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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
comparing cardgamedb.com to swdestinydb.com, I really love cgdb more so overall.. but man... swddb has that graph showing die faces and unmodified faces.. which I feel is almost mandatory for destiny decks. knowing amount and types of damage, how much resource generation, and how much control you have on your dice faces is a huge deal.
Tilesystem is similar and moving from points aswell (using the crossroads as a zone)
That said I'm sure Zombicide borrowed it from other game but from my point of view it is like Zombicide. Basics anyway.

Saying they only have dice in common is kind of a stretch.
Well it also have miniatures but the game play nothing like one another. Most CMON game use the same tiles and the crosswalk make them look similar but The Others there are no doors, the tiles just represent a zone. There is nothing in common at all with Zombicide and the Others as far as game play is concern I don't think I am strechung it.

We played the Others yesterday and it was enjoyable time but it can be pretty lopsided if you have unlucky FAITH player and not mitigate luck. The game ended in less than 2 rounds. We played it at 5 people.



Well it also have miniatures but the game play nothing like one another. Most CMON game use the same tiles and the crosswalk make them look similar but The Others there are no doors, the tiles just represent a zone. There is nothing in common at all with Zombicide and the Others as far as game play is concern I don't think I am strechung it.

We played the Others yesterday and it was enjoyable time but it can be pretty lopsided if you have unlucky FAITH player and not mitigate luck. The game ended in less than 2 rounds. We played it at 5 people.

True true, I might need to play more games :)

Our first game ended right before apocalypse track ended on 7 and killed the Avatar of Pride.

Our next two games were a bit more embarrassing for faith players.
Lust is pretty strong.


Had planned on buying Inis over boxing week, but now Blood Rage is going to be on sale as a doorcrasher at my local store. Is it worth it to own both?


Hi guys, sorry to bother you but i have a quick beginner question i'm hoping someone could answer. I recently got Carcassonne Amazon as a present and today we decided try it out. I'm pretty sure we played it all by the rulebook but it was a little confusing at some points so i'm hoping someone can help us out here :D

My question, when does the game end exactly? We played until we where out of cards, growing out our rivers, villages and jungle somewhat but we where out of meeples (?) and huts pretty fast. One of us ended up with the little boat on the end of the amazon, not being able to move a step forward (since not placing any lttl buddies or huts) because the river was not growing fast enough to be able to do this. So, now we are a little confused, was the game supposed to end when the boat arrived at the end? Or when everyone placed all their meeples and huts? Or you just wait it out at the end of the river until someone places a new river tile and you are able to move, and you play until all cards are in the game?
Fucking hell.

Eclipse is always shit for prints. It took forever for the original game to come into stock at my local shop and it sold out instantly. The first expansion was the same, and now Shadow of the Rift is also impossible to find anywhere.

Anyone got any leads on Eclipse: Shadow of the Rift in Canada?
Never ordered from strategygames.ca before, but scroll down to it in this link ($70 with free shipping). You can add it to cart, so I'm guessing it's actually in stock.

Edit: Checked with my FLGS and they don't have it.
Got four new games for Christmas which is a lot more than we usually get. I didn't plan it that way, but we actually ended up with several shindigs planned at our house this weekend and I wanted a new party game. Yesterday it looked like one of the two family games I had ordered wasn't going to be here in time, so I grabbed another one, but today that package miraculously appeared.

Opened Codenames for a little Christmas party last night. I thought it was a really good game, but didn't create the kind of laugh-a-minute play atmosphere I look for in a party game. I liked that it involved a bit more thinking than most of our other party games, though, and I am sure it will come out again (especially since so much of our current stack of party games is adults only).

The game I didn't think was going to get here in time is Lotus, which looks like a great fit for the wife and kid. Definitely gonna stick it under the tree now that it's here.

The last two games are Saloon Tycoon and Dream Home, and I'm wondering if these are too similar. This is probably a stretch but has anybody played both? If so, I am gonna delete one from our Christmas spread and either sock it away for a few months or just take it back. But if I do ditch one, it would have to be Saloon Tycoon, which I think is generally considered the stronger game. Hmmm.

Edit: just checked on bgg and I see they don't share any mechanic types. Seems like I'm safe!


