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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

I played Secret Hitler with 6 people. I was honestly a bit skeptical of this game. I like Avalon a lot and this looked kinda like a knock off, and the name "Secret Hitler" feels a little juvenile in humor.

I think I would have enjoyed it a few years ago. Now with all the alt-right stuff I can't help buy picture kids dressed up as nazis playing it un-ironically.


I think I would have enjoyed it a few years ago. Now with all the alt-right stuff I can't help buy picture kids dressed up as nazis playing it un-ironically.

Funny thing is that they included stickers in the (at least Kickstarter) physical box to change the name from Hitler to "Dictator" and paste a Trump head onto the Hitler card. :p



I'm offended by the design decisions. The election restrictions are extremely limiting and the facist to liberal policy ratio is skewed to much to do anything about it. People can feel left out of a round in larger groups because of these dynamics. No where near as good as Avalon/Resistance.


Seriously guys, it's probably the LEAST offensive product these guys have ever produced.

I sense no lies.

Cards Against Humanity was just an awful game in terms of both theme and mechanics. I actually quite like Secret Hitler. And I don't see how this game glorifies the fascists, all of their cards are lizard people as compared to the quite innocent looking Liberal cards. And the goal of the game is to either win by election or shoot Hitler. Dressing up as Nazis would quite go against the point of the game.


Mechs vs Minions just showed up on my door.
These components, so beautifully made, so durable goddamn.

Is there anything Riot can't do?

Getting it ready for playtime this weekend, can't wait.


Mechs vs Minions just showed up on my door.
These components, so beautifully made, so durable goddamn.

Is there anything Riot can't do?

Getting it ready for playtime this weekend, can't wait.

I just got my box as well.

Its....a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.

Like really a lot.


Hail to the KING baby
I just got my box as well.

Its....a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.

Like really a lot.

Yeah heavy as hell too. Technically box could have been a fair bit smaller if they hadn't been as thoughtful about having a nice spot for every little Minion but I appreciate the gesture. Pretty much all the components are top notch except, weirdly, the cards.


Starting to see the hype deflate from the game itself, any one played their copy yet? Main complaint I keep reading is it's too chaotic.


I just got my box as well.

Its....a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.

Like really a lot.

If I had 4 of them and a roof I'd have a house. It's fucking enormous! Totally thankful that everything has it's spot unlike DOOM where everything is poorly crammed in!
Yeah heavy as hell too. Technically box could have been a fair bit smaller if they hadn't been as thoughtful about having a nice spot for every little Minion but I appreciate the gesture. Pretty much all the components are top notch except, weirdly, the cards.

Production value on the insert is insane, but after setting it up and putting it away several times, it's kinda annoying. I'd rather just dump them all into a bag and be done with it in a few seconds now. Especially since the minions are super durable. Granted, I'm more sensitive to space problems because I have an acquisition problem.


One of you should totally just sell your copy to me. My wife is dying to play it and the copy I ordered isn't due until July apparently. I have failed this holiday season.
Production value on the insert is insane, but after setting it up and putting it away several times, it's kinda annoying. I'd rather just dump them all into a bag and be done with it in a few seconds now. Especially since the minions are super durable. Granted, I'm more sensitive to space problems because I have an acquisition problem.
No way I rather have organize box than a pile of bags full of tokens and figures, but I am a bit of organize freak. Most of my game pieces are organize in Plano box or inserts.

My son is home for the holidays along with his friends so we bust out bunch of games that normally would not get play at my MeetUp or with my daughter. We played Forbidden Stars. We love the game but all agree that the combat was just a bit too long. We also played several games of Star Wars Rebellion. We played it at 4player count which people were saying was terrible we thought it worked pretty good.

I also got out Space Hulk and try the mission from White Dwarf where the Space Marines have to disable the shields. It was great but I thought the mission should have timer (may be I missed it in a set up since it had been so long since we got this to the table).
Headed over to my sister in law's on Sunday and she asked if I would bring some games. She requested Survive, King of Tokyo, Machi Koro, and Pandemic.

It's safe to say I have absolutely influenced the extended family!


Geek Chic table delivered to us just in time for x-mas. It's a wonderful life

Which table did you get? Any pics? How was your experience from beginning to end?

I'm considering purchasing a coffee table in the next year or two and Geek Chic has a few good options.
Which table did you get? Any pics? How was your experience from beginning to end?

I'm considering purchasing a coffee table in the next year or two and Geek Chic has a few good options.

We got one of their standard vanguards. It's their new mass production tables they are doing, where it's just a vanguard with no customizing options, they are all built exactly the same. You can buy accessories that connect to the universal rail system of theirs. If in stock, it takes about 2 months to get one, and it's quite easy to put together. There other products are much more elaborate and complex affairs though.
No way I rather have organize box than a pile of bags full of tokens and figures, but I am a bit of organize freak. Most of my game pieces are organize in Plano box or inserts.

