Thanks! I figured it would be quite specific... Any coop would do as well!
Arkham has been on my list so i'm getting that one. When i talked about puzzles i recall the game T.I.M.E having that.... I haven't played it myself but reviews said it was similar to myst in some regards.
so... T.I.M.E. is a game I have enjoyed playing, but it's not one I would recommend someone buy unless they have a lot of disposable income.
only the base set of time is all that puzzley after that they get far more straight forward. Aside from one puzzle the base game is a solid play, but it will only last you a few hours and then unless you really want to speed run it after knowing the answers there isn't much reason to play it again.
the expansions range from pretty good to mediocre, but they all have one major thing in common, they were rushed to the market.
T.I.M.E Stories: The Marcy Case (2015) is the most polished of the 3 available expansions, but even it offers far less puzzles and more trail and error than the base set.
T.I.M.E Stories: Under the Mask (2016) is the worst of the 3 expansions by far. it was a big let down, and it was either this one or the last expansion that has mechanics that aren't explained in the rules, that you can obtain, without obtaining the explanation on how they work @_@
T.I.M.E Stories: A Prophecy of Dragons (2016) has a fun setting, but it's the most straight forward of the 3, and while a better experience than the second expansion lacked the polish that lead to any real depth.
there are 3 more expansions coming (I assume as I can find listing on BGG for 4 and 6 but not 5 lol) so I am hoping with the break they had they will be better put together.
I mean if you have access to the game it's a fine experience but due to the price and lack of replayability and need to look up what errors they made in the printing, it's hard to recommend to someone to buy.
with that being said though, if you have a group of 4, and can convience them to split the cost with you. it ends up being about the same price as a movie, and lasts twice as long. so if you look at it that way it's not to bad. it just feels bad to have a game that is useless after the fact.