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New Metroid Prime: Hunters 1st Hunt movies look HIDEOS


GAF's Pleasant Genius
kitchenmotors said:
The texture quality on the DS is akin to PS One than N64. Lots of detail. Lack of filtering gives the textures a PS One look, but polygon wise it's beyond N64.

I happen to like the textures on the DS. When I go back and play N64/PS One/ Saturn games I far prefer the sharpness of the textures on PS One/Saturn to the blurry dull textures on N64. But then again, I'm not a cheap graphic whore who will bend over and take it like a little bitch for anything that looks nice.

Can I have M2 quality textures at least ? Sharper than N64 textures and not blocky like PSOne's textures ?

PSOne games look really good with texture filtering on (when it does not mess-up), but the reason why so many N64 titles had such blurry textures was due to two things: one was the infamous 4 KB texture cache and the other was the fact that bi-linear filtering was hacked (it used only 3 texture samples instead of 4).


For me, texture blurriness on Nintendo 64 wasn't the main blur problem, anyway. The main problem was that the anti-aliasing gave everything an overly smooth look. Even if you play Nintendo 64 games emulated, they're nowhere near as blurry as a real Nintendo 64.
Metroid Hunters looks like ass.

Metroid Hunters plays like ass.

This thread is created by a viral marketer.

You were decieved.
Jesus, that game looked pretty swank in motion.
Makes it even more a kick in the balls when that ultra-pixely Metroid texture appears on the screen. :\

It's not a big deal at all since the graphics are mostly good, but even the slightest bit of anti-aliasing would've been gravy.

aoi tsuki

i'm worried that Nintendo may try to shoehorn the use of the finger stylus. i'm still picking up my system at launch with a few games, but i was under the impression that the touch screen would be more finger-friendly than one on a PDA or similar device. i don't mind using a stylus for a puzzler, RPG, or other traditionally less intense game. Having used finger styli on PDAs, i know there's some niche appeal to it, and of course having it on the strap makes it more accessible than having it separate, but i wasn't planning on using the strap myself.

And i don't think a FPS will be the Goldeneye for the DS, if "Goldeneye" is a metaphor for "top-selling game with long-lasting appeal". It'll be a WiFi app, but i think it'll be something more communication-based and with broader appeal, like Animal Crossing or Pokemon (>_<).

Justin Bailey

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Lemurnator said:
Metroid Hunters looks like ass.

Metroid Hunters plays like ass.
Thanks for your valuable insight.

This thread is created by a viral marketer.

You were decieved.
Don't worry, for every Nintendo viral marketer on this board there's a person like snapty who makes it their jerb to troll every Nintendo thread. Hey, at least the other guy's getting paid.


As someone that absolutely hates the way PSOne games look on a normal TV. I'm fine with the DS's graphics.

The PSOne looks just fine if not somewhat good on the PSOne LCD screen simply because everythings so small. On a screen almost half the size of that one, I'm sure you'll all get over it.
whos the mod who changed the title to reflect his personal opinion; don't like it, start a new thread? GAF + Nintendo. Too much hate. And its not the original posters intent so you should at least say title changed... etc etc

I do agree that I went "urgh" when the metroid latched onto Samus' visor.. but for the handheld, you'd think that adaptability/power use/tech is fine. The game mostly looks great til that one metroid moment. Oh, and Samus is a bit blocky when she transits into ball mode
Vark said:
As someone that absolutely hates the was PSOne games look on a normal TV. I'm fine with the DS's graphics.

I agree. The small screen will mask most of the problems with graphics.
the best thing about it will be the multiplayer gameplay.
mumu said:
TheGreenGiant, you worry too much. No GAF hate in this world can stop MP.

yes it can. it doesn't seem to be a game with story. I'm personally not picking it up. The other games will get my money. XXYY Feel the magic.


snapty00 said:
For me, texture blurriness on Nintendo 64 wasn't the main blur problem, anyway. The main problem was that the anti-aliasing gave everything an overly smooth look. Even if you play Nintendo 64 games emulated, they're nowhere near as blurry as a real Nintendo 64.

Could you please take your fanboy ass out of another Nintendo thread? Thanks. We need objective opinions here, not trolling.

Anyway the game looks good but it's obvious tha the DS needs antialiasing or something like that.
Do not presume to instruct Drinky Crow in the ways of moderation, for he is vastly more knowledgable than you. When Drinky Crow says something is HIDEOS, he is not offering an opinion. He is declaring fiat.


