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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

Posting some of my fun, OCD projects (pre and post foamcore):



Other fun stuff:


Finished my custom Dice Masters mini mat. It's a card-sized mat that can be easily printed/sleeved/taken around, and works really well:


A more basic version of the mat in action:


You scribble on the mat with dry-erase marker to tick off your life points!


Hey guys,

first time poster, long time lurker. I want a new board game and I'd like your opinions.
I own Wits and Wagers, Cards Against Humanity, Last Night on Earth and Puerto Rico. I'd like something nice to add to that.

The two favorite games that my friends like to play are Cards Against Humanity and 7 Wonders. I'd like to get something slightly different than those games, however I'm kinda scared to get some more complicated games.

I was looking at Dominant Species; however, I'm kinda scared that the complexity or length of games would scare off people. I'd like to have a game with more player interaction though. Maybe Battlestar Galactica? I've never watched the show.

Any suggestions? Our group also owns Dominion, Race to the Galaxy (I personally dislike it), Agricola, Arkham Horror, Cosmic Encounter (didn't get played a lot). I'd like a game with a high number of players if possible.

Resistance (or Avalon) - excellent player interaction, really gets noone trusting anyone else, so that's good. In some situations, it works nicely as a filler game between others. It plays up to 10 people.

Ticket to Ride - plays 5, might be lighter than what you're looking for, but gets very tight and competitive with that many players.

RoboRally - Plays up to 8. This one can get a bit complex, but I've always had a blast with it. Just make sure people understand reference based movement....or...don't, always fun to see a few people people run themselves off the board.


I've heard that the game can be shortened considerably by removing half the domination cards. Does it impact the game much?

Thanks guys for all the suggestions. King of Tokyo was on my wishlist as well, but isn't King of New York coming out soon? Isn't that an improved version?

We've played Citadel and Werewolf before, good games.
If I wanted to start playing more complex games (such as Dominant Species) what would you suggest then? I thought of it because of the theme and the great reviews.

I have both, King of New York isn't an improved, but more reworked to be more complex. KoT is just the perfect pick up and play game while NY isn't.
Nice, I should do something like that. :D
Do you have any pointers for us?

Mainly what antiquegamer said earlier: YouTube foamcore and the Esoteric Order of Gaming. That video talks about materials, planning, and basically how to wing it.

For Suburbia, I followed one of their plans. For everything else, it was just a matter of laying out stuff logically, then cutting to make it happen.

Ooh, tip: Make room for your fingers to grab stuff. It's easier to see in my cardboard projects, but I leave finger gaps to grab components.

Also, those card boxes are basic baseball (now CCG) card boxes. They're for card games that no longer fit in their original boxes when sleeved. My next project is an Innovation box.
Cutting is becoming easier with practice.

So one thing that's annoying me (you can see it in my pics if you zoom in) is that my edges are flaky. I don't know if I'm causing that by not cutting with one single stroke (sort of like a buzzsaw effect when you sketch a line vs. draw a line) or if it's the materials I'm using.

I notice in your pics and in the guides, the edges are smooth without weird craters. Any idea why mine might have these issues?


Thanks for all the answers everyone.

Forgot that I owned RoboRally too, and we played Red November twice and it was okay at best.
A friend owns The Resistance, but I have to say I despise it. Someone tell me how to bluff, because I always end up being a saboteur, and since I'm always one, I always get accused without any sort of reasoning or logic. Maybe it's just bad luck on my end.

King of Tokyo looks nice, but very simple at the same time. If I wanted to head towards more complex games, what would you guys suggest? Is Dominant Species too complicated? How about Tzolk'in? That looked nice as well.

You gotta start somewhere, right?
So one thing that's annoying me (you can see it in my pics if you zoom in) is that my edges are flaky. I don't know if I'm causing that by not cutting with one single stroke (sort of like a buzzsaw effect when you sketch a line vs. draw a line) or if it's the materials I'm using.

I notice in your pics and in the guides, the edges are smooth without weird craters. Any idea why mine might have these issues?

