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New NeoGaf TOS

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Josh7289 said:
Because that's actually taking the right away from creators who post their stuff on NeoGAF to choose what kind of license they want for their work.
No it isn't. CC BY-SA is non-exclusive, the creator retains the right to license his stuff otherwise.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
iNvidious01 said:
yeah technically we need a pop up box saying agree/dsiagreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.


GAF parliamentarian
EviLore said:
Well that's fine; here we are to keep the next time around from becoming a stressful IP law debate. With my wonderful meaningless non-exclusive license I can now give my completely pointless yet also polite permission, since this is the internet and everyone reposts everything from everywhere else with attribution at best or nothing at worst.
Just slap the :lol smiley after the legalese and everyone will understand.
EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.

That would just spawn 18 more of these threads I fear


ScOULaris said:
You just owned half of the people in this thread. You probably also eased their worries a bit too, though. Thanks for chiming in.
Sorry if you already commented on this earlier, but what do you think about having your forum post slapped as a "news article" on a for-profit site as if you're one of their paid writers? Were you consulted on this at all and do you feel like you benefit from this in any way?
EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.

Hype! :D Can't wait.


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EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.
Fuck the rest of this thread...IN A FEW DAYS WE'LL HAVE SEARCH BACK?! That was quick as hell.


EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.

RubxQub said:
Fuck the rest of this thread...IN A FEW DAYS WE'LL HAVE SEARCH BACK?! That was quick as hell.
Nah, I think it means just setting up the framework/software so he can get it up and running.


EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.



Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
kathode said:
Seems pretty standard. Someone posted the YouTube version on page 3 and it's close to identical. Fire everyone!!!
That's the usual problem with terms of service and EULAs: they are often painful to read and it's difficult to understand their limitations (which is sometimes even intentional).
I believe most of the overreaction is due to this: lack of understanding of what the new TOS actually entail, and what exactly is getting licensed to NeoGAF through one's posts (I gave examples of pictures or intellectual properties earlier).


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
EviLore said:
I am against it, which is why it wasn't there before and I acted informally about it. But people are making a big fuss, so it's added to protect the site and clarify our position if it comes up in the future.

To clarify, it's a non-exclusive license, not a transfer of ownership or losing your own rights to what you post. So if you feel I'm a completely evil asshole who will use your posts for nefarious means, by all means go ahead and delete your posts and stop using your account and all. But nothing has really changed, because what is described in the ToS is how we've always operated in effect up to this point anyway.

Let me just stick my oar in here briefly. Usual disclaimer - details vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so I'm just looking at common law and generally-recognised international copyright law.

Basically I'm not too fussed about this at all.

1) Your copyright

You have copyright in anything you post that is original to you (that includes original photos, text, photoshops etc). Licensing these to NeoGAF through the TOS does not take that away. So you have not lost any legal rights if somebody steals it in whole or in part.

2) Licence to NeoGAF

The revised TOS give NeoGAF a perpetual etc etc licence to republish etc etc blah blah. It does not mean that NeoGAF gets your copyright. It does mean that you can't sue for copyright breach either NeoGAF or anyone that NeoGAF lets use it.

The retrospectively applicable TOS looks a bit dodgy - but no more so than many others out there (and they haven't really been tested by the courts, so I am unsure of the impact). It looks a lot of words, but they are mostly in practice harmless except for two things.

First: there's a potential exposure if NeoGAF ever gets taken over by someone less scrupulously straightforward than EvilLore. I'd prefer if the licence were non-transferable rather than transferable, so that (a) we are protected in the event of a takeover (b) EvilLore gets an extra negotiating point to avoid a takeover if he wants to (c) nobody (e.g. Kotaku) will be able to argue they had a transferred licence and syndicate your post off to umpteen million other places.

Second: there's a potential issue if a copied post gives ground for action by a third party. For example, there are some posts on GAF (including some of mine) that are potentially libellous if taken out of the context of the whole thread. And you could end up on the wrong end of a libel case. I don't think that's dreadfully likely though, and in any event EvilLore is not stupid enough to licence such posts out anyway.

3) There's a way around it (there's ALWAYS a way around it)

NeoGAF can only claim to be able to licence the copyright of something that is original to the poster. If the poster doesn't have copyright in the material posted, then NeoGAF can't acquire any such rights by virtue of the TOS.

So, if you're really worried about this, write out your posts and have your wife post them on her account. They're not her copyright, so NeoGAF acquires no rights in them whatsoever.

If you don't have a wife - go get one.


EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.
Sounds good.
But until then, the new TOS should be put on a hold.
I'm sure it's in your right to change the TOS at any time, and do to it without any public announcement, but you show more consideration for your userbase by not doing so.

© 2011 Shanadeus, LLC
EviLore said:
Why in the world would I send a DMCA notice to Destructoid?

" even though they could just NOT ask me and republish anyway without anyone giving a damn, like Destructoid just did a few days ago and other sites have done hundreds of times.""

