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New look at Star Wars DVDs

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The OT is also fondly remembered because it was so groundbreaking for the time it was released. The original Star Wars came out of nowhere, and it was the coolest thing ever because nobody had ever seen anything like it before.

Now CGI summer blockbusters are a dime a dozen, and the PT films seem to be more concerned with pushing the special effects envelope, and story and characters are afterthoughts.


Tritroid said:
omg everyone used that one corny line almost as if it's their primary reason for not like the entire PT so far.

How many corny lines did the OT have my God? Let's pick out just one of them and use it as a reason for not liking the entire thing! omg score!

And about the political discussions/romantic dialogue: That is needed in this trilogy to set up the events that start off in the OT. Do you expect things to just magically situate themselves for the OT? No, it has to start from somewhere, and events NEED to be explained.

That line is an example, but to please you, i'll post multiple more corny lines....

Phantom Menace:

"Yousa thinking yousa people gonna die?" - Jar-jar. I think you're annoying Jar-Jar

"Yippee!" --- Anakin The casting directory who picked this kid needs to be shot.

I don't care what universe you're from, that's got to hurt. Lame

Yipe! How wude! Thank you stephanie tanner for providing george lucas with that cinematic gold..

C-3PO: I've had the most peculiar dream. I guess robots dream now.

C-3PO: I'm quite beside myself. That whole crappy cg sequence made me cringe.

Episode 2
Padme: We live in a real world, Annie. Come back to it. I don't really know why I find this line funny, just do.

Padme: Please don't look at me like that.
Anakin: Why not?
Padme: Because it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Anakin: Sorry my lady. Let's make anakin the most creepy stalker we can, cause that's a character trait people can relate to. Ladies do like the bad boys though.

Padme: I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life. Damn, that is SMOOTH! One of the worst romantic lines I've ever heard.

Anakin: From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now that I'm with you again... I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you- I can't breath. I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating... hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me... what can I do?- I will do anything you ask.

I'm sorry I think THIS might be the worst

Alright, i'm done posting for now. While i don't care if people like this movie, I really think it sucks, and I definitely feel i have good reasons for why I feel that way.


Tritroid said:
omg everyone uses that one corny line almost as if it's their primary reason for not like the entire PT so far.

How many corny lines did the OT have my God? Let's pick out just one of them and use it as a reason for not liking the entire thing! omg score!

And about the political discussions/romantic dialogue: That is needed in this trilogy to set up the events that start off in the OT. Do you expect things to just magically situate themselves for the OT? No, it has to start from somewhere, and events NEED to be explained.

You overlooked the words boring and inane. In other words poorly written. It isn't good just because it's political,and just because it's suppossed to be romantic.


The only part I dislike about the covers is that on the Empire Strikes Back cover, Vader's lightsaber looks kinda small.


I really think the first two movies lack decideable charm honestly along with some really well done space fights. I know when I was growing up and I watched the trilogy, the best stuff were the space battles, IE, the battle of yavin, the millenium falcon asteroid chase, the battle of endor -- all great fucking stuff! The end battle on Naboo was pretty tame in comparison with the exception of the darth maul battle. The slave 1 vs jedi starfighter battle was pretty weak also with the exception of those nifty charges that didn't do anything except make nice sound effects.

Ah well, maybe that's just me.


Personally, one major thing that makes the old movies better than the new is the absence of a han solo like character.

The movies need a character who is funny, cares only about himself and money.


Any word on sound or image quality on these? Are we going to get DTS or Dolby Digital sound any chance for Superbit?
Don't count on it. The PT films didn't get DTS. :\

And I'm surprised PT detractors haven't mentioned midi-chlorians yet. That plot thread was so stupid even Lucas moved away from it.

Justin Bailey

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Drey1082 said:
Personally, one major thing that makes the old movies better than the new is the absence of a han solo like character.

The movies need a character who is funny, cares only about himself and money.
Ding Ding, WINNAR!

