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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

So apparently the Gencon preview editions of Versus might be collectors items for a weird reason. As mentioned, FFG does own the Living Card Game trademark, and there is a lack of a trademark symbol next to living card game on the box or on the back of the cards, both places which have that text on them.

So it looks like they didn't know the needed permission to use that term, and I assume the retail product will have the name changed with different text.
Yeppp, realized that after and edited. It just seems even more overwhelming. FFG is quickly becoming a Star Wars company.

My own personal theory is that they are only allowed to make stuff based on the Legacy EU universe up until a certain date. These games feel like they have been put on some accelerated track. Of course this is complete speculation but I wouldn't be shocked to see some of this stuff off limits by the licencors after the new movie comes out.


You forgot the Age of Rebellion RPG! I don't know how long the X-Wing support can last, they're really hitting the bottom of the barrel with the SNV ships so they have to try strike when the iron is hot.

Plus they're betting on interest due to new SW movie.

Also, they don't have the license for the SW board game, so I bet you the two v two rules is how they're skirting around that license issue.

Who has the license for Star Wars board games? Is that specifically defined as "a game with a board"?


Who has the license for Star Wars board games? Is that specifically defined as "a game with a board"?

Hasbro, I believe.

When FFG announced their initial Star Wars licence deal, this is what they had to say about it:

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce that it has entered a comprehensive licensing partnership with Lucasfilm Ltd. for the worldwide rights to publish card, roleplaying, and miniatures games set in the popular Star Wars™ universe!

What counts as a board-less game, miniature game or "board game", is utterly dependent on the terms of their deal & frankly, they don't have to "skirt around" it, LucasFilm' licencing department will have reviewed all of it & approved it.


What counts as a board-less game, miniature game or "board game", is utterly dependent on the terms of their deal & frankly, they don't have to "skirt around" it, LucasFilm' licencing department will have reviewed all of it & approved it.

Hasbro has fought it in the past otherwise we would have had the TLG's Battle for Hoth board game would have been released in America but that never happened. Obviously, by this stage in the game it has Disney's approval.
Yea they are really pushing this as a mini game rather than a board game and claim its two games in one, a RPG and a skirmish mini game. Kinda strange but I guess if it has minis and not call it a board game anywhere they get away with it?

Yeppp, realized that after and edited. It just seems even more overwhelming. FFG is quickly becoming a Star Wars company.

They have been pumping out just as much and probably more warhammer related products. Star Wars is just the new hotness and more current at the moment. But we getting clse to each other two new RPG releases for warhammer, new lcg, disk wars, expansion for Relic.

All their big titles got expansions being previewed at the con too, so yes they aren't becoming star wars company, those are just the hyped up games of theirs now.


They have been pumping out just as much and probably more warhammer related products. Star Wars is just the new hotness and more current at the moment. But we getting clse to each other two new RPG releases for warhammer, new lcg, disk wars, expansion for Relic.

All their big titles got expansions being previewed at the con too, so yes they aren't becoming star wars company, those are just the hyped up games of theirs now.

Expansions for Battlelore 2.0 + digital version too. Expansion for Eldritch Horror announced too. Tons of content at their inflight session outside of Star Wars - SW is obviously doing very well for them, so yeah, they're going to make the most of the money they're spending on it the branding, but tons of other lines are getting content too.
Expansions for Battlelore 2.0 + digital version too. Expansion for Eldritch Horror announced too. Tons of content at their inflight session outside of Star Wars - SW is obviously doing very well for them, so yeah, they're going to make the most of the money they're spending on it the branding, but tons of other lines are getting content too.

Its also what is being reported. Many things were announced that are getting zero coverage, while everyone is posting about Star Wars.


Yea they are really pushing this as a mini game rather than a board game and claim its two games in one, a RPG and a skirmish mini game. Kinda strange but I guess if it has minis and not call it a board game anywhere they get away with it?

They have been pumping out just as much and probably more warhammer related products. Star Wars is just the new hotness and more current at the moment. But we getting clse to each other two new RPG releases for warhammer, new lcg, disk wars, expansion for Relic.

All their big titles got expansions being previewed at the con too, so yes they aren't becoming star wars company, those are just the hyped up games of theirs now.

They release a ton of cthulu stuff as well.
Heads up Amazon is about to have a pretty big sale on boardgames 40% off or more.

