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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I really enjoy And Then We Held Hands. It's kind of abstract, but the mechanics push the theme really well anyway. Love playing it with the wife

I'm looking forward to that one, it was the main reason I backed that tier on the kickstarter. I also really wanted They Who Were 8 as it looks like a neat thing but I've heard a lot of good things about And Then We Held Hands.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally watched some videos for Kingdom Death. Looks pretty insane and something I might like, but would likely be too much for my friends I play with. Probably a good think since I don't have hundreds of dollars for it.


Finally watched some videos for Kingdom Death. Looks pretty insane and something I might like, but would likely be too much for my friends I play with. Probably a good think since I don't have hundreds of dollars for it.
I know fans of the game will defend it to the death. I was seriously looking at it for this KS (the base game, anyways), and while the gameplay looks pretty interesting, I just couldn't do it. I read there are still typos on the cards, even with this 1.5 version. Also, I saw a card that said something to the effect of "You hit the lion in the ding dong." That just totally ruined this dark fantasy epic for me when there's such juvenile wordplay as that.

To anyone who enjoys the game though, I have no problems. I'm sure I play games that they'd never touch too.


I picked up Ars alchimia too but haven't had a chance to play it yet. I remember seeing somewhere from the publisher that the instructions were printed incorrectly, they don't fold the right way and are missing the images. No word yet on a correction though, the rules on BGG are from the previous version a couple years ago but they should still be good.

Even with the rules as printed you can figure it out. I highly recommend giving it a play. We have played 3 games so far and had a lot of fun with it.


Unconfirmed Member
I know fans of the game will defend it to the death. I was seriously looking at it for this KS (the base game, anyways), and while the gameplay looks pretty interesting, I just couldn't do it. I read there are still typos on the cards, even with this 1.5 version. Also, I saw a card that said something to the effect of "You hit the lion in the ding dong." That just totally ruined this dark fantasy epic for me when there's such juvenile wordplay as that.

To anyone who enjoys the game though, I have no problems. I'm sure I play games that they'd never touch too.

Hmmmm, stuff like that would bother me too. What I really want is FFG to do is just make a box like KDM for the different Arkham games, haha.

Also I already have a bunch of core games which I love to sink money into so I should just focus on that.


Masmorra literally on the fedex truck for delivery today. I don't buy many games at the moment, so looking forward to a new one ;) Kids should enjoy it.


Masmorra literally on the fedex truck for delivery today. I don't buy many games at the moment, so looking forward to a new one ;) Kids should enjoy it.

Where do you live? I've not got a kickstarter but I'm looking to buy a copy I'm hoping it arrives in retail soon!
I recently grabbed Ars Alchimia and I've had a lot of fun with it. It's a worker placement game where you manage an alchemy lab. The aesthetic is anime so think the Atelier series for inspiration. The game is a lot of fun but if you end up picking it up, be warned that the way the instructions are written is terrible. We figured everything out by the end of the first game but it definitely seemed like they dropped a page somewhere when printing the instructions.

Nice, I still haven't received mine. I have a few other MD games and their are goof fun, the output of Kuro is crazy though. Look at this, http://ash.jp/~md/game.htm and he does all the design and production himself (he outsources the art), only in 2016 he did 19 games.


After I cancelled my Miniature Market order and ordered from Amazon for a premium, Robinson Crusoe 2nd edition is finally here.

It looks quite nice. Now I need to find time to read all 400 pages of the rules or whatever before playing, I guess. :p


Unlimited Capacity
Man Food Chain Magnate may be one of the better examples of easy to learn hard to master. We played for the first time and the rules and mechanics are very, very straightforward. That is extremely misleading though because holy shit is this game complicated! It is waaaaaaay open ended and sandboxey. The best laid plans can be stolen right from under you if you don't pay attention.


Man Food Chain Magnate may be one of the better examples of easy to learn hard to master. We played for the first time and the rules and mechanics are very, very straightforward. That is extremely misleading though because holy shit is this game complicated! It is waaaaaaay open ended and sandboxey. The best laid plans can be stolen right from under you if you don't pay attention.