Not that the new trilogy needs a character exactly like Han specifically, but it needs an interesting character. All the cheesy dialogue and bad acting could be overlooked if had just *one* really likeable main character.


Why did Lucas have to defile this franchise? I don't understand how he managed to do it. He had a crystal clear blue print for success but no he had to fuck with it.
I think it's a combination of not directing a movie for twenty years, and surounding himself with a bunch of yes-men who are too scared to tell him that some of his ideas suck.

Justin Bailey

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Lucky Forward said:
I think it's a combination of not directing a movie for twenty years, and surounding himself with a bunch of yes-men who are too scared to tell him that some of his ideas suck.
I heard there was some guy who worked with Lucas on the originals that would keep him in check, but they had some sort of falling out and he didn't help with the new ones. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
was that the guy that had a supposedly much different vision of what jedis would be than lucas? I've heard bits about this over the years, but nothing significant I can remember.
Yes, it was Gary Kurtz. I'm not sure, but he may have been the producer on the original. I read an interview with him once where he talked about the original vision he and Lucas worked out for the Star Wars trilogy, and as I recall, it had a darker, more serious tone than the muppet-fest that eventually became Return of the Jedi.

Justin Bailey

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levious said:
was that the guy that had a supposedly much different vision of what jedis would be than lucas? I've heard bits about this over the years, but nothing significant I can remember.
Haven't heard that part, hopefully someone can shed some light on this?

Edit: Little late on that, thanks Lucky.
Here's the Gary Kurtz interview I was thinking of:


Let's jump right in. I have to ask, what exactly were your initial thoughts about the third Star Wars film, which was originally called "Revenge" of the Jedi?

The one story thread that got totally tossed out the window, which was really pretty important I think, was the one of Vader trying to convince Luke to join him to overthrow the Emperor. That together they had enough power that they could do that, and it wasn't him saying I want to take over the world and be the evil leader, it was that transition. It was Vader saying, "I'm looking again at what I've done and where my life has gone and who I've served and, very much in the Samurai tradition, and saying if I can join forces with my son, who is just as strong as I am, that maybe we can make some amends." So there was all of that going on in Jedi as well, that was supposed to go on. So the story was quite a bit more poignant and the ending was the coronation of Leia as the queen of what was left of her people, to take over the royal symbol. That meant she was then isolated from all of the rest and Luke went off then by himself. It was basically a kind of bittersweet ending. She's not his sister that dropped in to wrap up everything neatly. His sister was someone else way over on the other side of the galaxy and she wasn't going to show up until the next episode.


Wow. The boxes and discs look fantastic. Too bad the movies are the special editions. Beh. Truth be told, I'll still buy it.
karasu said:
They weren't full to the brim with boring political discussions and inane attempts at romantic dialouge?

Heh, this comment makes me chuckle a bit. First off very little of 1 and 2 seemed to be politics and romance. In fact majority of Episode I was Tattooine, the battle at Naboo, and the whole deal with Anakin on Coruscant, but even that wasn't that long. In fact the political scenes were very small in both films, and Episode I had next to no romance.

Episode II had only what one major political scene? While the romance was much more priminent it was just as cheesy as Han and Leia's comments to each other in 5 and 6, and especially in 6 did we see a lot of romance. Well, in the terms you try to bring up. :p

We almost must remember that TPM and AOTC take place at a time before the Empire, before politics were no longer a method of persuasion. The Rebels were helpless in 4-6, all they could do was fight to get the Empire to change its ways. 1 and 2 are much different, politics are very strong ways of getting things done in the universe. It would only make sense that much of the "battles" are being fought in the Senate. It holds the power. Secondly, the romance in the prequels is much more important than what's in the OT. Leia and Han's children are not key to the storyline or even they're relationship period isn't extremely pivotal. Padma and Anakin are much different, they're children become key figures in the future and their love is what really gets Anakin off track moreso than any of the other contributing factors. I think the absence (or watered down) romance and politics (which you claim make up majority of the PT) would take quite a bit from the story.

