ship your rewards early? Screw that, bad business.

They also have given the game zero online support, no official faqs, errata, or answered countless rule inquiries, and they abandoned their website. Questions unanswered for years on social media. They just got our money and are happy to have made a bundle.

Will it be December? Thought they were saying after January.

I have issues with the combat played (last time I played, started up twice and both times didn't get past the first tile because my shotgun couldn't kill a zombie and Darkness kept making them harded to hit). Comes across broken to me and then I say I should wait until the rest of the game shows up, then with Forbidden Fortress coming, I don't know what to do.

Not to mention that I am not looking forward to building all the mini's coming out.
This brings up an interesting discussion (to me at least, as I have only backed 2 things on KS and neither have had this sort of an issue). Is there ANY legal obligation for them to deliver to you on any sort of timeline? Not just FFP - any "successful" KS where the item is available to purchase but has not been delivered to those who backed it?

Anyone can sue for pretty much any reason, but I don't think anyone has really gone through with it for a board game. Plenty of games out there that have been going on years without getting their materials, some games never delivering product and never will. Purge was a card game that only the base set released, without a rulebook, players had to download what was essentially a large word document of the full rules. Paid for expansions and stretch goals never materialized and the company fell apart.

Robotech is gonna be 3 years now and huge chunk of it hasn't been delivered, and from updates, they still have yet to even finish planning the production of the parts for the 2nd wave of product owed, with no time frames at all. The company still is producing books and other products for retail during all this time, while backers of Robotech only got their base box game, which is like 30% of the entire kickstarter product funds were raised for. Retailers have already put the game on huge clearance already several times over, with 20-30 expansion packs being sold for 5-10 bucks online, and videos of the product being tossed in trash at gamestops.

Will it be December? Thought they were saying after January.

Last update they sent us sounded like they planned to get the final materials in Nov/Dec, so shipping it all out to backers if no problems would be Jan/Feb time frame probably.


So. Something kinda amazing happened today. I decided to order some Fantasy Flight Games card sleeves for Clank! last night because the cards aren't the greatest quality. FFG sleeves tend to be my go-to even though they're a little more expensive. But they're thick, have little variance, and usually in-stock. Bought 4 packs of 50 card sleeves for ~$20, one day prime shipping with something else.

I picked up the box and wondered why the hell it was so heavy, and was completely bewildered when I saw I didn't just get 4 packs of 50 card sleeves, but 4 boxes of packs of card sleeves. Went back to Amazon to see if I didn't get charged extra or something weird happened, but nope. I ended up getting 40 packs of sleeves for the price of 4.

Now you can sleeve your sleeves just to be sure!


Tonight was a complete disappointment. I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to take Elder Sign into the local store and try to get it played. I took it, Zombie Tower 3D, and Exploding Kittens (because the expansion Imploding Kittens just arrived). No one else showed up, yet again. I got fed up with not getting any games in recently, so I sat down and started a 4-investigator solo session against Azathoth. I was getting my ass kicked bad and after 1.5 hours I packed it up because I needed to get home in time for the new episode of The Flash. I think I had 9 doom tokens on the GOO, and only six or seven elder signs out of the 14 I needed. One investigator had already been devoured and replaced at that point. I just had an overload of monsters too, ever since the first adventures got dealt. First six adventures of the game and the first mythos card spawned 4 monsters and locked both red and yellow dice, so it was a rocky start. I also found myself cheating towards the end too, like I sometimes find myself doing in solo sessions of SH: Death Angel.
My heart just wasn't in it... I'm tired of having all these great games sitting around. I thought things would change when I finally moved back to the states from the remote location I was in when I got into the hobby, but I guess not. I was lucky enough to get two or three months of gaming in before school started up.
Tonight was a complete disappointment. I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to take Elder Sign into the local store and try to get it played. I took it, Zombie Tower 3D, and Exploding Kittens (because the expansion Imploding Kittens just arrived). No one else showed up, yet again. I got fed up with not getting any games in recently, so I sat down and started a 4-investigator solo session against Azathoth. I was getting my ass kicked bad and after 1.5 hours I packed it up because I needed to get home in time for the new episode of The Flash. I think I had 9 doom tokens on the GOO, and only six or seven elder signs out of the 14 I needed. One investigator had already been devoured and replaced at that point. I just had an overload of monsters too, ever since the first adventures got dealt. First six adventures of the game and the first mythos card spawned 4 monsters and locked both red and yellow dice, so it was a rocky start. I also found myself cheating towards the end too, like I sometimes find myself doing in solo sessions of SH: Death Angel.
My heart just wasn't in it... I'm tired of having all these great games sitting around. I thought things would change when I finally moved back to the states from the remote location I was in when I got into the hobby, but I guess not. I was lucky enough to get two or three months of gaming in before school started up.

