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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I Think Its popular because it lets you play a superhero. And every ability has Its own art.
Its easy and fast to set up.
And the art is not THAT bad. I mean Its not as horrible as Ascension. (And that is popular aswell)
I enjoyed Sentinels for about 10 games and then never played it again. Main problem to me is the fiddlyness. As a hand management game Its okay.

lots of people hate on Ascensions's art, but I don't have a problem with it, at least as far as I've seen of it. It helps that the graphic design of the cards is pretty good, too.

Sentinels just looks like some of the worst art found on DeviantArt.

I wish someone would make a great superhero game. (Dont say Legendary, that game is lazy art and fiddlyness galore)

The demand for this helps me understand why Sentinels is so beloved, but I think we're getting closer to a good game. I've been enjoying revisiting the world of X-Men through Dice Masters.


Hail to the KING baby
Sentinels is probably in the LoW category of overhyped tremendously on BGG but still decent filler imo. I own it and a couple expansions but rarely play it just because I'm rarely in the mood to set it up and it's a big light for a game night but a bit too fiddly for new players.

Legendary is an excellent game imo (but then again I like Ascension a lot too, dsfdf) though yeah it's not really much of a 'superhero' feel at all. FFG just needs to get a Marvel/DC license already and make trillions off a rich thematic game that is about 45m too long and has about 50 too many chits. :p


Legendary is an excellent game imo (but then again I like Ascension a lot too, dsfdf) though yeah it's not really much of a 'superhero' feel at all. FFG just needs to get a Marvel/DC license already and make trillions off a rich thematic game that is about 45m too long and has about 50 too many chits. :p

Alternatively, maybe Batman Love Letter is the comic book card game we've all been waiting for...


Sentinels is probably in the LoW category of overhyped tremendously on BGG but still decent filler imo. I own it and a couple expansions but rarely play it just because I'm rarely in the mood to set it up and it's a big light for a game night but a bit too fiddly for new players.

Legendary is an excellent game imo (but then again I like Ascension a lot too, dsfdf) though yeah it's not really much of a 'superhero' feel at all. FFG just needs to get a Marvel/DC license already and make trillions off a rich thematic game that is about 45m too long and has about 50 too many chits. :p

I dont think neither Ascension nor Legendary are bad games. I dont like the art of Ascension but Its a good deckbuilder none the less. And Legendary is a great deckbuilder, Its just not a great super hero game (imo)
I don't get all the hate for Ascension. I think the artworks are beautiful and unique. I am glad that it is not another generic fantasy art, we already have plenty of that.

I try Sentinel at PAX and it was OK but not something we were all excited to play again. No one at my house like Legendary much either. My kids think it take too long to set up while I was neutral but grown to really like it. When my kids are in the mood for deckbuilder heroes theme they rather play the DC Comics one.

If FFG get Marvel/DC licensed we probably get another Descent clone and probably some thematic LCG (which is a good thing). I don't see WizKids give up HeroClix. I don't know who even has the right to Marvel or DC card games.


I don't get all the hate for Ascension. I think the artworks are beautiful and unique. I am glad that it is not another generic fantasy art, we already have plenty of that.


It is a very unique artstyle. The more you differ from mainstream the less will like it.
It does not appeal to me personally. I dont understand why that is considered hating?


I also bought the iOS version of Lords of Waterdeep and I am really enjoying it. I think I like it more than Stone Age since I was never a big fan of the dice in that. I would agree though that it is pretty overrated on BGG. There are also expansions for it on iOS which is the one to get and what do they add?


Personally, for me Star Realms is superior to Ascension thematically and in gameplay mechanics. I know i've beaten this horse to death, but deck builders are bad board games and much better suited for tablets. All that shuffling and housekeeping is taken care of, and there is no ... Board or anything that makes it rewarding to have it on the table instead of playing on a tablet.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Another two games I played today:

Hive & Havanna

Hive was expectedly chess like, very thematic and good.
Havanna was surprisingly good, because it seemed overly simple at first, but derives its intricacies from outwitting other player plans. Smart game, but I'd really like a smaller box for it. Would easily be able to fit in a box 1/3rd the size.