Hi guys, sorry to bother you but i have a quick beginner question i'm hoping someone could answer. I recently got Carcassonne Amazon as a present and today we decided try it out. I'm pretty sure we played it all by the rulebook but it was a little confusing at some points so i'm hoping someone can help us out here :D

My question, when does the game end exactly? We played until we where out of cards, growing out our rivers, villages and jungle somewhat but we where out of meeples (?) and huts pretty fast. One of us ended up with the little boat on the end of the amazon, not being able to move a step forward (since not placing any lttl buddies or huts) because the river was not growing fast enough to be able to do this. So, now we are a little confused, was the game supposed to end when the boat arrived at the end? Or when everyone placed all their meeples and huts? Or you just wait it out at the end of the river until someone places a new river tile and you are able to move, and you play until all cards are in the game?

The game ends when you place all the cards (also called tiles).

If you are running out of meeples, it sounds like you missed an important rule. When a river or a village is completed, the meeples waiting there score points and then return to the owner to be used again. In that way, you only may run out of meeples temporarily.

The boats on the Amazon score points based on their position each time someone places a tile to extend the Amazon. If a boat reached the end of the river when it moves, it just stays there.
Mechs and Minions is incredibly fun. We've just finished the 2nd mission and unlocked some cool stuff I won't spoil.

Also, since on the subject in a way, I'm looking to sell my copy of Eclipse with the 1st Expansion and wanted to know if anyone had interest before I throw it up on eBay after the holiday.
After watching https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/review-kingdom-death-monster/ and letsplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncW3pZFA_nM Im really starting to concider going insane on burning my nextyears boardgame budget on Kingdom Death Monster 1.5..

Given the success I would expect about 20-30 clones to hit kickstarter, all of which will be way, way cheaper. As it stands you get a big mini game a week anyway.

Chances are at least a couple of them will be better games?


Mechs and Minions is incredibly fun. We've just finished the 2nd mission and unlocked some cool stuff I won't spoil.

Also, since on the subject in a way, I'm looking to sell my copy of Eclipse with the 1st Expansion and wanted to know if anyone had interest before I throw it up on eBay after the holiday.

Just finished the second mission as well!
Game is to good, playing nr 3 tomorrow.


Given the success I would expect about 20-30 clones to hit kickstarter, all of which will be way, way cheaper. As it stands you get a big mini game a week anyway.

Chances are at least a couple of them will be better games?
Actually im not intrested on the miniatures at all, and youre post highlights the problem. I was dissinstered on the game untill I realised how dense the content otherwise is. The amount of specific cardtext, events, mechanics and systems is insane. The way the content is made is nowhere close to the way it should be. I feel like the miniatures are nice and of course people love them, but its just a way to get people noticed the game and pay enought that it somewhat covers the costs of the other content that takes time and cant be sourced from random artist.


Hail to the KING baby
yeeeee i got my sw:destiny stuffs in just in time for christmas

now to build some good starter decks... :p (well, not the actual starter decks)
Actually im not intrested on the miniatures at all, and youre post highlights the problem. I was dissinstered on the game untill I realised how dense the content otherwise is. The amount of specific cardtext, events, mechanics and systems is insane. The way the content is made is nowhere close to the way it should be. I feel like the miniatures are nice and of course people love them, but its just a way to get people noticed the game and pay enought that it somewhat covers the costs of the other content that takes time and cant be sourced from random artist.

I know I'm the most vocal fan of Kingdom Death: Monster here, so you can take what I say with a grain of salt, but you're right on thinking this. The miniatures are nice. Hard plastic, high quality, even if it is a lot to assemble (Though it can be oddly relaxing once you get used to it). But they are solely to help with the immersion. I mean, it definitely wouldn't feel the same if it were proxies, or giant cardboard pieces/standees. For the longest time I used just the starting survivors, but I ended up making a few more with the current armor and gear set in my campaign and it adds to my enjoyment of it. Like, I actually have my survivor with the ax and leather armor being portrayed on the table. However, when it comes down to it, that's just the icing on the proverbial cake.

