I've been buying too many games lately but I just can't stop. I love figures and little pieces and there's been a lot of games full of these things.
Anyone have the new Conan game? I've been eyeing but it's pretty expensive. Worth it?
So I decided to bite on the Arkham Card Game, got the core and the first expansion, anything I should know about introducing it to people or get things organized. Is the deck building hard or is there premade decks? Seems like a good solo game but would like to play with gf and friends also, is the core set enough for three players?
Finally broke open T.I.M.E Stories on NYE and it was a pretty big hit with all of us, looking forward to the other released stories.
Deckbuilding doesn't really exist if you're on a single core. You can play 2 investigators but can't overlap classes with 1 core. Premade decks (and custom on 1 core, for that matter) are effectively all level 0 of the character's classes plus a few neutrals to fill it out so pretty easy. What I've done for introducing the game is set up and play the first scenario with a premade deck and then going into basic card anatomy (resource cost, type of card, and what the commit icons mean), taking the first turn as an example and explaining monsters as they come up. Since everything is a skill check once you resolve the first investigation check it's fairly straightforward and all that's left is to explain keywords on cards when they come up.
The mythos packs are there to expand the story. The Dunwich Legacy box that comes out later this month will start a new campaign storyline which will last for probably 6-8 scenarios. That box has some new player cards, and then the first two scenarios. The mythos packs will each contain another scenario, so if you enjoy the game, then you can essentially get another "level" every month by getting the next mythos pack. Those will also contain some new player cards as well to expand the card pool.So I see there are some mythos packs and things like that, how does it all kinda work together, since this is the first LCG that I am paying attention to, are those needed?
It'll have to be either Age of Steam or Battlestar Galactica.
Played BSG many many times with a steady group at a gamestore but ever since it moved away we lost contact with each other.
So I bought my own copy + expansions and got ready to introduce my normal group to it but every time something comes up.
And Age of Steam might be to difficult ? I don't know, everytime I try to learn the rules the gamedate changes and we end up playing something else.
I haven't ever tried to explain a big FFG game's rule to a large group before but it sounds like a headache. I think the best way to do it would be make sure everyone is interested at a different gaming event and then get them all copies of the rules to skim.
I am worried that my eventual playthrough of BSG will fall flat for me though since I've never watched it and know nothing about it
The mythos packs are there to expand the story. The Dunwich Legacy box that comes out later this month will start a new campaign storyline which will last for probably 6-8 scenarios. That box has some new player cards, and then the first two scenarios. The mythos packs will each contain another scenario, so if you enjoy the game, then you can essentially get another "level" every month by getting the next mythos pack. Those will also contain some new player cards as well to expand the card pool.
The great thing about LCGs is that everything is set cards. There's no randomization in the packs, so if you buy a mythos pack, you'll get all of the cards you need for it, and the maximum amount of player cards (2 per card) for one player.
Polite but hard disagree on this one.BSG is pretty simple, and given that it's cooperative (with "traitors"), it's easy to jump right in. It's just a small step up from, say, Pandemic. Every turn is just draw skill cards, move anywhere, activate location or play skill card (or activate special ability), resolve crisis card. The human goal is to survive crisis cards (resources, damage, boarding party) until a certain (variable) number of jumps are made. Players should also be aware of how skill checks work (secretly play skill cards into pile to pass/fail, don't be too obvious with respect to type/color) and that Cylon reveals are an action (and that Cylons will spam Caprica after revealing), but that's about it. There are some special abilities exclusive to the President, the Admiral, and pilots, as well as iconography and combat, but those can be addressed as needed.
I've got a question for people though, for those of you with unplayed games (or games you have played very little): What is your number one unplayed game that you wish you could get onto the table? I know a few of you have Twilight Imperium that you only play once every year (or like me, haven't ever played). There are some big and lengthy games out there that sell but rarely get played, so what bums you out that you cannot get any games going for?
I'm thinking about picking up Scythe when the next print hits soon and, to be honest, it's 50% due to the artwork and 50% due to the hype. Would someone who has played the game be willing to check my list of owned games on BGG and tell me if it would be too similar to any games I already own? I've found I have a habit of buying games with similar mechanics and then I end up selling them later on.
List is here. Thanks!
Yeah basically there are POD packs, which are just one-off sidequests (no regular character cards for deckbuilding), and the actual mythos packs (big box and small box), which I believe will have both story/encounter side of things as well as character cards. So you'll have new stories to play each month as well as new cards to use in your decks. You can build decks on arkhamdb.com, which is much easier than writing them all down. I would advise ideally for core that you have one core per player if you really want to get into the deckbuilding straightaway. Two cores for three is OK too, but a little limiting. If you play through a scenario and are just getting stomped, don't hesitate to dial down to Easy. Some of these scenarios are a little tough right now, I think so that they have more staying power as new cards come out.
Yeah. There are five classes, and currently each investigator can have cards from two different specific pairs of classes. Since the card pool is so small, "one core" decks take all of the cards from those two classes, plus a smattering of neutral cards. So you can build two starter decks with one core, and then you'd have one class left over, which wouldn't be enough to make a third deck.So 2 cores for 3 people is minimum?
Nice thing is with two cores you can build two strong decks for 2P (which is the ideal for the game imo).
Have a question for anyone who plays Mice and Mystics. I am having trouble understanding the Explore action in relation to Minion Surge Cheese and placing new Minions.
So the rules say if the last person on the initiative track finishes their turn, and there are no minions on the board, to add a piece of Cheese to the minion surge track clock thing. To avoid this, I have generally been taking the "Explore" action with the last mouse on the initiative track, that way everyone else can try to Search and find equipment and such. When I explore and a new board is placed, we get a new encounter with new minions. Since there were previously no minions on the track, I have been shuffling the initiative cards and starting a new round.
