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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


New edition is better streamlined experience, it's a fun party if you want something quick and light good for non gamers.

Yeah I just want another fun thing for 5+ people. Mascarade and Coup are always winners for the people I play with. Thought Cash and Guns might fit the bill as well.


Cash N Guns is a good time. I've only played it with 8 people which was probably a few too many, because it was impossible to plausibly follow who takes what or figure out who the threats are or anything, but it has 8 people pointing foam guns at each other so it is kind of all okay. We didn't do much talking besides a lot of laughter during the whole thing but I think there might actually be some space to try and play the room by talking it out before the standoff. Fun unique experience.


Thanks, that sounds like a good suggestion. putting together the galaxy doesn't seem like the most interesting aspect of the game if you don't yet know how it influences everything. And yeah, I hardly get to play some of these longer types of games so I'm really looking forward to this weekend.

Placing the galaxy is pretty key for how the story of the game unfolds, IMO. Don't skip that. The simulated early turns rule just kind of speeds up the first two rounds of the game (which could take up to 2 hours depending on experience level) to about 15 minutes. Gets players interacting much quicker and right off the bat, contesting territory, making alliances, etc.

Riho Hyena

Neo Member
As soon as I save up for the billion other things I want, I'm gonna make a goal to get Galaxy Truckers, the big box with all the expansions. Galaxy Truckers is amazing.
Do you not miss the Bang! Bang! Bang! card?

No, think all the rule changes make it better overall and you have ability to get ammo back now as loot. Game already lethal enough, the Bang Bang Bang card just would make for even more unexpected casualties. Not having any cowardice to worry about either pushes ppl to also to take more risks. The Godfather stuff is great
Thanks, that sounds like a good suggestion. putting together the galaxy doesn't seem like the most interesting aspect of the game if you don't yet know how it influences everything. And yeah, I hardly get to play some of these longer types of games so I'm really looking forward to this weekend.
I like putting the galaxy together, it's not hard to tell what the planets do. There are only three attributes to a planet, production, votes, and technology and you can tell which one is good and which one isn't at a glance. As long and you explain what each attribute means, new players should be able to figure it out.

What I like about putting the Galaxy is it allows the players to influence each other even before the game starts. It's also fair. Players will keep each other honest. Too many good planets in one side of the map? Add empty space or an asteroid field, or even warp zones to make it easier to get there.
Speaking of TI, I'm putting a game together in a few weeks with a bunch of people that haven't played, and I myself have only played a couple times. Does anyone know of any good tutorial videos they can watch to make the process less painful? Preferably ones that will keep their attention throughout the process? Also, any tips for how to handle teaching such a big game?
Well, I finished painting my berserker zombies for Zombicide. Here are some select comparisons of the same models. I varied the wash for different levels of berserker-ness across this particular zombie type to add some variety.





Next up is the black and white "regular" zombies. I have 115ish of those to paint so I've decided to do them in batches of the same model so that I can vary the color schemes as much as humanly possible.

Then it's time to base all 175+ zombies. I have some great ideas to tie all 3 zombie types together through some clever basing. I really look forward to this part!

Then it's time for heroes+ zombie versions of each and finally both sets of dogs. I'll probably do custom bases for each survivor like I do for my Descent heroes. It takes more time, but I like the individuality it adds to each model. I had a dream about how to paint them, so you know I gotta try that out lol.
My son and I played Warmachine High Command today (I played it at PAX and bought the new Core boxset). I really like the twist on the deck building game but so far it seems once you have a winner it seems really hard to catch up. But we only played one game and we did a few things wrong.

Horde version is $18 on clearance at Miniature Market so I ordered it today to add more variety. The guy at Privateer at PAX said they are compatible. I know nothing when it come to Warmachine universe.


Finally got Lewis & Clark to the table. I thought it was pretty great despite making the mistake of playing 4p with Mr. AP.

I can see it being a really slick 2 or 3 player game.
What are the opinions on Sultaniya?

It looks neat but I wonder about the replay and lasting abilities of it. Which I noticed that most of the popular reviewers doesn't care about these days.

Sultaniya - Dice Tower Reviews: Sultaniya

Come to think of it, I am on the fence about getting Jupiter Rescue for the same reasons.

Jupiter Rescue - Dice Tower Reviews: Jupiter Rescue

Also please tell me why I should not grab Dungeon Run as a light dungeon crawler / gateway / slightly-longer-filler etc?

Dungeon Run - Drakkenstrike's Dungeon Run Components Breakdown Video Review in HD

Dungeon Run - Miami Dice 020 - Dungeon Run


Hey I have that game from way back! Very well loved when I played it as a kid :)

Is Savers normally a good place to get used games?

