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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I played Splendor for the first time last night....I just didn't grasp it. I'm usually totally ok with engine games, hell, 7 Wonders is probably in my top three games. But this, I just couldn't wrap my brain around.

It felt like it punished me for working on my engine while another player just banked chips and bought big cards to win. The scores at the end were 15, 7, 4, and 3, with the losers all being people who tried building an engine from 1 and 2 cards. It also felt way to hard to appeal to the nobles at the top, i never got three of any gem at all, and the closest anyone got way three in two gems. (

We haven't found Splendor to be a particularly deep game, but depending on the cards that come out, various strategies are very viable. We've had winners who went primarily for the big cards (note the 10 chip stash limit), we've had winners who built an engine (multiple level one cards, a few level two cards, and maybe one level three card), and we've had winners who just grabbed the right cards at minimal cost to get three nobles and a couple scoring cards. What's always important is keeping in mind the 15-point score that ends the game -- that's only three high-point-value cards, so wasting actions taking cheap or free "engine-building" cards late in the game should be avoided.

Unfortunately, the random card draws can be big windfall bonuses for some players and significantly harm others. Reserving cards somewhat mitigates this, but it's usually not worth throwing yourself on that grenade in a four-player game. It's a fast game, so in two sessions we've played about six times. It's a game that's largely lost its luster for me, but others may still want to give it a few more tries.


Speaking of games we didn't enjoy: I've now played Shadows over Camelot twice and found it to be an incredibly boring going through the motions. Maybe it's because it was mostly new people both times (3 and 7 players total) or we needed more traitors/conflict, but I just can't see how it could make for a compelling gaming experience. Anybody like the game or have a better idea for an ideal setup?

A better setup is to play a different game. ;)

Shadows Over Camelot was an important milestone, but as a game it has been obviated by Battlestar Galactica, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and The Resistance: Avalon.

I do like some co-op games, but not when each turn feels like an arbitrary task with little choice given or strategy required.

That's how the vast majority of co-op games feel to me (Pandemic, SoC, Flashpoint, Sentinels, Pathfinder CG, etc.). The most notable exception is Hanabi, which is a wonderful co-op based on individualized information and decisions.


A better setup is to play a different game. ;)

Shadows Over Camelot was an important milestone, but as a game it has been obviated by Battlestar Galactica, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and The Resistance: Avalon.

I don't know. The only comparable game in that list to me is BSG, and while I do think it's more thematic and interesting to play than Shadows, it's also incredibly bloated with fluff and inessential stuff. It's a Fantasy Flight game, after all. I like the pace of those games, and the traitor making small, subtle steps towards sabotage, as well as the possibility of there being no traitor, or someone electing themselves as a traitor in the middle of the game. That's the essential stuff that makes those games unique.

ONUW and Resistance are great in their own right, but not really quite comparable.


That's how the vast majority of co-op games feel to me (Pandemic, SoC, Flashpoint, Sentinels, Pathfinder CG, etc.). The most notable exception is Hanabi, which is a wonderful co-op based on individualized information and decisions.

space alert is also pretty great when it comes to not feeling like an arbitrary task since you are all playing at the same time and thus have to focus on working together and building strategy together to succeed.


Hail to the KING baby
I think Shadows is pretty fun but I do agree it's about 30m too long. It still has a place imo as a slightly meaty traitor game for new players (it's a good deal easier to teach and play than BSG). It's actually really hard for the good guys to win so if that happens to be the problem you're probably playing it wrong.


A better setup is to play a different game. ;)

Shadows Over Camelot was an important milestone, but as a game it has been obviated by Battlestar Galactica, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and The Resistance: Avalon.

I wasn't sure on timeline of SOC release, but I love all of those games listed with BSG being my favorite game.

That's how the vast majority of co-op games feel to me (Pandemic, SoC, Flashpoint, Sentinels, Pathfinder CG, etc.). The most notable exception is Hanabi, which is a wonderful co-op based on individualized information and decisions.

I've heard good things about Hanabi, but haven't had a chance to play it yet.

I think Shadows is pretty fun but I do agree it's about 30m too long. It still has a place imo as a slightly meaty traitor game for new players (it's a good deal easier to teach and play than BSG). It's actually really hard for the good guys to win so if that happens to be the problem you're probably playing it wrong.