Whereabouts do you live? I know the struggle pretty well of finding people to play with since I stopped going to college and didn't have friends back home who stayed in the area. I ended up going to BGG and looking at the regional forums there to see if there were any groups nearby. I'm pretty fortunate to be in New Jersey, so even if there were no groups in the state, I'm not too far from Philly or NYC which have a few. But yeah, check out the forums, I ended up with two groups through that.
The last thing I need is another dungeon crawler, but I think I'm going to put in for the $120 late pledge on Massive Darkness. That's just too much content to pass up.
I know how you feel. Most of my Zombicide BP stuffs are still in shrink wrap. My problem with Massive Darkness is the game just look absolutely boring.
I'm getting up my first children's games (through a math trade): Whoowasit? and The Enchanted Tower. I hope to get Rhino Hero or Animal Upon Animal in the future, as well as Outfoxed and maybe Max. My kid's still way too young to play any of them, but it doesn't hurt to swap for games that are sitting around unplayed.

Any other recommendations for board games for young children (pre-school aged)?
We have Whoowasit and the kids (now 8) still want to play it.
Chicken Cha Cha Cha, a memory game is good fun too.


Whereabouts do you live? I know the struggle pretty well of finding people to play with since I stopped going to college and didn't have friends back home who stayed in the area. I ended up going to BGG and looking at the regional forums there to see if there were any groups nearby. I'm pretty fortunate to be in New Jersey, so even if there were no groups in the state, I'm not too far from Philly or NYC which have a few. But yeah, check out the forums, I ended up with two groups through that.
The middle of South Carolina. It is a military town; it has an Air Force Base specifically, which should mean that there is a large concentration of nerds available in one spot, but the guys from base that I see at the local store are only there to play MtG. There is a satelite location for one of the state's universities here that has a lot of students enrolled, and they have a gaming group that has a couple dozen members, but they primarily play video games and refuse to go anywhere to play (I posted recently about a regular from the local store who also works there occasionally and how he wanted to get me a visitor pass for the campus so that maybe I could speak to the gaming group and plead with them to go to the store. I guess he is the treasurer or something for the group, some chair member, and he said he has been trying for years to get these people who sit around the campus game room complaining that there is nothing to do in town to go to the store for game nights, and not a single one of them will ever go anywhere for any game).

The town has a small game store, where people primarily go to play MtG and Pokemon. In the summer at the store's busiest on a game night, there would maybe be 6 people including myself? Two of those who were a couple guaranteed regulars who showed up for board game nights, DnD nights, Pokemon DnD nights, FNM, and Cardfight Vanguard (as well as one of them being the guy I mentioned above who worked part-time there) have had to cut down their attendance because of midterms and stuff at that local campus. Another guy who was a regular went off to college an hour away and decided that he had to cut down his attendance and game nights were out; he could only do X-Wing and DnD from now on. And speaking of X-Wing, when I started attending X-Wing nights, there were 5 people or so who showed up for that, but the group as a whole made a decision to stop attending X-Wing nights at that store because they felt like the store wasn't a good place to play because of a laundry list of problems with it, so now I play at their houses when they get together. None of them that I have spoken to really seem like they want to try board games proper except for one guy, who told me that there were a lot of tabletop games he wanted to play, but that was a couple days before he deployed for a six month rotation (he's still not back). There is another store that is a used video game/anime/CCG store, but they only do CCGs.

Speaking of the local store also, there are barely any customers ever. When I am there, the most times I've ever seen any customers come in for things have been to browse the MtG singles collections or to pick up comic book pulls. I'm not the best customer either; I try to buy things every now and then but I can only bring myself to buy small items like sleeves or deck boxes or dice or individual X-Wing ships because there is a very limited selection of games and they are all MSRP. Despite that, I try to talk the place up to people I know and recommend it for various activities; there is a game 'bunker' in the back with a ton of TVs and current gen consoles that gets rented out for parties, so I suggest that to parents. I recommend it to the church-going people I know, like a pastor, because it is a safer spot in town compared to some of the rough areas. I pass the store's info on to some of the people I hear constantly say "Man, there is nothing to do around here." But no one ever takes my advice and goes. The store owner literally printed off little handouts for the regulars with a list of steps for recommending his store to people, thing like "After gaining someone's interest, recommend a time and date where you could meet them at the store so they would feel more at ease." But I can't gain anyone interest.