It really depends on what people donate. Usually I just see the board games you'd find at like Toys R Us or something (Monopoly and stuff). This was the 1st time I saw something interesting.


Well, I finished painting my berserker zombies for Zombicide. Here are some select comparisons of the same models. I varied the wash for different levels of berserker-ness across this particular zombie type to add some variety.
Nicely done. I saw a blog posting of a Zombicide paint job that looked similar to those. The base games were dark gray, TCM was a dark green, and PO was a rust color. I guess it must have been a similar technique with washing, they were varying shades of the same color, the clothes being a different shade than skin? I really liked the way it looks and think I might try to replicate it as a first time effort for painting.

Got a copy of Star Realms in last night. Didn't get an opportunity to play it but explained how it plays to a coworker so hopefully we get a bunch of games in tonight. Seems pretty simple too.

I ordered Formula D and am super-excited about it. It dropped back down to the $32.XX price on Amazon, so I jumped on it since I didn't want to see it go back up to the $40-ish it has hovered at for the last couple months. I wish the expansion maps were a bit cheaper though. Some looked cool and I imagine mixing up the tracks every now and then keeps it from feelings stale, but $25-$30 seems a little pricey for what they are. Maybe I am way off-base in feeling that though. The newish Formula D maps are at least cheaper than any of the Dè maps that are hard to find. Are there two tracks in the base box? It looked like I saw a nighttime track in the 'Games' category if pictures in BGG, and if that was an expansion it shouldn't have been there. Edit: nvm, I looked it up on the 'Geek and saw that the board is double-sided. Huh, didn't even know there was street-racing...

I wish I could play Formula D with my coworkers. I go on vacation and will be back home next week. It would take three weeks probably to get delivered here, so I told a coworker that I might need to have him check my mail locker if I had it sent here. I then asked if he would even be willing to play it or if I should just have it sent to my apartment. I explained a lot of the game to him and showed him pics and his response was " Eh, I'm not into racing." I said "Like I'm even into racing? Come on, it just looks like a fun game." He didn't seem into it though, so I had it shipped to me apartment. I guess I can try to get my wife to play it when I get back there though. Maybe I can simplify some rules and get my five-year-old involved too.
Still though, so pumped to play it. Road Kill Rally and Hot Rod Creeps have been cheap for a while and I have thought about buying them but I wasn't sure if I would like a racing board game. 'Might as well try out the genre with the best one in it, was my line of thinking that led to me buying Formula D.'


Run, Fight, or Die showed up yesterday so I set up and played 3 solo games on the easiest difficulty last night. Lost twice and won once. Had a fantastic time and I was not even remaking the location deck every game (which would have given more variation.) Can't wait to start trying the harder difficulties. I also have the Horde expansion which I am not even thinking about trying yet because even though you get an upgrade to your character I do generally think it would make the game much harder.

Great game solo and it does not sacrifice any part of the game play. Can't wait to play it with some other people and try to screw them over, lol. Just for info, cards that interact with other players have a small text at the bottom of the card that denotes what the card does in solitaire play (amazing how little effort it takes to really make something run well solo.)

You are rolling dice a lot, making some really hard decisions about when to flee, and how to use your resources to kill zombies or advance to locations or get loot. The game I won I survived till I got out of town (with the MINIMUM amount of victory points needed) because I chose to grab loot instead of another follower. That Molotov Cocktail saved my bacon!

It feels like all the action of Zombicide or Last Night on Earth without the set up time and without the what I consider very limited movement/tactical options in those games(that is just in my experience I know tons of people love those games and I don't mind them sometimes either.).


Finally got Lewis & Clark to the table. I thought it was pretty great despite making the mistake of playing 4p with Mr. AP.

I can see it being a really slick 2 or 3 player game.

It's a great game. We got one of the core rules incorrect our first half dozen games without realizing it. Turns out you can never use more than 1 character card to activate another character's ability! You either need a strong character, or Indian support, if you want to trigger it multiple times.

Also Sacagawea is broken. She hasn't come up in every game, but nobody has lost yet after getting her.


It's a great game. We got one of the core rules incorrect our first half dozen games without realizing it. Turns out you can never use more than 1 character card to activate another character's ability! You either need a strong character, or Indian support, if you want to trigger it multiple times.

Also Sacagawea is broken. She hasn't come up in every game, but nobody has lost yet after getting her.

There's an important rule change for Lewis & Clark from the design team BTW to break the "hang back" strategy:

Really like Lewis & Clark.