Oh man! I do not know if I should get Betrayal at the House on the Hill. :/ Seems like a great deal and I will never get it here in Germany. :(

But this is my CoolStuffInc order so far:
Which I am going to ship to a friend in the US and pick it up at PAX. I still thinking to kick out Level 7 because I will never play it. But it looks so good. Kind of.


Expansions for Battlelore 2.0 + digital version too. Expansion for Eldritch Horror announced too. Tons of content at their inflight session outside of Star Wars - SW is obviously doing very well for them, so yeah, they're going to make the most of the money they're spending on it the branding, but tons of other lines are getting content too.

Digital version of Battlore? Tell me more...


Welp, FFG is definitely calling Imperial assault a board game:

@FFGames: Yesterday we announced the new #StarWars board game IMPERIAL ASSAULT. And we're demoing it here at #GenCon, too! http://t.co/gNr5YBgIzJ

Heads up Amazon is about to have a pretty big sale on boardgames 40% off or more.


I really feel like I should buy Betrayal but doubtful of being able to get it to the table.
I went ahead and got Pandemic + both expansions and King of Tokyo + both expansions from that Amazon deal. At the last minute, I threw in Boss Monster + Expansion and Love Letter too, because, why not.


Speaking of Pandemic, it's been on clearance at Targets lately. I picked one up on Monday for $20 (they had four copies). Yesterday, I was there and there was only one left, but it was down to $12! I got an adjustment for my copy over at customer service and got my $8 difference back. Haven't gotten it to the table yet, but gonna convince my wife to play it this weekend. It seems like an easier(?) and less complicated version of Defender of the Realm, which I already have in my collection and enjoy quite a bit. That one runs a bit long, so hopefully I can get the same rush from Pandemic in a shorter timespan.
You sure, shipping a box that large is never cheap.

Agreed, saw that the other day, looks really fun.
Just searched for pics at google and the game fits into my baggage. Problem could be the other games. Oh man! I do not know if I should get it for that price or pick it up here in Germany :(
So the store I work at got this new game, which sounds like a blast and my coworkers all have enjoyed it:

If you don't know about the game: The setting is Victorian England. Players team up where one play is the lady and the other is the gentleman. The ladies run boutiques and go shopping for clothes of varying "elegant points" and the gentlemen work in the stock market to gain money. In short, you work as a team, but have certain information you can't share. The team with the best dressed lady at the dinner wins.

Or something of that sort.

A couple walks in and they're new to the store and games in general. They inquired about some and I explained that one. They were completely unamused and said "Why would anyone want to play that? That's completely sexist."
I didn't really say anything besides, "It takes place in victorian england, that's how society functioned." What I didn't say was that it's just a game. It's self aware of the gender roles. It's not perpetuating anything, it's just part of history at that point.
Regardless, I gave them my leave and offered to help if they had any more questions. They laughed for a while after that. I felt embarrassed, angry and frustrated.
I understand people are extremely sensitive to this stuff, but still, can't we all relax and have a little fun?

Am I in the wrong here or is it just a game?
I'm not going to lie: that was my first reaction when I saw that premise. I would definitely play it but I wouldn't want it in my collection. Just because something is historical and a game doesn't mean it gets a free pass. I would also be reticent to play a slave trade auction bidding game.
Hmmm... Regardless, I won't let my moral values impair my judgment of a game. I support gender equality . The game is tongue-in-cheek, it doesn't glamorize Victorian era gender roles and slave trade. Your playing of this game doesn't compromise your values. History is history, we shouldn't try to forget it. This game is trying to show us how messed up things were back then.

People everywhere are raving about cards against humanity, which is more fucked up than Ladies and Gentlemen. And definitely a worse game in general.
I'm getting ready to play my first Descent campaign. It's going to be amazing! Anyone have any tips for playing the Overlord? Should I be playing to win or to have everyone else have a good time and a strong challenge?

From my limited experience, I find playing overlord to be exercise in frustration. If you want to win you really need to stick to your objective and not giving an inch as far as rule bending or let player take back move, otherwise you are really there just to slow down the "heroes".
Funny everyone here who stumbles upon the demo tables of IA immediately go "its star wars descent!" And they are all hyped. They are only showing off the standard game with the imperial overlord like player, threat gathering... Yup its familiar and going to sell like nuts.