Columbia is an hour away and has a couple stores. One is a large store that had a MASSIVE turn out for Tabletop Day and gets a lot of board gamers and not just CCGers. I met some cool people there when I attended a TT Day session in 2014. Unfortunantly, it is an hour away. Not too far if I wanted to drive in on a weekend but out of the question on a weeknight. Funny that I've got no job at the moment and have all the time in the world to play games, but I do have to pick my wife up from work at 5 which makes getting to any events on a weeknight very tough. Charleston has a ton of stores and groups, and Charlotte does as well (probably more than Charleston), but those are both two hours away from me which is a lot harder to make happen even on a weekend, which would have to be an all-day thing.

I've checked BGG for people. The regional subforums very rarely have people talking about gaming in Florence, which is also an hour away. I haven't seen a Florence thread in at least a year and I think the main person who would comment only played Attack Wing, but I've mentioned the local store on those threads in case any of them wanted to make the drive into town to check it out. As far as I know, no one has. The bulk of the SC posts I see in the SouthEast subforum are for the Greenville/Spartanberg area which has a large university but is a couple hours away, further than Charleston or Charlotte. And then there is a lot of activity in the Charlotte metro area but that is still a drive that I cannot make frequently. I've used the zip code finder on BGG to look up the base and the surrounding towns. Most everyone I've looked up on there have been people who were stationed here at some point and are long gone, with the occasional person who registered like 8 years ago and hasn't logged in to the site in 8 years. No Facebook gaming groups for the area. The best we have is a regional X-Wing FB group with a couple of the members being located here in town (the members of the group that used to play at the local store that I mentioned before). There are no MeetUp groups for gaming here. I suppose I COULD start one, except the town literally only has like 5 groups period on MeetUp for various activities, and they barely have any members, so I have to assume that no one here knows about it. And I guess "you'll never know unless you try" would apply and I won't get anyone signed up for a group I never start, but with the luck I've hard already, it is hard to be confident in my success on MeetUp.

And then for myself, I've mentioned a couple times that I don't really have any friends here. Most of them moved away when I was still in the Air Force and the remainder moved away after I got out and went to work overseas for three years. My wife has a large group of friends which is essentially the town's Filipino community, but none of them are interested in gaming at all. When I am at get-togethers or parties, I'll talk to some of the husbands and stuff, a lot of them who are currently active duty, and mention the game store or what games I'll be playing. They may ask what I've been up to and I'll say "Oh, I had an X-Wing tournament in Columbia on Saturday" and then briefly describe the game and how it's played, but that is as far as that goes; no one has said "That sounds interesting" or "Hmm, maybe I'll check that out." I'm just not a social person at all though, which makes the situation with the local pretty frustrating, that I finally out myself out there and forced myself into a new setting with new people, and then the small group fell apart and no one shows up.

I know I've complained about a few of these things many times ITT in the past, and hate that I probably come off pretty negative, always complaining about the same thing. It's just a downer for me. I got into this hobby at the beginning of 2014 and was very excited about it. I quickly amassed a large collection despite only having one person at the remote site I worked at overseas that I could reliably count on to play games with me. After a year of constant gaming, that guy moved to a different shift and the next year and a half had us trying without success to get moved to the same shift so we could hang out. I complained a lot about that in here but I kept telling myself "When I get back to the states, back to civilization, this will be different." My wife was on my ass constantly about the large stacks of games that were forming in the apartment from sales or GeekAuctions or whatever, and I kept telling her "No, I'm going to play those when I get back, they aren't totally useless." We actually had more than a couple arguments over it. Then I came back home for good, started renting a garage so I couldthe games into them and out of the way in the apartment, found a local store and an X-Wing group... And I can't play any games.