The 3 player game was close. We won at last possible point before a sure loss would've happened. The 7 player game had a new player end up being the traitor and they didn't really sabotage much. Then two players left including the traitor before the game ended leaving us with a 5 player game and no traitor. I realize these aren't ideal situations, but I still can't foresee a way the game would be more intriguing. BSG has just spoiled me most likely.

Mista Koo

Just received Fearsome Floors and Flux the Board Game.
I plan to keep Fearsome Floors until around Halloween because that would be more thematic. As for Flux we played a few games very chaotically so I thought why not play a game designed for chaos?!
Oh and I received Survive: Escape from Atlantis expansions (before I even played the game :p), mainly because I want to play with 6 players and I thought it would be cheaper to get all the expansions together.
Saw Gone Girl last night and (I won't spoil anything) but Rio Grande games must have pushed real hard for product placement. There are a couple of scenes where Dominion and Race for the Galaxy are prominently displayed. I know they've been in a few TV shows like Silicon Valley, but those were in the background and hard to see. However, in Gone Girl they are front and center.
Just received Fearsome Floors and Flux the Board Game.
I plan to keep Fearsome Floors until around Halloween because that would be more thematic. As for Flux we played a few games very chaotically so I thought why not play a game designed for chaos?!
Oh and I received Survive: Escape from Atlantis expansions (before I even played the game :p), mainly because I want to play with 6 players and I thought it would be cheaper to get all the expansions together.

You're going to love Survive. I suggest 1-2 base games before adding the dolphins and squid expansions. Six player games are a riot.


Driving the six or so hours up to Virginia Beach in a little while. We'll be staying there for the weekend. I'm looking forward to finding some good game stores. I already read about Atlantis and will be heading there. We'll be getting in late, so no time to go anywhere tonight (even if I did, it would just be Friday Night Magic madness anyway), but tomorrow I'll be looking on the regional boards of BGG for some locations to hit. I'll be looking for stores on the drive back, but I don't think I really drive through anything populated. We aren't anywhere near Charlotte or Raleigh during the drive.

Mista Koo

I've played two games of Survive and this game is awesome. I love how cruel it is despite being a "family game," sometimes it's even downright sadistic "I have nothing against you but killing three of your guys in one move is too awesome to win"
The first game was a 3 player game and I won just because the other guys placed their meeples randomly. The second game was a 5 player game which was way more fun, the guy who won saved his 3 most valuable guys at the start of the game and mostly no one was able to do anything about it.

I played one game of Flux: the Board Game, and surprisingly it wasn't as chaotic as I expected it to be. Outside of changing the colors twice (which no one besides me knew was a thing) and one player resetting the playable cards to one which the other players forgot about ruining their strategies!

Oh and I played Magical Athlete one more time, it's really fun even though I'd love to add more player agency to it.

You're going to love Survive. I suggest 1-2 base games before adding the dolphins and squid expansions. Six player games are a riot.
Dolphins don't seem to add much in terms of rules complexity. Oh and turns out we were doing the sharks and whales wrong (move 2 spaces -> damage both spaces).


We played Five Tribes for the first time last night. Believe the hype. It's a good game. Only con is analysis paralysis. Maybe we'll get better with that with more plays though.


Hi guys, long time lurker here getting out from the shadows... :p
I could use some advice...it's been ages since I last played miniatures boardgame, my favorite being Warhammer Quest that GW seems to have no interest in republishing.

I'm looking for a miniature similar game that can be played SOLO (my group is scattered all over the world since years and I would like to play coop with my young son).
I like nice miniatures too, but I'm unable to paint...so the better they came out of the box, the better.

I love fantasy and scifi...do not like zombies and such.

These are the games on my 'watch list':

Mice and Mystyque
Gears of War
The upcoming Star Wars Imperial Assault (I love Star Wars and so does my son).

Are there any other options? (I wish Star Wars miniature game had solo rules too).

My son is 6 btw but we would play coop (meaning he will just watch me playing).

I've played two games of Survive and this game is awesome. I love how cruel it is despite being a "family game," sometimes it's even downright sadistic "I have nothing against you but killing three of your guys in one move is too awesome to win"
The first game was a 3 player game and I won just because the other guys placed their meeples randomly. The second game was a 5 player game which was way more fun, the guy who won saved his 3 most valuable guys at the start of the game and mostly no one was able to do anything about it.