When you get the effect on foam cuts its because the blade is typically dull and not cutting cleanly. Xacto blades and such dull very quick by cutting foam, you need to constantly replace blades or sharpen them when working. And yes you should be cutting in clean single strokes, going slow or stopping is going to give you similar effect.

A heated knife also will help give cleaner cuts


Thanks for all the answers everyone.

Forgot that I owned RoboRally too, and we played Red November twice and it was okay at best.
A friend owns The Resistance, but I have to say I despise it. Someone tell me how to bluff, because I always end up being a saboteur, and since I'm always one, I always get accused without any sort of reasoning or logic. Maybe it's just bad luck on my end.

King of Tokyo looks nice, but very simple at the same time. If I wanted to head towards more complex games, what would you guys suggest? Is Dominant Species too complicated? How about Tzolk'in? That looked nice as well.

You gotta start somewhere, right?

T'Zolkin is pretty fun. It took me a play to wrap my head around the spacial element, but its certainly more accessible than Dominant Species.

Other recent medium weight games that are super dope:

Imperial Settlers,

Also, if you like the idea of bluffing games but you're just terrible at lying, you should look into Sheriff of Nottingham. You don't actually have to ever lie to win. Just making the sheriff THINK your lying can be a great strategy. Super fun, and about to become widely available (in the US).
Played 3 rounds of 5 player King of NY on Saturday.
Everyone had played Tokyo except one person.

We all agree that Tokyo has been shelved. Maybe we will use the character cards in NY otherwise I don't expect to see it out again.


I just ordered NY as well. Tokyo was traded away long ago, but I'm certain this would have definitely given it the boot if I still owned it.


Played 3 rounds of 5 player King of NY on Saturday.
Everyone had played Tokyo except one person.

We all agree that Tokyo has been shelved. Maybe we will use the character cards in NY otherwise I don't expect to see it out again.

That's what i hear...hopefully I can just shove it all in one box, maybe make a fancy new insert.
I guess I kinda miss the evolutions but I expect they will return in an expansion. There is so much more going on now because removal of the numbers and the substitution of the building destruction die side and the skull die side. I was decimating buildings in any given boro to the point where there were 6-7 units there and I would just bounce, leaving that boro totally unusable. And the Manhattan has much more incentive to stay in now with the three levels, extra bonuses. Great improvements on one of my groups favorite games.

We were trying to figure out a rule set that would incorporate both games. Some kind of King of Earth game. We couldn't think of anything other than use Tokyo as a loser bracket to work your way back into NY. I'm sure someone will come up with something.


I guess I kinda miss the evolutions but I expect they will return in an expansion. There is so much more going on now because removal of the numbers and the substitution of the building destruction die side and the skull die side. I was decimating buildings in any given boro to the point where there were 6-7 units there and I would just bounce, leaving that boro totally unusable. And the Manhattan has much more incentive to stay in now with the three levels, extra bonuses. Great improvements on one of my groups favorite games.

We were trying to figure out a rule set that would incorporate both games. Some kind of King of Earth game. We couldn't think of anything other than use Tokyo as a loser bracket to work your way back into NY. I'm sure someone will come up with something.

I don't think KoT should be shelved perse, it's just a much lighter game, and should be played with a different audience, if pretty much everybody is a boardgame enthusiast in your group, KoNY is the obvious choice.


Except for the last several posts I've made recommending games I love and the last few posts I've made after game night praising some recent stuff that's hit?

WOTR is probably my favorite game period. I'd love to have a 4 player game based off its system that wasn't awful. It's faults are well documented at BGG -- Its not like me thinking it's bad is some against-the-grain opinion.


Just curious: How is Smash Up regarded around here? I see it in stores all the time, and it appears to have a bunch of expansions, but I've never seen it played by anyone at game nights around here, nor have I ever see it mentioned in "what should I get" or "what are you playing" type threads.