Another two games I played today:

Hive & Havanna

Hive was expectedly chess like, very thematic and good.
Havanna was surprisingly good, because it seemed overly simple at first, but derives its intricacies from outwitting other player plans. Smart game, but I'd really like a smaller box for it. Would easily be able to fit in a box 1/3rd the size.

Getting decent in Hive is still way easier than to get good at chess and the biggest plus is that it's incredibly quick to play.


I also bought the iOS version of Lords of Waterdeep and I am really enjoying it. I think I like it more than Stone Age since I was never a big fan of the dice in that. I would agree though that it is pretty overrated on BGG. There are also expansions for it on iOS which is the one to get and what do they add?

What makes the iOS version better is that the game tracks everything for you. My biggest gripes with Waterdeep are that the cards in the base game are not balanced and I generally don't care what anyone else is doing. Every turn people are just trading cubes back and forth from the bank. It isn't awful but there are so many better games out there unless you are a diehard D&D nut.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Getting decent in Hive is still way easier than to get good at chess and the biggest plus is that it's incredibly quick to play.

Yeah, its probably easier (I love chess), but it also is quicker to get into the battle side of things, like an accelerated chess with not as much of the buildup. But still, it IS chess fundamentally and has some neat tricks on its own.
Sentinels works so well because it really emulates well playing a super hero in a sense, and it's fully coop. Problems with games like Legendary and such, is that your just playing a card game that often can feel disconnected from the subject matter. You are playing numbers and combos. While each character in sentinels is a clear cut ability of your character that you can imagine doing, and the whole game is about team work by maximizing all the power usage of everyone at the table to tackle the villain/terrain theme.

Sentinels I think fits more in the mold of trying to be more RPG like in it's thematic play, instead of more gamey in nature. I always found it similar to Pathfinder card game, in which also emulates a RPG scenario using cards.


Hail to the KING baby
Anyone do Vasel auction? I really do enjoy the opportunity to blow money for charity on rare boardgaming items. Got some Ghost-Stories and Netrunner promos.


Glad to see more love for Ascension art. I've always liked it and didn't get the hate.

I don't have a set because my wife isn't crazy about the game in general :/


Sentinels is probably in the LoW category of overhyped tremendously on BGG but still decent filler imo. I own it and a couple expansions but rarely play it just because I'm rarely in the mood to set it up and it's a big light for a game night but a bit too fiddly for new players.

Lord of Waterdeep is pretty good though. It's a simple game, but if people want to play a quick and simple worker placement it's a great game. Even more with the expansion.


I got a chance to play Kanban today. Now that is one fiddly ass Euro, gave me Ameritrash vibes while playing. It was fun to play, though it did take most of the game to figure out how the many mechanics of the game meshed together.
Playing Kanban didn't drive me to go order a copy, but I believe that is because I'm more interested nowadays in elegant medium weight games that I can play with a wider audience. If you are interested in a really heavy worker placement Euro with lots of pieces and mechanics, Kanban is worth a try.


I got a chance to play Kanban today. Now that is one fiddly ass Euro, gave me Ameritrash vibes while playing. It was fun to play, though it did take most of the game to figure out how the many mechanics of the game meshed together.
Playing Kanban didn't drive me to go order a copy, but I believe that is because I'm more interested nowadays in elegant medium weight games that I can play with a wider audience. If you are interested in a really heavy worker placement Euro with lots of pieces and mechanics, Kanban is worth a try.

I felt the same way about Madeira.

With that said, though....Kanban seems neat in that they maybe finally nailed a good theme in a heavy Euro game; it just so happens to resemble time management hell


Oh god that SU&SD review of Chinatown totally sold me on the game. Sadly it's out of print here in Germany. I can't find a Z-Man copy either sadly.


I felt the same way about Madeira.

With that said, though....Kanban seems neat in that they maybe finally nailed a good theme in a heavy Euro game; it just so happens to resemble time management hell

I have Madeira too and like it but I feel that it is just a bit of a mess. I know it can be heavy but it just feels too fiddly. I have only played it twice though and would like to give it another shot.

I have Kanban on my wishlist for Christmas but haven't tried it. I was hoping good things, Musan. It's a shame that you found it fiddly.

I know it's lighter than those two, but I haven't even had a chance to play Panamax yet.. hope to get a play of it this week though.


Legendary is pretty good. I just wish they had different art for the characters. Very lazy.