I can understand people complaining about the CG in the films as keeping them from immersing into the films. I can agree somewhat, but don't understand how we can't really see past that to the actual story that's being set up here.

I don't think the PT is at all better than the OT but I don't think it's a step down either. If anything they're pretty much on par to me with the other films. I think the problem is that many people like to speculate about the Empire, Vader's past, and what Lucas believes to be the true story isn't what other people agree with. No one ever really thought of Vader ever being compassionate and even in love with someone at least not in the way we know of with Padma. Also, people should have never asked Lucas questions, that in turn Lucas probably couldn't have ever provided an answer that people would like. There are many secrets in the film left unexplained even now, but thinks such as how the Jedi get their powers, what makes Jedi disappear, why certain Jedi can be seen after death and what not. Lucas willg ive us the answer to these because people really want one, but again it's how he sees them (Midichlorians, Lightside aging, etc are all plausible theories in my mind, but people didn't agree.) and people just won't be happy. It's not what they wanted it to be like and so on. So I really can't understand why people say he's ruining the films, when they're really his to manipulate from the ground up. Don't like it? I think that's too bad.


Yeah but its the way it's written. IT seems longer than it is, and that's equally as bad. I can't think of one memorable line from these prequels. Well I can remember attempts at wit like "What a drag" etc etc. The dialogue is horrible. It's not even worth debate.


being watched
karasu said:
Yeah but its the way it's written. IT seems longer than it is, and that's equally as bad. I can't think of one memorable line from these prequels. Well I can remember attempts at wit like "What a drag" etc etc. The dialogue is horrible. It's not even worth debate.

Lucas had some decent writers working with him on the originals.

Prequels he wrote himself and then with Johnathan Hales for the 2nd one - which is a lot better, but still lacks the 'magic' the originals had.
karasu said:
Yeah but its the way it's written. IT seems longer than it is, and that's equally as bad. I can't think of one memorable line from these prequels. Well I can remember attempts at wit like "What a drag" etc etc. The dialogue is horrible. It's not even worth debate.

What's the big deal about that? Majority of the memorable lines people remember from the OT are very cheesy themselves and I don't understand why anything other than, "May the force be with you," and "I've got a bad feeling about this," ever caught on. And even those lines appear in the PT and in both trilogys they seem to cheesy when placed. I love them though as a Star Wars fan, but I'm sure you're referring to the things Han mentions and Leia's funny little Wookie comment in ESB. These are great and all, but cheesy as hell.

The PT is full of similar lines, I liked Obi-Wans little poke at Anakin's future about him being the death of him. I think it's just that people's bad blood about the films doesn't let them catch on to these lines. I mean really, are you going to go about speaking lines from a movie you don't like? I don't think I ever have.

If anything, I don't understand this argument either. Lines from both movies are cheesy and in odd places and come off rather silly. So I don't quite see the difference.

EDIT: But anyways, so be it. I loved the OT and I love the PT. Can't get enough Star Wars. I just feel glad that I can get along with both trilogies and enjoy the Saga as a whole,r ather than be picky and poke through each trilogy. Same story, same universe, same quality. I wish more people could share this experience. :p


All cheese isn't created equal. I don't know how to explain it to you. Do the prequels feel the same to you as the originals? If not, it should be simple to understand where detractors are coming from. Some believe the change in tone is for the worse. Sure the Originals weren't expertly written or anything, but they were good enough to hold interest.
karasu said:
All cheese isn't created equal. I don't know how to explain it to you. Do the prequels feel the same to you as the originals? If not, it should be simple to understand where detractors are coming from. Some believe the change in tone is for the worse. Sure the Originals weren't expertly written or anything, but they were good enough to hold interest.

Actually, I thought I stated many times in my posts that I didn't think they were different at all. It's just the events that are happening are slower no matter how Lucas decided to do it, in the PT than the OT. The acting, humor, special effects (of the times) are all the same to me and doesn't bother me when I watch the films. I still feel like I'm watching Star Wars no matter what film I'm viewing.
My biggest complaint with the PT is continuity. It seems as though Lucas pretty much just discarded majority of what he established (him and other writers that released printed works) in the OT, rewriting the history, and is now super imposing them into the classic films with "new" scenes.

