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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

haha yeah those guys are entertaining but have pretty much the exact opposite taste to me. bunch of bullshitty story "games" are like their absolute favorites. they way overvalue novelty from my perspective. (not that sherlock falls into that trap -- that game looks legit cool though it's not really my bag either)

One of my mates got caught with the Tales of Arabian Nights review. He played it once and it went back into the cupboard for good.


I don't recall any other "bullshitty story games" they super recommend besides Arabian Nights.

I guess Once Upon a Time, too. But that one is really good with the right crew.


Hail to the KING baby
I don't recall any other "bullshitty story games" they super recommend besides Arabian Nights.

I guess Once Upon a Time, too. But that one is really good with the right crew.

Do you listen to the podcast? They definitely talk about them on there. I actually don't really watch their videos. And I don't mean to be too snarky -- it's actually fun to listen to diverse opinions.


Weird, didn't realize there was hate for Sentinels. It's a staple around here. I can't buy the lack of diversity in heroes, because that simply isn't true.

The Heroe's themselves may be different, but when my wife and I played it seemed we were just playing the same 3-4 cards all the time from our decks. I'll give it one more try before I totally give it the boot.


Any opinions on Thunder Alley from GMT yet?

Is Dead Winter going to live up to all the hype? And when is it actually shipping via CSI/MM etc?

And is Machi Koro worth buying without having played it, Stooge? And will it ship this month?


That's a lot of questions lol.

And Astrolad, I'll be at BGG.Con again this year. So far, got the beer swap on the Wednesday night & a game of Arkham Horror on Friday, and the rest is wide open. I'm sure there'll be a trip or two to Babe's.

And I'll have an actual android smart phone this year. Modern technology!


Do you listen to the podcast? They definitely talk about them on there. I actually don't really watch their videos. And I don't mean to be too snarky -- it's actually fun to listen to diverse opinions.

I have listened. Still not recalling much, unless you're talking about those indie RPGs they talked about awhile back like Dog Eat Dog and Monster Hearts. Very possible I'm just not remembering though.

I generally agree with their opinions and admittedly I'm totally a fanboy so I'm a bit biased, but the stuff they value in games seems to be pretty normal to me, all things considered. They like mechanically integrated themes, interesting player interaction, and games that cause emotional responses through their design (as opposed to jokes on cards). Basically, the stuff that makes games good. They do probably overvalue novelty a little bit as you said, but so do I. Their favorite game of last year was Archipelago; the game they most recommend is Cosmic Encounter, and Quinns is a Netrunner fiend. I don't think any of those opinion are particularly mad or outside the mainstream.

Arabian Nights is probably the only time I've watched one of their videos where they super recommend a thing and I thought "I'm not sure how that is fun or a thing".

Edit: On re-read this feels way too much like I'm defending their honor or some nonsense like that. Shrug. As I said, total fanboy.

I guess I'm just curious on how you feel that your taste is so divergent?
Any opinions on Thunder Alley from GMT yet?
The game is card driven, so you have a hand of cards instead of dice to move the cars. There are three different types of movement in the game, lead movement, drift movement, and solo movement. As long as cars are lined up immedietly you may be able to pull them along with your movement. This may move the other cars in your team or your opponents. Lining up your team and anticipating your opponents movements is a big part of the game. It makes the game more of a puzzle than your typical race game.

I'm not a fan of NASCAR at all but I absolutely loved this game. The system is easy to understand and the game is easy to play.

Just an FYI, if you are interested in F1 more, GMT just put up a P500 for an F1 game using the same system.


Hail to the KING baby
I have listened. Still not recalling much, unless you're talking about those indie RPGs they talked about awhile back like Dog Eat Dog and Monster Hearts. Very possible I'm just not remembering though.

I generally agree with their opinions and admittedly I'm totally a fanboy so I'm a bit biased, but the stuff they value in games seems to be pretty normal to me, all things considered. They like mechanically integrated themes, interesting player interaction, and games that cause emotional responses through their design (as opposed to jokes on cards). Basically, the stuff that makes games good. They do probably overvalue novelty a little bit as you said, but so do I. Their favorite game of last year was Archipelago; the game they most recommend is Cosmic Encounter, and Quinns is a Netrunner fiend. I don't think any of those opinion are particularly mad or outside the mainstream.

