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New Metroid Prime: Hunters 1st Hunt movies look HIDEOS

Society said:
Sound is horrid.

You think so? Maybe so, I honestly was paying more attention to just how loud the system is. Wow, those stereo speakers really make a difference. I gotta say though, the gun sound was really nerveracking.

Kon Tiki

DarthWufei said:
You think so? Maybe so, I honestly was paying more attention to just how loud the system is. Wow, those stereo speakers really make a difference. I gotta say though, the gun sound was really nerveracking.

The sound the gun makes? Yes it is horrid.


It look amazing !

But Why his thumb is wearing bandana ?????


Will start substantiating his hate
It's really too bad Nintendo didn't include hardware support for mip mapping and texture filtering. The game looks fairly complex poly-wise and has decent textures. With some filtering it would look very good.

Kon Tiki

cybamerc said:
It's really too bad Nintendo didn't include hardware support for mip mapping and texture filtering. The game looks fairly complex poly-wise and has decent textures. With some filtering it would look very good.

Looks straight out of Doom 1 to me.


considering the positive impressions of the thumb strap, its even more stupid that Nintendo didn't include an analog stick on DS. Sure, the thumb strap is better than stylus, but analog stick beats all.


looking at those videos, I'm wondering if you can use the thumbstrap on the right hand, and use the dpad for moving (left trigger for fire). Thats my standard setup for PCs and consoles (right hand is mouselook).

Kon Tiki

mrklaw said:
looking at those videos, I'm wondering if you can use the thumbstrap on the right hand, and use the dpad for moving (left trigger for fire). Thats my standard setup for PCs and consoles (right hand is mouselook).



TR, TL, thumb right or left.


How is it possible to play a Metroid Prime game without the original Metroid Prime control scheme!?! Impossible, it will never work!! Unless.

Deku Tree

Looks good. Sounds terrible.


Kiriku said:
How is it possible to play a Metroid Prime game without the original Metroid Prime control scheme!?! Impossible, it will never work!! Unless.

This game so far looks like it plays alot more like and FPS than like a traditional Metroid Prime game. And they give you the option of multiple control schemes.


The gun is too loud and obnoxious, I'll give you that (hopefully you can turn it down), but the music is quite good and the game runs very smoothly from what I could tell... looks like 60 fps.
Eh, I've been saying this since they demonstrated the final demo at the Nintendo Gamer's Conference. I kept saying how it'll rival all console FPS games.


evilromero said:
Eh, I've been saying this since they demonstrated the final demo at the Nintendo Gamer's Conference. I kept saying how it'll rival all console FPS games.

Why would you want to brag about being wrong for so long :p


Well, atleast soundwise the stayed true to the nes-classic. Please tell me that it's just the DS's cheap mexican speakers that make it sound so 8-bit.

Either way it looks fantastic.
I'm talking about the controls. Watching the video makes it perfectly clear that Hunters is going in the right direction.

Kon Tiki

Never heard it used as insulting term, sorry. I know what you feel, I cringe whenever I see 'jap' used. What does it mean?


Wow those video clips look great to me, and the sound was not that great, but I'm guessing thats just how it was encoded. good base though....
The texture quality on the DS is akin to PS One than N64. Lots of detail. Lack of filtering gives the textures a PS One look, but polygon wise it's beyond N64.

I happen to like the textures on the DS. When I go back and play N64/PS One/ Saturn games I far prefer the sharpness of the textures on PS One/Saturn to the blurry dull textures on N64. But then again, I'm not a cheap graphic whore who will bend over and take it like a little bitch for anything that looks nice.


God, when the Metroid attaches to Samus, it looks so fucking shitty. It's jarring. This game needs texture filtering like there's no tomorrow.

They also might want to just take out that FMV or make it not cut out like that. It's seems cut-off.
That looked damn good to me. Again I agree though why couldn't basic filtering have been included with perspective correction. Still I have to say seeing this along with that DS commercial with lots of games actually being played made me want the DS. The PSP just doesn't seem to be viable yet as far as software goes and also on how quick and fun and playable it will be.


cybamerc said:
I can't tell if you're joking but that pic is hardly representative of how the game looks.

Actually it is. That screen cap was taken from the 11MB video and in motion it really does look that bad. :lol

This game looks like an early 90's fps with a smooth as silk framerate.


snapty00 said:
God, when the Metroid attaches to Samus, it looks so fucking shitty. It's jarring. This game needs texture filtering like there's no tomorrow.

They also might want to just take out that FMV or make it not cut out like that. It's seems cut-off.

Get off of it.
This title is more than 'get the job done' and looks superior to Mario 64 even with it's realistic style.


Reasonably funny joke, still all the jokes in this world cannot prevent the success of MP on the DS (or DS for that matter) :) Even Yamauchi finds himself laughing as you might notice. It can't be the next Goldeneye though, because the Goldeneye of this gen is Halo.


No lie... I'm still getting a DS on launch day. I've looked at blocky pixels before... a few more won't kill me.
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