Got in two games yesterday!
Patchwork with the wife again. I enjoy playing games with her because she isn't a super strategic thinker. So I sort of min/max her turns in my head and give her "suggestions" when she's struggling. For example, she was going to buy a piece that had no business on her quilt last night. So I explained that she may consider buying piece X because it would let her get another turn before me AND she could buy the 1x2 filler piece to take care of a weird gap in her board AND it would let her get the 1x1 patch on the board. It was a big chain reaction that, in the end, gave her the edge and the win.
I don't play to win with her, though. I play more to get her thinking critically and enjoying games like that. Her winning usually helps her enjoy the experience more.
Zombicide: Black Plague - so I got Wulfsburg in and decided to mix in the items with the core. I'm not adding the zombies just yet, but I'll take the edge that the items give because I don't care. I definitely think that the items, while a bit broken compared to the core stuff, really help keep the game exciting and not nearly as stressful. I played Q2 and didn't realize how quickly I'd get overrun with zombies once hitting Orange level. I mean, there was a time when there were 17 zombies (a mix of walkers and runners) on one square. I ended up using a Dragon Fire to get some nasty XP on one of my heroes, so that was cool. But the game can get super out of hand. It ALMOST feels a bit, I don't know, broken?
With 4 spawn points, it was just silly how much stuff was spawning. The out-of-box Necro isn't that hard to deal with - just get in it's way and wack on it. The Aboms and Fatties, though...They're a mess. The way Fatties work makes the start of the game sort of a chore - spawn camping an open building to build up gear. You HAVE to otherwise you can't deal with Fatties or (inevitably) Runners and Necros. Aboms are what they are - you can kite them for a bit. But eventually you need to kill it.
I wish there were some sort of "shop variant" where you could collect and exchange zombie parts or something for upgrades to your weapons. Make it so you can spend the first few turns killing some walkers and then go upgrade to a 2 damage weapon. That's really my biggest gripe with the game - 2 and 3 damage options are SO scarce unless you cheese it. The Wulfsburg items help tremendously, and maybe other expansions will help make the Search phase of the game less painful.