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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


The only thing that really grabbed me about Dead of Winter are the crossroad cards. I still need to get a few more plays under my belt. It might just be my ever growing discontent with coop and semi coop games.


Legendary Encounters is great, but you need to count your cards and make sure no mistakes. I will say best deckbuilder because of all of the narrative you get. Plays great solo, setup is easy if you sort the cards well.

Dead of Winter I want, it has a solo game, but seems like it takes up some real estate I just don't have at my gaming table. I could be wrong about that though.

I would prolly do Dead of Winter just to avoid the card count. Just me though.

Hm. Very tempting. Legendary is a bit cheaper at the moment than Dead of Winter (which I will have to import through Amazon.co.uk).

At the same time Dead of Winter sounds very intriguing.

Gonna have to consider the options a bit more. Maybe go for Legendary now and Dead of Winter later since it seems pretty sure that Plaid Hat Games keeps themselves well stocked on their games.


Any opinions on Legendary Encounters? I've read about it here and there, thought it sounded fun and the cheapest available option here has one copy of it left. Would like to know if its worth it.

On the other hand I am considering getting a copy of Dead of Winter, maybe that would be the better option?

A good co-op game is what I am after. Have too many competitive ones and would like to round it out (together with Space Alert) with more cooperative ones.

for co op games I have had good luck with
sentinals of the multiverse
forbidden desert
I bought Imperial Assault not sure why since I don't really have anyone to play with unless my in law come to visit. But with it being $62 on Amazon and have a $30 gift card from Christmas. Here hoping it's worth playing using solo rules from BBG, the Descent one work well enough.

Also got Eldritch Horror so those that play it should I pick up the expansion? I am going to do foamcore and curious if I should leave room.


Any opinions on Legendary Encounters? I've read about it here and there, thought it sounded fun and the cheapest available option here has one copy of it left. Would like to know if its worth it.

On the other hand I am considering getting a copy of Dead of Winter, maybe that would be the better option?

A good co-op game is what I am after. Have too many competitive ones and would like to round it out (together with Space Alert) with more cooperative ones.

I like the Alien encounters game a lot. It works best with 3 or 4 people, but can play 2-5 reasonably well. There are some rules included for making it less co-op, i.e. dead players become enemies, or hidden roles, but we haven't even touched that stuff yet. Everyone I've played it with loves it and think it's the best of all the Legendary games so far.

I've also played Dead of Winter a lot and that is BARELY cooperative. there's always a chance someone is a traitor who is actively opposed to your win conditions, and even the non-traitors have win conditions that might require sabotaging other players to some degree. I love it, but it is not a game to get if you want peaceful co-op.


for co op games I have had good luck with
sentinals of the multiverse
forbidden desert
Legendary Encounters is becoming a sure bet now. Pandemic I know I have on my list to get some day. Sentinels I know from of but feel a little so-so to. Forbidden Desert and Hanabi I've heard about and gonna take a look at, thank you.

I like the Alien encounters game a lot. It works best with 3 or 4 people, but can play 2-5 reasonably well. There are some rules included for making it less co-op, i.e. dead players become enemies, or hidden roles, but we haven't even touched that stuff yet. Everyone I've played it with loves it and think it's the best of all the Legendary games so far.

I've also played Dead of Winter a lot and that is BARELY cooperative. there's always a chance someone is a traitor who is actively opposed to your win conditions, and even the non-traitors have win conditions that might require sabotaging other players to some degree. I love it, but it is not a game to get if you want peaceful co-op.

I know! It reminds me of Battlestar Galactica which I enjoyed a lot. It's co-op with traitors, the possible intrigues are so seductive. :p


On today's episode of Gaming Kickstarter Shenanigans...

"Ever" apparently does not actually mean "ever"


Robert Burke Games held a Kickstarter for Battle for Souls, a card game.
Since the game features artwork of people, one of the top KS pledge levels featured having a special set of cards with an image of a person of the backer's choice. So, put yourself in the game, or in this case, the backer chose to put his wife in the game.

The wording of the pledge being: "Epic Soul: You get five copies of Battle For Souls, five copies each of both promo cards, 5 names featured in the rulebook, 5 personalized soul cards, PLUS and an epic soul card featuring your name and image will be included in every copy of Battle For Souls ever made. Please note that we have the final say on what images are acceptable and will work closely with you to ensure quality."