Dolphins don't seem to add much in terms of rules complexity. Oh and turns out we were doing the sharks and whales wrong (move 2 spaces -> damage both spaces).

I'm so glad to have another Survive player to talk to!

You're right. It's hilarious to see how much smarter everyone gets when they play their second game compared to their first, lol. People seem to value placement and defense a lot more in subsequent games. And yes, the "I just want to kill you" mentality can really make the best of us deviate from the best laid plans. It can be really hard to think 2-3 moves ahead when you are surrounded by so much low hanging fruit to devour!

I played a game last week where my wife and kids secretly teamed up against me. It took only a turn or 2 before I knew what they were up to. I was able to alter my normal strategy and go almost purely defensive. I still managed to come in second place based on the high number meeples I saved vs the low number meeples I baited and sacrificed. The dolphins came in real handy, that's for sure! I also used the squids and whales vs each other a lot to clear paths along the way. It was actually a rather refreshing way to play.

The carnage is always glorious in the game. In a 6 player game, by the time the other 5 have played their turn and it comes back to you, the board is utterly transformed and the waters are filled with death dealing creatures. You really have to think on the fly and I love that aspect because it keeps everyone engaged the entire time.

My suggestion of playing without expansions at first had nothing to do with difficulty, but more in line with appreciating the nuances they add to the base game once added. I really like the way the dice replace the tile flipping. It's a very simple yet effective way of making each game an even more unique experience.

I'm glad you liked it. I can't imagine anyone that wouldn't. It deserves more love IMO. I think it's the absolute best entry game out there, easily replacing King of Tokyo and others that often get mentioned as great gateway games. I think it's often forgotten because it's over 30 years old.
Hi guys, long time lurker here getting out from the shadows... :p
I could use some advice...it's been ages since I last played miniatures boardgame, my favorite being Warhammer Quest that GW seems to have no interest in republishing.

I'm looking for a miniature similar game that can be played SOLO (my group is scattered all over the world since years and I would like to play coop with my young son).
I like nice miniatures too, but I'm unable to paint...so the better they came out of the box, the better.

I love fantasy and scifi...do not like zombies and such.

These are the games on my 'watch list':

Mice and Mystyque
Gears of War
The upcoming Star Wars Imperial Assault (I love Star Wars and so does my son).

Are there any other options? (I wish Star Wars miniature game had solo rules too).

My son is 6 btw but we would play coop (meaning he will just watch me playing).


With solo/co-op being your largest concern, you should consider the D&D board games.

-wrath of ashardalon
-legend of drizzt
-castle ravenloft

And I know you said no zombie games, but if others are reading I'll throw out Zombies!!! as a no brainer for kids and parents to play together. Just don't use the cards with kids until they can read/use them effectively. That's more a "screw your neighbor" type game though, not co-op. It's dirt cheap too, so it's a great game to test the waters. For duoing/co-op with older kids and other adults, Zombicide fits that bill easily.

Of course, Space Hulk will always get top mention from me for any miniature board game. You can find solo rules online for blip/genestealer control that work pretty well. For two players, each person plays a squad of terminators.


With solo/co-op being your largest concern, you should consider the D&D board games.

-wrath of ashardalon
-legend of drizzt
-castle ravenloft

And I know you said no zombie games, but if others are reading I'll throw out Zombies!!! as a no brainer for kids and parents to play together. Just don't use the cards with kids until they can read/use them effectively. That's more a "screw your neighbor" type game though, not co-op. It's dirt cheap too, so it's a great game to test the waters. For duoing/co-op with older kids and other adults, Zombicide fits that bill easily.

Of course, Space Hulk will always get top mention from me for any miniature board game. You can find solo rules online for blip/genestealer control that work pretty well. For two players, each person plays a squad of terminators.

Thanks, I forgot to mention the D&D games!

I wasn't aware there were solo rules for Space Hulk!!!
Had I knew, I would have bought the recent edition!
I could use some advice...it's been ages since I last played miniatures boardgame, my favorite being Warhammer Quest that GW seems to have no interest in republishing.

