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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Thanks, BattleMonkey.

As for how you get access to new Settlements or Developments; how is that handled? Is it a random draw, or is there a selection of stuff to choose from?

Rolling dice behind a player screen sounds kinda bad, though ; I think I'd knock the screen over pretty often with the dice. Some kind of dice tower solution sounds more ideal (with the results facing away from other players), or doing it old-school with a cup.

If you roll exploration symbols, they can be spent to either draw a card from a bag, or you can spend the die to earn 2 moneys. Each card is also double sided, after you draw it you determine which side wish to take and you put in on your player board which has a slot for developments and one for settlements. If you get more cards you put them in each pile under the current top card. The top card though is the current development or settlement you are working to purchase. When you commit enough dice to purchase the development or settlement it is moved to your tableau and game will end when a player gets 12 cards in their tableau. Building then reveals next card in your stack to work on, if any.

Dice rolling behind player screen wasn't bad since they are small custom dice.
I'm not sure a more inaccurate statement has ever been said.

Agreed. I'm on my phone at the moment, so I can't go in depth as to why it's very wrong, but will later if someone else hasn't first.

Jeez, ok. Party game was the wrong term.

I've read the rules and watched the playthroughs. It's not my kind of game, just like Tales of Arabian Nights, not enough game there for me.
So from Amazon sale, I got The Resistance (seems to have glowing review), King of Tokyo and Smashed Up Game. I hope they all good, King of Tokyo look like it will be something my casual game players can get into.


If you roll exploration symbols, they can be spent to either draw a card from a bag, or you can spend the die to earn 2 moneys. Each card is also double sided, after you draw it you determine which side wish to take and you put in on your player board which has a slot for developments and one for settlements. If you get more cards you put them in each pile under the current top card. The top card though is the current development or settlement you are working to purchase. When you commit enough dice to purchase the development or settlement it is moved to your tableau and game will end when a player gets 12 cards in their tableau. Building then reveals next card in your stack to work on, if any.

I wonder, will those cards be hard tiles in the final version? Drawing something papery out of a bag is.....D:

The game definitely looks and sounds interesting. It kind of sounds like a more satisfying "dice-building" game, where Quarriors and Dice Masters is a little chintzy.

The only concern is that it still looks a little quirky? If this game is more fiddly than the card game, I'm not sure if it's gonna catch on.
Does anyone know of a good app or a website that has a feasible mobile/iPad interface for tracking your collection? I love BGG, but their website and collection management leave a lot to be desired even on a PC, much less mobile or iPad. I'd like to be able to easily track what I have; share that list with friends and family in a nice, visual way; and keep track of who I loan things to. Haven't really found anything good for specifically that.
Does anyone know of a good app or a website that has a feasible mobile/iPad interface for tracking your collection? I love BGG, but their website and collection management leave a lot to be desired even on a PC, much less mobile or iPad. I'd like to be able to easily track what I have; share that list with friends and family in a nice, visual way; and keep track of who I loan things to. Haven't really found anything good for specifically that.



Swag on the left, pickups on the right. Managed to spend less than 150 total. Proudest pickup being Machi Koro. IDW is good people, stop by there booth tomrrow and tell then Lighter Thieves sent you.

I wonder, will those cards be hard tiles in the final version? Drawing something papery out of a bag is.....D:

The game definitely looks and sounds interesting. It kind of sounds like a more satisfying "dice-building" game, where Quarriors and Dice Masters is a little chintzy.

The only concern is that it still looks a little quirky? If this game is more fiddly than the card game, I'm not sure if it's gonna catch on.

Its definitely not a simple dice game like quarriors or dice masters, its literally a tweaked version of rftg with dice. It might have a bit more components since you got piles of different colored dice,but components are also small, and keep things in order since you have a play mat that organizes things. All the cards in the game are half sized, they are really square tiles now.

Guy doing the demo did not know what the component quality for the final product was going to be like.


Did anyone get a chance to play Warhammer Conquest? I have played Android Netrunner and did not like it. This new LCG looks almost like Blood Bowl Team Manager in how the cards fight over a planet "Highlight". Looks simple yet has some deep strategy.

