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New drunk. Thread. Hahahah fuuuuuuu.


i hope to god no one ever finds all my old zelda fan art from the 80s or my ff3/6 characters all named after random nyc rap groups (lol x-cutioners)

bro going through my old VMU saves has been a fuckin trip

also not pictured in that was all the SNES stuff.....we had an FF3/6 cart that I watched my dad play....he named all the characters after my sister and I plus all of our friends and family pets.


bro going through my old VMU saves has been a fuckin trip

also not pictured in that was all the SNES stuff.....we had an FF3/6 cart that I watched my dad play....he named all the characters after my sister and I's friends and our pets.

my original nes save for FF1 was all named after my cousins/brothers. It's kinda funny since my cousin who was chosen as the white mage is now a doctor whos a spokes person for all of the bernie sanders shit on my facebook feed. not that it's a bad thing just pretty fuck odd in hindsight. i wonder if the cartridge's battery is still working.

my family's vmus are all dead thankfully

J. Bravo

i have everything that should make me happy. b ut i feel empty inside. my gf and i had a very heated discussion about my apathy and how i don't show my love for her or appreciate her. she basically said i can't keep treating her like any other girl or she's gone. and she is right. she is unlike any other woman. i love her. and she loves me. but not much makes me happy anymore. what's wrong with me?
i have everything that should make me happy. b ut i feel empty inside. my gf and i had a very heated discussion about my apathy and how i don't show my love for her or appreciate her. she basically said i can't keep treating her like any other girl or she's gone. and she is right. she is unlike any other woman. i love her. and she loves me. but not much makes me happy anymore. what's wrong with me?
a piece of my tooth just came off
is it OK if your tooth breaks?? as long as it doesn't hurt. I don't have health insurance. there's a sharp part now and I can't stop tonguing it.

I'm not even drunk I just have nowhere else to turn for input here.

J. Bravo

its ok i have a sharp molar. so i think its broken. just like me. i have no thunder for you to steal. drunk is where we lament existence. i don't really expect advice here, although it'd be nice. it's just sad zone.
I can definitely fuck with that man. thanks for the kind words about your molar, they make me feel better about this whole situation.

I think a lot of people see apathy or nihilism as a byproduct of depression or alcoholism (or whichever way they are choosing to make you to feel bad about yourself) rather than a cause of it. there aren't any answers, there isn't a deeper meaning; nothing inherently matters, so do your best to create meaning. it sounds like your girlfriend is a good way for you to do that. don't take her for granted!


Your tooth is fine if it's not directly at the gum line. Otherwise shit can get stuck in there and cause infections. Sorry to be a bummer. Carry on and have fun playing with it, fucking up your tongue.

Girlfriend-wise... man, I know this ain't the help thread but don't drop the ball unless you're sure you're uncertain. Apathy is something a lot of us go through but a good partner should help you through it. Make that shit clear.

J. Bravo

I can definitely fuck with that man. thanks for the kind words about your molar, they make me feel better about this whole situation.

I think a lot of people see apathy or nihilism as a byproduct of depression or alcoholism (or whichever way they are choosing to make you to feel bad about yourself) rather than a cause of it. there aren't any answers, there isn't a deeper meaning; nothing inherently matters, so do your best to create meaning. it sounds like your girlfriend is a good way for you to do that. don't take her for granted!

i'll try. is bad right now man. we are fighting indeep shit. if we survive trhis fight i'll try it. it's good advice. i just hope i can put it to use...


I have realised that I'm pretty much just a weekend backup plan for my best friends lol

better than a tinder date backup
a friend did that to me once - He had arranged a date, but she had given him a bad first impression so he made plans with me after the date as a get out of jail card. He didn't have the foresight to realize that if the date went swimmingly or the girl stood him up, he would be fucking with me. Which, to be honest, I didn't care about since the owner is a buddy and always comps drinks lol.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm out for the forth night in a row. Just gotta last two more hours without collapsing.

Need rest soon but the perma-hungover look and state of being kinda works for me.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

Sometimes you're like "I'm inexplicably sweating and it's hard to eat"

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
And always smelling like cigarettes
luckily I quit smoking in 2010

But I'm literally always smoking cannabis. I wake up at 4:30am to get stoned and go back to sleep to wake up at 8.


Dear drunk Gaf,

Shhhhh. ... I'm pissed right now in the kitchen.

In the dark.

While my father in law is sleeping on the couch in the living room...

I just finished railing my wife, I wonder if he heard...

