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New MGS3 trailer"from German game con"

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Hayter must go! Snake goes from deep voiced adult man to a teenager trying to sound like wolverine. Can't they find a guy with a similar voice to the japanese dude?


I'm sure there is a programmed paradox... I am convinced that the story reboots after he fall down the bridge... That bandanna thing is just weird...
i like the make up Snake has on his face. looks like any of the members of Cobra Kai at the Halloween party.

all the Russians voices suck ass. but i guess that should've been expected afters Sons of Liberty and all.

well, it looks great. morotcycles seem like they're gonna be a lot of fun.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Awesome trailer, though a few of the voices weren't exactly what I expected. And it looks like there are two different drop entrances in the game. First was the HALO jump, now this drop device with snake wearing skull face paint. Wonder what that means...


Mistaken iRobbery!
Mooreberg said:
First was the HALO jump, now this drop device with snake wearing skull face paint. Wonder what that means...
Depending on when you play the game, going by the PS2's console clock, you get a different Halo Jump?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Defensor said:
Depending on when you play the game, going by the PS2's console clock, you get a different Halo Jump?

Hmm, that might actually make sense. Interesting if that's how it works


Console Market Analyst
There are two "infiltrations", which would insinuate two different missions. How Snake gets his headband, and when he's shown wearing it, supports this.

The only question is, are both of these missions to infiltrate Tselinoyarsk in the Soviet mountains, or is there a second location entirely?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
That would be cool, but looking at the videos so far, it looks like Snake (as in Big Boss, the original Snake) fails in the first attempt, gets his arm broken (that part made me cringe slightly), and is thrown into a river or something. Maybe they find out what location the nukes are moved to (or at least the one that wasn't fired by the Colonel), and he has time to let the arm heal and goes back after them.

I'm going to believe the claim that you're only playing as one character for now. I have a hard time imagining how one half would be Big Boss, and the other half would be Solid Snake in current time (meaning after the Big Shell incident). Even the people that survive this 60s incident would have died of natural causes... besides the younger ones like Ocelot. I still hope Psycho Mantis pops up along the way...
i wonder if both these missions are spread over days or years? it has to tkae place during the kennedy administration and the johnson administration (maybe just before vietnam goes hot)


Console Market Analyst
Mooreberg said:
That would be cool, but looking at the videos so far, it looks like Snake (as in Big Boss, the original Snake) fails in the first attempt, gets his arm broken (that part made me cringe slightly), and is thrown into a river or something. Maybe they find out what location the nukes are moved to (or at least the one that wasn't fired by the Colonel), and he has time to let the arm heal and goes back after them.

Agreed. If you watch the E32k4 Trailer, it pieces it together pretty clearly.

First Mission: Snake's initial mission is to rescue Sokolov and escort him out by way of hot air balloon.

Second Mission: To destory the Shagohad(new metal gear) before it is used to start a nuclear war.

And, by watching the trailers, we can see that the Metal Gear is taken to a mountainous climate. Snake is shown wearing his headband in every desert canyon scene, and in these new snow-capped mountain base scenes.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
i wonder if both these missions are spread over days or years? it has to tkae place during the kennedy administration and the johnson administration (maybe just before vietnam goes hot)
Probably years... There is a large time span on the original website, that starts up from 1961 and goes as far as 1964...

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I have a feeling that MGS3 will be a simulation

Lets recap some moments from its past trailer (e3 irrc? 15mins one)

*MGS2 ending scene* Snake: "We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad story by its light"

"We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with"

"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one of the same thing"

Relive the 60's
Relive the cold war
Relive espionage
Relive memories
MGS is revived to survive the future
MGS relives yesterday to survive tomorrow

Hmm, i think he's trying to give us a message ;)

Has anyone figured out what MEME-GENE-SCENE (aka MGS) meant? MGS1 is GENE, MGS2 is MEME, MGS3 is SCENE. Gene and MGS1 are understandable since Liquid and Snake are carying Big boss' genes, one supposedly more dominant than the other. MEME for MGS2 i dont understand though.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Probably years... There is a large time span on the original website, that starts up from 1961 and goes as far as 1964...
Good point. Also note that they say at the begining of this trailer - "You are a ghost Snake, in every sense of the word". Snake wears a ghost mask, but he is also probably thought to be dead after he fell into the river?

*Edit* - needless to say, that really echoes of MGS2 character switch, where Snake supposedly drowned and everyone thought he was dead.

Then again, it's still not impossible that the second jump (the one from SR71) is the Solid Snake, but I kinda doubt it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
MEME for MGS2 i dont understand though
Just google the 'memes'. I could give you a brief explanation, but you'll surely find it more in detail. Basically, it's the passing of ideas and information, they ways they spread - a theme that was being used in MGS2.

