Played "5 minute delivery" the other day, a friend had his kickstarter come in for it.
It's pretty fun! Super light game with a somewhat quick set up (I wish it was quicker actually but it's not too bad). It's a game of finding your best route through a maze-like town, dropping off packages at specific locations. The whole trick with the game is that the movement is determined by a 5 minute scenario sound piece and plays in real time, where a narrator tells you how far you can move every few seconds. They're also themed around the game (a town of goblins who are kind of dumb and bad at scheduling)
It's a lot of quick thinking and basically plays on the "honours" system, because the moment a new movement number is announced you're supposed to switch to using that, even if you're in the middle of a move. But it's not like this is really that enforceable because everyone is worried about their own movement. It gets pretty frantic and you don't have a lot of time to find the place you need to go, find the route, and move while the narrator's moving on to another number.
There's no interaction other than physically getting in someone's way moving your piece around.
(This is a non-scenario version you can play which interacts with the other players a bit more but it's not as good. Basically, you roll a die to determine the number spaces each player can move, then the first player done their move rolls again. A new roll means it "overwrites" the previous roll. This means if someone knows where they want to go they can move-roll-move-roll and it's pretty ripe for abuse. We stuck to the scenarios!)
I liked the game more than I thought I would. Real time games usually aren't my cup of tea since they're prone timing clashes (as a casual MTG player, this drives me nuts), but having the narrator play out and do his thing puts some of that "blame" on the recording, which is nice. Plus you're not really directly battling anyone so it's rarely a "who said it first" situation. I would never "plan" to play this game but as a filler/warm-up it was fun.