They do in all the expansions (well heroes anyway), just not the base-set. My girlfriend actually finds it annoying as it means taking longer to sort the cards. Go figure.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
My new board games literally blasted my cupboard wide open... because it fell apart when I was about to put them in.

Oh well.
They do in all the expansions (well heroes anyway), just not the base-set. My girlfriend actually finds it annoying as it means taking longer to sort the cards. Go figure.

She's probably got a point, but playing the game, with the different card abilities, I would prefer different art. Good to see they fixed it with the expansions but now that mucks with my OCD, having all the cards half different.


Personally, for me Star Realms is superior to Ascension thematically and in gameplay mechanics. I know i've beaten this horse to death, but deck builders are bad board games and much better suited for tablets. All that shuffling and housekeeping is taken care of, and there is no ... Board or anything that makes it rewarding to have it on the table instead of playing on a tablet.
I've played so many hours of Star Realms on my phone while on vacation it isn't funny. At least 50 hours I'd say.


Any tips for Descent 1E first plays?
I am not 100% sure he is down for it but a coworker might agree to playing it tomorrow night. I got it in on Thursday and spent all day reading the manual and quest guide today. I imagine I will be overlord since I already read through the missions (I am envious of him going into them fresh because some of those are awesome-sounding). I've read before that some people do not try to win that hard as overlord because while they do see the overlord as something for the heroes to overcome but they think it is more important that the heroes win and continue on with the story. Not sure how tough I need to be on this guy.
I was worried that the game would be really complex but the rule book actually makes it seem pretty simple. I felt like I could have started a game after only one read-through.
Anyway, I am super-hyped to play it. It looks like it does so much more than the D&D Adventure games...
I'll welcome any tips though. If we play we will be just doing the first quest. Although we need to play some MtG tomorrow night, as well as the newly-arrived copy of BattleCON War. Hope he doesn't want tomorrow to be a short night.ll
Any tips for Descent 1E first plays?
I am not 100% sure he is down for it but a coworker might agree to playing it tomorrow night. I got it in on Thursday and spent all day reading the manual and quest guide today. I imagine I will be overlord since I already read through the missions (I am envious of him going into them fresh because some of those are awesome-sounding). I've read before that some people do not try to win that hard as overlord because while they do see the overlord as something for the heroes to overcome but they think it is more important that the heroes win and continue on with the story. Not sure how tough I need to be on this guy.
I was worried that the game would be really complex but the rule book actually makes it seem pretty simple. I felt like I could have started a game after only one read-through.
Anyway, I am super-hyped to play it. It looks like it does so much more than the D&D Adventure games...
I'll welcome any tips though. If we play we will be just doing the first quest. Although we need to play some MtG tomorrow night, as well as the newly-arrived copy of BattleCON War. Hope he doesn't want tomorrow to be a short night.ll

As the Overlord, you have to be relentless. The heroes are going to walk all over you anyway for the most part anyway, so go down swinging. The worst thing you can do is "go easy on them". The game is designed for the Overlord to try and win and that plays into the difficulty of each adventure. If you go easy, the game will be too easy and not nearly as much fun for everyone involved.

Good luck! It's a great game!
It really depends what you are using or scenarios. Base game was more skewed to the players. But the first two expansions made the game a ton harder on the players to the point of it being unfair at times feeling. Later expansions tried to balance this out with new options for heroes to use. Should you go easy? Depends if your doing a campaign and how it plays out.

If your gonna campaign, try to use the official campaign expansion rules, as its real good and its OK for the overlord to win, players don't get instantly eliminated and can keep playing .
I've played so many hours of Star Realms on my phone while on vacation it isn't funny. At least 50 hours I'd say.
I played it constantly also on my phone but have been cutting down a bit this week. Star Realms has a lot of housekeeping and the combo tracking can be quite cumbersome on the tabletop. That said I like the card shuffling and laying out the buy cards. And I don't trust shat Ai shuffling and drawing cards.


As the Overlord, you have to be relentless. The heroes are going to walk all over you anyway for the most part anyway, so go down swinging. The worst thing you can do is "go easy on them". The game is designed for the Overlord to try and win and that plays into the difficulty of each adventure. If you go easy, the game will be too easy and not nearly as much fun for everyone involved.