What fucked up Lucas was his children. He simply wanted to capture a whole new generation of Star Wars fans by targeting children while exiling the fans of the classic films. He's since realized his mistake and is poorly trying to fix it with what was Episode 2 and (from what I've read so far) Episode 3.
I'm old enough to have watched Ep IV when it was first released in the cinema and I really enjoy the PT. I see them for what they are. I even like Jar Jar.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I'm old enough to have watched Ep IV when it was first released in the cinema and I really enjoy the PT. I see them for what they are. I even like Jar Jar.<<<

Most people I know who are that old (myself included) just call it Star Wars... Fuck this A New Hope bullshit. Do you call RotLA Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark?


Mr_Furious said:
What fucked up Lucas was his children. He simply wanted to capture a whole new generation of Star Wars fans by targeting children while exiling the fans of the classic films. He's since realized his mistake and is poorly trying to fix it with what was Episode 2 and (from what I've read so far) Episode 3.

Too bad he's still going and fucking pasting Hayden Christiansen's face over Anakin's spirit in ROTJ :|

Motherfucker, none of the other changes bothered me in the least, but that one..... fuck.
Lucas isn't a hack by any means. He is a person with a very vivid imagination and can recognize good ideas. His downfall is that he has become too close to the business side of the movies and lacks that go for broke independant streak that used to be in him. Many of his choices now are for the expansion of his company. I get the feeling from watching the making of documentaries for both prequels that many of the decisions for sequences come from a need to show off the technology of ILM so other movies will go to them for business. In fact, he pretty well states that a few times.

Visually he used to be near genius level. Watch the trailer for THX 1138 and look at just how bold and arty those compositions are in that film. It is near Kubrick level. Some individual shots in both PM and AOTC are amazingly framed so I know that talent is still in him.

I've always thought that the art department really makes the Star Wars movies. The story is really just a very thin line that the artists draw from for inspiration. If you look back on the OT, a lot of the people who worked behind the scenes were extremely intelligent and went on to do great things themselves. The guys working on the new movies are great in their own right but Lucas's control is probably suffocating them to some extent.

I can watch Phantom Menace and still enjoy the shit out of it. There are maybe 2 Jar Jar and 1 Anakin scenes that bug me within the film that we got. Some changes I would have made to the film we actually got would have been to cut the Jar Jar stuff down only a little and loop some lines when Anakin went into the federation crusier. The biggest change I would have made would have been to make Anakin blow up the ship on purpose not by accident.

The only change I could suggest for AOTC would have been to replace the talking head love story on Naboo with an action sequnece that gives the same information. Had Anakin dared Padme to swim the lake to get to the island they could have done a water monster sequence where she had to be saved. That or have some evil wolf like predator creatures try to kill the cow like creatures while the two were in the field, where once again Anakin would have the oppurtunity to rescue Padme. The Star Wars movies are just so effecient at telling the story through action it is just weird for them to resort to basic dialouge for something like that.

Regardless, look at what we got with the PT. A wicked Pod Race sequence, a few mighty lightsaber battles, some great space action, great arena sequence that harkens back to Harry Hausen movies, and a few absolutely epic land battles.

Episode III sounds as though it is going to be the best Star Wars movie ever and we have less than a year to find out if it is.


Warm Machine said:
Episode III sounds as though it is going to be the best Star Wars movie ever and we have less than a year to find out if it is.

They're remaking 'The Empire Strikes Back'?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
meh, I'll wait for blue-ray or whatever's going to replace DVD in a couple of years.


Gold Member
Warm Machine said:
Episode III sounds as though it is going to be the best Star Wars movie ever and we have less than a year to find out if it is.