Just curious: How is Smash Up regarded around here? I see it in stores all the time, and it appears to have a bunch of expansions, but I've never seen it played by anyone at game nights around here, nor have I ever see it mentioned in "what should I get" or "what are you playing" type threads.

I think it's criticisms that it can run long for what it is aren't unfounded, but I think it's okay. Inevitably Blood Bowl: Team Manager comes up as an alternative though, and while a touch more complicated, it is definitely the better of the two.

If you're looking for something lighter though, Smash Up is pretty cheap and you could do a lot worse.

Edit: I'd recommend Guildhall as another alternative that's more SU's speed. GH is fantastic.


Hail to the KING baby
I had fun with Smash Up at BGG.Con and bought it but kind of regret it. The gameplay is super light but at the same time the game has some pretty powerful combos that experienced players can exploit so it doesn't really fall into a great niche for me difficulty-wise.
Smash Up is my groups favorite game.
We have had had games that went into a tie and lasted 3 hours. People really way every decision and try to think of strategy 5 moves ahead.
I love all the factions, expansions and am hyped for Pretty Pretty. We have been saying they need unicorns.
Got the CSI newsletter earlier today and noticed 7 Wonders Babel on it. It seems like it's coming out this week so I went searching for a rulebook.

Found this: http://rprod.com/uploads/file/7W-Babel-Rules-En.pdf

The Babel component sounds interesting, with some crazy rule effects. It seems that you're more than likely going to have to contribute to the tower one way or another, either to benefit yourself or to block negative effects.


I will back up Neverfade.. Conan, at least the base game, kinda sucks. My friend kickstarted the expansion and maybe it can save it somewhat. We'll see. The theme is great but the mechanics in the base game just don't work.
So one thing that's annoying me (you can see it in my pics if you zoom in) is that my edges are flaky. I don't know if I'm causing that by not cutting with one single stroke (sort of like a buzzsaw effect when you sketch a line vs. draw a line) or if it's the materials I'm using.

I notice in your pics and in the guides, the edges are smooth without weird craters. Any idea why mine might have these issues?

If you look back at the first one I did, you will see that there were plenty of jagged and uneven cuts. As Monkey mention, sharp blade is a must and another thing that the guy in video keep reminding was to cut straight down. You can see he cut in two strokes but his knife tip was pointing directly down into the foam and he sliced it down, first he cut into the paper layer, then he did one more clean stroke.


Just curious: How is Smash Up regarded around here? I see it in stores all the time, and it appears to have a bunch of expansions, but I've never seen it played by anyone at game nights around here, nor have I ever see it mentioned in "what should I get" or "what are you playing" type threads.

Smash up is a really fun game. It's strategic, but simple enough that anybody can play it. Play one minion and one action every turn. Then the turn is over. But with some synergies, you could maybe put 7 minions and play 5 actions. Depend on what you have as factions and what you want to do with them. Really fun.
Telestration is pretty okay for a party game.
Heard Bananagrams was a good scrabble type of game.
Wits and Wagers is a great party game also, that save you from the whole trivia problem where one guy know everything.
Robot Turtle is a great programming game for small childs.

There are 27 pages of games. These are all on the first page.

If you click through they have a lot of great, very popular stuff. Pandemic, King of Tokyo, Smash Up, Zombicide, The Resistance..unfortunately they either say Out of Stock or Out of Stock Online. Sucks.

Didn't realize Target sold all the stuff I see on there.


There are 27 pages of games. These are all on the first page.

If you click through they have a lot of great, very popular stuff. Pandemic, King of Tokyo, Smash Up, Zombicide, The Resistance..unfortunately they either say Out of Stock or Out of Stock Online. Sucks.

Didn't realize Target sold all the stuff I see on there.

Oh didnt know there was 27 pages ahaha. Dont know how I missed that.

Sequence is a really fun and easy game that anybody can learn in under 5 min and is great for christmas parties with older people.

Hey that's my fish is a really popular casual game that is very easy to learn

Timeline is an educational game that work great with everybody and take 5 min to teach. Great filler game.