What are your thoughts?
Well gencon was fun, but probably my last year. Just getting so crowded, lines getting worse, and how fast events sold out.... We did lot more touristy stuff outside the con this year, and sat was just shitty with how busy it was. Just getting game demos at booths seem to be a pain this year too.

Looks cool. I'd get this over the real thing.

I also have to say that Imperial Assault does interest me, but even more interesting to me would have been a 40K Descent.

I imagine GW wouldn't let them do it. Like how the Relic minis had to be figure busts and not full figures. GW doesn't want a source of cheap minis that could be used in their games.
Well gencon was fun, but probably my last year. Just getting so crowded, lines getting worse, and how fast events sold out.... We did lot more touristy stuff outside the con this year, and sat was just shitty with how busy it was. Just getting game demos at booths seem to be a pain this year too.

Isn't it a good thing that more people are caring enough for the hobby to show up at events like this?


Had another great show. Favorite thing was probably 30 person Two Rooms and a Boom last night. The game gets so fun as you ramp up the wild roles. The live Shut Up and Sit Down podcast was also really funny to watch.

Didn't buy a ton, as I already have too much unplayed stuff waiting at home. Just got Cash N Guns and Sheriff of Nottingham.
How did you come to that conclusion?

I read the rules when it came in reprint a few years ago and watched a few playthroughs. I don't there's too much game in there, too much randomness and it needs a group of 5 or 6.

For me, for a game like that to work, it has to be simpler. Party game is an exaggeration, but under those requirements (shallow gameplay, too much randomness and 5+ crowd) I'd rather play a party game.
Isn't it a good thing that more people are caring enough for the hobby to show up at events like this?

What does that have to do with me not wanting to go? Yay for the industry, but as a person who goes to enjoy himself, it's becoming less than enjoyable and more of a pain to go and it's going to get worse.


Finally cracked open C&C Napoleonics tonight with the gf. Played teh first two Rolica scenarios. She was the British and had me on the ropes both times, but I managed to claw my way back with timely card play and win them both.

It's got more interesting stuff going on than in Memoir 44, and I really like the risk/reward of playing cautious with ranged fire versus charging in with melee. It's very clear Borg thought out how the period's warfare was different than modern combat, and it shows in the mechanics. I like it very much.


Finally cracked open my copy of "Survive! Escape from Atlantis" to play with my kids. My six year old boy /adores/ sharks and it managed to keep them engaged & having fun throughout, to the point where my wife joined in for a second game after dinner. A big hit with her too, which is really rare for games. Kids had a blast.

It helped the kids could gang up on me to eat my swimmers too ;)

Definite hit!


Crowds can suck the fun out of cons. I mean, yeah, again, it's great that the enthusiasm is growing...but then so should the venues (easier said than done, I'm sure). Going to a con and not being able to do much because of how crowded everything is, is just kind of lame.
I'm content watching the con through a livestream.

As for Betrayal: let me make a confession. I have had the game in my proverbial shopping cart for a long time. I was even up late enough to have the recent Amazon deal available for me. I like hidden role games. I love modular boards, and building out a little mansion, room-by-room. I like a narrative element in games. Everything about Betrayal seems like it would work well for me....

..and yet seeing the rule explanations and reviews, something about it just doesn't do it for me. Repeatedly rolling dice just to pass a check, or decide some outcome on a card, is kind of dull to me (this is the thing that I find boring about Pathfinder ACG, and Police Precinct). It feels stale in an age where games are doing more interesting things with dice.

At the same time, I don't need it to be "more of a game". If anything, the dice seems like somewhat of a contrivance to put "game" into something that doesn't necessarily need that kind of thing.
It's no different than a skill check in an rpg. You see what your stats are and you roll some dice. No that's not innovative but it's one of the most basic elements of a role playing game.


It's no different than a skill check in an rpg. You see what your stats are and you roll some dice. No that's not innovative but it's one of the most basic elements of a role playing game.