Who fucking cares, I'm drunk.lol

Wish I could play some games now...


erotic butter maelstrom
“In dreams his pale bride came to him out of a green and leafy canopy. Her nipples pipeclayed and her rib bones painted white. She wore a dress of gauze and her dark hair was carried up in combs of ivory, combs of shell. Her smile, her downturned eyes. In the morning it was snowing again. Beads of small gray ice strung along the lightwires overhead"

"He mistrusted all of that. He said the right dreams for a man in peril were dreams of peril and all else was the call of languor and of death. He slept little and he slept poorly. He dreamt of walking in a flowering wood where birds flew before them he and the child and the sky was aching blue but he was learning how to wake himself from just such siren worlds. Lying there in the dark with the uncanny taste of a peach from some phantom orchard fading in his mouth. He thought if he lived long enough the world at last would all be lost. Like the dying world the newly blind inhabit, all of it slowly fading from memory.”



Stuck in Fort Mcmurray... can't wait to get back home. There's a brutally cheap bottle of Albertan whisky waiting for me. Wish it was Lagavulin...but these days I can't be choosey.

They flew us back up here waaaaay too early now we're evacuating again. What a mess.


Hi Drunk GAF. First time here.

I'm downing screwdrivers with my homies rn. We have a weekly show called Tuesday Night Smash where we mute the game music, blast some bangers over the speakers, and drink all night. Won't link it 'cause I ain't gonan shameless plug - main point is its a ton of fun. Havin a good ass time wit the homies rn, my best friend since THIRD GRADE just moved back into town, he moved for college but transferred over. we kept touch of course he's been my number one homie all this time so it's really awesome to have him back, it's his first time joining us for TNS too.

GAF is a cool place I love you guys, I'm always on here

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Drinking an officially licensed Star Trek beer I got at cost plus


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm drinking an ipa at a bar. Waiting for a friend who's taking too long to show up.

Thinking of one of my greater inner conflicts, the struggle between being extremely reserved and independent to the point of being anti-social sometimes, but also wanting to not be alone, to get out there and be among the herd. I make an effort to go outside and be around people but then when I'm in a crowd I just want to retreat to a dark corner. At least I'm sorta kinda trying I guess. 😐


I'm drinking an ipa at a bar. Waiting for a friend who's taking too long to show up.

Thinking of one of my greater inner conflicts, the struggle between being extremely reserved and independent to the point of being anti-social sometimes, but also wanting to not be alone, to get out there and be among the herd. I make an effort to go outside and be around people but then when I'm in a crowd I just want to retreat to a dark corner. At least I'm sorta kinda trying I guess. 😐

You can do it!! I used to be really antisocial but I feel like forcing myself into group situations changed my life dude, it's really worth it. Be loud and be heard, I recognize your avatar so that means what you have to say on here is memorable man!! You got shit to say, don't just be part of the crowd let them look at you and have fun mang
better than a tinder date backup
a friend did that to me once - He had arranged a date, but she had given him a bad first impression so he made plans with me after the date as a get out of jail card. He didn't have the foresight to realize that if the date went swimmingly or the girl stood him up, he would be fucking with me. Which, to be honest, I didn't care about since the owner is a buddy and always comps drinks lol.
How did that end?
My entire life has been a back up plan.
At this point in my life I have no backup plans left 😓

It's not like I'm mad at my friends or anything, but they went to a houseparty with my younger brother and didn't even ask once if I'm interested. Spent Saturday alone at home with Eurovision, iced coffee and gaf.


Finally home...

Drinking some home made blueberry mead and whisky while perusing Gaf...

...I'm a lonely Panda.
Wdit: dearest drunk gaf... I'm really, eaLyy drunk now. Not even sure what to do with myself. Maybe a game of some anime? God bless each and every one of you *hugs!!!

Lonely Pandora, out!!

Edit again: I like Parasyte. It should be a game. A game of transforming hands and brutal slayings... culd be cool. Why don't we hang more anime games?

Edit of an edit: where is everyone, bingo?


How did that end?
This is why you don't post drunk. I actually wrote out the rest but deleted it somehow. He asked me to meet him at 5, when the date was at 3. Girl was an asshole and didn't show up till around 4 after shit tons of excuses; the only reason my friend stayed was he hit it off with the bartender. The date did not go well unsurprisingly but my friend stuck around, because hey, this bartender is hot. By the time my friend actually showed an hour or so late himself, I was trashed because I was at our usual dive where we pretty much get comped every other drink.
As for my friend's meet cute story with the bartender, I think the sex was terrible and he ended getting involved in one of those workplace trainwreck romances instead lol.


Humble Bundle is my new favorite online store.

Humble. Fucking. Bundle.

It's where it's at gents.

Edit: also SoA rocks, can't wait for the sequel!!!

Double edit: this just in, my kids think I call Walmart, Warhgmart.... I'm a gong ta Warhgmart for a new keyboard and mouse I think.
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