Got a good assortment of games for my birthday (I dropped very strong hints that I always appreciate a new game): Mage Knight, Raptor, Bang!, and Junk Art. So far I've only played Junk Art with my family but we definitely had a good time. I didn't realize how difficult it would be trying to lightly place and balance these pieces, I'm looking forward to trying all the game types.
I'm super excited to play Mage Knight, but even though I've watched Ricky Royals' video I still felt so overwhelmed looking at the rule book. A whole page of small text on just movement?! I'm sure the best way to learn is by playing so hopefully I'll be able to stake out 3 or 4 hours soon and really dig in. Any tips on for a first play?
PS I also started creating a wishlist so my GF would have a decent idea of what to pick out. Oh man, this is a slippery slope. I already have way too many games on there, I can imagine that once you're aware of what you want any time there's a sale it's much easier to bite on something if you rationalize. "Oh, I was going to get it eventually, this way I'll save money!"