Kingdom Death: Monster is a great game, but even more than that, it's a fantastic experience. And of course that's completely subjective; people may just not like the gameplay or what the world offers. But it's very much a fully realized world. It may not be shown completely as there's so much that's still shrouded in the darkness of it, but no other game has that kind of world building narrative outside of the main gameplay.

To bring it into the anime world for a second, (spoilers for those who don't know/care about anime)
it's why I love One Piece so much, moreso than say, Full Metal Alchemist, which is good in its own right but falls short (Ha! Ed joke). Lots of people balk at the length of One Piece because they compare it to the other shonens, but it's on a completely different playing field when it comes to the actual world of One Piece. It's a character and a narrative in and of itself, besides just the main plot and characters. There's something to be said about the wonder and fascination of discovering something beyond just the current narrative at the forefront.

But that's not even accounting for how the game is played. All of what I said before, combined with a subpar game would have certainly been a decent success. Except it's not. And the reason why the current kickstarter is likely to break new records in board gaming crowd-funding is because it's an excellent game and experience. This is a game, that at the lowest entry point currently is $250 not including shipping. That's certainly not a small amount of money, especially when most board games are under $100, or even $50. For just a quick aside, forget about the quality of the gameplay and let's look at what comes in the box of Kingdom Death: Monster. You get a 200+ page hardcover rule book (actual rules themselves are around the length of a normal campaign-style game like Descent or something for those scared at the high number of pages, much is full-page artwork or story events); enough plastic to make at least 41 miniatures; just under 1000 cards of 4 different sizes and around 150 tiles/tokens. The core game has so much in it already. Compared to Descent, it's got four times as many cards, and about comparable amounts of everything else besides the rule book. Looking at the price from a perspective of just the amount of stuff you get makes the price point understandable. The core game itself is worth anywhere from 3 to 6 amount of big box games. It's when people are talking about going all-in where the super high prices are being talked about. But how much would buying Descent and all it's expansions cost? Or pretty much any of FFG's endlessly expandable games? $1666 is a hell of a lot of money to spend on one board game, but take it piece by piece. Talking just gameplay stuff, it's $1300~ for 24 (maybe more) expansions at around $50 each. And that doesn't account for all the extra minis that aren't gameplay related.

And again I'm talking about things other that the actual gameplay which is essentially Monster Hunter the Board Game when you boil it down. Three phases of hunting/tracking a monster, then fighting it, and then coming back to your settlement to craft and develop is a tried and true enticing gameplay loop. It goes further than MonHun too by not only allowing you to craft gear from the monster remains but having choices that affect your whole campaign. A settlement that you build and develop to have certain advantages in the future can be vastly different from your next. It changes the high-level strategy of the game. Because despite all of the dice-rolling and luck in this game, there is strategy. Sure, it's a dice-based co-operative game that it's more harsh than normal so a bad roll can wipe out your party, but that's not the end of your campaign. Your campaign relies on the survival of your settlement and that's done by the strategic choices you make in gearing your survivors, in the innovations and principles your settlement decides to take. And I should probably point out that here I mean to use strategy as an overarching plan of how to proceed, whereby the tactical nature of the game comes through in the actual fighting of the monster (the positioning, attacking, and reacting during a showdown). The showdown is also no slouch in that fights are very tactical. Different enemies will behave differently than one another, and because of the randomness of how their AI deck is built, even from fighting the same enemy type. One expansion monster likes to do an AoE attack in front and will move backwards before it does so, making the sides a much better position compared to right behind it, in it's blindspot, as you would the first monster in the game, the White Lion.

Anyway, I could write pages worth about Kingdom Death: Monster. Maybe I should just write up some kind of impressions/review on BGG and link it because I've typed too much already. But in the end, I just love what this game offers so much and here's the result of that. It's a game where you can experience so many great moments with friends, or even tackle on your own to discover all there is to the game. And you will experience some lows to as favorite survivors die, or your campaign loses or gets abandoned. People see and focus on the grandiose, grotesque minis and the sexy pin-ups that aren't part of the core game, but like I said at the start of this long post, that is just the icing on the cake. What I didn't mention at the time was this cake was a 7-layer tower of deliciousness and not everyone has a sweet tooth.
True true, I might need to play more games :)

Our first game ended right before apocalypse track ended on 7 and killed the Avatar of Pride.