Is that right? Should I just be adding the new minions to the bottom of the track instead? Otherwise, if someone early on the track took the Explore action, it would cost the other mice below them their turn if you reshuffle. I checked the FAQ on their site, but didn't see anything applicable.
If I use the arkhamdb with 2 cores to build three different classes and just store it that way, is that ok to play that way? or should I store without built decks, the people I usually play are not going to be much for the deck building part of it so I want to have a decent way to have it built and somewhat ready to go or I can build two good decks and play solo mostly I guess.
Anyone have opinions about the Clank board game?
It is fun.
Balancing out the risk of getting good stuff and making noise adds a nice level to depth. You don't have to go deepest into the dungeon to win the game either which is good. Just make sure you buy some movement cards or you might not do as well.
Anyone have opinions about the Clank board game?
Sweet, glad I was doing it right.It sounds like you're doing it correctly.
We've definitely spent extra turns in a cleared area so that we could search for items, and/or trigger a surge in a controlled environment.
Is there any direct player interaction?
I'm thinking about picking up Scythe when the next print hits soon and, to be honest, it's 50% due to the artwork and 50% due to the hype. Would someone who has played the game be willing to check my list of owned games on BGG and tell me if it would be too similar to any games I already own? I've found I have a habit of buying games with similar mechanics and then I end up selling them later on.
List is here. Thanks!
Anyone have opinions about the Clank board game?
I own it, every time it comes to the table it's great fun. Well loved with my group.
Here is my collection as of Jan 2017:
I finally have a copy of Inis! In English! In the UK! Hurray!
Just briefly, not to be left out, I think my GOTY might be a win between: New Angeles & Great Western Trail. With my best-game-of-the-year-I-discovered-this-year going to Kemet. It's bloody glorious.
I'm really on the fence about picking up Arcadia Quest & Zombicide.
Can you give me some pointers about choosing between Zombicide and Black Plague? I like the idea of both & I'm not sure which setting appeals to me more.
I own it, every time it comes to the table it's great fun. Well loved with my group.
Here is my collection as of Jan 2017:
Don't be intimidated. Just bought this myself, and played a couple rounds with my girlfriend, who basically has never played a board game before (but loves zombies). It takes a while to set up, and there's so many steps and rules that you're bound to be forgetting things repeatedly, but the core game isn't that complex if you exclude all the optional stuff. It's challenging but that makes winning really fun.
Out of Arcadia quest & Zombicide? Arcadia Quest every time, it's due an expansion sometime the end of the month too.
As for Vanilla Zombicide vs Black Plague? BP has better refined rules on ranged weapons and had more content than Vanilla. Both are fairly simple games though.
I'll probably end up with both. Arcadia Quest I'm on the fence with because I've already got SDE but have played it...maybe once? way back when I got it.
- How do barriers work? If they work the way we were playing them, zombies really aren't much of a threat in this game. Not nearly as much as the risk you're exposed to from just moving place to place. You place a barrier on one of the spawn spots. The next time a zombie would spawn there, you take away the barrier instead
- What the hell is a helpless survivor? I didn't see it in the instructions They are the tokens that look like the shadow of a child or something. They go in the colony and count for food needed and everything
- Is there any point in keeping characters at the shelter? It just costs you more food. We kept one character there to clear out the garbage and build some barriers, didn't see a need for any more. Cleaning up becomes pretty important, and sometimes you will need to fight zombies out of the base. Helps trigger crossroads cards as well.
- When completing a crisis, do I need one item for every character in the game? Or just one for each person playing the game? If it's one per character, that seems ridiculously difficult. If it's one per player, that seems ridiculously easy.One per player in the game. I believe it says it on the crisis cards.
We tried the recommended first-timers main objective, "Tribute", where you just need to pick up 2 cards from each location. We won, I guess? But when I contributed the last card to the pile and told her we had won, we both kind of just shrugged. But I do understand that that's probably one of the most boring scenarios in the game.
I love the concept, but in practice there seems to be just too many components gumming up the experience of playing
I played Tsuro over the weekend and that is a game with a bad rule sheet. It's only mentioned in one section that players knocked out of the game put their tiles back in the deck. Miss that and everything concerning the dragon tile and drawing tiles is confusing.
My girlfriend and I gave it a shot over the weekend. It was....alright.
First of all, I don't think this game is made for 2 players. There's no secret objectives and no betrayals, which I'd imagine takes a lot away from the experience.
I never understood the dragon tile part. We always left it out and just grabbed knocked out player's tiles when needed.
All my games from the Steal This Game kickstarter just arrived!
I backed the tier with ...and then they held hands, Mythe and They Who Were 8. Never bought anything from Ludicreations before but these all seem lovely. In particular Mythe's pop-up book style board is real neat!
Can't wait to get them to the table.
It's so simple and yet explained so poorly.It's just to indicate who gets first dibs on those tiles.
Oh hey, I forgot that was coming soon. I backed Steal This Game + the rabbit divorce game (KUNE v LAIKA). I wonder if they'll show up soon. I got no word in my email after the "last chance to confirm shipping address" one.
All my games from the Steal This Game kickstarter just arrived!
I backed the tier with ...and then they held hands, Mythe and They Who Were 8. Never bought anything from Ludicreations before but these all seem lovely. In particular Mythe's pop-up book style board is real neat!
Can't wait to get them to the table.
I recently grabbed Ars Alchimia and I've had a lot of fun with it. It's a worker placement game where you manage an alchemy lab. The aesthetic is anime so think the Atelier series for inspiration. The game is a lot of fun but if you end up picking it up, be warned that the way the instructions are written is terrible. We figured everything out by the end of the first game but it definitely seemed like they dropped a page somewhere when printing the instructions.