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New Metal Gear Solid 3 pics!


Once again, courtsey of www.metalgearsolid.org

Here's a taster but to view all of them go here: http://www.gamersbg.com/mgs/mgs3/otherpics.htm and they are there towards the bottom (and page 2).





Looks impressive :D


It looks amazing, really.
Who would have thought the grahics would turn out better than any fully 3D survival horror.



Here's someone who got a German magazine, claiming that they got to have an MGS 3 playtest. SPOILERS...

"The mag was allowed to play a little excerpt from Snake Eater including the Ocelot and ThePain battles.
According to them the fight against Ocelot reminds heavily on the first encounter with Olga in MGS2. Like we all now, a canyon is between Snake and Ocelot. Ocelot runs continuously from one cover to another on his side. But this shoot out is suddenly interrupted, when Snake is attacked by an aggressive swarm of hornets and is so forced to jump down the cliff. He finds himself back in a flooded cave where The Pain is already waiting for him. He uses more creative attack patterns: On the one hand, like everyone guessed, he sets his insects on Snake, on the other hand he uses grenades and an MP.
After finishing The Pain there test play ended."

One boss after the other?:O
Great to see that a cave and a waterfall, as seen in the trailers are really contained in the final game. And what is the blue square in the left corner of the actual gameplay pics? Haven't seen that before, I think-
so in order to work at team kojima, you have to know how to shoot a weapon, have killed a man and have a quirky sense of humor?


"the unit suffered 75% casualties during their mission.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
so in order to work at team kojima, you have to know how to shoot a weapon, have killed a man and have a quirky sense of humor?

damn, two out of three for me.
yeah, sorry. it has to be all three. so get cracking on number three..... whatever that is....


for all of you camouflage doubters out there....


LOL. kojima looks so odd in the background.....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
TTP said:
Nice poster!

And you can read Famitsu too!

I know touching that poster will lead to trouble...but I must TOUCH!


Expectations for game +10. I cannot wait to play this game. With all the info we've gotten in this past week...I'm already hyped up for it. So much game, and a kick ass story to boot...


SolidSnakex said:
My favorite of the bunch:


Sweet!!! God I am dying for MGS3. I have played Twin Snakes and MGS2: SOL like 10 times, getting ready for MGS3. Finally got my grubby hands on MGS2: Documents, this is a most own if you are a die hard MGS fan. I really love Kojima dedication and sense of American History.
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