Arabian Nights is probably the only time I've watched one of their videos where they super recommend a thing and I thought "I'm not sure how that is fun or a thing".

Edit: On re-read this feels way too much like I'm defending their honor or some nonsense like that. Shrug. As I said, total fanboy.

I guess I'm just curious on how you feel that your taste is so divergent?

It was probably their talk about indie RPGs tbh. Don't forget that I don't watch their videos so my experience is extremely incomplete. And it's not like I hate them! :p Just have noticed that they really value the social and creative elements of games even more than I do (and I thought I valued those pretty highly tbh).


That's a lot of questions lol.

And Astrolad, I'll be at BGG.Con again this year. So far, got the beer swap on the Wednesday night & a game of Arkham Horror on Friday, and the rest is wide open. I'm sure there'll be a trip or two to Babe's.

And I'll have an actual android smart phone this year. Modern technology!

Hrm. BGG.Con sounds interesting. I see the tickets are all sold out. Is there any other place to sign up/go to see if someone that has a ticket can't go?


Hail to the KING baby
Hrm. BGG.Con sounds interesting. I see the tickets are all sold out. Is there any other place to sign up/go to see if someone that has a ticket can't go?
There is a waiting-list thread. Last year I think everyone who was on the waiting list got in. The reality is people buy tickets almost immediately but it's a pretty major trip so a bunch of people wind up canceling.


There is a waiting-list thread. Last year I think everyone who was on the waiting list got in. The reality is people buy tickets almost immediately but it's a pretty major trip so a bunch of people wind up canceling.

For sure! Just in flights and Con tickets it's about $700.00. Which isn't too bad. But then I still have hotel rates.

Is there anything else to do out there besides the Con? I ask because, my wife may go with me and 4 days of pure gaming might be a bit too much for her. LOL. So is there good restaurants, entertainment, drinks out there?


There is a waiting-list thread. Last year I think everyone who was on the waiting list got in. The reality is people buy tickets almost immediately but it's a pretty major trip so a bunch of people wind up canceling.

Yep, PM Belash on BGG to get in the waiting list. It sells out quickly every year because people buy tickets 'Just in case", and then cancel closer to the cut-off for ticket transfers in October.

Attendance is around 2000-2500 these days. As Astrolad said, last year everyone who wanted a ticket could get one from resales, and there were more sellers than buyers.


The game is card driven, so you have a hand of cards instead of dice to move the cars. There are three different types of movement in the game, lead movement, drift movement, and solo movement. As long as cars are lined up immedietly you may be able to pull them along with your movement. This may move the other cars in your team or your opponents. Lining up your team and anticipating your opponents movements is a big part of the game. It makes the game more of a puzzle than your typical race game.

I'm not a fan of NASCAR at all but I absolutely loved this game. The system is easy to understand and the game is easy to play.

Ta, Joey, totally sounds like my cup of tea.


There is a waiting-list thread. Last year I think everyone who was on the waiting list got in. The reality is people buy tickets almost immediately but it's a pretty major trip so a bunch of people wind up canceling.

Thanks! Just put a request in. For those of you that have gone before can you provide any feedback? How were the hotel accommodations? How was the gaming hall? Were there a lot of vendors? Was the event well organized? Any praise/complaints? Any cool or interesting stories?


for the record I formally request someone who is going to gencon locate a copy of Tragedy Looper and give it a try and share impressions with me.

I've had my eye on the game for a while and I am curious if it's half as fun as it sounds to me o.o;
for the record I formally request someone who is going to gencon locate a copy of Tragedy Looper and give it a try and share impressions with me.

I've had my eye on the game for a while and I am curious if it's half as fun as it sounds to me o.o;

I have it on order. I'll see if I can get a demo at the booth, though.


Tragedy Looper is definitely on my list to get a demo of. Anything that claims to be a deduction game is immediately of interest to me.


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks! Just put a request in. For those of you that have gone before can you provide any feedback? How were the hotel accommodations? How was the gaming hall? Were there a lot of vendors? Was the event well organized? Any praise/complaints? Any cool or interesting stories?