Anyone put any time into playing Shadowrun Crossfire now that it's out? Kinda seems like impressions are all over the place on it.

I have looked into it a ton. Honestly for the price they are charging I am not doing it. I LOVE Shadowrun... I love co-op games... I love solitaire games... but this thing is apparently so hard and unbalanced that to play solitaire you pretty much HAVE to play 4 decks as one person. Even people playing with full groups of 4 are saying that you can pull your first challenge card and know right away that you are going to lose. I like hard games, but impressions from players local and online are that it is way too hard for what it is.

I love the Pathfinder Card Game, but it is a bit on the easy side, I think this is something that is trying to be similar but just missed the mark. Games with level up mechanics are about progression and even if I have an easy adventure in PACG I still get to move on and I still progress. People locally who are really down for Shadowrun are basically telling people to just level you character up without playing and use a more powerful character. To me that is just really bad design. I think in there is a solid game but right now with so many new games out there, I would just go with the new PACG starter before hitting up Crossfire. I wont do any right now because I still have lots of the first PACG to play though. If they put out some fixes or rules changes by the time I look for Skulls & Shackles then maybe but till then I think it would just gather dust at home, and piss off my gaming group with its apparently massively random difficulty.
I'm a bad person cause of the animu art making me not even care about Tragedy Looper

I have looked into it a ton. Honestly for the price they are charging I am not doing it. I LOVE Shadowrun... I love co-op games... I love solitaire games... but this thing is apparently so hard and unbalanced that to play solitaire you pretty much HAVE to play 4 decks as one person. Even people playing with full groups of 4 are saying that you can pull your first challenge card and know right away that you are going to lose. I like hard games, but impressions from players local and online are that it is way too hard for what it is.

I love the Pathfinder Card Game, but it is a bit on the easy side, I think this is something that is trying to be similar but just missed the mark. Games with level up mechanics are about progression and even if I have an easy adventure in PACG I still get to move on and I still progress. People locally who are really down for Shadowrun are basically telling people to just level you character up without playing and use a more powerful character. To me that is just really bad design. I think in there is a solid game but right now with so many new games out there, I would just go with the new PACG starter before hitting up Crossfire. I wont do any right now because I still have lots of the first PACG to play though. If they put out some fixes or rules changes by the time I look for Skulls & Shackles then maybe but till then I think it would just gather dust at home, and piss off my gaming group with its apparently massively random difficulty.

I like Pathfinder CG, but I hated how random it could be. Yea when you put in progression system in a game, you expect there to be challenges in line with your progression, but it often felt either way too easy, or simply impossible random wise due to groups not having a specific skill in high enough amount to conquer it. Shadowrun sounds cool but it's sounding like it's worse on the random factor, folks saying you can lose on first two turns and such


I'm a bad person cause of the animu art making me not even care about Tragedy Looper

I like Pathfinder CG, but I hated how random it could be. Yea when you put in progression system in a game, you expect there to be challenges in line with your progression, but it often felt either way too easy, or simply impossible random wise due to groups not having a specific skill in high enough amount to conquer it. Shadowrun sounds cool but it's sounding like it's worse on the random factor, folks saying you can lose on first two turns and such

Without 4 people you can lose turn one. Each class starts with specific damage types that only they have. Without them to help you there are literally challenges that you wont be able to take out that might have the sub-effect (while this challenge is out you cannot buy cards) Not that you would have the money or luck necessary to have the cards available on the black market to give you the damage you need to beat them.

The big mistake they made was pretending like its a 1-4 player game. It is a REALLY hard 4 player game, that if you grind out some lucky wins, or just cheat and upgrade your character gets easier. I want it to be good SO BAD, but my local groups are all pretty much running from it.

I also like Pathfinder and don't really mind the randomness of it. I like rolling dice and to me it aproximates something I don't have time for, which is an actual RPG session on a regular basis. I have lost characters in Rise of the Runelords, but it just feels like an adventure to me. You then have to deal with a dead character and have some choices with how you do it (if you don't cheese and just replay.) Shadowrun is just like "if you lose just keep playing over and over and over and you may get enough xp to level and that might help maybe."


I completely forgot that they are finally putting out Cosmic Encounter in German. That means I will have to buy this game a second time but whatever. Guess I'll just make 3 purchases at Essen this year then. I have really not seen anything besides Cash 'n Guns, the Mascarade expansion and the German version of Cosmic Encounter that interests me at all.