Good luck! It's a great game!
Good to know. Maybe the heroes are at a disadvantage right off-the-bat in Second Edition and that is where I saw people saying they felt compelled to lose and just be a speed bump in the quest to give them the story?
It really depends what you are using or scenarios. Base game was more skewed to the players. But the first two expansions made the game a ton harder on the players to the point of it being unfair at times feeling. Later expansions tried to balance this out with new options for heroes to use. Should you go easy? Depends if your doing a campaign and how it plays out.

If your gonna campaign, try to use the official campaign expansion rules, as its real good and its OK for the overlord to win, players don't get instantly eliminated and can keep playing .
It will just be the base game and the 9 quests from the base scenario guide. I planned on starting at mission 1 and hopefully he will like it enough to continue once a week until he beats Glim. Some of those 1E expansions are pretty pricey so I don't know when I will get to getting them, especially Road to Legend, but I am thinking I'll grab the Quest Compendium soon. I also have Sea of Blood and the mounted map board that I scored for a decent price (Sea of Blood has gone as low as $9.99 on clearance I think, but that mounted map board is supposed to be a lot rarer than the $30 I paid total for both). The guy on BGG that I bought Sea of Blood from didn't want to ship to an APO though so I have to bring those back up here with me in January when I come back from vacation.
I know Sea of Blood is supposed to be broken as hell but that expansion is why I even bothered tracking down 1E Descent. I had just bought 2E plus an expansion recently but now I have a lot more options for eventual quest-building with 1E I guess.
I guess we'll just see how tomorrow goes and I can base the other missions on whether it was too easy or hard for him. For all I know I could wind up being a terrible overlord.
I'll try to find the official campaign expansion rules online at work tomorrow though. I plan on letting my coworker take the rules with him in the morning when he goes back to the dorms so hopefully he can flip through them a bit before tomorrow night.

Glad to see that Mars Attacks: The Dice Game comes out in a couple days. I haven't played any of the SJG dice games (I'll pick up Zombie Dice eventually), but I love that classic Mars Attacks artwork. Gonna need to get that one.

Also, I could use a bit more assistance. I was wondering if anyone could weigh in on what I should get for my BBG Secret Santa recipient. Apparently he likes sleeving cards and bagging bits. He enjoys wooden action/dexterity games. And his favorite things to play are Cosmic Encounter, Wiz-War, Glory to Rome, Spartacus, and most of all Descent 2E. I haven't played a single one of those yet, so I don't have too much to go off when it comes to what might be similar (BGG recommendations for Cosmic Encounter and Wiz-War list each other...). His wishlist has a couple of the recent Descent 2E expansions, lieutenant packs, and Hero/Monster Collections marked as "(1) Must Have." He also has Helvetia and Duel of Ages II Master Set marked as a 1 (both of which are pricey enough where I wouldn't be able to get much else with them). Caverns is on there too as a 2, which seems like it would sate his hunger for bagging wooden bits. If he loves Descent and wants a bunch of Descent stuff, I planned on getting him one or both of the expansions on the list and some LT packs or a H&M Collection, but I felt like I should also get something "not Descent." He has Tragedy Looper on his wishlist, albeit in the middle of the list. Quarriors: Light and Dark is on there too but marked really high. I can probably go with what I have already stated, the Descent stuff and something else, but for the something else, I didn't know if there was a specific game out there that is similar to all five of those that he loves and would be the perfect choice.
Had a good game day today. Played some Mascarade, Castles of Burgundy and Betrayal at House on the Hill, and it was my first time playing the latter two.

Really enjoyed Castles of Burgundy. Had a lot of elements from Puerto Rico that I like, but felt entirely different. Anyway, I went to check Amazon to see how much it is, and it is randomly on sale for $20. If anybody's interested, the sale ends in 4 hours: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UWYK22/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Betrayal was also great. My buddy had the first edition, and we ended up with Cat haunt. It wasn't all that interesting, but we managed to still have fun.


Had a good game day today. Played some Mascarade, Castles of Burgundy and Betrayal at House on the Hill, and it was my first time playing the latter two.

Really enjoyed Castles of Burgundy. Had a lot of elements from Puerto Rico that I like, but felt entirely different. Anyway, I went to check Amazon to see how much it is, and it is randomly on sale for $20. If anybody's interested, the sale ends in 4 hours: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UWYK22/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Betrayal was also great. My buddy had the first edition, and we ended up with Cat haunt. It wasn't all that interesting, but we managed to still have fun.

