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New look at Star Wars DVDs

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well not really...yet





I think they look great, cant wait until the set comes out :)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face

What's with Luke's "Master of the Universe" pose on the disc?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Unconfirmed Member
KingGondo said:
One question...

How the hell did LANDO make the cover? hahahaha
If it were not for his ineptitude at poker, the rebellion would have failed. Think about it ;)


These are basically the special edition versions of the movies with even more new footage put in to try and tie them in with the new crappy trilogy, correct? My love for Star Wars is already tainted...


Hollywood Square
Alucard said:
These are basically the special edition versions of the movies with even more new footage put in to try and tie them in with the new crappy trilogy, correct? My love for Star Wars is already tainted...

Yeah, such as Nu-Anakin's face Photoshopped on the body of old Anakin at the end of ROTJ.


Willco said:
Fuck this shit. Somebody burn their laserdiscs on DVD and I'll pay you!

yea. i mean they are out there, but the color isn't up to modern dvd standards among other things.


I could do without the giant roman numerals behind the titles. The artwork kicks ass, especially on the bonus materials disc (vader especially).


Error Macro said:
When I get a capture card (and some knowledge about video editing software) I'm going to burn my laserdiscs onto some DVDs.

I would make it worth your effort's as would a lot of us.


Those covers looks like cheap ebay bootlegs. As for the laserdiscs of star wars, you can find them on ebay or just about anywhere. Ask your local Triad!


demon said:

What's with Luke's "Master of the Universe" pose on the disc?

Weren't alive back in the day huh. It's all good, us old-school fans welcome new fans.

As for Star Wars fans, am I the ONLY one left who actually enjoys Episode II and parts of Episode I?

It's crazy, the movies weren't that damn bad, and actually had many redeeming qualities.


DJ_Tet said:
As for Star Wars fans, am I the ONLY one left who actually enjoys Episode II and parts of Episode I?

It's crazy, the movies weren't that damn bad, and actually had many redeeming qualities.

I do recognize the problems with the acting and dialogue (among other things), but I still enjoy watching them.


Mairu said:

I do recognize the problems with the acting and dialogue (among other things), but I still enjoy watching them.

Good to know. There are some parts that make me roll my eyes with the dialogue and wooden acting, but all is forgiven once the sabers make their appearance. I don't know what people expect from movies sometimes, especially followups to some of the "best" movies of their era. Truth be told, the OT isn't that damn good, and the PT isn't that damn bad.

They are just movies people, get over it and just enjoy them.
DJ_Tet said:
Good to know. There are some parts that make me roll my eyes with the dialogue and wooden acting, but all is forgiven once the sabers make their appearance. I don't know what people expect from movies sometimes, especially followups to some of the "best" movies of their era. Truth be told, the OT isn't that damn good, and the PT isn't that damn bad.

They are just movies people, get over it and just enjoy them.

Finally someone I agree wholeheartilly with on the OT/PT issue. All 5 so far are pretty decent films, and I don't quite understand how people didn't like them. I can see people not liking certain actors because they suck, but this has always been the case with Star Wars, even in the OT. If anything, I think the PT storyline is quite good, it just starts off very slowly/nearly uneventful in TPM, but that's to be expected. TPM was the formation of the formation of the Empire. I still found it interesting nonetheless, only turned off by the pod racing snorefest.

I just adore AOTC though, one of my top favorite SW films. We really get to see a strong change in Anakin's personality and Palpatine's change as well. He wasn't as menacing in TPM, but AOTC made him seems much more full of deceit. EP3 will top them both and maybe even the OT for me. It looks like it will definitely be the darkest of the 6 and even the most action packed I guess. I'm liking all that I know about it so far, can't wait.


DJ_Tet said:
As for Star Wars fans, am I the ONLY one left who actually enjoys Episode II and parts of Episode I?

It's crazy, the movies weren't that damn bad, and actually had many redeeming qualities.
No. The hatred for Eps. 1 and 2 is just ridiculous and unjustified. Imo it's just a bunch of front runners who are incapable of forming their own opinions and rely on anything that critics tell them.

As far as these discs go, they look awesome! I kinda wish the disc art for Epside 1 and 2 had been this elaborate. :\ At least the boxart matches the same type of design as Eps. 1 and 2 now though.


The million Muppet extras and both Anakins kept me from watching the PT movies more than twice. The PTs would be great if it weren't for those DAMNING, UNWATCHABLE flaws.


For anyone reading the thread I already said the LD>DVD could be arranged.... /evil grin

I watched my DVDs last week


No. The hatred for Eps. 1 and 2 is just ridiculous and unjustified. Imo it's just a bunch of front runners who are incapable of forming their own opinions and rely on anything that critics tell them.

Yeah... right. Keep the dream alive buddy.


karasu said:
Yeah... right. Keep the dream alive buddy.
It's the truth. Tell me one thing about the OT that is exceptionally better than the PT. (Aside from the lack of Portman's need for acting lessons. :p )

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I really don't give a fuck about Star Wars, but Ep. II just sucked as a film. I cringed my way through it.

I enjoyed the original trilogy and Ep. I though. Personally I think all the films have problems, but none as much as Ep. II.


Tritroid said:
It's the truth. Tell me one thing about the OT that is exceptionally better than the PT. (Aside from the lack of Portman's need for acting lessons. :p )

They weren't full to the brim with boring political discussions and inane attempts at romantic dialouge? They were filmed on real sets and real locations? The world felt like a real world, and not a Saturday morning Cartoon?


Tritroid said:
It's the truth. Tell me one thing about the OT that is exceptionally better than the PT. (Aside from the lack of Portman's need for acting lessons. :p )

For me, it's characters you actually like and care about. Not the horribly phony characters in the PT.

"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth. "



omg everyone uses that one corny line almost as if it's their primary reason for not like the entire PT so far.

How many corny lines did the OT have my God? Let's pick out just one of them and use it as a reason for not liking the entire thing! omg score!

And about the political discussions/romantic dialogue: That is needed in this trilogy to set up the events that start off in the OT. Do you expect things to just magically situate themselves for the OT? No, it has to start from somewhere, and events NEED to be explained.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
The original trilogy had a charm the new new ones lack. Partly that's to do with the dialogue, partly the actors, partly the environments.


tritoid said:
omg everyone used that one corny line almost as if it's their primary reason for not like the entire PT so far.

How many corny lines did the OT have my God? Let's pick out just one of them and use it as a reason for not liking the entire thing! omg score!

And about the political discussions/romantic dialogue: That is needed in this trilogy to set up the events that start off in the OT. Do you expect things to just magically situate themselves for the OT? No, it has to start from somewhere, and events NEED to be explained.

^ Agreed. The OT had some shitty writing themselves; I never understood why people think they're Shakespeare.


Unconfirmed Member
They were filmed on real sets and real locations? The world felt like a real world, and not a Saturday morning Cartoon?
This is the biggest thing for me. I can't even watch the AOTC DVD because it looks more like a friggin' video game than a movie to me. The video and most of the backgrounds are just so unnatural looking as to be unwatchable. I could watch it fine in the theater, because the film print kind of blurs that a little and softens the image, but the perfect sharpness of the DVD just makes AOTC simply visually unwatchable for me. Which is too bad, because it wasn't THAT bad.
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