Our next two games were a bit more embarrassing for faith players.
Lust is pretty strong.

So did your group think of the game? My daughter find it boring (she has strong disdain for dice rolling game), my son like it but like me he usually rolls well and my brother-in-law was pretty annoy that his character died in one turn. I like it a lot as "overlord" sin player but I can see where the FAITH players might think this game really skews toward the Sin. My son defeated all my monster but he played with me with this type of games all his life so he learn to mitigate his roll and know when he should fight and when he should just stay put.
Love The Others. It is very fun from both sides, and plays pretty well. Each mission has a bit of replayability to it as well ,especially if you get the xpacs with the additional tiles. You don't get new missions, but you get new layouts for the current missions.

Thanks for the impressions. Sad to say I didn't get it due to shipping costs. But will consider getting it locally in the future.

Played a game of Machi Koro (just the base game) last night with my wife and sister and won. Only played a single game since it was already 2 am. Constructed three Forestry and Furniture Shop and it was just a matter of waiting to roll an eight a couple of times for the win. Will probably introduce the expansions in our next Machi Koro game.


The game ends when you place all the cards (also called tiles).

If you are running out of meeples, it sounds like you missed an important rule. When a river or a village is completed, the meeples waiting there score points and then return to the owner to be used again. In that way, you only may run out of meeples temporarily.

The boats on the Amazon score points based on their position each time someone places a tile to extend the Amazon. If a boat reached the end of the river when it moves, it just stays there.
Ohhhh! Yea, we missed that one :D. We'll have to try it again soon, thanks!


So did your group think of the game? My daughter find it boring (she has strong disdain for dice rolling game), my son like it but like me he usually rolls well and my brother-in-law was pretty annoy that his character died in one turn. I like it a lot as "overlord" sin player but I can see where the FAITH players might think this game really skews toward the Sin. My son defeated all my monster but he played with me with this type of games all his life so he learn to mitigate his roll and know when he should fight and when he should just stay put.

Our group likes it a lot but we love these kind of games. But yeah, it's a brutal game and one or two slipups and the game can be near unwinnable.

Having a Sin player that knows when to ease up on Faith players will help immensely with the enjoyment of the group.

Having a disdain for dice rolling games isn't optimal when playing this :) maybe teach your daughter the Sin way ?
I know I'm the most vocal fan of Kingdom Death: Monster here, so you can take what I say with a grain of salt, but you're right on thinking this. The miniatures are nice. Hard plastic, high quality, even if it is a lot to assemble (Though it can be oddly relaxing once you get used to it). But they are solely to help with the immersion. I mean, it definitely wouldn't feel the same if it were proxies, or giant cardboard pieces/standees. For the longest time I used just the starting survivors, but I ended up making a few more with the current armor and gear set in my campaign and it adds to my enjoyment of it. Like, I actually have my survivor with the ax and leather armor being portrayed on the table. However, when it comes down to it, that's just the icing on the proverbial cake.

Kingdom Death: Monster is a great game, but even more than that, it's a fantastic experience. And of course that's completely subjective; people may just not like the gameplay or what the world offers. But it's very much a fully realized world. It may not be shown completely as there's so much that's still shrouded in the darkness of it, but no other game has that kind of world building narrative outside of the main gameplay.

To bring it into the anime world for a second, (spoilers for those who don't know/care about anime)
it's why I love One Piece so much, moreso than say, Full Metal Alchemist, which is good in its own right but falls short (Ha! Ed joke). Lots of people balk at the length of One Piece because they compare it to the other shonens, but it's on a completely different playing field when it comes to the actual world of One Piece. It's a character and a narrative in and of itself, besides just the main plot and characters. There's something to be said about the wonder and fascination of discovering something beyond just the current narrative at the forefront.