Yep, I think it's an excellent game


trying to find a copy of star wars destiny and wow, all the online retailers are sold out.

a store on amazon has them for double the price of retail.

pretty crazy that this game is either that popular or FFG has such a scarce quantity out there.


trying to find a copy of star wars destiny and wow, all the online retailers are sold out.

a store on amazon has them for double the price of retail.

pretty crazy that this game is either that popular or FFG has such a scarce quantity out there.

I've seen a few people playing it each time I've been to a local shop for game nights. Mostly it seems to be the same crowd that plays xwing and armada.


Sailor Stevenson
trying to find a copy of star wars destiny and wow, all the online retailers are sold out.

a store on amazon has them for double the price of retail.

pretty crazy that this game is either that popular or FFG has such a scarce quantity out there.

it's really, really good. word of mouth is high and lots of folks trying it out, which is combining with the fact that supply has been scarce due to manufacturing issues.

should be more on shelves in a couple weeks.

but I can't recommend it highly enough. I thought it didn't look that interesting when they revealed it, but the game is super deep.


Played 7p Scythe /w exp last night. Didn't play a new race, but they seem interesting enough. The traps can be devastating, but in our game it almost just turned into a kingmaker race because of where they were placed.

As you'd expect, there was a ton of combat out of necessity.

Also, I wouldn't play with 6 or 7 people unless you have the board extension.

Can't wait to dive in again. The game takes a few plays to figure out how each race/player interacts.


After I cancelled my Miniature Market order and ordered from Amazon for a premium, Robinson Crusoe 2nd edition is finally here.

It looks quite nice. Now I need to find time to read all 400 pages of the rules or whatever before playing, I guess. :p

Please let me know how the new rules are. The old ones where downright garbage.
Please let me know how the new rules are. The old ones where downright garbage.

Rules are available here if you'd like to read them now.

After I cancelled my Miniature Market order and ordered from Amazon for a premium, Robinson Crusoe 2nd edition is finally here.

It looks quite nice. Now I need to find time to read all 400 pages of the rules or whatever before playing, I guess. :p

Got my shipment notification on Monday from the Canadian OLGS where I had my pre-order. Feel pretty lucky considering how few copies are floating around up here -- I've only seen/heard about a couple Canadian stores that have gotten copies, and even then only a fraction of what the had requested from the distributor. Looking forward to breaking it out and introducing it to my co-workers.
I know fans of the game will defend it to the death. I was seriously looking at it for this KS (the base game, anyways), and while the gameplay looks pretty interesting, I just couldn't do it. I read there are still typos on the cards, even with this 1.5 version. Also, I saw a card that said something to the effect of "You hit the lion in the ding dong." That just totally ruined this dark fantasy epic for me when there's such juvenile wordplay as that.

To anyone who enjoys the game though, I have no problems. I'm sure I play games that they'd never touch too.

Small typos are everywhere in board games. Typos aren't bad, but it's the lack of clarity that they can sometimes cause which is an actual problem. And while you may think the whole game is just totally filled with grimdark, body horror fantasy, there are several instances of levity and humor. I doubt I'll change your mind, I'm just pointing out that these two examples are the smallest of gripes for a game of this scope and uniqueness and that it's a disservice to yourself to write off a game you were pretty interested in for those reasons.


After I cancelled my Miniature Market order and ordered from Amazon for a premium, Robinson Crusoe 2nd edition is finally here.

It looks quite nice. Now I need to find time to read all 400 pages of the rules or whatever before playing, I guess. :p

Reminded me of the time Ignacy taught my group how to play Crazy Karts at Gencon. He is so passionate about his company and their games. Was quite intense and fun!
Trying out disc duelers and I find it annoying the game doesn't come with any kind of damage tokens. I can raid them from pixel tactics but still they should be in the box.