I'm looking for a miniature similar game that can be played SOLO (my group is scattered all over the world since years and I would like to play coop with my young son).
I like nice miniatures too, but I'm unable to paint...so the better they came out of the box, the better.
It won't be coming out for a few months, but also keep an eye on Shadow of Brimstone. It's said to have a lot of similarities with Warhammer Quest, but with a western theme mixed with unspeakable horrors and sci-fi. A warning though, the miniatures come unpainted and unassembled on a sprue, so it will take some time to put them together.

Here's an early review: http://youtu.be/lDoq2wQk_vs


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
A really good deck builder for Doomtown:Reloaded just went up today:


After watching that review I need Shadows of Brimstone in my life.

-rubs eyes-

I know you

-rubs eyes-

in thread-related news, the second Lost Legacy game is finally out! So I can actually buy both of them and play them with more players.

... if it wasn't sold out already.


We played Five Tribes for the first time last night. Believe the hype. It's a good game. Only con is analysis paralysis. Maybe we'll get better with that with more plays though.

And that's the reason I am not getting it. Mechanically it looks really good but since you basically can't plan ahead at all this would drag out the game quite a bit I fear. I have one guy in my group who is very AP prone and playing something like this with him would be a pain.


And that's the reason I am not getting it. Mechanically it looks really good but since you basically can't plan ahead at all this would drag out the game quite a bit I fear. I have one guy in my group who is very AP prone and playing something like this with him would be a pain.

I totally understand. Everyone loved it but immediately said they wouldn't play it with another brutal AP guy in our group.
I totally understand. Everyone loved it but immediately said they wouldn't play it with another brutal AP guy in our group.

I hope they make an app out of this game, much like Carcasonne for the Xbox 360 (where they highlight all your possible options on your turn) would be awesome.


Yeah, we played Five Tribes for the first time (3 player) just this week & had similar reactions. We all enjoyed it, but it sucked being largely unable to plan ahead. We liked it, but it wasn't a massive hit - Istanbul kinda scratched a similar itch, but with a less abstract-y feel or AP issues.

And the fuss over those slave cards is ridiculous.


Board Game Bliss just got Istanbul, that I preordered. And since I ordered new stuff (Smash Up Big Box, Chthulu and Monster and a Dixit expansion) they combined both orders and refunded the shipping from the first order. Pretty great website with a great support. The best prices for Canadian board games too. I'm not sure I like the fact that free shipping is only if you order at least one game from a specific list of games, but the rest is golden.


And the fuss over those slave cards is ridiculous.

The fuss over the slave cards was nicely put into perspective by game designer Bruno Faidutti on his blog (scroll past the French text to read the English translation).

Summary: Many board games use simple, glossed-over, but insensitive themes of Western colonialism, Orientalism and other exotic fantasies of foreign places (or romanticised versions of European places), rather than the reality of history and such. The author confesses (and does not condemn) that these cliches are common because it's a fun and easy shorthand, and board games don't have a real opportunity to expand on a world and its people the way that a novel or a movie could.

I don't necessarily agree with his conclusion on the matter, but I think he gives a really good overview of how and why this stuff happens in games (I lost it at the Legends of the Five Rings retheme of Love Letter).. It should be obvious that focusing on one little set of cards (the symptom of a much bigger societal blemish) will come off as silly "outrage" and such.

Mista Koo

I really like the way the dice replace the tile flipping. It's a very simple yet effective way of making each game an even more unique experience.
I thought you still flipped tiles, unless you mean using D you can move anything with a lucky die roll even without any tiles.


After significant effort, finally located and acquired a used copy of Heroquest in very good condition, for $50 (which I was more than happy to pay). While definitely not the best dungeon crawler out there, it was the one I played all the time when I was younger to the point that my old copy was practically falling apart. Was beyond excited to open up my "new" copy to see that it looks like it was almost never played.

So excited.


After significant effort, finally located and acquired a used copy of Heroquest in very good condition, for $50 (which I was more than happy to pay). While definitely not the best dungeon crawler out there, it was the one I played all the time when I was younger to the point that my old copy was practically falling apart. Was beyond excited to open up my "new" copy to see that it looks like it was almost never played.

So excited.

When I was a kid, I wanted to get either Dungeon! Or HeroQuest with some birthday money. I ended up deciding on Dungeon! for reasons unknown to me now, though I think the TSR name lent it some cred in my 13-14 year old head.

Many years later I wish I'd got HeroQuest instead.