I've only got a tablet right now, but I suppose that I need to buy a computer. I mean, I do need one for various things, but at least then I would have VASSAL available to me, or could play games by email or play by forum. I'd be able to get my fill of X-Wing via VASSAL too, which I do play somewhat often, but not enough to satisfy me (plus I was sick the past two or three weeks and couldn't really play X-Wing with anyone at all). I really wanted to start up a BattleCON league once league play with promo support was announced a couple weeks back, but I wouldn't have anyone to play with here. I could get some BattleCON going over a video chat client though (which I have seen suggested in here from at least one person who said they would like to play it over Skype or something), which is also acceptable for league play. So maybe getting a computer would be the best thing for me in the short term, until I can get a job in Colorado Springs and move there. I've already done my research on living there and looked at the game situation and it seems like a gaming Mecca compared to here.

Apologies to thread regulars for yet another one of my rants. LunarKnite asked, so I answered.
I have to imagine that Jersey would have some good game groups, and like you say, Philly is pretty close. I would normally fly back and forth to Greenland by way of BWI but a few times I had to go through Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and I looked up stores in Jersey; it looked like there were a couple good ones but even when showing up with 7 or 8 hours before a flight, I never felt like I had enough time to get a cab or hop a train and go to one of them (especially with a ton of luggage and no knowledge of the surrounding area and no cell phone with me on those trips). I just looked at the NE subforum on BGG and saw that southern Jersey has a store where 10 people showed up last Tuesday to play Hanabi, Roll for the Galaxy, Five Tribes, and another game. That sounds better than my last two months worth of Tuesdays. I see several MeetUp groups and good stores for Northern Jersey mentioned on BGG too. So it looks like depending on where you live in the state, there is more going on than there is here.
I know how you feel. Most of my Zombicide BP stuffs are still in shrink wrap. My problem with Massive Darkness is the game just look absolutely boring.

Especially after playing the revised Warhammer Quest, which has really fun combat. It is by far my favorite crawler (not counting Sapce Hulk!). But man, Massive Darkness has SO MANY MINIS. That $120 content would last me quite awhile and I really like some of the wandering monsters. I could always use the minis in other games too.

Speaking of Zombicide, I'm back into painting the original game and all it's expansions. It's a very ambitious project. I counted and separated all of the figures the other day and was surprised to see that all of my Toxic and Berzerker zomnies are completely finished! I also have 24 of the regular zombies done. The bad news? I still have around 80 regular zombies, 40 Skinners, and 20 Seekers and all the survivors/zombivors left lol. I'm only waiting on more black primer, then I can start production lining the zombies again. I'll kick it into high gear after our yearly Halloween party.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Pax Porfiriana, Pax Pamir and Pax Renaissance arrived today. Cant wait to try them o.o
So. Something kinda amazing happened today. I decided to order some Fantasy Flight Games card sleeves for Clank! last night because the cards aren't the greatest quality. FFG sleeves tend to be my go-to even though they're a little more expensive. But they're thick, have little variance, and usually in-stock. Bought 4 packs of 50 card sleeves for ~$20, one day prime shipping with something else.

I picked up the box and wondered why the hell it was so heavy, and was completely bewildered when I saw I didn't just get 4 packs of 50 card sleeves, but 4 boxes of packs of card sleeves. Went back to Amazon to see if I didn't get charged extra or something weird happened, but nope. I ended up getting 40 packs of sleeves for the price of 4.

Holy plastic protection!

So jealous.


Hail to the KING baby
Sorry Eyeliner that sucks! The one thing I would say is keep at it because realistically you just need 1-3 good gaming buddies to open up more than a lifetime's worth of gaming possibilities. That is, you definitely don't need (and maybe shouldn't even waste your energy on) some big gaming group or FLGS game night. I know you already posted on bgg but maybe this time try on just the general forum? I swear I've seen people in the absolute most random remote places find one or two partners in threads like that. It will probably get moved to the sub forum but at least it will have higher profile for a little while because again realistically you're just looking for that 1-2 people. Maybe just make it super friendly and open ended too like here's what you like and can offer games wise but you're really up for mostly whatever. Just be flexible as possible and you can figure it out from there. For good gaming buddies I find it's more about personality fit than aligning gaming preferences perfectly anyway.


Kickstarter update for me as I haven't played much but the odd game of Mare Nostrum lately.

I haven't backed much recently. Lots of big mini games which I have mostly lost interest in. I have back Godforsaken Scavengers. It looks like a game that really needs the KS support and looks cool enough and is also cheap enough.