For what it's worth, this game is not quite as 'anime' as some other games out there. The anime stereotypes are there, but it's fairly ordinary-looking people, and there isn't any sexualization (if you're worried about this game embarrassing you in front of others). I'd say the art is more of a detriment in terms of graphic design- it looks a little 'blah', but if people can stomach Sentinels of the Multiverse, I think they can stomach this.
Anyone put any time into playing Shadowrun Crossfire now that it's out? Kinda seems like impressions are all over the place on it.

I'm in two campaign games. I really love it. Impressions are weird because I'm fairly certain some people are playing it wrong and making their first few attempts much harder than they should be. It moves fast, is thematic, and I've had games lost at the last minute, as well as won in the last minute.

Admittedly, it's a game that creates a puzzle, and I play with people that don't mind table talking strategy. The leveling up with multiple plays and easier scenarios giving less based on your level is neat. If I had a complaint, it'd be that I wish there were more missions in the box. That said, I've played around 10 times and still have played them all. In fact, we found out we were under leveled for the second one on Tuesday. It was tough. We made it through 4 of 6 scenes, but just didn't have the damage prevention to stop our escort from dying.
Another toss in the hat in favor of Tragedy Looper's mechanics and theme outweighing the art style. Yes it's modern anime, but other than a couple purposely cheesy character designs most are rather normal. They're just people (fated to die horribly).

Made me wonder if you could do a board game version of 999.

Also Star Realms is a recent hit. Went from "Okay I'll try the free app demo" to "I've bought the physical game, sleeved them, bought a plastic card holder to keep the sleeved cards safe, and bought the complete app on the phone".


Also Star Realms is a recent hit. Went from "Okay I'll try the free app demo" to "I've bought the physical game, sleeved them, bought a plastic card holder to keep the sleeved cards safe, and bought the complete app on the phone".

Ha just did the same thing.

As for me we just finished the 2nd weekend of Pathfinder boardgames and Legendary. Pathfinder is a bit better but does have some issues. Legendary was ultra disappointing our first 3 games but came together somewhat in the last game. Ok at best but I have some serious buyers remorse on that one.


Made me wonder if you could do a board game version of 999.

I think it would be really cool, with each player getting a number, and then splitting the party up different ways based on how they have to add up.

I mentioned earlier that Room 25 seems to be a similar concept of escaping from a facility with different puzzle rooms, and there is a traitor character and negotiation.

I haven't played it, but it sounds like something I could enjoy.


Also Star Realms is a recent hit. Went from "Okay I'll try the free app demo" to "I've bought the physical game, sleeved them, bought a plastic card holder to keep the sleeved cards safe, and bought the complete app on the phone".

*tries the app*


This is everything I ever wanted.

Edit: Also, got to play Dead of Winter the first time today. I really like how the crisis management is affected by all the individual objectives. It encourages everyone to do potentially shady stuff that might be a little bad for the colony but good for you. It introduces strife into what would otherwise be a straight crisis management game like Pandemic and doesn't even require there to be an actual traitor. I felt kind of bad as I was saying "surely someone can go save Dan from his impending frostbite death, right? You just need one medicine." as I held two medicine in hand for completing my objective. But hey, thems the breaks in the post apocalypse.


Y'all should challenge me on the Star Realms app. Same username as GAF name.

I'm currently addicted. Kark might stage an intervention soon.


Hail to the KING baby
Maybe it's just me, but I think Star Realms plus much better as an app then physical game. Same for Ascension actually.


After playing the app for a bit my only problem is figuring out what the computer player is buying. Otherwise it definitely feels like it would be better than playing it physically. Too much shuffling and math in the real world. And I could see keeping track of all these ally triggers getting a little messy as well if the computer wasn't doing it.

Also, cards in deckbuilders that say "+1 money, Draw a card" and cards that cantrip in general are one of my favorite things in board games as a whole. Because drawing through half your deck on a turn is beautiful.
Ha just did the same thing.

As for me we just finished the 2nd weekend of Pathfinder boardgames and Legendary. Pathfinder is a bit better but does have some issues. Legendary was ultra disappointing our first 3 games but came together somewhat in the last game. Ok at best but I have some serious buyers remorse on that one.

With my group we are playing Pathfinder card game with two house rules:

One is a punishment for failing at an adventure, where everyone rolls a d4 and banishes that amount of random cards from their decks, simulating taking some hits as you barely escape from a failed mission, which ensures everyone to pay attention to not to lose.

And the shop variant where every creature you kill provides some cash to shop between adventures, so people who encounter banes instead of boons won't feel like they wasted their turn.

They are both featured and discussed at games BGG page, I recommend checking them out, they made the game much more interesting for us.