Now Robert Burke is coming out with a second printing of the game, and wants to backpedal on the pledge promise of "every copy ever made". According to Robert Burke, "ever" has already been a fulfilled part of the deal because every current copy of the first printing has the cards, and he's "not obligated to print more copies of the game" (but he wants to).

He has apparently tried coercing one of the backers by saying this:

Robert Burke Games said:
"I will ask you one more time for permission to print a second edition without your card in it.

If you refuse, I will include your wife's photo on a soul card as agreed, but I can guarantee you this: You won't like what I do with it. I will fulfill the contract you are so unmovable on, but you'll regret it."

Man, I have only ever Kickstarted small games, and there is already enough drama with those.


Oh man, I hope he doesn't mean what I think he means by that comment. "You'll regret it?" What the fuck? Threatening one of your top backers from a previous campaign isn't a good way to gain fans.


Oh man, I hope he doesn't mean what I think he means by that comment. "You'll regret it?" What the fuck? Threatening one of your top backers from a previous campaign isn't a good way to gain fans.

That has some pretty awful implications. I couldn't agree more. What a horrible way to treat a backer... and their wife.


On today's episode of Gaming Kickstarter Shenanigans...

"Ever" apparently does not actually mean "ever"


Robert Burke Games held a Kickstarter for Battle for Souls, a card game.
Since the game features artwork of people, one of the top KS pledge levels featured having a special set of cards with an image of a person of the backer's choice. So, put yourself in the game, or in this case, the backer chose to put his wife in the game.

The wording of the pledge being: "Epic Soul: You get five copies of Battle For Souls, five copies each of both promo cards, 5 names featured in the rulebook, 5 personalized soul cards, PLUS and an epic soul card featuring your name and image will be included in every copy of Battle For Souls ever made. Please note that we have the final say on what images are acceptable and will work closely with you to ensure quality."

Now Robert Burke is coming out with a second printing of the game, and wants to backpedal on the pledge promise of "every copy ever made". According to Robert Burke, "ever" has already been a fulfilled part of the deal because every current copy of the first printing has the cards, and he's "not obligated to print more copies of the game" (but he wants to).

He has apparently tried coercing one of the backers by saying this:

Man, I have only ever Kickstarted small games, and there is already enough drama with those.

If you read further in that linked thread, it seems to get resolved amicably by the end. His choice of phrasing was poor, and I think everyone, myself included, read more malice in it than was intended.


"amicably" is a bit strong. The backer decided to back down because his wife didn't want to pursue it any more. The designer/publisher showed little remorse, at least when I read the thread a couple of hours ago.


If you read further in that linked thread, it seems to get resolved amicably by the end. His choice of phrasing was poor, and I think everyone, myself included, read more malice in it than was intended.

Yeah, the guy conceded that he doesn't want the wife in the game anymore - and then others offered to fix the card art (by making it look more painterly), and Robert Burke offered $50 a pop for whoever fixed it (the guy then said this would be a very good thing).

I'm glad that it's maybe going to get resolved with everyone happy, but it ultimately seems like Burke took it out on his backers for a failure on his part to get the Kickstarter backer art up to par with the rest of the game. I mean, even in the nicest context, that threat about his wife was really petty, and the reasoning of what "ever" means is like, little kid levels of selfish reasoning.


"amicably" is a bit strong. The backer decided to back down because his wife didn't want to pursue it any more. The designer/publisher showed little remorse, at least when I read the thread a couple of hours ago.

Yeah, the guy conceded that he doesn't want the wife in the game anymore - and then others offered to fix the card art (by making it look more painterly), and Robert Burke offered $50 a pop for whoever fixed it (the guy then said this would be a very good thing).

I'm glad that it's maybe going to get resolved with everyone happy, but it ultimately seems like Burke took it out on his backers for a failure on his part to get the Kickstarter backer art up to par with the rest of the game. I mean, even in the nicest context, that threat about his wife was really petty, and the reasoning of what "ever" means is like, little kid levels of selfish reasoning.

Fair enough. I kinda skipped a bit of it and only saw the latest page. Burke was still kind of a dick overall.
So after all the talk about Spartacus last page did you guys realize that there is a joint Wizkids/GaleForce9 X-Men re-theming of the game coming out in March featuring heroclix-esque bidding dials?



Legendary Encounters is becoming a sure bet now. Pandemic I know I have on my list to get some day. Sentinels I know from of but feel a little so-so to. Forbidden Desert and Hanabi I've heard about and gonna take a look at, thank you.

to be fair I haven't played encounters just the marvel ones but they use the same system so it should still be loads of fun.