I have my unwrapped but not played US new version of Sherlock Holmes up on BGG for sale. I am gouging because that shit is mad out of print and they just said they were reprinting in the UK and not the US I think. Anyway, its 85$ on there and I am paying shipping. Paypal only and has to be in the US. If a Gaffer wants it for 75$ or so message me and we can do that. Its still high but it is what it is. Just wanted to let people know in case they are on the lookout.
Anyone here play LOTR LCG by FFG? I have sudden urge to play the game again but I have such a difficult time making deck. If someone can point me to a good site or video that guide on how to make deck. My kids and I used to play this but we always ended up loosing and the kids sort of lost interest in the game. Thanks in advance.

(I have the base core set, Khazd-Dum expansion and several of the small expansions.)


When I was a kid, I wanted to get either Dungeon! Or HeroQuest with some birthday money. I ended up deciding on Dungeon! for reasons unknown to me now, though I think the TSR name lent it some cred in my 13-14 year old head.

Many years later I wish I'd got HeroQuest instead.

I have several copies of HeroQuest, along with several copies of the Kellars Keep and Return of the WitchLord (is he a witch who is also a lord or lord of the witches) and the Barbarian and Elf packs. Also a bunch of copies of Mutant Chronicles and Dark World (and a in shrink copy of one of the expansions).

I have no idea what to do with all of them. On one hand, I wouldn't mind turning them into games I would actually play. On the other, I am a hoarder who can't stand to let things go.

I did manage to turn one of the Witch Lord expansions into Dominant Species in a Math trade though, so that was pretty sweet.


I have several copies of HeroQuest, along with several copies of the Kellars Keep and Return of the WitchLord (is he a witch who is also a lord or lord of the witches) and the Barbarian and Elf packs. Also a bunch of copies of Mutant Chronicles and Dark World (and a in shrink copy of one of the expansions).

I have no idea what to do with all of them. On one hand, I wouldn't mind turning them into games I would actually play. On the other, I am a hoarder who can't stand to let things go.

I did manage to turn one of the Witch Lord expansions into Dominant Species in a Math trade though, so that was pretty sweet.

Personal suggestion? Hang on to them. The Heroquest expansions are harder to come by, so there is typically someone out there willing to pay top dollar for them (if you don't want to keep them in your collection, that is). Besides, if you ever get the urge to play them again, you won't want to have to shell out money for 'em again in the future.
Anyone here play LOTR LCG by FFG? I have sudden urge to play the game again but I have such a difficult time making deck. If someone can point me to a good site or video that guide on how to make deck. My kids and I used to play this but we always ended up loosing and the kids sort of lost interest in the game. Thanks in advance.

(I have the base core set, Khazd-Dum expansion and several of the small expansions.)

Have you tried playing Easy modes? There is a supplement you can download from their site that lets you play the game in 3 difficulty modes including new easy mode for all scenarios. Essentially a few setup tweaks and you take out certain cards to make the scenarios easier. And then they added a harder nightmare mode for those wanting more challenge.


Personal suggestion? Hang on to them. The Heroquest expansions are harder to come by, so there is typically someone out there willing to pay top dollar for them (if you don't want to keep them in your collection, that is). Besides, if you ever get the urge to play them again, you won't want to have to shell out money for 'em again in the future.

Not really a concern with wanting to play them again, I would have had to play them at least once to have that, and that is why I have multiple anyway I guess. These are all my Dad's former copies.

The big concern is the wide disparity of prices for seemingly the same quality of item. When Heroquest goes for anywhere on eBay from $75-200 it is hard to know when to sell. And because shipping is expensive I would prefer to deal local, but the market here isn't all that great for them and how do you pick a price!

That's one of reasons why I was reasonably happy to go Expansion -> Dominant Species. Pricey game I want and didn't have to pay anything really.
After watching the 40k Conquest video from Fantasy Flight, I need to own it. It looks a bit like Blood Bowl, which I love. The expansion opportunities are endless.


Managed to score a copy of Sheriff of Nottingham.

Also have Five Tribes, Sons of Anarchy, Cypher, and the second Lost Legacy deck to get through. Going to be a busy game night this week.


The big concern is the wide disparity of prices for seemingly the same quality of item. When Heroquest goes for anywhere on eBay from $75-200 it is hard to know when to sell. And because shipping is expensive I would prefer to deal local, but the market here isn't all that great for them and how do you pick a price!