I mentioned earlier that Room 25 seems to be a similar concept of escaping from a facility with different puzzle rooms, and there is a traitor character and negotiation.

I haven't played it, but it sounds like something I could enjoy.

I was thinking the same and was about to order the game... then I noticed that those reviewers that gave it all thubs up and sang praises weren't talking about playing it anymore. No one in various forums were talking about the fun they had playing it last week either.

So I asked around and people who bought it recommended against grabbing it. Saying that while The Cube the game premise was really intriguing, the game's mechanics falls short and that you don't really want to play it after a couple of plays They said that there aren't really that many options to go at your turns and bluffing and misdirection of the guards doesn't really work as you might imagine, resulting in a flat experience.


I did manage to get a game of Star Realms in on the night after I said it came in. I can't really tell if my coworker liked it or not (he said he did), but I liked it well enough. I am really green on deckbuilding, so the putting of cards into my discard and constant shuffling was a bit weird to me. I have played Quarriors a couple times though, so those mechanics felt close enough to that game that I picked it up really quick. I need to sleeve those cards fast though because we only played one short game, both people side-shuffling (no riffle) and the card edges are already showing signs of wear and whitening. I was pretty gentle with them too, so it surprised me. I can see how it could possibly be a common thing with deckbuilders though I guess, quick wear due to frequent shuffling.
Hopefully they are able to get that expansion with the promos out to people quick, because I want to play co-op or solo. Might pick up another deck too. Need to download the app but have to wait until I am in the states on Friday, I can't get it to start on my iPad here.

Any impressions of Rune Age (EDIT: not Rune Wars, like I originally typed)? I just scored a NIS copy of it and the expansion for $30 total and am excited to pick it up over the weekend upon my arrival home. I plan on trying to get my wife to play it with me so I don't have to spend six weeks waiting to fly back up here to work where I can play it with a coworker.


30 bucks for base AND expansion?

Did you at least lube up before you took advantage of that sap? Haha

Pretty awesome game. Expansion mostly fixes the only huge issue I had with the base game: useless hero phase.


BTW guys I will probably be working in Essen again. So let me know via PM if you want something for me to pick up and I'll see what I can do.
Played Imperial Settlers tonight and thought it was great. I really don't understand the people that dislike the fact that the base rules feature conflict interaction with other players. Yes, part of your engine for building might get wrecked. You have mechanisms to deal with that, so use them strategically.


I was thinking the same and was about to order the game... then I noticed that those reviewers that gave it all thubs up and sang praises weren't talking about playing it anymore. No one in various forums were talking about the fun they had playing it last week either.

So I asked around and people who bought it recommended against grabbing it. Saying that while The Cube the game premise was really intriguing, the game's mechanics falls short and that you don't really want to play it after a couple of plays They said that there aren't really that many options to go at your turns and bluffing and misdirection of the guards doesn't really work as you might imagine, resulting in a flat experience.

Booo. Oh well. Maybe the upcoming sequel will be better.


30 bucks for base AND expansion?

Did you at least lube up before you took advantage of that sap? Haha

Pretty awesome game. Expansion mostly fixes the only huge issue I had with the base game: useless hero phase.
Oops, I know what Rune Wars is, my buddy owns it and I tried to play it before. I mistakenly typed that though when I really meant Rune Age, the card game. That and the expansion for $30, while not as good a deal as Rune Wars + expansion would have been, was still a pretty decent discount.
I always forget Runebound even exists, so there wasn't any chance I would have confused its name for Rune Age though...


Getting my Doomtown sets tommorow! Pumped! I have been playing with a buddy who picked it up at GenCon and it will be sweet to finally build my own decks. In my neck of the woods ATL/NorthATL it seems to be catching on about as fast as Netrunner which is pretty big around here. Fun game, card pool needs to get bigger but the mechanics are fun and man it can play REAL fast sometimes.


Getting my Doomtown sets tommorow! Pumped! I have been playing with a buddy who picked it up at GenCon and it will be sweet to finally build my own decks. In my neck of the woods ATL/NorthATL it seems to be catching on about as fast as Netrunner which is pretty big around here. Fun game, card pool needs to get bigger but the mechanics are fun and man it can play REAL fast sometimes.

My lgs hooked me up with the deluxe when it comes out tomorrow. I'm just grumpy that that it comes with a garbage insert.

<Note to any game designers, properly done game inserts that work for the game, makes me much more likely to buy your game>.


Could someone ELI5 the 'strategy' of Doomtown? Own it and read over the instructions and I don't grok anything. Feels like a FFG LCG, overly complex keywords and mechanics. (Not a bad thing, I just need a hand getting into it!)
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