But that's not even accounting for how the game is played. All of what I said before, combined with a subpar game would have certainly been a decent success. Except it's not. And the reason why the current kickstarter is likely to break new records in board gaming crowd-funding is because it's an excellent game and experience. This is a game, that at the lowest entry point currently is $250 not including shipping. That's certainly not a small amount of money, especially when most board games are under $100, or even $50. For just a quick aside, forget about the quality of the gameplay and let's look at what comes in the box of Kingdom Death: Monster. You get a 200+ page hardcover rule book (actual rules themselves are around the length of a normal campaign-style game like Descent or something for those scared at the high number of pages, much is full-page artwork or story events); enough plastic to make at least 41 miniatures; just under 1000 cards of 4 different sizes and around 150 tiles/tokens. The core game has so much in it already. Compared to Descent, it's got four times as many cards, and about comparable amounts of everything else besides the rule book. Looking at the price from a perspective of just the amount of stuff you get makes the price point understandable. The core game itself is worth anywhere from 3 to 6 amount of big box games. It's when people are talking about going all-in where the super high prices are being talked about. But how much would buying Descent and all it's expansions cost? Or pretty much any of FFG's endlessly expandable games? $1666 is a hell of a lot of money to spend on one board game, but take it piece by piece. Talking just gameplay stuff, it's $1300~ for 24 (maybe more) expansions at around $50 each. And that doesn't account for all the extra minis that aren't gameplay related.

And again I'm talking about things other that the actual gameplay which is essentially Monster Hunter the Board Game when you boil it down. Three phases of hunting/tracking a monster, then fighting it, and then coming back to your settlement to craft and develop is a tried and true enticing gameplay loop. It goes further than MonHun too by not only allowing you to craft gear from the monster remains but having choices that affect your whole campaign. A settlement that you build and develop to have certain advantages in the future can be vastly different from your next. It changes the high-level strategy of the game. Because despite all of the dice-rolling and luck in this game, there is strategy. Sure, it's a dice-based co-operative game that it's more harsh than normal so a bad roll can wipe out your party, but that's not the end of your campaign. Your campaign relies on the survival of your settlement and that's done by the strategic choices you make in gearing your survivors, in the innovations and principles your settlement decides to take. And I should probably point out that here I mean to use strategy as an overarching plan of how to proceed, whereby the tactical nature of the game comes through in the actual fighting of the monster (the positioning, attacking, and reacting during a showdown). The showdown is also no slouch in that fights are very tactical. Different enemies will behave differently than one another, and because of the randomness of how their AI deck is built, even from fighting the same enemy type. One expansion monster likes to do an AoE attack in front and will move backwards before it does so, making the sides a much better position compared to right behind it, in it's blindspot, as you would the first monster in the game, the White Lion.

Anyway, I could write pages worth about Kingdom Death: Monster. Maybe I should just write up some kind of impressions/review on BGG and link it because I've typed too much already. But in the end, I just love what this game offers so much and here's the result of that. It's a game where you can experience so many great moments with friends, or even tackle on your own to discover all there is to the game. And you will experience some lows to as favorite survivors die, or your campaign loses or gets abandoned. People see and focus on the grandiose, grotesque minis and the sexy pin-ups that aren't part of the core game, but like I said at the start of this long post, that is just the icing on the cake. What I didn't mention at the time was this cake was a 7-layer tower of deliciousness and not everyone has a sweet tooth.

Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to type all that out. One of my worries was that the gameplay doesn't hold up to the grandiosity of the minis and everything else but from what you said it seems that isn't true. Have you played with the expansions? Me and my buddy are sort of completionists, so at first we really wanted to get ALL the expansions (which makes for a VERY expensive game, as you pointed out), however I've read that it's best to only get a few due to how they play. Can you offer any input on that front?


Saint Nic
My local HPB had a bunch of Zombicide stuff. It was insane. Of course, I only have Black Plague, so I skipped most of the stuff they had. They DID have one of the guest character expansions for $16, so I snagged that. It was the Paul Bonner expansion. Genevieve is broken - +1 damage ranged as her blue skill makes her immediately amazing.


My local HPB had a bunch of Zombicide stuff. It was insane. Of course, I only have Black Plague, so I skipped most of the stuff they had. They DID have one of the guest character expansions for $16, so I snagged that. It was the Paul Bonner expansion. Genevieve is broken - +1 damage ranged as her blue skill makes her immediately amazing.

FWIW we combine Black Plague tiles with Zombicide, zombies etc.. aswell.
Only the heroes we don't combine but if you wanted, you could.