SUPER MAJOR Episode III Spoilers. If you highlight it's your OWN FUCKING FAULT:
Opening space battle with 5,000 capitol ships where Anakin and Obi-Wan ride in a missile to infiltrate a Federation cruiser where Palpatine is held captive. Anakin fights and KILLS Dooku here as Palpatine provides color commentary just like in ROTJ.

Big effects sequence where said Federation cruiser then crashes into Coruscant.

Palpatine makes Anakin his personal bodyguard to further seduce him to the Dark Side.

Mace Windu confronts Palpatine. Mace Windu gets zapped by Palpatine's Force Lightning and then Anakin fights him to the DEATH.

Palpatine orders the Clone/Stormtroopers to turn on the Jedi. This is shown via a montage, and included in the scene is Yoda on Kashyyk with the Wookiees. The Clone/Stormtroopers KILL the Wookiees leaving only Yoda and Chewie alive.

Not shown, but Obi-Wan and others learn of it via a security recording, Anakin leads a squad of Clone/Stormtroopers into the Jedi temple and KILLS every single person in the building including the Younglings.

Obi-Wan goes into hiding on a new planet until he gets word of a Separatist meeting on Mustafar. He goes to the planet with Padme where they confront Anakin in a conference room. Anakin feeling betrayed, Force Chokes Padme and the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan begins. The duel will end up being 10 to 12 minutes long. Anakin loses his left arm and left leg during the duel.

Final three shots in the movie are (order NOT final...the order won't be final until the final edit): Padme's funeral, Emperor and Vader and Tarkin on a Star Destroyer bridge watching the DEATH STAR being constructed, and Owen with baby Luke on Tatooine. Right now, in the script that is the order they appear and the iris out is on the Tatooine suns. However, the original script of Episode II had the wedding before the Star Destroyers, so they may switch the order of shots around.

Republic Starfighters look like a cross between TIE Fighters and Jedi Starfighters.

The Corellian Corvette Tantive IV is used in the last ten minutes of the movie.

There are Star Destroyers manned by Imperial Officers in the movie. No word if they are all British again.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Some individual shots in both PM and AOTC are amazingly framed so I know that talent is still in him.<<<

Hardly. Any of shots of note were undoubtedly designed by ILM art directors, then rubber-stamped by Lucas. An animatics team has made camera move and scene motion "blueprints" for almost every shot in the prequel trilogy.
Padme's funeral

What the fuck? Leia said she remembered her mother as being beautiful and sad in the original trilogy. Pretty vivid impressions for a fucking newborn. Crap, is Lucas trying to forget the original trilogy existed?

Oh yeah, I forgot he's been doing that for a while now.
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
What the fuck? Leia said she remembered her mother as being beautiful and sad in the original trilogy. Pretty vivid impressions for a fucking newborn. Crap, is Lucas trying to forget the original trilogy existed?

Oh yeah, I forgot he's been doing that for a while now.

I'm not sure whether it has been confirmed or not that Padma IS dead at birth. But I've heard quite a few speculate that Leia gets to see her mother/be held by her, what have you before she dies. Luke doesn't. I'm not quite sure though, but it would explain why she has any memory at all of her mother.

Secondly, Leia's information could have just come from Bail. He had a close relationship with Padme while Luke's caretakers were given strict orders not to mention such things to Luke. They don't even tell him much about his own father.


BuddyChrist83 said:
holy hell. lucas is a hack.

"I'm looking again at what I've done and where my life has gone and who I've served and, very much in the Samurai tradition, and saying if I can join forces with my son, who is just as strong as I am, that maybe we can make some amends."

I'm not sure whether it has been confirmed or not that Padma IS dead at birth. But I've heard quite a few speculate that Leia gets to see her mother/be held by her, what have you before she dies. Luke doesn't. I'm not quite sure though, but it would explain why she has any memory at all of her mother.

Even if Leia gets to be held by Padme, it still doesn't make sense. How many people have any memories at all of anything that happened when they're only a few weeks or months old?

