I would recommend trying out building an MTG cube (if you have any cards left/interest in the game!),
here's a pretty decent primer on the format posted on the Wizards site. It's a really great way to play MTG limited games like draft and sealed without having to buy cards every time. Add to that some pretty impressive 2 player draft variants that people have come up with over the years and you have something that can stand on it's own as a "game", only keeping up with new cards if you see something you want to add. I've had mine sitting pretty for the last couple years and it's still a lot of fun to bust out and play.
You can go as crazy as you want. Some people use cube to put all of the broken cards into one environment, like power 9 cards and alpha dual lands, to make things as broken as possible. Some people do themed ones based around specific sets they enjoy, like a Ravnica themed cube. Some people theme theirs specifically around FFA multiplayer, with the intent of playing a big game all together after the decks are built. I've modeled mine after a few other people's "unpowered" cubes (no moxen and other ridiculous cards, but still have access to powerful combos/cards outside of that), and it's been great for us.
I've played tons of cube drafts with people like you; people who
used to play MTG, but fell out of the regular game. But they have the game knowledge to participate in a draft, with no boosters needed, so we end up with some damn good games of Magic. It's awesome! If you have the patience to assemble the 360 (minimum) unique cards needed, while also keeping an eye on balance and card usage as you play, IMO it can be one of the best "stand-alone card games" in your collection.