It's kind of nirvana for open gaming tbh. It's really easy to find games or set up a table and put up a 'Players Wanted' sign, the hotel is quite good, the library is incredible. I've gone four years running.

Only nits:
-Can be tough to get the "hot games" (i.e., games that have not yet been released but come from Essen and are available in the Hot Games play area or in the library).
-Food can be expensive if you plan on buying a lot from the hotel snack area or hotel restaurant.
-Table space can occasionally get a little tight.
-There are several events but not a ton of tournaments and the like, and there is a demo/exhibitor room but this is NOT GenCon. The focus is by far on open gaming over anything else.


I have it on order. I'll see if I can get a demo at the booth, though.

I asked an aquantance that is going to pick it up for me, but if he finds it/remembers is another story.

it seems rather different from what I already own co op game wise, and it seems like it could have lots of replayability (as long as you don't play the same scenarios with the same people)


Thanks! Just put a request in. For those of you that have gone before can you provide any feedback? How were the hotel accommodations? How was the gaming hall? Were there a lot of vendors? Was the event well organized? Any praise/complaints? Any cool or interesting stories?

I've been going ooh five years now & met most of my regular gaming group through a chance meeting with someone in an elevator, ooer, who is now a firm friend.

The thing to be aware of, as Astrolad said, it's not Origins/Gencon. There's not a huge array of events organised by BGG.Con at it - there's usually a Days of Wonder tournament of some sort (TtR), a puzzle hunt, a (free) poker tournament, and some other random events.

The focus is on "open gaming" through the ridiculously huge library & the "Hot Game Room" - BGG.Con is specifically scheduled to allow them to fly over all the new releases from the Essen game fair in Germany. Additionally, people arrange "big"/longer/harder to play games before hand via a few geeklists on BGG itself - want to play TI3? Here I Stand? Some obscure 18xx game? Yeah, you'll be able to arrange that more than likely.

People are friendly. There's usually 2000-2500 people at it now, and the hotel (and the overspill hotel) sell out. Facilities are good, bar one particular large side room that a lot of people dislike but is supposed to be renovated some time, and yeah, at peak times, it can be hard to find an empty table now - it's grown quite a bit the past couple of years.

There's a dealer room, but it's not as big as Gencon's for sure. Last year's was a lot bigger/organised than the year before, and it's obviously a focus on the organisers to grow it up & get more publishers there selling/demoing at it. FunAgain has a long standing relationship with the Con & will pickup & bring over Essen releases to sell at the Con & to preorders (preorder if you want something hot...). Queen has a habit of shipping some hot new game during the Con too.

Additionally, there's /usually/ a big prize draw on Saturday nights & free games at registration - the freebies are nothing to get excited about these days because of the scale of the Con. The prize draw /does/ have very good game packages given away & a trip to Essen too.

The last few years a bunch of unofficial "side events" have started like Beer Swaps, Whisky Tasting, a "newcomer meetup" on the first night, etc. There's a fantastically well organised math trade that runs. There's a fantastically chaotic flea market & "virtual flea market" where people sell/trade games ahead of time via a geeklist again.

One of my favourite gaming weekends of the year for sure. A ton of folk go from the Austin area, but I always make sure to spend a good chunk of time playing random games with random folk using the "Players Wanted" flags. Great to meet new folk etc.


Bought a copy of Zombie 15 for tomorrow's game night. Looks to improve on the cool-idea-but-kinda-flawed Escape.

Also ordered a copy of Cash n Guns second edition. Really pumped to finally check that one out.


Fail out bailed
The "Network" we are building is having a game night at a bar for Gen Con Friday night after the con.
I would love to play a game with a gaffer in the wild.

Regardless if you see me around, say hi.
My name is Donald and I look like this:

The party should be fun.

If not, maybe I'll see some of ya'll at BGG con.


First tragedy, then farce.
In Indy.

NYC to Indy is about 13 hours in the car with reasonable breaks.

also known as not a day trip.


Hail to the KING baby
GenCon is better than E3 -- gamescom-level hype. Though I'm glad to be following it online instead of in the chaos. #toooldforthisshit


I've been going ooh five years now & met most of my regular gaming group through a chance meeting with someone in an elevator, ooer, who is now a firm friend.