Spoiler: I don't like those, either :p

I get that they wanted to make a sort of horror psuedo-RPG, since characters have stats and stuff, but again...it just feels like antiquated hold-overs from a bygone era. Could you imagine if Lords of Waterdeep had skill checks? And that's one where the theme would call for it.


Betrayal is a ten year old game design, and things like its skill checks were old hat even back then ;) I don't think there's many games that quite match its mix of atmosphere, exploration & then the big "twist" mid-game. Its actual mechanics & the resolution of the haunt are often quite dull in my experience.

I can see /why/ it's been so popular in the past year, building off the buzz with Tabletop especially. But I agree that it's not something I feel like owning, but I'm not sure what games I'd recommend instead of it - it really does seem to have a niche of its own.
Spoiler: I don't like those, either :p

I get that they wanted to make a sort of psuedo-horror RPG, since characters have stats and stuff, but again...it just feels like antiquated hold-overs from a bygone era. Could you magine if Lords of Waterdeep had skill checks? And that's one where the theme would call for it.

I don't think it does, really. It's stimulating something in a seeing with a ton of lore, not the rpg. The theme is lords vying for power. Sure they could have set it elsewhere, but it fits in that world fine.

They might seem like antiquated hold overs, but betrayal is ten years old. If it were designed today, it may certainly be different. Personally I think it nails what it tries to do, on top of providing a lot of replayability.
Spoiler: I don't like those, either :p

I get that they wanted to make a sort of horror psuedo-RPG, since characters have stats and stuff, but again...it just feels like antiquated hold-overs from a bygone era. Could you imagine if Lords of Waterdeep had skill checks? And that's one where the theme would call for it.

Why would a worker placement game have skill checks just because it vaguely uses characters from DnD?


Why would a worker placement game have skill checks just because it vaguely uses characters from DnD?

Eh, it's more than just the characters - you're recruiting heroes to go on quests for you, and D&D is certainly a game series you might expect to roll for ____.

It's the NBA Jam to Mansion's Live '95. (Except Live '95 was actually really good).

I don't see the comparison to BSG.

The mid-game turn (including the potential of the traitor to still play the game, just as an outed asshole) is where I'm seeing the comparison.


A few of the haunts in Betrayal are like BSG because they have a hidden traitor. But it can also become like 20 other games in other haunts. My main problem with it is that it really isn't a game until the haunt happens.
A few of the haunts in Betrayal are like BSG because they have a hidden traitor. But it can also become like 20 other games in other haunts. My main problem with it is that it really isn't a game until the haunt happens.

It's not much of one, that's for sure. But it does something that many other games do not, which is teach you the mechanics in a risk free environment so that by the time the haunt happens everyone should understand movements, skill checks, and items. It's a game that I can teach to non-gamers very easily for that reason. The only thing really holding it back in that regard is the quality of components which are a bit low and fiddly (the plastic stat markers on the character boards are atrocious).

I think the reason why it is so popular is that there isn't a good semi-cooperative, traitor type game that is lighter (maybe Shadows of Camelot is on the same level).


I think the reason why it is so popular is that there isn't a good semi-cooperative, traitor type game that is lighter (maybe Shadows of Camelot is on the same level).

Eh, Shadows Over Camelot is a pretty long game, though. I like the Card Game version better for a lighter traitor type of game like that.

So yeah, I can see why the game is popular, and how it does something unique....I guess I just wish it was a little more modern? A bit better-produced? I think an overhaul of the game would be cool. Give it a mandatory app!
Eh, Shadows Over Camelot is a pretty long game, though. I like the Card Game version better for a lighter traitor type of game like that.

So yeah, I can see why the game is popular, and how it does something unique....I guess I just wish it was a little more modern? A bit better-produced? I think an overhaul of the game would be cool. Give it a mandatory app!

A new edition from not-Hasbro would be very welcome and would fix most of the problems I have with the game.


It was there being demo'ed by Fantasy Flight Games, but it wasn't for sale or available for people to just pick up and play.

Since the game is supposed to be out this year, I'd say there's a strong chance that it will be at PAX (if FFG is there, of course), but you'll likely have to make a line to get into a demo play of it.