Played the expansion of Mascarade? Ordered it and from what I got from the videos the new cards are pretty good. Allow some people to be moved around the table too, which I like.


Wasn't there someone in this thread who regularly comes over to Europe for Christmas? I'd appreciate it if he/she could bring Chinatown over for me. Shipping from like CSI to Europe is ridiculous. They want like 60 bucks.


Wasn't there someone in this thread who regularly comes over to Europe for Christmas? I'd appreciate it if he/she could bring Chinatown over for me. Shipping from like CSI to Europe is ridiculous. They want like 60 bucks.

They seem to have copies at Gameslore.com, shipping to Germany is about £12.


So what do you all do with games that you no longer want? I've got six or seven that, if I had a garage sale, I'd get rid of.

That, and, well, I keep adding games to my collection...even though the shelf is already full. Just got Escape! with the expansions, and it's light, but it's a blast.


So what do you all do with games that you no longer want? I've got six or seven that, if I had a garage sale, I'd get rid of.

That, and, well, I keep adding games to my collection...even though the shelf is already full. Just got Escape! with the expansions, and it's light, but it's a blast.

Ebay works for me.

Edit: Oh awesome, the shop I usually order from has the Z-Man Games version of Chinatown now. Gonna order that now.


Had a few games of Sun Tzu yesterday. Man what a great game.
Its fast, easy to set up and still packs quiet alot of strategy.
Its an area control game where you play cards to influence the amount of troops you have in the different areas, and try to keep control over the different regions.

Brilliant little game. Highly recommend it.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ebay works for me.

Edit: Oh awesome, the shop I usually order from has the Z-Man Games version of Chinatown now. Gonna order that now.

Which shop? Considering I am German at all too, that would be handy to know :p


Which shop? Considering I am German at all too, that would be handy to know :p


Right now sold out, but will be back in stock within the month. If I don't use Amazon usually order from them.

I love negotiation in games so I am really glad I can get it now for not that much money. I got Cosmic Encounter as my negotiation game but that is still too mechanic in the way that it doesn't seem to work the way this game does since basically anything goes here. Also my group is into economic stuff so it seems to be a better fit in that way as well.
Prices of Tokaido sure skyrocketed on Amazon. Is it the effect if Tabletop show? I remember seeing it for $35 just few days ago.

I am thinking about getting it for my daughter she probably will appreciate the artworks and it will be our first worker placement game.
Played the expansion of Mascarade? Ordered it and from what I got from the videos the new cards are pretty good. Allow some people to be moved around the table too, which I like.

I haven't played the expansion yet, but I plan on getting it at some point. Having players move around the table will make the game even more chaotic.
Prices of Tokio sure skyrocketed on Amazon. Is it the effect if Tabletop show? I remember seeing it for $35 just few days ago.

I am thinking about getting it for my daughter she probably will appreciate the artworks and it will be our first worker placement game.
It's the Wil Wheaton effect. Any game that gets featured in an episode of put Table Top immediately goes for crazy money. This even happens with games that were relatively ignored a few weeks prior.


It's the Wil Wheaton effect. Any game that gets featured in an episode of put Table Top immediately goes for crazy money. This even happens with games that were relatively ignored a few weeks prior.

So Tokaido will be the new hotness now?

I just saw the video of that. Actually looks like a fun game.
It's the Wil Wheaton effect. Any game that gets featured in an episode of put Table Top immediately goes for crazy money. This even happens with games that were relatively ignored a few weeks prior.

I remembered seeing that video here and went to watch it, then I checked Amazon for price and put it in the cart for later and now the games are listing for $80-$100...

I didn't realize my phone butcher the name with spell checker. Yes, I meant Tokaido.


It's the Wil Wheaton effect. Any game that gets featured in an episode of put Table Top immediately goes for crazy money. This even happens with games that were relatively ignored a few weeks prior.

I wonder if someone could make some money just by picking up some speculative copies of the rest of the games on the Season 3 list. Or at least go and find the ones that are already in somewhat short supply.


Random observation. Lately it seems like more and more prominent reviewers are hating on Euros. Luckily I don't see that reflected in BGG rankings with incredibly well designed Euros still doing well there.
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