The KD:M Black Friday Kickstarter can't come soon enough!
I am out of the loop, is this a reprint/sequel/(stand alone)expansion?
The KD:M Black Friday Kickstarter can't come soon enough!
I am out of the loop, is this a reprint/sequel/(stand alone)expansion?
Some quick jumbled thoughts:Here we have the blx in all of its 9lb glory:
A pic of the box front:
The box back:
My favorite part of the contents, the lithographs (I'm not even a fan of the comic too, I'm a fan of the OG cartoon and toys, but these lithographs are too cool of collectibles):
The Kevin Eastman hand-signed lithograph:
Rulebook, comic with exclusive variant cover, two adventure comics containing missions, and KS adventure comic with the exclusive missions:
Plenty o' dice:
One of the map tiles:
Some of the minis (two Eastman variant sculpts of the turtles, Ultimate Shredder, Splinter, and then Bebop and Rocksteady in the back and out of focus):
The Kevin Eastman exclusive content (him as an ally, his mission, his map) won't be available later (he is able to hand out his ally card though, probably at cons) but the "Kickstarter Exclusive" characters will more than likely be released in Ally packs later ala Imperial Assault with different sculpts to differentiate them from the "Exclusive" versions. Some backers are already talking about buying the April ally pack depending on how the sculpt looks, since the current April is as tall as Bsbop and Rocksteady. The game itself is on CSI as a preorder still for quite a bit cheaper than the KS but without the stretch goals.I really, really, REALLY wish I could have backed that TMNT game. Going to have to hunt it down on eBay.
Those both sound like interesting experiences. I haven't looked into the game that much. A couple years ago I saw that Neil Gaiman did the art and was intrigued but then I saw how much it cost. I saw the news when the second edition was announced but it seemed like 1E owners were saying that the second edition looked inferior. Which edition was it that you picked up and were playing?Introduced A Study Of Emerald to a few teammates after work - I'd put it on my pile of in-office games after picking it up from someone in town just the other day. At a jaunty, eye-catching angle... Funny how it caught the eye of four or five people![]()
First game, after teaching - 25 minutes. Player A decided to assassinate the only player with points. We told him this could end badly. Blam, role revealed, restorationist. There's a loyalist at zero points (Player A), so they all get eliminated. Player A was a loyalist at zero points... The revealed player wins.
Second game - about 40 minutes in, momentum's building up, three of us are jostling for 20 points, getting close to 25. Player A buys a card forcing him to flip his loyalty. Another player assassinates him & blam his role is revealed, end of game. But with his loyalty flip, everyone bar the attacker is on the same team, and, oh, Player A has the fewest points... So all restorationists are eliminated.
Absolutely fun games, showing the weirdness & problem-space of this wonderful game. Fun to play with an economist & a bunch of far too good at grasping game systems game programmers.
Here is a post from BGG that someone made when someone asked where they should start off:So board game gaf how is pixel tactics? I saw this kickstarter link on twitter
And my love of tactics games and mega man got me very interested. I learned there are a bunch of these pixel tactics games and their cheap. The few reviews I saw seemed positive but do you think this is worth getting or should I start with one of the cheaper sets? The deluxe I saw on amazon is half off for like $20 is that a good starting spot?
My suggestion before finding that post was going to be to start off with PT 1 rather than PT DX because, while DX can be played standalone, it is much more useful as a supplement to other sets. I was hesitant to offer my advice because I have yet to play Pixel Tactics (despite owning all five sets, DX, and most of the promos).My opinion is either 1, 2, or 3 is a good place to start. I think 3 has a good balance and easy to learn. 4 and 5 introduce traps which are fun but adds another element.
PTD is a new set of cards, but also adds cards like location cards, basic cards (nice for drafting and deck building). These are mainly used in varient play styles like tournament and league play. It's probably better to get another version before you get Deluxe just because a lot of the extra stuff might not get used.
Those both sound like interesting experiences. I haven't looked into the game that much. A couple years ago I saw that Neil Gaiman did the art and was intrigued but then I saw how much it cost. I saw the news when the second edition was announced but it seemed like 1E owners were saying that the second edition looked inferior. Which edition was it that you picked up and were playing?
Added Shadows of Nerkhall and a lieutenant pack to my Descent collection. excited for more stuff. In particular the new mage class that can make mirror images seems really cool.
Also when I played the first time with 2 character I did not use the apparently new rule that gives each character a free basic attack action or the ability to heal 2 health every turn. This would go a LONG way to making it less of a race against the clock. Much more reasonable. Also solves the problem of needing a healer in a 2 character game so I can run whatever I want as my team. Good things!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on how lieutenants play out in the app. I was considering grabbing a few, but I don't know if they're worth the investment.