As to the when, prices will increase as the holiday season approaches. Might be your best bet to maximize profits. To pick a price, check the BGG Marketplace for previously sold items by condition. BGG prices WILL be lower than anything sold on eBay or other auctions, but should at least give you a ballpark figure. The right price is what the buyer is willing to pay for the particular item. Seems like a simple statement, but better quality and less availability equates to a higher price.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
My current wishlist on starlit citadel...

Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Blood Bowl Team Manager
Mage Knight
Android: Netrunner
Game of Thrones: The Boardgame
Battlestar Galactica
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (note: I don't own Agricola)
Galaxy Trucker
Lost Legacy: The Starship & Flying Garden

what to pull the trigger on first. LL is cheap so that's gonna go in anyway. The two civilization games will probably get very littl playtime so they're out :lol

Has anyone here played Tokaido? It looks great for a not-very-mind-heavy game that I can play with my friends that aren't into the deep stuff.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yup, that's pretty much what it is. It's gorgeous and neat. The expansion is really good too!

That's what I wanted to hear. Awesome, thanks.

I bought this over a year ago and haven't been able to get anyone together to play it yet.

Have you tried The Resistance or Avalon? That will tell you really quickly if your group likes traitor-mechanic games. If they like it, it should be super simple to get them to convert to BSG.

Also not sure if you saw it, but I'll be in Philly in December.



As to the when, prices will increase as the holiday season approaches. Might be your best bet to maximize profits. To pick a price, check the BGG Marketplace for previously sold items by condition. BGG prices WILL be lower than anything sold on eBay or other auctions, but should at least give you a ballpark figure. The right price is what the buyer is willing to pay for the particular item. Seems like a simple statement, but better quality and less availability equates to a higher price.

Probably what I will end up doing. Or I will wait for the next Canada Math Trade on bgg and try my luck there.

The one I am most worried about is a in Shrink Dark World: Dragon's Gate. I have no idea what that should be worth and I would imagine is super niche.

My current wishlist on starlit citadel...

Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Blood Bowl Team Manager
Mage Knight
Android: Netrunner
Game of Thrones: The Boardgame
Battlestar Galactica
Caverna: The Cave Farmers (note: I don't own Agricola)
Galaxy Trucker
Lost Legacy: The Starship & Flying Garden

what to pull the trigger on first. LL is cheap so that's gonna go in anyway. The two civilization games will probably get very littl playtime so they're out :lol

Has anyone here played Tokaido? It looks great for a not-very-mind-heavy game that I can play with my friends that aren't into the deep stuff.

Civilization the Board Game is pretty fun. I can get my wife to play it and she has never played the computer game before. It also has a very satisfying amount of pieces. I found Through the Ages at a thrift store for 4 bucks, I haven't played a full game yet but I've had fun with the simple game.

Pandemic is fun. I enjoy it but I've played with plenty who don't. I hear it can be pretty bad if you have someone who tries to take over and quarterback everything, but my experience were people just didn't like working together.

I used to play Battlestar and it is fun but I always found the worst part is trying to teach people while having them understand the traitor mechanic.


Hail to the KING baby
Team Manager is a really good one out of those because it works really good 2-4 (bit long with 4) and is a decent complexity level where hardcore gamers can enjoy it, but it's also pretty easy to teach. If you're looking for something more gateway, then Pandemic is a good choice. I'm not a fan of the super-long games anymore just because I never have the time to play them. Like...if I'm only going to ever play them at BGG.Con they shouldn't even be a part of my personal collection, and yet for the great ones it's hard to resist sometimes.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Team Manager is a really good one out of those because it works really good 2-4 (bit long with 4) and is a decent complexity level where hardcore gamers can enjoy it, but it's also pretty easy to teach. If you're looking for something more gateway, then Pandemic is a good choice. I'm not a fan of the super-long games anymore just because I never have the time to play them. Like...if I'm only going to ever play them at BGG.Con they shouldn't even be a part of my personal collection, and yet for the great ones it's hard to resist sometimes.

Don't tell me, there's games in my collection I've never opened with friends just for the reason that I "wanted" to have it. Just in case I MIGHT get to play it. :(

Bah, I live in Tulsa, OK now.


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