They should make an entire movie about Tienshinhan, the real hero of DB/DBZ.
Agreed. Tenshinhan is by far my favorite Dragon Ball character. His scenes in all the sagas are legendary. I hope they won't give him the shaft like they did in the 2008 special.
Agreed. Tenshinhan is by far my favorite Dragon Ball character. His scenes in all the sagas are legendary. I hope they won't give him the shaft like they did in the 2008 special.
Toriyama probably doesn't know who this is.
Im in!
But i cant believe people actually want shit tier characters like Tien and Krillin to get some attention. Theyre spectator as they should be because they suck.
Even Yamcha got more screen time than him in DBZ.
Agreed. Tenshinhan is by far my favorite Dragon Ball character. His scenes in all the sagas are legendary. I hope they won't give him the shaft like they did in the 2008 special.
dontgiveafuckssj2gohanswaginyourfacelikeowoahGohan is a terrible character. Toriyama's editors made the right decision. I'd rather have the Goku clone.
Gohan is a terrible character. Toriyama's editors made the right decision. I'd rather have the Goku clone.
I'd like to see exactly how the hell Vegeta and Bulma got into a relationship with each other.
The only thing from GT that was good, was SSJ4 > SSJ3. The way I would have had it was SSJ4 was what happened when you fully mastered your powers in your monkey form.
Also, Super 17 was pretty cool.
I'd like to see exactly how the hell Vegeta and Bulma got into a relationship with each other.
I'd like to see exactly how the hell Vegeta and Bulma got into a relationship with each other.
I just want a sequel to Dragonball Evolution, and for it to be just as bad.
I seriously laughed my ass off the entire time with my roommate, good times.
I think a lot of the power level disparity comes from the fact that Vegeta was originally intended to be the last villain. (DBZ was originally only supposed to be one arc) But because the series continued on, characters had to keep rising exponentially in power to raise the stakes. Personally, I just want to see the secondary characters contribute in a meaningful fashion. I wouldn't mind if Goku didn't appear at all.
One of the first memories of me using the internet was as a 10/11 year old, reading the Planet Namek forum discussions on power levels, and being completely riveted.
That was about 13 years ago.
Good times.
Did not know about that Vegeta fact!
Lol now you can be safely ignored in any DB related discussion.
You have a Pokemon avatar, couldn't take you seriously anyways.
That's because it isn't true...there's no indications at all about the "Saiyin saga" being the finale. Some guy already went over the entire series with a fine toothed comb and determined that all the so-called intended endings have no evidence. It also makes no thematic sense for Vegeta to be the final villain since they just killed off the entire cast and there's no way light-hearted Toriyama would end things like that.
Freeza being the finale is believable. Maaaaaaaaaaaybe Cell. But those are pretty much it.
Source? I'm digging up mine, but Vegeta as a final stopping point is way more plausible then Freeza.
Source? I'm digging up mine, but Vegeta as a final stopping point is way more plausible then Freeza.
How is Kai? I'm currently rewatching through DBZ.
Does it have the English dub cast and Bruce Falconer music?
Not having a Buu saga is an improvement in my book. Although, I don't like Gohan's voice in Kai, or the music selection.
I still kind of want to watch GT, but everyone tells me not to.
I'd rather have Bruce Faulconer.I like the Yamamoto plagiarism score. The Kikuchi placement is pretty poor from what I've seen.
I still kind of want to watch GT, but everyone tells me not to.
For the most part, I agree with where you're coming from. I don't think the fight with Nappa would have been so brutal if Toriyama didn't plan for the story to continue in some capacity. I see the "Vegeta was the last boss" as more of a theory of why the power levels started getting as crazy as they did.You're probably reading the same source I am, this guy here:
edit--Ok, so everyone is using the same source, ha.
Now that I read it again, though, I can see your point of view and it does make an interesting case for the Saiyin Saga ending it all.
However, it still ignores the point that Toriyama simply is not the type of author who would leave everyone dead. He just isn't, he has ALWAYS bent plausibility and narrative consistency backwards to give happy endings to as many as possible in everything he writes.
There's no way he'd leave the entire Z crew dead from Vegeta's hands, and after Piccolo died, this means no more Dragon Balls. No way he'd end the Dragon Ball series on such a sad note.
It'd be completely contrary to everything he's ever written before or after that.
No. That's simply not believable.
So while that article makes good points in general, I don't support the theory that Vegeta was the ending. Or, rather, the Vegeta story we GOT was the ending. If he changed his mind partway through the Saiyin fight to include Freeza, that I could believe, which is why he was ok with gratuitously killing off everyone.
I'm sure you could easily convince someone to come to your house and mash their hands on a synth while you watch. Would sound the same.I'd rather have Bruce Faulconer.
I'm sure you could easily convince someone to come to your house and mash their hands on a synth while you watch. Would sound the same.