Yeah, I slipped up there. Neil Gaiman is an author, so why would he be doing the art anyway? I guess I didn't know that Martin Wallace designed it though.This is 1st edition. It's inspired by a short story from Neil Gaiman, designed by Martin Wallace. No clue who did the art![]()
It's a weird funky game - hard to teach, hard to play at first, hard to figure out, but there's nothing quite like it. The 1st edition throws in everything & the kitchen sink. The 2nd edition 'simplified' a whole bunch of systems, overhauled the map layout & game structure. I can see the value of an overhaul, but 2e wasn't the right direction. There's a reason it's held its value...
Yeah, I slipped up there. Neil Gaiman is an author, so why would he be doing the art anyway? I guess I didn't know that Martin Wallace designed it though.
I too see why overhauling the game would have been a good idea but it doesn't seem like they executed it well at all. For as many complaints as the first version's board art had, I love it.
I hope I'll get my hands on a copy at some point.
Here is a post from BGG that someone made when someone asked where they should start off:
My suggestion before finding that post was going to be to start off with PT 1 rather than PT DX because, while DX can be played standalone, it is much more useful as a supplement to other sets. I was hesitant to offer my advice because I have yet to play Pixel Tactics (despite owning all five sets, DX, and most of the promos).
You could start with Mega Man Pixel Tactics if you wanted but you'll be waiting until at least Summer of next year, provided there are no delays.
Sounds good, I ordered PT1 and Deluxe the latter because it was so cheap compared to the suggested retail price but I won't play around with it till I get comfortable with the base game.
Inis arriving tomorrow. As someone who loves Cyclades and Kemet, I'm hype as fuck.
I've only played Cyclades with 2 players, but my girlfriend hated it. I don't think she's fond of either wargames or high conflict games, and Cyclades has a bit of both. You move around a map and do your best to screw over your opponent by outbidding them, destroying their lands, and taking the cards/powers they want.I wonder if any of these are good with 2 players. I'd love to play all of them but it's pretty much just my wife and me since we moved.
I gotten ten or so PT1 games in and the game keeps on giving all by itself. It's a little concerning because I'm one of those knuckleheads who went all in the PT deluxe kickstarter and I've barely had a chance to play all the other games. PT1 is a lot of value just by itself because of how the leaders change the game.
I wonder if any of these are good with 2 players. I'd love to play all of them but it's pretty much just my wife and me since we moved.
Hmmmm. HMMMM. I'm gonna be in Kyoto but since I'm getting a rail pass I might as well go back to Tokyo just that one day >_> wonder how early I'd have to be there and if I can manage to convince my gf to humor me that one day![]()
I decided I'd visit some of the known shops when I'm in Tokyo and if I'm not satisfied with the game selection I'll try to attend TGM. I'm not really planning to blow my entire budget in board games so if I've already bought a couple by the time TGM is on I'll skip it I thinkWelp, I decided I wanted to go to JP again. I'll be 4 days in tokyo and 4 in kyoto. Have you decided if you want to go to Tokyo game market? Maybe we can share some tips.
I decided I'd visit some of the known shops when I'm in Tokyo and if I'm not satisfied with the game selection I'll try to attend TGM. I'm not really planning to blow my entire budget in board games so if I've already bought a couple by the time TGM is on I'll skip it I thinkI do want to get indie obscure games and it sounds like the ideal event for that though
So funny story, apparently I DID back it after the KS because the basic game was delivered today! I just got the basic set, no pizza box and no KS exclusives, so I will still have to see about the KS exclusives somewhere.The Kevin Eastman exclusive content (him as an ally, his mission, his map) won't be available later (he is able to hand out his ally card though, probably at cons)
Not quite. Lieutenants aren't really used by the app at all, except as a scenario or side mission dictates. What happens if you're going too slow is a "Peril", which ranks from Minor to Major to Extreme. Minor is kind of annoying, but not really fucking you over. Major fucks with your party in pretty bad ways. One example is one that heals monsters and splits that damage amongst the party. Extreme generally says "you have X turns until you lose". So once you've hit major the game goes sideways REAL quick. We actually lost a side quest because of Extreme Perils, because the Major perils fucked with us so badly that we could not do enough damage to the quest boss to win.My understanding is that they become a punishment when you are not moving fast enough. Also if a quest happens to use that miniature it is nice to have them. I watched a video play of a campaign game and about 4 turns before they lost one of them spawned and ended up using an ability to swap places with a hero who was trying to pass a test to win the scenario. In the end they lost basically because of this happening, but not because it came in and just blew them up or anything. Seemed really cool. Currently my plan is to buy the ones that I think have cool figures.
Cyclades plays surprisingly well with 2. The only rule change is you will end up bidding for two gods. The rest of the game plays out the same and I think there is more combat since it's possible to build and move troops in one turn.I haven't played any with 2, but with Cyclades' auction mechanic and Inis' card draft, I can't imagine either being very fun. Kemet might fare better?