I also found out about Feudum which is November 10. Then Lisboa is November 15. But these two look like beautiful games. The Lisboa pictures have been all over BGG in the past month or so. Here is the preview page for Feudum if anyone is interested.


W. Eric Martin tweeted that the Alien Frontiers big box is $200 MSRP?

The middle of South Carolina.....

I am really sorry about your situation and perfectly understand where you are coming from. When we moved 10 years ago from Cali, I left behind most of my gaming friends and it is really tough to make new friends when you are older. Life, works, kids and being older just made it super difficult. I spend most of my times then playing WoW MMORG (and making virtual friends). After I cut WoW addiction, I just mostly play Xbox and rediscovered board games probably around the same time you did (3 years ago may be, I remember coming in here asking about Pandemic and how surprise I was that there is a solo board games). Luckily my kids were older by then and I have constant partners to play board game with. Now my son went off to the join the army and my daughter is leaving next year for college I have been going to several MeetUp. Let me tell you, even in area like Portland, Oregon where there is a nice bustling gaming scene (especially during rainy days), as Astro Lad said it's still not easy getting group to play. Gamers by nature are usually nerd and geeks and we are usually socially awkward and making new friends and new group is still a challenge. I was lucky to hook up with couple of guys and we got along well. I also discovered another MeetUp group with several people that are just a little older than me and at the similar point in our lives. That said, my schedule at work is about to change and I won't be able to make any of the MeetUp next year (I work a week rotation and we switch the week we work at the end of the year so one group don't get stuck working all the same holidays for years).

I wish you luck and hope you can find a group soon. You mention an hour drive to one of the venue with big group may be instead of trying to do weekly gaming, why not make it once or twice a month event instead of trying to make it weekly thing. All our MeetUp are every other weeks and I think it help encourage people to show up.

Especially after playing the revised Warhammer Quest, which has really fun combat. It is by far my favorite crawler (not counting Sapce Hulk!). But man, Massive Darkness has SO MANY MINIS. That $120 content would last me quite awhile and I really like some of the wandering monsters. I could always use the minis in other games too.

Speaking of Zombicide, I'm back into painting the original game and all it's expansions. It's a very ambitious project. I counted and separated all of the figures the other day and was surprised to see that all of my Toxic and Berzerker zomnies are completely finished! I also have 24 of the regular zombies done. The bad news? I still have around 80 regular zombies, 40 Skinners, and 20 Seekers and all the survivors/zombivors left lol. I'm only waiting on more black primer, then I can start production lining the zombies again. I'll kick it into high gear after our yearly Halloween party.

I love Silver Tower and I agree with you that it is a great dungeon crawl. I actually enjoy it more than Descent app and even Shadow of Brimstone. It get a lot of unfair criticism because well it's GW products and one that set in Age of Sigmar. I just got done painting some of the Gorechosen and I love how you can cross them over into Silver Tower. I heard they are planning a big expansion later this year.

And speaking of getting more miniatures, this just came yesterday. (I also have 7Sins to paint along with B-sieged) I am really trying to stay away from CMON KS but I might cave the more I look at those miniatures (this is like sickness).

W. Eric Martin tweeted that the Alien Frontiers big box is $200 MSRP?

I played a store copy at one of the MeetUp and love the game so naturally I went to look for one and found out that it is out of print. I found it at one of the local store and it was $90 just for the base game and the expansions were $15 each (small box with some cards). I like the game but not that much. The last time we played, the game did suffer a lot with AP players as it slowed down to a crawl. A guy that I played with told me that Marco Polo has replaced this game for him and we agree to give that a play next time.
$200 MSRP for Alien Frontiers Big Box is crazy. I ended up backing it on KS for $139 including shipping, so I guess I'm getting a deal. I actually got the original game, and then found out about the KS and traded it away almost immediately so I'd be able to back this and get everything in one fell swoop. Little did I know I'd have to wait so long for a game that was already out.

Sorry, guy. Sounds rough. Having a collection of board games and little to no one to play it with is a huge bummer. I know I was anxious to get stuff played after not being able to get any board gaming in for a few months because of life and stuff, but at least I knew the opportunities to play were there.

It's interesting that you mention Spartanberg as I actually have a friend who lives there. But yeah, the drive to get to towns with activity is a lot longer compared to something more densely packed like NJ.
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