I'm quite the neat freak too when it comes to board games, which is why I buy way too many custom inserts. But there's a point where things are too separated and adds to the time and annoyance to set up and take down. I really just mean a bag for the minions, as everything else is fine. But the minions don't need the kind of careful protection like the ships in Forbidden Stars or minis in Kingdom Death: Monster. I could throw a minion across the room at a wall and it'd still be fine. It'd probably put a dent in the wall before breaking.


We got one of their standard vanguards. It's their new mass production tables they are doing, where it's just a vanguard with no customizing options, they are all built exactly the same.

Doesn't matter if it's "off the shelf" - pics or it hasn't happened ;)

Gaming this week has been weird - I'm off work for the rest of the year & tried to make the most of it with some friends before they all head of to a small local invite-only con, LoneStar. Tomorrow's 'end of year' pub-game got cancelled, but I still managed to fit in two new heavy euros - The Colonists & Lorenzo Il Magnifico.

I stank at both, as normal for new euros. The Colonists is crazy long, scoped over four eras that could take as long as 10 hours - we played 2 eras, for about 4 hours. Think a grid of hexes like Suburbia, but moving your worker over them, activating each space as you go, while building out your own tableaux of buildings for your actual engine. Tough decisions, never enough actions, never enough resources. But the length is a definite problem, and there's not quite enough game there to justify it - all of us agreed that some other designer will look at this, take the good ideas out of the movement system/tile placement & run with it for something shorter/feasible. There's a "save game" system in place, but it turns out to be flawed & dumb & pointless - basically "start over at a new era with x points to spend", not a real save. Take a damn photo.

"Lorenzo Il Magnifco" is the real deal though. It's got some parentage from Grand Austrian Hotel, but it's definitely its own beast. Again, build a tableaux for engine building, but this time you're managing your three (+1) workers based on three dice roles each round - those three dice get rolled, defining the base strength of your worker of each colour for this round, and you have to figure out how to use them to buy cards, run your engine, get more 'things', all while worrying about the requirements of the church or face the burden of excommunication, military strength, etc. You can mitigate the dice through paying worker resources, but every one is precious. Every resource is in demand, every action is tough, every VP is hard earned. *Loved* it. It's nice to look at, it's relatively easy to explain, but it it's nasty to play, it's filled with hard decisions, it's everything a euro worker placement should be. CMON are bringing it out over here apparently, and it should be a big hit with the right crowd. Not a plastic mini in sight ;)


I played five games of Santorini tonight, just basic games with no god powers, against my wife and daughter tonight (they were working as a team, and they also had me helping point out when they would need to make a move to prevent me from winning on the next turn). I enjoyed it a lot, though my wife and daughter didn't put up a huge fight against me. I thought my wife would like it because of its simplicity (she thought King of Tokyo was too confusing and had too many things going on when I was only halfway through explaining the different symbols on the dice) but she kept saying the whole time "This is boring, you're just building stuff" (she seems to be able to boil any game down to the most basic concept and then conclude that it is boring). I enjoyed it though and look forward to playing it with other people. I am extremely glad that I backed it and have it in my collection. It is a beautiful game to look at once a game has gotten underway or is finished; the simple whites and blues are very pleasing to the eyes, just like the actual city.


Hail to the KING baby
Man, Arkham Horror is so hard as balls if luck isn't on your side those first 2-3 turns.

It wasn't even the hardest Old One :)

Haha yeah it really depends on the setup and you knowledge of the locations too. Funny enough I just got home from a 3P Eldritch game against Syzygy that took us four hours and ended with us solving the Final Mystery but losing the game because on the absolute last phase of Mythos resolution (after P1-2 survived the Mythos effect, barely), the last investigator got ambushed and driven insane, bringing Doom to 0 and losing the game.

Honestly I would have slightly preferred to win, but I love Arkham Files games that end like that almost as much as the close victories. So Arkham. (Plus in Eldritch it's not that big a deal because it's not like there's some resolution text you miss out on like in Arkham LCG.)


Haha yeah it really depends on the setup and you knowledge of the locations too. Funny enough I just got home from a 3P Eldritch game against Syzygy that took us four hours and ended with us solving the Final Mystery but losing the game because on the absolute last phase of Mythos resolution (after P1-2 survived the Mythos effect, barely), the last investigator got ambushed and driven insane, bringing Doom to 0 and losing the game.

Honestly I would have slightly preferred to win, but I love Arkham Files games that end like that almost as much as the close victories. So Arkham. (Plus in Eldritch it's not that big a deal because it's not like there's some resolution text you miss out on like in Arkham LCG.)

Yeah, I do like Eldritch a bit more since the playtime is shorter.
We played with 6 last night against Ithaqua and after 5 hours still only had 3 elder signs.
Outskirts were always full and it kept monster surging in Independent Square. 2 Cthonians wrecking shit every move phase.
The Others is a great game but it's pretty hard.
Think Zombicide on Roids.
The Others is good especially as a one vs many game, the problem is the game was a much better value as Kickstarter. However for the sale price it's pretty good value and you can add expansions if you enjoy it. I see a lot of comparison to Zombicide and I am not sure why I don't feel the game play anything like Zombicide. The only thing they have in common is that they have dice.