Is there a good star wars board game for mostly 2p, ideally cooperative but open to competitive?
I assume you are referring to people who back campaigns with the sole purpose of flipping them, like the storefronts on eBay that will have multiple copies of the highest pledge tier for a game listed as a "pre-order" and priced at 2x and 3x what it cost months before it is due to ship?I'm going to make some people angry, but fuck Kickstarter flippers. It's just gross to me.
I'm going to make some people angry, but fuck Kickstarter flippers. It's just gross to me.
I assume you are referring to people who back campaigns with the sole purpose of flipping them, like the storefronts on eBay that will have multiple copies of the highest pledge tier for a game listed as a "pre-order" and priced at 2x and 3x what it cost months before it is due to ship?
Really hoping the whole Kickstarter fad ends soon. Think it does more harm than good by exploiting human psychology more than actually producing good games. Kind of like mobile f2p games actually (obviously there are exceptions).Yup.
Obviously, I have zero intention of buying the games...But still. Seeing this stuff makes me angry.
Yeah, I've got no love for those types at all.Yup.
Obviously, I have zero intention of buying the games...But still. Seeing this stuff makes me angry.
I saw where you said yesterday that you hoped you could find someone to play it with you. I've detailed my inability to play any games at length in here but I know I have seen a couple other people in here express that they have problems finding people to play games from L99 with them, mainly BattleCON. It really is too bad that they make such good games but then the people who buy them can never get them to the table.Got my Pixel tactics 1 and Deluxe, even just with PT1 its mind boggling how simple/complex this game gets. Glad I got deluxe just for the sorting cards and being able to keep all future pixel tactics in one box.
Wow, pretty scummy. Good that it came to light though. I can't recall what they've done in the past but I know that I've seen some pretty negative stuff about them on BGG more than once regarding them and their retail tactics before.Eagle Games got themselves into a bit of trouble with their latest reviewing tactics:
Pretty crazy and I think a bit shady too.
Yeah Baseball Highlights is a great game but the team packs are totally not worth it. All the same art and just a handful of tweaks at most. Only the expansions with new free agents are worth it imo. I will say I lost some of my PitchCar side rails and they sent me a bunch for free a couple years ago, so at least in the customer service side they were legit, but their business/marketing side sounds like a cluster.I saw where you said yesterday that you hoped you could find someone to play it with you. I've detailed my inability to play any games at length in here but I know I have seen a couple other people in here express that they have problems finding people to play games from L99 with them, mainly BattleCON. It really is too bad that they make such good games but then the people who buy them can never get them to the table.
I didn't even think about DX being a good buy for you along with PT 1 just for it being a great storage/sorting solution. It will be handy for when you buy newer PT games also.
Hope you like it.
Wow, pretty scummy. Good that it came to light though. I can't recall what they've done in the past but I know that I've seen some pretty negative stuff about them on BGG more than once regarding them and their retail tactics before.
For a second I thought 'There isn't anything I would ever want to buy from them I don't think, besides Defenders of the Realm.' Then I remembered that Baseball Highlights 2045 is under Eagle-Gryphon Games (man, they want $120 for a bundle of 20 of the team packs that contain 15 cards each? Madness). I guess I would like to try Through the Ages and Roll Through the Ages at some point too. But then I went to their site to see what else is in their catalog, only to have an ad for PitchCar: Extension 6 staring at me from the top of the page. What?! How did I not know about a new PitchCar expansion?! Must buy...
I saw where you said yesterday that you hoped you could find someone to play it with you. I've detailed my inability to play any games at length in here but I know I have seen a couple other people in here express that they have problems finding people to play games from L99 with them, mainly BattleCON. It really is too bad that they make such good games but then the people who buy them can never get them to the table.
I didn't even think about DX being a good buy for you along with PT 1 just for it being a great storage/sorting solution. It will be handy for when you buy newer PT games also.
Hope you like it.
So couple BGG items:
-Who's going to BGG.Con?
Go back again and play Captain Sonar and let me know how you liked it!went to a gaming cafe in Guangzhou, China. 7$US for all day gaming and tea. they had over 300 games and the owner gets sent free stuff like captain sonar from Chinese publishers to test out. we played some Taiwanese micro game that was pretty cool, I'm going to try to find it and post about later. good times and good to know the Chinese scene is healthy!
So couple BGG items:
-Who's going to BGG.Con? Going with a couple friends/co-workers this year (which I believe will be my 6th, though I skipped last year to go to FFG Worlds). Staying at Hyatt Place (I think the Grapevine one -- have to check) and getting in next Tuesday pretty early. If anyone wants to meet up for games pretty much have zero plans as usual, other than lots of open gaming.![]()