Edit: I realize you can totally use the not in play characters upside down as damage tokens. Thats probably in the missing page of the rule book with ranged attacks :X


Four of us played Five Tribes for the first time last night. A lot of ways to score points was the first thing we noticed, that and the great components. We all tried different strategies with the tribes, area control, goods, and djinn's. Final scores were 114, 114, 124, and 129. The winner never bid once for turn order while the rest of us would bid almost every round. Something I'll have to remember next time. :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
My copy of Santorini arrived todaaaaaaay, cant wait to test it with my gf.


Ooh, that looks neat.

I'd never actually looked at what Santorini was whenever I'd seen it mentioned. Since it was a game named after a town I had assumed it was some stuffy local economy sim with worker placement or something like that.

Also, the 3d buildings remind me of Mexica, which was the most surprisingly savage game I've played in quite awhile.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ooh, that looks neat.

I'd never actually looked at what Santorini was whenever I'd seen it mentioned. Since it was a game named after a town I had assumed it was some stuffy local economy sim with worker placement or something like that.

Also, the 3d buildings remind me of Mexica, which was the most surprisingly savage game I've played in quite awhile.

I bought it precisely because it fills a niche in my (and I assume many) game collections. Its a 2-4 player short (20 minutes) strategy game about strategically moving workers and placing buildings with enough depth to have a good amount of longevity. You have 2 workers and each turn you can move and build once. The basic goal of the game is to move one of your workers on top of a three part building, so you build the same board with your opponent, all the while trying to obstruct his progress to the top by positioning well or building walls that he cant climb. There are many interesting intricacies to the concept, especially once you add in the 50 or so player powers, that give special abilities or change your win condition.


My copy of Santorini arrived todaaaaaaay, cant wait to test it with my gf.

Spoiler alert.

She'll love it.

So far there isn't a single soul that doesn't like this game. So good. 2 player is the best imo, 4 kinda work in a goofy way. There's always the alpha who try to take all the control by himself.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Spoiler alert.

She'll love it.

So far there isn't a single soul that doesn't like this game. So good. 2 player is the best imo, 4 kinda work in a goofy way. There's always the alpha who try to take all the control by himself.

We usually solve these issues by not being allowed to talk about strategies/moves, similar to Tash Kalar. Definitely going to try the 4 player variant with that limitation in mind.


Played Sheep & Thief for the first time yesterday. Way more fun than expected from just reading the rules! I was worried about the mix between map building and drafting but it all comes together pretty well. It's like a lighter Carcassone, except with less player interaction since every player's building their own map, but it's compensated by the drafting mechanics and controlling the thief in other players' boards. Both games ended with pretty close scores too, which makes it seem pretty balanced. I love how the sheep are little cotton balls and the art is pretty good. I should find a way to protect or laminate the player maps though, since they're just printed on flimsy glossy paper.

Also played one of my most successful Dead of Winter campaigns yet. We did the "Kill them all" campaign where you have to make sure there's at most 3 zombies outside the colony by the end of a round and we just raided the police station for weapons and spent a solid 2 turns just destroying everything on our path, it felt way less tragic than that game usually feels
There was no betrayer so that also helped; that campaign would probably be hell if there was one since they could always attract zombies and make noise.

Also I really should've backed Santorini. I'll buy it for sure once it comes out, that's one gorgeous board and I love games I can play with pretty much anyone.


Hail to the KING baby
I was trying to play Destiny on TTS and, uh, I don't think FFG has much to worry about. It's pretty opaque and rough like OCTGN so expect it to be used only by hardcores for constant practice and cheapo people obsessed with playing anything on TTS who honestly wouldn't buy the game. Neither is an excuse but FFG doesn't really seem to care and much like OCTGN/Jinteki it appears to have become the 24/7 training ground for tournament players. That last part is a bit annoying (just like it was with Jinteki) but w/e I'm not planning on winning Worlds or anything. Happy to play 1-2 games/day with my wife and friends.