7 wonders, King of Tokyo + expansions, Takenoko, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dixit, Smash up are classics

Resistance is a great "roleplay" game with hidden traitors

Among the Stars is 7 wonders with a spatial element of building a space ship.
My copy of Kanban came over the weekend, I'm so pumped to finally have a copy. So far I went through the rulebook and it seems about as heavy as Vital Lacerda's other games, which is fantastic.
My copy of Kanban came over the weekend, I'm so pumped to finally have a copy. So far I went through the rulebook and it seems about as heavy as Vital Lacerda's other games, which is fantastic.
I actually just finish watching this on Rahdo and the game look well...really intense and more like work than game. I am assume worker placements is the current hotness for Euro game but i am just trying to wrap my head around work simulator and why it would be fun.. May be because my work recently force Kanban method on us so I just have this negative feeling.


Glad that King of New York finally released from CSI. My order with Battle at Kemble's Cascade and Machi Koro shipped. Wish I could have gotten Machi Koro and KoNY in October when I thought they would come out though, now I have to wait until I am back in the country to pick them up from the apartment. I am also a bit bummed that it came out today though because when is saw that CSI was shipping it, I had gone to the site to add Pandemic The Cure to my order. I'll wait on that some more.

Played my first game of Lord of the Rings card game tonight. I don't know... It wasn't bad guess. It just didn't feel that thematic to me. So far none of the card games I have played have drawn me into their themes, it just feels like by following along with the order of play that I am just following a script. We lost on the last quest card with 5 more quest tokens needed by hitting 50 threat though, so close, so we will definitely give it another try sometime soon. We played two games of MtG too, with me surprising myself and winning one, I think my third win overall against this guy. I really want to buy more intro decks because I like playing but do not want to get into deckbuilding and buying boosters.

I'm really excited about Dragon Tides ending soon on KS. The creator did a lot to assuage my fears that he would take forever to deliver or it would wind up like Fairy Tale minis. A couple people in the comments section have been begging for more minis, more add-ons and stretch goals, more expansions, lowering of the goals, and more. I read people whining about "more more more" and think 'Come on, I don't want this to take 3 years and still fail to deliver the quality they have promised. These guys ain't CMoN.' I guess some people have been spoiled by some of the bigger alas projects and expect/demand a couple dozen add-ons for new minis and more. Can't wait to get my hands on those Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Donnie Yen minis though.

Another thing that was me super-excited is BattleCON. Not War: Revised, which has been pushed back to at least March, but the copy of the original edition of War that I snagged for $25, including sleeves. I bought a copy to tide me over and let me familiarize myself with the game before the new version comes out. Hopefully it gets here within two weeks or so because I cannot wait to dig into that box.

Still fiending for and desiring Dust Tactics. I see that someone on BGG is auctions off the coffin box and the revised core set at a starting bid of $150 and am really trying to keep my wallet in my pocket. Gotta resist, but I can barely get enough of a chance to play X-Wing...adding another minis game isn't the wisest idea right now (I was looking at D&D Attack Wing earlier too and want it but I am not a fan of WizKids business model for it).

EDIT: Oh, and thoughts from the Smash Up fans on the new expansion for March? http://www.alderac.com/smashup/pretty-pretty-smash/
The fairies and princess seem cool, especially some of the bases for them pictured in the instructions. I couldn't care less about ponies and cats though, I feel like they could have gone a lot of different ways with the "cute" theme and they picked two things I don't care for.


EDIT: Oh, and thoughts from the Smash Up fans on the new expansion for March? http://www.alderac.com/smashup/pretty-pretty-smash/
The fairies and princess seem cool, especially some of the bases for them pictured in the instructions. I couldn't care less about ponies and cats though, I feel like they could have gone a lot of different ways with the "cute" theme and they picked two things I don't care for.

Didnt know about that. Sound pretty cool. Pony Zombies will probably be pretty cool. Cat Giant ants will be great too. I will probably get it. It's kinda like the horror pack, you have Vampires, Werewolves, Mad Scientists and ... Giant ants from the 50's.


