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New Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Interview

Can't wait!


While developer Red Storm Entertainment and publisher Ubi Soft released the original Ghost Recon on the PC platform first with console versions later, the sequel to the hit military tactical shooter series is being promoted on the Xbox first (PC version details are apparently being held for announcement at a later date). HomeLAN got a chance to chat with the game's producer Heather Chandler to find out more about their plans for the Xbox version of Ghost Recon 2.

HomeLAN - When the time came to start work on Ghost Recon 2, what were the development team's main goals?

Heather Chandler - The Xbox team’s main goals were to enhance the graphics in order to take advantage of all of the capabilities of the Xbox and really capture the gritty chaos of war. We also wanted to streamline the interface and controls so new players could easily pick up and play the game.

Ghost Recon was a very popular title on Xbox LIVE, so we concentrated on improving the LIVE experience and optimizing the networking code for improved performance.

Other goals were to take the most advantage of Dolby 5.1 sound, to create more interesting and memorable characters, and to design compelling missions with big events.

HomeLAN - Is it true that Ghost Recon 2 was developed as a console game first as opposed to the first game which initially showed up on the PC?

Heather Chandler - While Ghost Recon 2 was developed with the Xbox version as the lead version, we are focused on delivering the best game for each platform, and have separate development teams working on the PC and PS2 versions to make sure that the Ghost Recon 2 experience tailored for all gamers, regardless of their preferred platform.

HomeLAN - What can you tell us about the single player campaign for the sequel?

Heather Chandler - The single player campaign is set in North Korea. A rogue North Korean general is stirring up some trouble in the region. Captain Scott Mitchell and his team of Ghosts are sent in, along with other international special forces units, to take care of the situation before it ignites into a regional war. However, when the Ghosts get to N. Korea, they find out the situation is more serious than originally thought.

The Ghosts will encounter a variety of enemies and situations. Along the way, some international specialists will link up with the Ghosts for some of the missions. One of these specialists is the Brit Daniel Stevens, a Staff Sergeant with the 16th Air Assault Brigade.

HomeLAN - How will tactical planning, team selection and weapon selection be changed and/or improved for Ghost Recon 2?

More here!


feel sorry for PC gamers,

I predict massive outcry over this in the coming months, fact it was designed for a console it will be considered an insult and will share the same fate as DX2.
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