Unlimited Capacity
Got my Masmorra pledge in. Didn't get a chance to play it yet but it looks pretty easy to pick up and play. CMON so the components and everything are great. Love those chibi minis lol

Speaking of Kickstarters



Masmorra literally on the fedex truck for delivery today. I don't buy many games at the moment, so looking forward to a new one ;) Kids should enjoy it.

I got my masmorra kickstarter did vanilla/plus aq xover/plus Luke.

I'm buried in aq style chibi figures now (did the aq kickstarter and got the exclusives from that one), only really missing tomrick. And yeah i'm not paying the insane price for that figure.




Luke Skywalker x2
One With The Force
Force Choke
Jabba the Hutt
Crime Lord
Han Solo
Black One
Captain Phasma
Poe Dameron
Thermal Detonator

Qui-Gon Jinn x4
Data Pad x4
Sith Holocron x4
First Order Tie Fighter x3
Cunning x3
Holdout Blaster x3
Gaffi Stick x3
On the Hunt x2
Infantry Grenades x2
DH-17 Blaster Pistol x2
Survival Gear x2
Jango Fett x2
Rey's Staff x2
Padme Amidala x2
Padawan x2
Immobilize x2
Infiltrate x2
Speeder Bike Scout x2
Jedi Robes
Admiral Ackbar
Rebel Trooper
Diplomatic Immunity
Flame Thrower
First Order Stormtrooper
DL-44 Heavy Blaster
Force Protection
General Grevious
Force Training

Bummed about no Vader or Veers.


Sailor Stevenson


Luke Skywalker x2
One With The Force
Force Choke
Jabba the Hutt
Crime Lord
Han Solo
Black One
Captain Phasma
Poe Dameron
Thermal Detonator

Qui-Gon Jinn x4
Data Pad x4
Sith Holocron x4
First Order Tie Fighter x3
Cunning x3
Holdout Blaster x3
Gaffi Stick x3
On the Hunt x2
Infantry Grenades x2
DH-17 Blaster Pistol x2
Survival Gear x2
Jango Fett x2
Rey's Staff x2
Padme Amidala x2
Padawan x2
Immobilize x2
Infiltrate x2
Speeder Bike Scout x2
Jedi Robes
Admiral Ackbar
Rebel Trooper
Diplomatic Immunity
Flame Thrower
First Order Stormtrooper
DL-44 Heavy Blaster
Force Protection
General Grevious
Force Training

Bummed about no Vader or Veers.

Veers is cheap enough. No Vader hurts.

Only one Jetpack is a bummer, though the 2 extra holocrons, datapads (even though they betrayed the shit out of me today) and the extra hodlout blaster are strong trade bait.

I feel like your rare pulls were actually pretty awesome (no BB-8s, only 9 starters rares). And Legendaries weren't bad aside from the lack of Vader.

Nice boxes!


Hail to the KING baby
Need another Han die and you have the beginnings of a pretty good Han/Rey deck, which is what I'm currently running. To me current strength in tournament format is Jango/Veers 1 Han/Rey 2. And Han has a decent chance vs. Veers because of speed of chaining Ambushes and Rey ability. But I'm no expert :p


Starting a weekly game night next week. We will be playing Cosmic Encounter, which I've owned for half a year but haven't had a chance to play yet. Is the game difficult to learn/teach? Anything I should know prior to starting the game? I want everyone to keep coming back for more games, so this needs to run smoothly!


Sailor Stevenson
Need another Han die and you have the beginnings of a pretty good Han/Rey deck, which is what I'm currently running. To me current strength in tournament format is Jango/Veers 1 Han/Rey 2. And Han has a decent chance vs. Veers because of speed of chaining Ambushes and Rey ability. But I'm no expert :p

Jango/Veers is nasty, especially if it draws well.

I've got a Padme/2 Trooper Mill deck I like a lot.

Vader / Raider can hit ridiculously hard while controlling dice too. If you get your holocrons out it's deadly
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