Anyone else going to get the new deluxe edition of Dynasties / Sun Tzu?

I just orderet it. Looks like a super great portable and fast area control game. And in the new version the components are gorgeous.



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
got my first game of Betrayal at house on the hill in today! all of us newbies, but thankfully I turned out to be the traitor so it didn't get TOO lost.

They were literally two split-second decisions away from winning, but THE DEMON LORD HAS RISEN MUAHAHAHAHAHA.

great fun. Should have repetition-value with all the scenarios too.

This is how I'll slowly easy my group into trying Pathfinder with me... slowly...


got my first game of Betrayal at house on the hill in today! all of us newbies, but thankfully I turned out to be the traitor so it didn't get TOO lost.

They were literally two split-second decisions away from winning, but THE DEMON LORD HAS RISEN MUAHAHAHAHAHA.

great fun. Should have repetition-value with all the scenarios too.

This is how I'll slowly easy my group into trying Pathfinder with me... slowly...

What is cool is that there is a rule that say "Oh you already did this scenario? Then take this omen and use the closest room with an omen sign". This way you still get the atmosphere.
Played my first game of Lord of the Rings card game tonight. I don't know... It wasn't bad guess. It just didn't feel that thematic to me. So far none of the card games I have played have drawn me into their themes, it just feels like by following along with the order of play that I am just following a script. We lost on the last quest card with 5 more quest tokens needed by hitting 50 threat though, so close, so we will definitely give it another try sometime soon. We played two games of MtG too, with me surprising myself and winning one, I think my third win overall against this guy. I really want to buy more intro decks because I like playing but do not want to get into deckbuilding and buying boosters.

EDIT: Oh, and thoughts from the Smash Up fans on the new expansion for March? http://www.alderac.com/smashup/pretty-pretty-smash/
The fairies and princess seem cool, especially some of the bases for them pictured in the instructions. I couldn't care less about ponies and cats though, I feel like they could have gone a lot of different ways with the "cute" theme and they picked two things I don't care for.

I play LOTR many times, and I do find it very thematic and you do get the sense of searching and traveling but what break it for me is the deck making and the characters that go into the deck just sort of break the illusion. I really want to like it and I have many of the expansion however every time I play I feel like you just have to make the deck to beat the scenario and that just take away the sense of freedom for me.

I am currently on this Descent kick (since I found the co-op/solo expansion. However, like many FFG, the single player are really brutal to make up for the lack of real opponents. Like Death Angel and LOTR, they just seems to overwhelm you by just stacking more and more odd against you. I played it twice and lost both time, but the 2nd time I did progress more. I am not sure what I did wrong but ACT2 monsters are just tougher and I just don't feel my character even with all the EXP seems to be a good match. I have since discovered that there are several co-op / solo variants on BGG and I am trying out the D6 version. Forgotten Souls, while fun and challenging, you just feel so un-reward at the end because pretty much the game just end when the timer run out (doom track mechanic) where the campaign even if you didn't "win" the scenario, there is always the next one. I only got couple turn in but so far the D6 "AI" seems pretty good.

I never care for Smash up but the rest of my family love it. I think Cats and Ponies are perfect for the theme. I know my daughter will eat it up all her favorite things when she was young all pack up into that one expansion.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
If you guys want to trade/sell board games that you no longer play, do you do that within the GAF community? In the buy sell trade thread or in here or how does that work here?
BGG marketplace and mathtrades seems to be the most popular options. Or selling to close friends.

I feel like the general public is more adverse to niche board game prices. Shipping a game is also a PITA.


Hail to the KING baby
I usually sell on ebay but might start selling at work instead. You can make good money on ebay for designer games (almost recoup your cost in most cases) but agree that shipping is a pain.
If you guys want to trade/sell board games that you no longer play, do you do that within the GAF community? In the buy sell trade thread or in here or how does that work here?
I usually trade on BGG in Math Trades. I've really churned through my collection that way.

I've bought some games and traded here with great results, so if you want to post something someone here might bite.
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