Pandemic comes in two flavors now, the traditional version which is you moving around the board taking care of diseases, or pandemic the cure which is actually a dice rolling game and does a great job of feeling like it's a pandemic game while not feeling like pandemic at all.

with sentinels if you have an android or ios device there is an App for the game that will let you play the base game. I think it was like $10, but it's very well done.
Forbidden Desert is from the makers of forbidden island which used to be on my list (it's a great intro to pandemic) but desert changes enough things to make it feel more unique and thought out and overall just a better game than desert, and different enough from pandemic to justify owning both.
Hanabi is just great though, very very simple to teach (you have multiple sets of colors made up of the numbers 1-5. there are 3 of each 1, 2 of each 2-4 and 1 of each 5 in each color. Just count from 1-5 in each color) but the hard part comes in with the last of the rules (oh yeah, btw you can't look at your own cards. You have to have someone else use hints (which are limited) to tell you what you have by either pointing out every single card in your hand that is a certain number or a certain color) thus a game that is simple to teach requires a lot of thought and I have yet to find any one that had trouble learning the game, or who felt that it was dumb (I have had people who didn't want to play again because it requires to much thinking though :p)


Played XCOM tonight and I think I've just come to the realization that real-time games aren't for me. I'd rather play a video game instead.

XCOM is wacky chaos trying too hard. I realize unpredictable setbacks are tied close to its theme, but coupled with the unpredictability of a TON of dice rolling, it feels more like I'm along for the ride rather than actively having hands on.

I think a really solid game could be made with the XCOM theme, something more in line with its video game counterpart, and it would have been a superior product.

Thumbs down for me.


Played XCOM tonight and I think I've just come to the realization that real-time games aren't for me. I'd rather play a video game instead.

XCOM is wacky chaos trying too hard. I realize unpredictable setbacks are tied close to its theme, but coupled with the unpredictability of a TON of dice rolling, it feels more like I'm along for the ride rather than actively having hands on.

I think a really solid game could be made with the XCOM theme, something more in line with its video game counterpart, and it would have been a superior product.

Thumbs down for me.

Try galaxy defenders felt spot on with the tactical combat of the game, it is straight up combat oriented though but full coop and campaign capabilities.

Also got Eldritch Horror so those that play it should I pick up the expansion? I am going to do foamcore and curious if I should leave room.
I own and love eldritch horror, but the main complaint is the lack of variety with the mysteries for the ancient ones and some of the encounter cards. You play with 3 mysteries per ancient one, and I think the base game comes with 4. So I would definitely recommend if not right away shortly getting the forsaken lore expansion. It just adds a ton of new cards for everyone and a new ancient one. Wait on mountains of madness. I love it and the new side board, and the focus ability is a great addition (but can be house ruled into the base game) wait until you get some playthroughs of the base game.

QUick note on the forsaken lore expansion would be to play a few games with just vanilla, and even if you add it, maybe hold off on adding the mythos cards from it into your games until you are comfortable with a little more challenge. Also for solo play 2 investigators.
So after all the talk about Spartacus last page did you guys realize that there is a joint Wizkids/GaleForce9 X-Men re-theming of the game coming out in March featuring heroclix-esque bidding dials?

Wizkids, stahp. The mechanics don't even make sense with an Xmen theme.
Played XCOM tonight and I think I've just come to the realization that real-time games aren't for me. I'd rather play a video game instead.

XCOM is wacky chaos trying too hard. I realize unpredictable setbacks are tied close to its theme, but coupled with the unpredictability of a TON of dice rolling, it feels more like I'm along for the ride rather than actively having hands on.

I think a really solid game could be made with the XCOM theme, something more in line with its video game counterpart, and it would have been a superior product.

Thumbs down for me.
If it's going in your trade pile, I would be interested.


Me and my wife finally met another couple that are into board games. Celebrated it by buying Dead of Winter. Cant wait!


The only thing that really grabbed me about Dead of Winter are the crossroad cards. I still need to get a few more plays under my belt. It might just be my ever growing discontent with coop and semi coop games.

Well for coop to work for me it needs to create tension and not simply be a puzzle. Hence why Pandemic doesnt really hit the table at my house anymore. I love Robinson Crusoe however, and the traitor aspect of Dead of Winter really draws me in. I hope it doesnt dissapoint me.