Hail to the KING baby
Does someone have a link to a good summary of the big announcements at GenCon? I feel like there wasn't a ton for me to get hyped about but I probably missed & forgot a bunch of stuff. Not that I'm complaining. My amazing-game backlog is already huge.

I picked up Dungeon Fighter and am quite digging it as a party game. I'm a huge sucker for dexterity though so take that with a grain of salt. Once you reach the monsters that require to do special rolls like jumping, off the elbow, and under the table you're usually toast but it's fun to try. :p


Anyone able to give a good rundown of the difference between version 2 and 3 of Twilight Imperium?
Easier for newcomers to grasp?

I have 2 but as with most people, it doesn't leave the shelf except for a particular group ready to bust into something that is fairly complex. If version 3 improves, streamlines, or just clarifies I MIGHT double dip.

Also played my first gig of Pathfinder RORL. It was ok. Sort of boring but easy to grasp so some of the younger folks liked it.
Still haven't cracked open Ghost Stories yet.
Did UD announce Predator was coming to Legendary? Because at the booth at Gencon they had Predator banners (as well as The Crow). So assume that Predator is going to be coming to Legendary as well to go with the Aliens set. And for those who didn't already know, the back of the rules for Alien Legendary have section on playing with the Marvel version lol

So was that XCOM game at GenCon? I'm hoping to see it at PAX in a few weeks.

Yup they had 2 or 3 tables set up running it, it was always packed with a crowd around it so it seems really popular. Was probably most popular tables at FFG demo area until they revealed Imperial Assault and starting showing that off.


Just got Among the Stars this weekend from pre-order with Stronghold Games. My question is...these expansions, what? I like the idea of making the game 5-6 players but do I need BOTH expansions to properly do it? That is a lot of money even when on pre-order. Looking at each's components, Ambassadors says it has RULES for 5-6 player game but Expanding the Alliance (promos) comes with the necessary pieces for 5-6 like score marker, extra starter reactors, etc...

Anyone have knowledge on this garbage for Among the Stars expansions?


First tragedy, then farce.
Swag on the left, pickups on the right. Managed to spend less than 150 total. Proudest pickup being Machi Koro. IDW is good people, stop by there booth tomrrow and tell then Lighter Thieves sent you.


Wait a damn minute.

This is a small world.

You were our demo guy? I think going by your image?

I'm the ginger dude who owns Pandasaurus.


First tragedy, then farce.
My haul is pretty small.

Sheriff of Nottingham, Imperial Settlers and Battle at Kemble's Cascade.

Then a shitload of Machi Koro copies to give away as promos.


So, I fell madly in love with Yomi after a chance encounter with its KS. My brother as well, so I even have an opponent, yay. Playing online is boring and playing only with the two freebie print-n-play chars (Grave and Jaina) sucks.But: Not everybody is available, though, and buying print-outs is expensive to boot when you consider that I spend 280 dollars on the physical cards that are supposed to come in just a few months. Sooo I spent an unhealthy amount of time screencapping cards from the online version while playing and later even photoshopping cards (once I figured out computers...). Now I have several unavailable
(and some available, don't sue me, Mr Sirlin, sir)
chars ready to print.

To top it off and further force myself to learn PS I created custom face cards (including the "Destiny" cards), aces and Joker for Menelker after my brother complained that Midori transfroms and Menelker doesn't. Luckily there's a few chibi-esque pictures of the fearsome Deathstrike Dragon on their website. I'm quite proud of them so I thought about showing them off here on GAF in case someone even KNOWS about Yomi and maybe likes them.

I don't know how to create borders or shadows around letters in PS so all the words featuring suchs things were cut out from the original cards and mistakes were more or less repaired by a 1 pixel brush and patience, thatS why not everything looks that nice. All that with a mouse, loots of fun.

PS: I didn't do rounded card edges because when cutting the cards after printing with my home office paper cutter they'd be straight, anyway.

PPS: I just saw that I didn't rotate half the text on the Joker card. Eh, not fixing that right now.
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