GAF is not very representative of the average gamer. You never see GAFFERS freak out over Pokemon and Enter the Matrix, and you never see the average gamer freak out over Katamari Damacy or ICO.
belgurdo said:

I believe that's a troll.

back on topic. No one has yet commented on load time and how the dual screen actually looks in action? I haven't seen it but I'd always thought that seperating the screens that distance apart won't look so shit hot when they try to display a long potrait shot but the load/samus image proved me wrong. Looks incredibly sexy.

a) how is whoever playing the game moving forward/back and looking up and down. The touch screen (AMAZING) is being used to control the aim, no?

b) compared to GBA fpses. There is no comparisions. This is faster and way better. Welcome to next gen


Drinky Crow said:
Do not presume to instruct Drinky Crow in the ways of moderation, for he is vastly more knowledgable than you. When Drinky Crow says something is HIDEOS, he is not offering an opinion. He is declaring fiat.



being watched
Halo on DS would be cool. Could have animated Cortana on bottom screen visually reading you out information through the game ect.
Drinky Crow said:
Do not presume to instruct Drinky Crow in the ways of moderation, for he is vastly more knowledgable than you. When Drinky Crow says something is HIDEOS, he is not offering an opinion. He is declaring fiat.

:lol. by the way. I read that more than one time as... Hideo(s) Kojima. Spelling it right makes it more effective.


mumu said:
GAF is not very representative of the average gamer. You never see GAFFERS freak out over Pokemon and Enter the Matrix, and you never see the average gamer freak out over Katamari Damacy or ICO.

It's cause the average GAFFER IQ >>>>>>>>>>>>> average idiot's IQ who buys a game cuz the cover wuz c00l!!!11!1


Che said:
It's cause the average GAFFER IQ >>>>>>>>>>>>> average idiot's IQ who buys a game cuz the cover wuz c00l!!!11!1

Silly boy, GAFers purchase on basis of Gamerankings rating position, not because of game quality


"compared to GBA fpses. There is no comparisions. This is faster and way better. Welcome to next gen"

Next gen? :lol


The worst offender with PSone graphics was IMO the texture warping. That seems to have been almost completely taken care of on DS (does anyone know if it has a feature to turn on perspective correction, with a small loss in speed maybe?). I think it is pretty expensive, hardware wise, to do perspective correct texturing when you don't have a z-buffer, which DS doesn’t.
Point filtering will not be noticeable on such a small, low res screen. Probably the texel to pixel ratio is going to be smaller or equal to 1:1 most of the time.
ypo said:
"compared to GBA fpses. There is no comparisions. This is faster and way better. Welcome to next gen"

Next gen? :lol

next gen handheld fps? Its not the Konami FPS on PSP but it does move better, and look better than a stock GBA fps. The engine looks about 1000x times more robust. If you've played a GBA fps, you'd know.
I thought the DS had a hardware z-buffer? Either way, I've seen texture warping in DS games, especially Mario 64x4, although it isn't as bad as the average non-Naughty Dog PSOne game.


AFAIK it doesn't even have a frame buffer, "only" line buffer (like the ATARI consoles). Probably they did it that way to save bandwidth, because two 256x196x16 buffers would only take up about 200Kb.
can someone point out that monster official DS thread? It doesn't show up on search. I need to learn to ust the subsribe to threads feature
Fuckeroon. Blocky textures or not, I think this looks amazing. The control looks pretty cool from the video as well. I haven't seen too much so far, so I'm really impressed by this. Hunters get for me.


It's been confirmed that w/ the demo you can play multiplayer w/ just one cart. I hope this feature is not removed from the full version.


It looks very good. Pretty remarkable Metroid Prime transition graphicwise from the GC offerings. That being said, I hope they can come up with a fun engaging 1 player mode.


I think MP Hunters is focusing on multi mostly, think of it as Metroid Prime Quake 3 Arena Edition. I may be wrong. I'm pretty sure there will be another real MP game though.
mumu said:
I think MP Hunters is focusing on multi mostly, think of it as Metroid Prime Quake 3 Arena Edition. I may be wrong. I'm pretty sure there will be another real MP game though.

No you're right - this is Metroid Tournament 2005. No doubt we'll get a true exploration based Metroid soon enough.
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