Project we're working on right now is combining AvP with Zombicide. That's the beauty of Zombicide, it's almost limitless. :)


Saint Nic
FWIW we combine Black Plague tiles with Zombicide, zombies etc.. aswell.
Only the heroes we don't combine but if you wanted, you could.

Project we're working on right now is combining AvP with Zombicide. That's the beauty of Zombicide, it's almost limitless. :)

Can you add the zombies though? That's the big thing I would want to do.

Also, do you play regular and BP? I wouldn't mind playing and owning both since the theme of OG is pretty great.


Hail to the KING baby
Happy holidays fam

Got some Destiny and also Mario chess (which funny enough I was gonna get myself a while back to play with my daughter so it worked out perfectly! :D). In terms of regular ol' board game my wife is experienced enough now to know I just got what I want during the year so props to her on snagging these :p


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and happy anything else you choose to celebrate!

I got Inis and Concordia. Probably won't get to play em till sometime mid week. So only impression so far is that Inis is SO pretty.


Can you add the zombies though? That's the big thing I would want to do.

Also, do you play regular and BP? I wouldn't mind playing and owning both since the theme of OG is pretty great.

I own vanilla zombicide and rue morgue. Friends own prison break and plague + expansion. And we regularly play both, a bit more BP now since we played a little to much Zombicide :)

Adding the zombies is easy since they share the same mechanic.
The wolves are basically the dogs, regular zombies are also the same.

I would do away with the necromancer for regular zombicide and maybe the zombie archers If you have them.
Seasons Greetings all. It was a Zombicide Xmas. I guess santa saw I was really starting to make great progress in painting this game so he decided I needed 40 VIPs dumped in my lap! Between the compendiums and base game + expansions, I have around 185 Zombicide missions to play through, lol. I'm still working on long term campaign rules and of course actually painting, but once complete we're going to try and play them all!

Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to type all that out. One of my worries was that the gameplay doesn't hold up to the grandiosity of the minis and everything else but from what you said it seems that isn't true. Have you played with the expansions? Me and my buddy are sort of completionists, so at first we really wanted to get ALL the expansions (which makes for a VERY expensive game, as you pointed out), however I've read that it's best to only get a few due to how they play. Can you offer any input on that front?

I've only played with a few expansions so far. Gorm, Flower Knight, Lonely Tree and Manhunter. I do have all of them though, and am backing at the $777 level to get all the new content. Personally, I know I'll want everything for this game. At the original kickstarter, I decided not to get Sunstalker, Lonely Tree, Lion God, and Slenderman, but having played the game I ended up wanting to get the expansions I didn't have, partly because of how good the game was and how much the expansions would add, as well as due to the uncertainty of supply at the time. I'm backing for everything new now because I know I'll want it all eventually and it's the best price it's likely to be during this kickstarter. But again, I know the game. I've seen what a hundred or so cards can add in the replaybility and variance.

The common suggestions are Gorm, or another Lantern Year 1 quarry like Frogdog, due to the fact that you'll be starting over several times and having other monsters to switch up from White Lion is nice to have and you'll get mileage out of them the most. Dragon King or another monster with a full custom campaign like Sunstalker or Gryphon for that twist on the core campaign (I haven't tried this yet, obviously, but I hear really cool things about Dragon King). Dung Beetle Knight is another thrown around as a good expansion, but I can't say much about that. It's Adam Poots' favorite monster and I hear it's one of the more interesting fights with a lot of great cards, but it's also a later game quarry. Lonely Tree is kinda expensive for what you get, but the model is just beautiful, definitely one of my favorites but the game content is lacking. I'd also look at adding another Nemesis or two. I do like Manhunter a lot; it's got a few great rewards that really make Nemesis fights less of lose-lose situation.

But indeed, whenever you play, you're only going to want to use a handful of expansions at once at most. Putting all 12 of the current expansions in the campaign would be ridiculously unwieldy as well as unfocused and bloated. Though with the new Campaign of Death and the Inverted Mountain Campaign expansions it looks to weave multiple expansions together in a better way than mentioned in their specific rulebooks. Only probably with all these expansions for me is where am I going to put it all? The core game you just had to find a spot for the Phoenix, as the others could feasibly fit back in the box.