Also, for the "Scene" Kojima explained that the MGS3 gives a historic perspective to things that occured in MGS and MGS2, that it sets up the 'scene' for the whole series.


Buggy Loop said:
Has anyone figured out what MEME-GENE-SCENE (aka MGS) meant? MGS1 is GENE, MGS2 is MEME, MGS3 is SCENE. Gene and MGS1 are understandable since Liquid and Snake are carying Big boss' genes, one supposedly more dominant than the other. MEME for MGS2 i dont understand though.
There is a long and interesting description of the MEME and GENE theme of Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2 on this webpage: Metal Gear Solid 2 Ending Analysis: Gene and Meme. I can't summerize it though (no time)...

Basically, it's from the greek word Mimeme and the french word Même...

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Laurent said:
Probably years... There is a large time span on the original website, that starts up from 1961 and goes as far as 1964...


"Living since 1961" following screen - Harry Greg William, his actual birthday is december 13th 1961
"Alive since 1962" following screen - Kyle Cooper, couldnt find his birthday but we can assume its 1962
"Outliving since 1963" following screen - Hideo Kojima, his actual birthday is august 24th 1963

I dont think the dates have anything to do with the timeline of the game's story

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I dont think the dates have anything to do with the timeline of the game's story
That's questionable. On the Konami's first MGS3 website, there was a series of important events that happened from 1961 to 1964 (their birthdays were included there among other events, btw). The same events were printed in their press kit last year. It just seems there's more to those dates than their birthdays.


Buggy Loop said:

"Living since 1961" following screen - Harry Greg William, his actual birthday is december 13th 1961
"Alive since 1962" following screen - Kyle Cooper, couldnt find his birthday but we can assume its 1962
"Outliving since 1963" following screen - Hideo Kojima, his actual birthday is august 24th 1963

I dont think the dates have anything to do with the timeline of the game's story
Look closer...






Why haven't you looked at the website before telling me I was wrong?


Cool trailer, but I liked the previous one better. I'm not feeling the voices though...after being used to listening to Big Boss talk in japanese for so long I don't think Hayter is right for the role. :p He needs to sound deeper...more "badass". Ocelot is all right, his japanese voice sounds like a fairy too. In general, though, I think the voices are a little bit robotic and lack emotion.

I also think the game takes place from 1961 until 1964, I think the trailers/website/etc make that a little obvious. :p
It seems pretty clear to me that the game will be played in parallel, 60s and late cold war. Big Boss / Snake going through the same type of situations and the game cutting back and forth at key times. Although, there are obviously no absolute truths in the pre-hype festivities for a Kojima game so I'm most likely completely off base. Still, it's a lot of fun to speculate!

Since Kojima said only one playable character I'm going to agree with what has been said previously: it's still a Snake, whether the time period changes or not. As for his lack of time-jumps... as of now, I guess I just don't buy it.

Amazing trailer nevertheless! Does anyone know if a PC version will be releasing in the US at (or around) the same time as the PS2 version?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Hmm look again, where did i ever say you were wrong? I posted my thoughts about the dates, nothing more, no need to go all defensive.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm sorry but Hayter's voice > Japanese Snake guy's voice :)

Hayter just is that character, for me. Noone 'better' they can find would actually be better.

Amazing trailer nevertheless! Does anyone know if a PC version will be releasing in the US at (or around) the same time as the PS2 version?
Haha, what?



Does anybody else remember the cast list? There was a character called "The End", so when The Boss talks about being loyal to the end, she's refering to him/her, probably the true boss of the game.


I'm sorry but Hayter's voice > Japanese Snake guy's voice

Hayter just is that character, for me. Noone 'better' they can find would actually be better.

This isn't Solid Snake, this is Big Boss, and quite honestly the quality of his voice acting is probably the worst one in the trailer. :p :p
Marconelly said:
Haha, what?
IGN PC has a listing for it, so I figured I'd ask. Substance and MGS1 eventually came to PC, right? Chalk it up to excitement/wishful thinking based on the fact that I just built a new computer. :(


Console Market Analyst
The game doesn't begin until 1964, when both Lyndon B. Johnson and Nikita Khrushchev are in power. So you 1961-1964 theorists can put that one to bed.
metsallica said:
IGN PC has a listing for it, so I figured I'd ask. Substance and MGS1 eventually came to PC, right? Chalk it up to excitement/wishful thinking based on the fact that I just built a new computer. :(

why would you want it on the p.c? it wont actually be "better" as far as graphics are concerned.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
IGN PC has a listing for it, so I figured I'd ask. Substance and MGS1 eventually came to PC, right? Chalk it up to excitement/wishful thinking based on the fact that I just built a new computer.
It might come to the PC, but I'd say that's going to be a long ass wait for a very sub par product, if MGS2 is anything to go by (and it is something to go by, considering that in MGS3 trailers they say the game is PS2 exclusive, which pretty much means at least one year, or a total exclusivity)

The game doesn't begin until 1964, when both Lyndon B. Johnson and Nikita Khrushchev are in power. So you 1961-1964 theorists can put that one to bed.
Are you sure that the last E3 trailer, (which by that theory would be events taking place pre-1964) has any mention of Lyndon and Khrushchev?