Wizkids, stahp. The mechanics don't even make sense with an Xmen theme.
If it's going in your trade pile, I would be interested.

Well the fighting can happen int he Danger Room, but I have no idea how the betting and backstabbing stuff would make sense. Also wasn't the Spartacus games just not very good anyway?
I play Jupiters cock on Cyclops!

The concept of the game is that each mutant is running their own school and competing out bidding for new mutants that are popping up around the world. The combat could either be danger room but the write up mentions going on missions so it might be objective based which would be cool.

Spartacus is in my top 3 and wk board games tend to be well produced so it's on my radar.
I just remember the combat looking super bad and no one I trust liking it.
Much like in the show the combat isn't the most important part; it's a diversion. The game mostly revolves around card play, deception, and back stabbing, and money can exchange hands at any time for any reason. I once paid the poorest player to dance for my amusement at the table. The bad impressions of this game came from people who expected a miniatures combat game. That aspect of the game is a mini-game which mostly adds flavor to an excellent negotiation game.
I got to play five or six games that are currently unpublished, liked them all. Four or five of them, I'd buy once they're done, but I definitely enjoyed the other two. Since it's crazy late and I'm thinking of going back tomorrow, I'll post full write ups with pics sometime later.

Mista Koo

Received Concept, Space Cadets: Dice Duel and Castles of Mad King Ludwig Thursday. Got to play the first two on Friday, probably the fastest I was able to get games on to the table.
I've received Fiasco just before heading out to the game night, hopefully will play it next week.

Concept was a fun collaborative big group game. Especially since the only other game we have that plays this big a group is based on deception (Resistance/Avalon).
The first group went for the most difficult category and it took ages and four guys and I still don't think we got it. After going for the easier categories it was smooth sailing.

Dice Duel was fun and hectic as always, this time we had 4 vs 4 and I was the captain and had no idea what to do and we lost, also didn't help that one of my teammates didn't grasp some of the rules due to late arrival.

We couldn't play Castles because everyone wanted to play it but it only plays 4. Also I was the only one who knew the rules.

Edit: Just received Coloretto 10th Anniversary Edition and Kakerlaken Poker Royal. Both gorgeous games in both the cards art and the packaging <3 (exactly the size of the components, I was expecting something double the size). Unfortunately both have extra rules than the original releases that I plan to ignore :p
So I went to an open boardgame afternoon session that I found on meetup. It was my first time playing with enthusiasts, really, and my first time playing a board game at all in a long time very few of my friends and family play them). I got to play Lord's of Xidit and Dixit (heh at the names).

Lord's of Xidit was the first time I ever got to play something with preplanned/"programmable" actions. In this game, each round consists of 6 turns, but you decide what all of your turns will consist of before the round and then they all play out. As a result, part of the strategy is to predict what your opponent is going to do so you can not get screwed over by them, and possibly screw them over yourself. You have to move around on the gameboard, recruit fighters from towns, and then sacrifice those fighters to kill monsters which earns you the units used to score.

The scoring is interesting because it uses elimination to decide who wins. There's 3 scoring types (castles, gold, and lyres) and the elimination tiers are randomly decided before the game starts. So in our game, the ranks went lyres first, then castles, then gold. The two players with the worst lyre scores get eliminated, and then the remaining players tally their castle scores and the worst get eliminated. Then the final two players tally their gold score, and the winner of that gets the win. Also interesting was how the 3 score types functioned a little differently. Gold just accumulated in your bank, but lyres get placed on spaces adjacent to towns, and the lyre points in each space goes to the two teams with the most on that space. And Castles also have special spaces, but once you build a castle on a castle space, no other player can add to it but you.

I had a lot of fun with it, and I could see myself doing better in subsequent playthroughs. This time around, only one player had played before hand, and another player got someone to replace them halfway through, so between that and others wanting to hurry up so we could try another game, it got a little confusing keeping up with the turns and properly strategizing.

As for Dixit, it was a much simpler game, that kind of reminded me of Apples to Apples, but it allowed for more imagination. The adjectives are provided by the player instead of a card, and the adjective giver also gets to input a card, and is trying to get only a few other players to guess it right, as if everyone guesses it, then they get no points, and if no one guesses then they also get no points. I liked how with pictures and the player giving words, a lot of cards become able to be used for all sorts of terms. It seems like a great game to play with friends in the way A-to-A is because the rules are pretty simple, and it has that element of it being more interesting to play if you know how your fellow players think in real life.