Return of the Jedi:

Luke: "Leia... do you remember your mother? Your real mother?"
Leia: "Just a little bit. She died when I was very young."
Luke: "What do you remember?"
Leia: "Just images, really. Feelings."
Luke: "Tell me."
Leia: "She was... very beautiful. Kind, but... sad. Why are you asking me this?"
Luke: "I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her."

"I'm looking again at what I've done and where my life has gone and who I've served and, very much in the Samurai tradition, and saying if I can join forces with my son, who is just as strong as I am, that maybe we can make some amends."

I don't think that's meant to be taken as an exact quote from Darth Vader, rather just an explanation of what feelings Vader would've been trying to express. I think that would have made ROTJ a more interesting movie.


Gold Member
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
I don't think that's meant to be taken as an exact quote from Darth Vader, rather just an explanation of what feelings Vader would've been trying to express. I think that would have made ROTJ a more interesting movie.

Is that from a Kurtz interview? I try to avoid reading any interviews with him. His falling out with Lucas was so epic that it's his lifelong goal to destroy Lucas now. Kurtz wanted the original plan of VII-IX to go through, then Lucas decided those three episodes could be wrapped up in one movie (ROTJ). Kurtz, obviously out of all the money a second trilogy would've given him, blew up and went mad.


Gold Member
Finally, were there plans for a third Star Wars trilogy and were there any ideas generated for those three films?

Yes, it was very vague. It was Luke's journey really up to becoming sort of the premiere Jedi knight in the Obi-Wan Kenobi mold and his ultimate confrontation with the emperor. That was the outline of it and all that happens.

Actually it wasn't very vague. Again, Kurtz is only saying select things to bash Lucas and elevate himself in an interview. The outline for VII-IX was very detailed. Vader didn't originally die in VI. Instead it was Vader and Luke teamed up for some father-son time in VII-IX. The events in the Throne Room in Episode VI were originally going to take place in IX while Lucas had a Wookiee ground battle going on.

Also, at the end of IX it was to be revealed that the entire saga was playing back from the memory banks of R2 and Threepio.


Gold Member
I should note that the problem with Lucasfilm these days is not Lucas. It's Rick McCallum. McCallum is the "yes man" polluting Lucasfilm. He's like Wormtongue in LOTR.

He also personally leaked a rough cut of Episode II to Harry Knowles and made a lowly Lucasfilm archiver take the fall for it.


well not really...yet
ManaByte said:
I should note that the problem with Lucasfilm these days is not Lucas. It's Rick McCallum. McCallum is the "yes man" polluting Lucasfilm. He's like Wormtongue in LOTR.

He also personally leaked a rough cut of Episode II to Harry Knowles and made a lowly Lucasfilm archiver take the fall for it.
This is true. Rick McCallum is definately one of the problems, its been documented.

as far as a third trilogy? I usually picture the Thrawn trilogy as it.....it fits well imo..
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
Even if Leia gets to be held by Padme, it still doesn't make sense. How many people have any memories at all of anything that happened when they're only a few weeks or months old?

Return of the Jedi:

Luke: "Leia... do you remember your mother? Your real mother?"
Leia: "Just a little bit. She died when I was very young."
Luke: "What do you remember?"
Leia: "Just images, really. Feelings."
Luke: "Tell me."
Leia: "She was... very beautiful. Kind, but... sad. Why are you asking me this?"
Luke: "I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her."

Of course it doesn't make any sense to us. We're not force sensitive from birth. That's why she says she remembers feelings, it's more of a correction to when she says images. Secondly she did die when she was very young, and Bail may have said this to keep Leia from worrying about her mother and her past too much. And we musn't forget Luke's importance in that scene, he doesn't remember a thing about her, why not? The children were not immediately seperated at birth, is Padme was alive and well during Leia's birth than Luke would have remembered as well, as a mother. But he doesn't. So I don't see how you think Lucas screwed up there.

Oh and we mustn't forget that babies know who their mother is when they're born and held by them. It's like when a baby bird hatches and see's it's mom. Same kind of thing, if Padme was held by Leia, she would have some sort of feelings for her and maybe even an image because of her force sensitive capabilities.
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