The thing to be aware of, as Astrolad said, it's not Origins/Gencon. There's not a huge array of events organised by BGG.Con at it - there's usually a Days of Wonder tournament of some sort (TtR), a puzzle hunt, a (free) poker tournament, and some other random events.

The focus is on "open gaming" through the ridiculously huge library & the "Hot Game Room" - BGG.Con is specifically scheduled to allow them to fly over all the new releases from the Essen game fair in Germany. Additionally, people arrange "big"/longer/harder to play games before hand via a few geeklists on BGG itself - want to play TI3? Here I Stand? Some obscure 18xx game? Yeah, you'll be able to arrange that more than likely.

People are friendly. There's usually 2000-2500 people at it now, and the hotel (and the overspill hotel) sell out. Facilities are good, bar one particular large side room that a lot of people dislike but is supposed to be renovated some time, and yeah, at peak times, it can be hard to find an empty table now - it's grown quite a bit the past couple of years.

There's a dealer room, but it's not as big as Gencon's for sure. Last year's was a lot bigger/organised than the year before, and it's obviously a focus on the organisers to grow it up & get more publishers there selling/demoing at it. FunAgain has a long standing relationship with the Con & will pickup & bring over Essen releases to sell at the Con & to preorders (preorder if you want something hot...). Queen has a habit of shipping some hot new game during the Con too.

Additionally, there's /usually/ a big prize draw on Saturday nights & free games at registration - the freebies are nothing to get excited about these days because of the scale of the Con. The prize draw /does/ have very good game packages given away & a trip to Essen too.

The last few years a bunch of unofficial "side events" have started like Beer Swaps, Whisky Tasting, a "newcomer meetup" on the first night, etc. There's a fantastically well organised math trade that runs. There's a fantastically chaotic flea market & "virtual flea market" where people sell/trade games ahead of time via a geeklist again.

One of my favourite gaming weekends of the year for sure. A ton of folk go from the Austin area, but I always make sure to spend a good chunk of time playing random games with random folk using the "Players Wanted" flags. Great to meet new folk etc.

How's the restaurant scene? Any good places to eat? It's at an airport so I am sure there are a few places but are all of them at the terminals? I want me some good Texas BBQ! :)

Also, do they allow alcohol at the convention? Can I pack a sixer or bottle of Jack in my bag and bring it in?


How's the restaurant scene? Any good places to eat? It's at an airport so I am sure there are a few places but are all of them at the terminals? I want me some good Texas BBQ! :)

Also, do they allow alcohol at the convention? Can I pack a sixer or bottle of Jack in my bag and bring it in?


Recommend those interested in the con to check the stickies on the forum there. Lots of good info for this year and for those planning for next year.

There are shuttles that run from the hotel to places to eat in the area. Not sure about BBQ, maybe someone local can answer, I'm not in DFW area.



Stooge feel free to just post an advertisement.

Also, feel free to ship Machi Koro to my FLGS


I was all lined up to go to GenCon this year (had a hotel, badges, etc.), and then I was notified that I had to go to Gamescom >:| If GenCon was smart they would move the convention to the week before/after to pick up attendees.

Anyway, I'm on the waiting list for BGG Con this year, so hopefully I'll be able to go. It sounds great; thanks for the info. Additionally, I'm also going to GMT's Warehouse Weekend in October. Anyone else who browses this thread going to be there?


Good lord, just saw they raised the MSRP of Caverna to $97. Now even happier I didn't wait for the current printing.



Recommend those interested in the con to check the stickies on the forum there. Lots of good info for this year and for those planning for next year.

There are shuttles that run from the hotel to places to eat in the area. Not sure about BBQ, maybe someone local can answer, I'm not in DFW area.

Officially, you're not supposed to bring in externally bought alcohol to the "floor" of the conference. Everyone does it anyway.

The shuttles go around Grapevine Mall, with the various chain restaurants around it - it's a handy thing to have if you have no access to a car. All the airport restaurants at DFW are /behind/ security so no go (and you're not missing anything anyway).

Babe's is the big go-to for my group - rock solid fried chicken etc. Hard 8 is a very popular BBQ place with BGG.Con go-ers. I'm from Austin, don't know much about DFW BBQ generally.
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