Overall it was a fun meeting. I'll definitely be sure to hang out with Meetup group and try more games again in the future.
I own and love eldritch horror, but the main complaint is the lack of variety with the mysteries for the ancient ones and some of the encounter cards. You play with 3 mysteries per ancient one, and I think the base game comes with 4. So I would definitely recommend if not right away shortly getting the forsaken lore expansion. It just adds a ton of new cards for everyone and a new ancient one. Wait on mountains of madness. I love it and the new side board, and the focus ability is a great addition (but can be house ruled into the base game) wait until you get some playthroughs of the base game.

QUick note on the forsaken lore expansion would be to play a few games with just vanilla, and even if you add it, maybe hold off on adding the mythos cards from it into your games until you are comfortable with a little more challenge. Also for solo play 2 investigators.
I got it to play solo mostly but my in law came for a visit so I got him to play 2 players (4 Iinvestigators) and while we lost we had a blast and we set up for next game all the kids want to join in. So far we love it and I can see that thing could get repetitive after several games with the limited Mystery cards. I will hold off on Mountain of Madness as the game already run quite long but Forsaken Lore is going to be nice addition.

We really enjoy the game and the game is very thematic which is enjoyable as lately sometime when we play board game it just seem we are just moving tokens and bits. Thanks you for the input and suggestions.


The cards and tokens in Mage Knight feel like they're made out of recycled kindling.
Don't forget the quality of the dice in Quarriors (especially the tin-boxed version). At least the Dice Masters dice are all properly shaped and painted, the manufacturer they are working with now (if they switched) is an improvement.
Don't forget the quality of the dice in Quarriors (especially the tin-boxed version). At least the Dice Masters dice are all properly shaped and painted, the manufacturer they are working with now (if they switched) is an improvement.

I have alot of dice masters dice where the paint is missing in many spots.


As for Dixit, it was a much simpler game, that kind of reminded me of Apples to Apples, but it allowed for more imagination. The adjectives are provided by the player instead of a card, and the adjective giver also gets to input a card, and is trying to get only a few other players to guess it right, as if everyone guesses it, then they get no points, and if no one guesses then they also get no points. I liked how with pictures and the player giving words, a lot of cards become able to be used for all sorts of terms. It seems like a great game to play with friends in the way A-to-A is because the rules are pretty simple, and it has that element of it being more interesting to play if you know how your fellow players think in real life.

Overall it was a fun meeting. I'll definitely be sure to hang out with Meetup group and try more games again in the future.

Dixit is pretty much my go-to game for non-gamers. That said, I was on the West Coast with the in-laws on Superbowl Sunday and the extended family (ages 17-34) had a blast with One Night Ultimate Werewolf whereas Dixit (and Sushi Go!) only had meh-ish reactions. I'd tried The Resistance with them before, but they actively disliked that game.


Well the fighting can happen int he Danger Room, but I have no idea how the betting and backstabbing stuff would make sense. Also wasn't the Spartacus games just not very good anyway?

No way man, Spartacus is great stuff. It plays pretty simple and the bidding and negotiation is top notch. I'm not sure I care about a retheme, but the base game is great.

Those guys are great at making licensed games way better than they should be, they also made the Sons of Anarchy game with is a lot of fun.


Any of you folks have hands on with the Terra Mystica expansion?

Another one I'm having a hard time pulling the trigger on -- I've seen a ton of threads bitching about the balance of a few of the new factions.



First tragedy, then farce.
Had a Super productive UnPub.

I only played I think 5 games?

Don't want to share anything publicly since these are all WIPs, but there are two games that I'm going to attempt to pick up off the show and a third I'm going to keep an eye on.


Neo Member
As a heads up for those interested, CoolstuffInc (and I'm guessing other distributors too) got all their Czech Games Edition games back in stock. So that means my preorder with Tash Kalar and the expansion will finally ship.

It also, though, means that you can get Alchemists, Dungeon Lords Anniversary, and Dungeon Petz again. Of those, I've only played Dungeon Petz, and I highly recommend it.

Mista Koo

Forgot to mention played 7 Wonders for the first time in ages. We used to play it more or less every week a year ago.
I still love the design of the game way more than I like playing it. It's a very beautifully designed game.


Had a Super productive UnPub.

I only played I think 5 games?

Don't want to share anything publicly since these are all WIPs, but there are two games that I'm going to attempt to pick up off the show and a third I'm going to keep an eye on.

Is this like a board game publisher's version of shark tank?
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