Was surprised to see 40k conquest lcg doing well at gencon, they sold out and almost every person checking out at the ffg booth had a copy of it. Tried it out and it seems like a solid game, the faction balance is going to be a concern I think but do like the twist on area control they did and separating it from battle.

I can't wait for 40K Conquest, and I am not surprise it does well.

I am sure FFG would released Talisman Star Wars if they could do board game.
Tried out 'Roll For the Galaxy', was pleasantly surprised actually. Its essentially same game as race but easier to teach and learn. The use of dice is pretty neat and it didn't feel totally random as most dice games since you have a ways to change the die facing and many planet/development abilities also can modify them, so you still can influence how things play out.

Welp, FFG is definitely calling Imperial assault a board game:

@FFGames: Yesterday we announced the new #StarWars board game IMPERIAL ASSAULT. And we're demoing it here at #GenCon, too! http://t.co/gNr5YBgIzJ

I really feel like I should buy Betrayal but doubtful of being able to get it to the table.

Either they worked out something with Hasbro or that is just a twitter mistake. They avoided using board game in the reveal and everywhere else so far, focusing on miniature game and even calling its non mini versus game a "RPG"

I can't wait for 40K Conquest, and I am not surprise it does well.

I am sure FFG would released Talisman Star Wars if they could do board game.

40k Conquest was really good when I tried it out, lot of strategy to unit placement and some interesting combat ideas. I just can't bring myself to jump into another LCG.


As someone who posts in a lot of gender threads here on GAF, I think Ladies & Gentlemen is totally fine. However, responding to any criticism of something being sexist or racist or whatever with "that's just the way it was" comes off reeealllly dismissive of the issue, and doesn't really address what their initial impression is.

My response to those people would have been "yeah, at a glance, it looks sexist, but the fun of the game is that it doesn't ever suggest or expect that you play your own gender. It uses the exaggerated theme to heighten the player interaction, and it wants you to play a role loudly, however you like. It's parody."
As someone who posts in a lot of gender threads here on GAF, I think Ladies & Gentlemen is totally fine. However, responding to any criticism of something being sexist or racist or whatever with "that's just the way it was" comes off reeealllly dismissive of the issue, and doesn't really address what their initial impression is.

My response to those people would have been "yeah, at a glance, it looks sexist, but the fun of the game is that it doesn't ever suggest or expect that you play your own gender. It uses the exaggerated theme to heighten the player interaction, and it wants you to play a role loudly, however you like. It's parody."

Good point to make.
As someone who posts in a lot of gender threads here on GAF, I think Ladies & Gentlemen is totally fine. However, responding to any criticism of something being sexist or racist or whatever with "that's just the way it was" comes off reeealllly dismissive of the issue, and doesn't really address what their initial impression is.

My response to those people would have been "yeah, at a glance, it looks sexist, but the fun of the game is that it doesn't ever suggest or expect that you play your own gender. It uses the exaggerated theme to heighten the player interaction, and it wants you to play a role loudly, however you like. It's parody."
One other thing the game does is gives the Ladies team, who have the seemingly "easy" job of shopping, the more involved game to play. Card drafting, bluffing, and set collection in the game isn't easy. On the other side of the table the Gentlemen's job sounds more important and official but it's by far the easiest and silliest task in the game.


I also like the idea of the "gossip" role if you have uneven players, who just plays as a rabble-rousing hussy or something.

I think it's a game that might make more sense if you think of it as a drunken party game, rather than something serious in any way. Oh, and get props for it.


Tried out 'Roll For the Galaxy', was pleasantly surprised actually. Its essentially same game as race but easier to teach and learn. The use of dice is pretty neat and it didn't feel totally random as most dice games since you have a ways to change the die facing and many planet/development abilities also can modify them, so you still can influence how things play out.

Either they worked out something with Hasbro or that is just a twitter mistake. They avoided using board game in the reveal and everywhere else so far, focusing on miniature game and even calling its non mini versus game a "RPG"

40k Conquest was really good when I tried it out, lot of strategy to unit placement and some interesting combat ideas. I just can't bring myself to jump into another LCG.

Its on the board game cat on the web site and not minis like x wing. They must have worked something out.