Got some Destiny and also Mario chess (which funny enough I was gonna get myself a while back to play with my daughter so it worked out perfectly! :D). In terms of regular ol' board game my wife is experienced enough now to know I just got what I want during the year so props to her on snagging these :p

Not opening my gifts from my wife until tomorrow so there is still hope I get something. Planning on buying automobiles and pixel tactics deluxe with my Xmas money!


Not Wario
Was legitimately surprised with Scythe this morning. I actually know very little about the game, other than that it's been pretty well received, so hopefully it lives it to the hype!


Was legitimately surprised with Scythe this morning. I actually know very little about the game, other than that it's been pretty well received, so hopefully it lives it to the hype!

Played it first time tonight. Fantastic game. Easy 10/10 for me


Nice Zombicide haul, SillyEskimo. I didn't know there was a second compendium out there; guess I need to pick that up.

I opened my second gift from my BGG Secret Santa, the one I was to wait until today to open, and found Forbidden Stars! I wanted this but don't know if I would have bought it in time before it went OOS/P everywhere and disappeared. So I am really glad to have gotten it. It will go in my "Who knows when I'll ever play this?" stack along with Eclipse, Twilight Imperium, and other lengthy games for now though. And the box was dented in on the corner like it had been dropped before packing, which damaged a couple items on the punchboard. I'll need to see if FFG still has replacements.


Sailor Stevenson
well after opening Destiny stuff this morning I have a full set (and more coming... damn legendaries)

guess I have to get into this game seriously
We played Lotus this morning and everybody loved it! Played with my wife and daughter and everyone had a great time. I can't wait to play this with my mom, I expect her to buy her own copy immediately.

The art design on this game is gorgeous. Very easy to learn. You might be fooled by all the pretty flowers, butterflies and ladybugs into thinking this is a gentle, friendly game. But no. It is cutthroat AS FUCK.

Easy to learn and teach, you can get through it in thirty minutes. Hits the sweet spot between luck and strategy, too. I highly recommend this gorgeous family game.
Had planned on buying Inis over boxing week, but now Blood Rage is going to be on sale as a doorcrasher at my local store. Is it worth it to own both?

They are similar because they are both card drafting, area control, but I think Inis plays very differently than other area control games. Inis is more of subterfuge and you can win with very or no battles.


Hail to the KING baby
well after opening Destiny stuff this morning I have a full set (and more coming... damn legendaries)

guess I have to get into this game seriously

in the same position so if you're up in the bay area drop me a line :p

once i get some more games in might look around for monthly tournaments as those were what made netrunner really fun


They are similar because they are both card drafting, area control, but I think Inis plays very differently than other area control games. Inis is more of subterfuge and you can win with very or no battles.

Sounds like there's reason for me to buy both, then. Thanks!


Ack, I stressing out right now. Level 99 Games sent me an email thanking me for supporting them this year and offered a code for a free copy of Disc Duelers, a game they sell for $40, while supplies last. Their site isn't working properly right now though and crashed the one time I could get it into my cart. I want this game, especially since I have recently become hooked on (or hooked on the idea of, since I only buy games but never play them) dexterity games. And I also love L99 anyway, they make such good games.
A lot of times it's pretty hard to play games with my family because they seem to be a bit intimidated by new games. My dad especially loves cribbage and scrabble and yahtzee but anything different he gets kind of apprehensive. I played Junk Art and Concept with my folks and they both liked it a lot. Concept is a bit trickier to get into but they got better after a few rounds. I think it probably takes a few plays of a game for them to feel comfortable but once they do they can feel more relaxed and get into it. It gives me some hope that I will be able to play some more games with them in the future.


I got Parade, Mascarade and Android: Netrunner (ok, that last one I ordered for myself). Looking forward to playing them all, though I've played Mascared before.

Plus my final Japan haul:

Sheep & Thief
Familiar's Trouble
Animal Mind
King & Jester (a retheme of Times Square, it seems)
Sweets Stack

From visits to Roll & Role Station, Yellow Submarine and Kiwi Games

Excited to start figuring em all out :D (in the sense of actually getting to play them, english rules are easily obtainable if not already included :p)


Junior Member
fireblend, parade is such a funky and good game! great quality cards and art.

finally got some Arcadia quest minitures painted also, can't wait to finish the campaign.

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