karasu said:
They weren't full to the brim with boring political discussions and inane attempts at romantic dialouge?
Heh, this comment makes me chuckle a bit. First off very little of 1 and 2 seemed to be politics and romance. In fact majority of Episode I was Tattooine, the battle at Naboo, and the whole deal with Anakin on Coruscant, but even that wasn't that long. In fact the political scenes were very small in both films, and Episode I had next to no romance.
Episode II had only what one major political scene? While the romance was much more priminent it was just as cheesy as Han and Leia's comments to each other in 5 and 6, and especially in 6 did we see a lot of romance. Well, in the terms you try to bring up.
We almost must remember that TPM and AOTC take place at a time before the Empire, before politics were no longer a method of persuasion. The Rebels were helpless in 4-6, all they could do was fight to get the Empire to change its ways. 1 and 2 are much different, politics are very strong ways of getting things done in the universe. It would only make sense that much of the "battles" are being fought in the Senate. It holds the power. Secondly, the romance in the prequels is much more important than what's in the OT. Leia and Han's children are not key to the storyline or even they're relationship period isn't extremely pivotal. Padma and Anakin are much different, they're children become key figures in the future and their love is what really gets Anakin off track moreso than any of the other contributing factors. I think the absence (or watered down) romance and politics (which you claim make up majority of the PT) would take quite a bit from the story.
I can understand people complaining about the CG in the films as keeping them from immersing into the films. I can agree somewhat, but don't understand how we can't really see past that to the actual story that's being set up here.
I don't think the PT is at all better than the OT but I don't think it's a step down either. If anything they're pretty much on par to me with the other films. I think the problem is that many people like to speculate about the Empire, Vader's past, and what Lucas believes to be the true story isn't what other people agree with. No one ever really thought of Vader ever being compassionate and even in love with someone at least not in the way we know of with Padma. Also, people should have never asked Lucas questions, that in turn Lucas probably couldn't have ever provided an answer that people would like. There are many secrets in the film left unexplained even now, but thinks such as how the Jedi get their powers, what makes Jedi disappear, why certain Jedi can be seen after death and what not. Lucas willg ive us the answer to these because people really want one, but again it's how he sees them (Midichlorians, Lightside aging, etc are all plausible theories in my mind, but people didn't agree.) and people just won't be happy. It's not what they wanted it to be like and so on. So I really can't understand why people say he's ruining the films, when they're really his to manipulate from the ground up. Don't like it? I think that's too bad.