Off topic, but as long as people are doing MGS analysis... what's up with the whole possesed by someone else's arm thingy? Is there a rational explanation for that? And Fortune's powers?
jett said:

Does anybody else remember the cast list? There was a character called "The End", so when The Boss talks about being loyal to the end, she's refering to him/her, probably the true boss of the game.

I never read that document but that makes alot of sense. She might turn out to be this games version of Ocelot. The one thats constantly backstabbing people without them noticing. She seems to be working for Volgin going by the trailer, while also working for "The End". The way she talks makes it seem like she's much closer to backing his purpose than Volgins. Unless all 3 of them are working together.

Also if you go back to the previous trailer, the whole "defecting" thing makes more sense. Alot of people, including my self thought they were talking about Snake defecting while now its obvious that Volgin was referring to The Boss. She mentions at the end of the trailer that everything she's been told were lies, so i'm guessing she's talking about what happened in the US. Since her and Snake seem to know each other pretty well, I wonder if she could be behind Big Boss' change of sides?


Tag of Excellence
My dislike for MGS2 was strong but my love for this game is even stronger. God I hope Kojima took the complaints to heart, I'm really loving the storyline and the new gameplay additions.

I love how Kojima keeps throwing all this insane shit at us, I was literally overwhelmed with the amount of characters and information in that trailer.
Doc Holliday said:
Hayter must go! Snake goes from deep voiced adult man to a teenager trying to sound like wolverine. Can't they find a guy with a similar voice to the japanese dude?

I totally agree. I really couldn't wish for anything more than to have dual language option in the game, but I'm quite certain that wont happen, un-fuckin-fortunately.

*Sets Ignore-Marconelly-Mode & other "BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE" people to On*


David Hayter is more the EA Sports guy to me now than Snake lol

The more trailers I see now the more I'm becoming interested in the story.

If the entire game maintains this level of presentation in the poly demos then honestly I wouldn't really care if it starts to overshadow the gameplay again. The art direction is top notch and everything just seems so well done.
Hayter is a great voice actor and all...Especially for Snake. But that trailer makes him sound weird...I like the Japanese voice actor better for Big Boss.


Tag of Excellence
God that's mastery of the low poly art! I'm pretty sure the MGS2 models were done in 3DSMax so I'm curious if they followed suit with the new one.

I love Eva's outfit, it's most ridiculously stupid thing to wear when you're going into a war zone.
SolidSnakex said:
Character models:







The Boss:



Yeah the character models look really low-poly to me (with the exception of the faces), is it just me or does anyone else remember MGS2's character bodies being rounder? It's probably just the high-res closeups and they'll look just as good if not better than MGS2's in-game. Again, I'm not talking about facial modelling, which is top notch as always. Also these particular images show heavy JPEG artifacts, which definitely isn't complementing the models.

Oh yes, Best Game Ever.


Tag of Excellence
I'm not being sarcastic that's exceedingly well designed low poly characters.

They've put more emphasis on texturing this time around, WHICH IS A VERY GOOD THING. That's probably the reason they've had to cut back on higher res meshes.
adelgary said:
Yeah the character models look really low-poly to me (with the exception of the faces), is it just me or does anyone else remember MGS2's character bodies being rounder? It's probably just the high-res closeups and they'll look just as good if not better than MGS2's in-game. Again, I'm not talking about facial modelling, which is top notch as always. Also these particular images show heavy JPEG artifacts, which definitely isn't complementing the models.

Oh yes, Best Game Ever.

They body models basically looks the same as MGS2, they've improved the faces though. Whenever they get closeups on them you can see that they're kinda angular, but most of the time you see them from a distance, even in cutscenes so you can't really tell. Looking at the cutscene pics, the models look alot better than in the those character pics I posted.


Console Market Analyst
Marconelly said:
Are you sure that the last E3 trailer, (which by that theory would be events taking place pre-1964) has any mention of Lyndon and Khrushchev?

54 seconds into the E32k4 trailer.
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