Tried out 'Roll For the Galaxy', was pleasantly surprised actually. Its essentially same game as race but easier to teach and learn. The use of dice is pretty neat and it didn't feel totally random as most dice games since you have a ways to change the die facing and many planet/development abilities also can modify them, so you still can influence how things play out.

Very interested. *looks for a video*


*didn't find a video*

Okay, can you describe the game in detail, please? :p
Very interested. *looks for a video*


*didn't find a video*

Okay, can you describe the game in detail, please? :p

Yes they only had one copy and its paper card prototype in the Rio Grande room. But like I mentioned its essentially same game, same win conditions. Major difference being you no longer have action cards that you secretly pick to determine what happens that turn. What you do instead is you roll dice that have the various game phase icons on the faces. You roll behind a player screen and then you choose one of the rolled phases to commit to same as you would in normal rftg. Any extra dice you rolled can then be allocated to give you those actions. In normal rftg all players get to do the action of a phase chosen, but in this one you only can do this if you have dice committed to that phase. Randomness is also able to be avoided by you having the ability to sacrifice one of your rolled dice to change the facing of another die you had rolled before you commit it. So if you know you need to produce, you can sacrifice a dice you rolled to make another turn into your wanted produce.

Dice are also your currency to buy planets and developments, so you have to commit them by rolling the cost in development or settlement symbols. This can take several turns with expensive cards so those dice you pay get locked up on that planet till you pay the cost and the card is added to your tableau which returns all the dice back to your common pool. Producing goods also is essentially how you get more dice of specific colored worlds which match the colors from rftg. Each turn before you roll you can spend money earned to buy as many dice you can afford to roll. More dice you roll the more actions you can take and more flexibility you have.

If you have played rftg its also quick to learn and the cards all feel like much simpler effects than the original game.


Thanks, BattleMonkey.

As for how you get access to new Settlements or Developments; how is that handled? Is it a random draw, or is there a selection of stuff to choose from?

Rolling dice behind a player screen sounds kinda bad, though ; I think I'd knock the screen over pretty often with the dice. Some kind of dice tower solution sounds more ideal (with the results facing away from other players), or doing it old-school with a cup.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So the store I work at got this new game, which sounds like a blast and my coworkers all have enjoyed it:

If you don't know about the game: The setting is Victorian England. Players team up where one play is the lady and the other is the gentleman. The ladies run boutiques and go shopping for clothes of varying "elegant points" and the gentlemen work in the stock market to gain money. In short, you work as a team, but have certain information you can't share. The team with the best dressed lady at the dinner wins.

Or something of that sort.

A couple walks in and they're new to the store and games in general. They inquired about some and I explained that one. They were completely unamused and said "Why would anyone want to play that? That's completely sexist."
I didn't really say anything besides, "It takes place in victorian england, that's how society functioned." What I didn't say was that it's just a game. It's self aware of the gender roles. It's not perpetuating anything, it's just part of history at that point.
Regardless, I gave them my leave and offered to help if they had any more questions. They laughed for a while after that. I felt embarrassed, angry and frustrated.
I understand people are extremely sensitive to this stuff, but still, can't we all relax and have a little fun?

Am I in the wrong here or is it just a game?

Oh god I played this game. It was hilarious. We were 7 of us (or 5? I don't remember), 1 more guy than girl. Girls played as the guys, guys played as the girls. I was the whore/courtesan. You know a game is fun when the guys go "BUY ME THIS DRESS" and the girls respond "OMG THAT'S SO EXPENSIVE NO". We all had a good laugh. It's just a game, it's fun.


Unsurprisingly Betrayal sold out from Amazon with the sale and the cheapest copy is now $70. Kinda regretting not picking it up but like I said, not sure I'll have much chance of getting it to the table anyway.

So while FFG is cashing in on Star Wars with the success of the X-wing Miniatures, everyone else is trying to get in on mini battle game using the same system. I love the dragon as much as the next nerd who grew up on D&D but this just look all kind of lame and scream cash in.

The quality of minis is also pretty poor compared to x-wing. Despite this, the Wizkids both was generally always ridiculous here at gen con for both attack wing stuff and heroclix.
Unsurprisingly Betrayal sold out from Amazon with the sale and the cheapest copy is now $70. Kinda regretting not picking it up but like I said, not sure I'll have much chance of getting it to the table anyway.

That was my logic too, it's an overproduced party game. That doesn't fly with my friends.
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