We got one of their standard vanguards. It's their new mass production tables they are doing, where it's just a vanguard with no customizing options, they are all built exactly the same.
Doesn't matter if it's "off the shelf" - pics or it hasn't happened
Gaming this week has been weird - I'm off work for the rest of the year & tried to make the most of it with some friends before they all head of to a small local invite-only con, LoneStar. Tomorrow's 'end of year' pub-game got cancelled, but I still managed to fit in two new heavy euros -
The Colonists &
Lorenzo Il Magnifico.
I stank at both, as normal for new euros. The Colonists is crazy long, scoped over four eras that could take as long as 10 hours - we played 2 eras, for about 4 hours. Think a grid of hexes like Suburbia, but moving your worker over them, activating each space as you go, while building out your own tableaux of buildings for your actual engine. Tough decisions, never enough actions, never enough resources. But the length is a definite problem, and there's not quite enough game there to justify it - all of us agreed that some other designer will look at this, take the good ideas out of the movement system/tile placement & run with it for something shorter/feasible. There's a "save game" system in place, but it turns out to be flawed & dumb & pointless - basically "start over at a new era with x points to spend", not a real save. Take a damn photo.
"Lorenzo Il Magnifco" is the real deal though. It's got some parentage from Grand Austrian Hotel, but it's definitely its own beast. Again, build a tableaux for engine building, but this time you're managing your three (+1) workers based on three dice roles each round - those three dice get rolled, defining the base strength of your worker of each colour for this round, and you have to figure out how to use them to buy cards, run your engine, get more 'things', all while worrying about the requirements of the church or face the burden of excommunication, military strength, etc. You can mitigate the dice through paying worker resources, but every one is precious. Every resource is in demand, every action is tough, every VP is hard earned. *Loved* it. It's nice to look at, it's relatively easy to explain, but it it's nasty to play, it's filled with hard decisions, it's everything a euro worker placement should be. CMON are bringing it out over here apparently, and it should be a big hit with the right crowd. Not a plastic mini in sight