We played it twice and while I really like it, I set up a game to play later after family visit and going to try stuffs from expansions.

And super jealous at that gaming table you got Monkey.
How does the rail system work?

The attachment items you put in at an angle, and they all have a spring loaded metal lever underneath that you press in to get them in place. When you let go of the lever, the spring pushes out a little wooden block that locks the attachment in place.

For this model of table they have token/card trays and wine glass holders you can also get to attach to the rails.

Very nice!! Chairs go nice with it.

Sadly might have to replace em. Because of the sunken game vault, a persons knees are almost against the bottom of the table on these, so for larger gamers this could be problematic. Looking to maybe get some kind of lifts to increase the table height by an inch or two for folks to have more leg room


Fucking yes! Recently tried out Star Wars: Armada and dug it but learned I ws a day late on getting it for $20 cheaper on Amazon. Woke up today to see it on sale for $45.


It's on sale for 39.99 at coolstuff

It would even out for me as I get free shpping, but thanks for the heads up regardless.

Now if only some of the expansions would get a good discount. I'm sure that's where they make the bulk of their money off the game but it's nice to wish for things.


Hail to the KING baby
The attachment items you put in at an angle, and they all have a spring loaded metal lever underneath that you press in to get them in place. When you let go of the lever, the spring pushes out a little wooden block that locks the attachment in place.

For this model of table they have token/card trays and wine glass holders you can also get to attach to the rails.

Sadly might have to replace em. Because of the sunken game vault, a persons knees are almost against the bottom of the table on these, so for larger gamers this could be problematic. Looking to maybe get some kind of lifts to increase the table height by an inch or two for folks to have more leg room

Nice; looks super elegant. How do you find the benefit of playing with the sunken part? Was always curious about that and have never really played on one like that myself. I'd be really interested to get one but it would have to replace our dining-room table (damn pinball machines in the game room :p) so probably a no-go.


The Others is good especially as a one vs many game, the problem is the game was a much better value as Kickstarter. However for the sale price it's pretty good value and you can add expansions if you enjoy it. I see a lot of comparison to Zombicide and I am not sure why I don't feel the game play anything like Zombicide. The only thing they have in common is that they have dice.

Tilesystem is similar and moving from points aswell (using the crossroads as a zone)
That said I'm sure Zombicide borrowed it from other game but from my point of view it is like Zombicide. Basics anyway.

Saying they only have dice in common is kind of a stretch.


Sailor Stevenson
Fucking yes! Recently tried out Star Wars: Armada and dug it but learned I ws a day late on getting it for $20 cheaper on Amazon. Woke up today to see it on sale for $45.

I bought a ton of Wave I stuff but never played it that much, the campaign tempts me but we still have so much Imperial Assault to get through that it seems like it'd just be piling into the Star Wars backlog
Nice; looks super elegant. How do you find the benefit of playing with the sunken part? Was always curious about that and have never really played on one like that myself. I'd be really interested to get one but it would have to replace our dining-room table (damn pinball machines in the game room :p) so probably a no-go.

It's not that deep, think you can reach most things fine. But I think it also will depend on the game itself. For some games where you need ton of materials in front of you, using that elevated edge in front of you might not be enough space, and having to put stuff down in the vault floor seems like it could be iffy. They have those add on trays and tables which help, but do raise the cost of the whole thing quite a bit


I bought a ton of Wave I stuff but never played it that much, the campaign tempts me but we still have so much Imperial Assault to get through that it seems like it'd just be piling into the Star Wars backlog

Yeah the campaign looks interesting but I'm waiting to have more of a ship collection and more games under my belt before getting into it.

Actually, I've a fleet building question for those who've played it more. Is it important to have a lot of squadrons? I'm mostly in this for the cap ship battles and would prefer to not buy too many fighters so long as it wouldn't throw the game off balance much.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Alright, Christmas purchase damages:
First Class
Dogs of War
The Prodigals Club
Space Cadets
Black Fleet

Grabbed them all for cheap after doing some research, so I hope there'll be some gems I really like in there.
Alright, Christmas purchase damages:
First Class
Dogs of War
The Prodigals Club
Space Cadets
Black Fleet

Grabbed them all for cheap after doing some research, so I hope there'll be some gems I really like in there.

Hard to see you liking all of them. But there is so much variety if you don't love one it is time to pack it up ;)

Mombasa and orleans have always interested me in that "I'll never get to play them" way.

For my part I picked up Alchemists. My wife enjoys sudoku so... maybe it'll work? Not confident but it just looks so neat.


Unlimited Capacity
The Others is $55 on MM from $100.

Is the game good? Any GAF impressions? Thanks.

Love The Others. It is very fun from both sides, and plays pretty well. Each mission has a bit of replayability to it as well ,especially if you get the xpacs with the additional tiles. You don't get new missions, but you get new layouts for the current missions.
Fucking hell.

Eclipse is always shit for prints. It took forever for the original game to come into stock at my local shop and it sold out instantly. The first expansion was the same, and now Shadow of the Rift is also impossible to find anywhere.

Anyone got any leads on Eclipse: Shadow of the Rift in Canada?
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