I assume you mean that their use would have been allowed under Fair Use then, because if not you can make them remove it rather simply.

Also is this just Kotaku or Gawker Media as a whole?

EDIT: This comes out of doing IP work. I'm not terribly worried I just find things like this interesting.
EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.

This is by far the most important thing to come out of this thread. More info please.
TOS said:
C. By registering an account at NeoGAF.com and participating (including but not limited to submitting replies or private messages), you hereby grant NeoGAF LLC and our licensees, distributors, agents, representatives and other authorized users, a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable, fully-paid, royalty-free, sub-licensable and transferable (in whole or part) worldwide license under all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, privacy and publicity rights and other intellectual property rights you own or control to use, reproduce, transmit, display, exhibit, distribute, index, comment on, modify, create derivative works based upon, perform and otherwise exploit such submissions, in whole or in part, in all media formats and channels now known or hereafter devised, for any and all purposes including entertainment, news, advertising, promotional, marketing, publicity, trade or commercial purposes, all without further notice to you, with or without attribution, and without the requirement of any permission from or payment to you or to any other person or entity.
EvilLore, perhaps I'm missing it, but I don't see anywhere that limits the license to works posted on NeoGAF. That is to say, as worded, the section seems to say that by registering and participating, I'm giving NeoGAF a license to all my IP, regardless of whether I posted it on NeoGAF or elsewhere.

As I read it, "...such submissions," doesn't constrain the previous, "all ...intellectual property rights you own or control." Perhaps you could post a (legally binding) clarification that "all IP you control" is limited to just that IP which is submitted?
If you guys honestly have a problem, the door is right there. You don't have to go home but you have to GTFO

Besides there's a long line of people waiting to get approved, happy to take your place
Actually wouldn't be surprised if he made over a mil annually. Perez Hilton makes millions per year just off his website views (not counting side ventures, just the website). Of course Hilton gets more traffic but even if EL got a fraction of that he'd still pull over a mil annually. He's also got a monster rig worth a few grand at least, meaning disposable income is probably high. Craziest thing is that there's no huge sponsored ad backgrounds like you see on IGN or pop-ups or sticky thread promotions. He could be making a lot more but chose not to plaster the site with that trash. Could probably sell the site for a few mil right now and retire...


This is all pretty much implied. Has anyone ever actually won a lawsuit against a website for redistributing or editing the content they post? Distribution is pretty much the point of a forum. Were people outraged when gaming-age.com gave all of the old posts to neogaf.com (different ownership)?

It's like writing a letter to the editor and then complaining when it gets published or cited.


EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.

I see what you're doing here, trying to distract from the issue at hand!

Fuck yeah! I've been waiting for years to get the post history back! Thank you, based EviLore


NeoGAF is the Kingdom of Evilore, he can change its conditions at will.
It is not that somebody is forcing us to stay, if we do not like the new ToS...


EviLore said:
I don't think the current version of the forum software supports that, actually, or I would have. When we update to the newer software in a few days, in order to get full search back and other features, I can go ahead and do that if it'll clarify things for people.

Smilies and animated avatars are coming back, according to an article in Kotaku


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Squirrel Killer said:
EvilLore, perhaps I'm missing it, but I don't see anywhere that limits the license to works posted on NeoGAF. That is to say, as worded, the section seems to say that by registering and participating, I'm giving NeoGAF a license to all my IP, regardless of whether I posted it on NeoGAF or elsewhere?

Well obviously that's nonsensical and would never hold up legally, but I'll see about making it a little clearer.


phisheep said:
Let me just stick my oar in here briefly. Usual disclaimer - details vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so I'm just looking at common law and generally-recognised international copyright law.

Basically I'm not too fussed about this at all.

1) Your copyright

You have copyright in anything you post that is original to you (that includes original photos, text, photoshops etc). Licensing these to NeoGAF through the TOS does not take that away. So you have not lost any legal rights if somebody steals it in whole or in part.

2) Licence to NeoGAF

The revised TOS give NeoGAF a perpetual etc etc licence to republish etc etc blah blah. It does not mean that NeoGAF gets your copyright. It does mean that you can't sue for copyright breach either NeoGAF or anyone that NeoGAF lets use it.

The retrospectively applicable TOS looks a bit dodgy - but no more so than many others out there (and they haven't really been tested by the courts, so I am unsure of the impact). It looks a lot of words, but they are mostly in practice harmless except for two things.

First: there's a potential exposure if NeoGAF ever gets taken over by someone less scrupulously straightforward than EvilLore. I'd prefer if the licence were non-transferable rather than transferable, so that (a) we are protected in the event of a takeover (b) EvilLore gets an extra negotiating point to avoid a takeover if he wants to (c) nobody (e.g. Kotaku) will be able to argue they had a transferred licence and syndicate your post off to umpteen million other places.

Second: there's a potential issue if a copied post gives ground for action by a third party. For example, there are some posts on GAF (including some of mine) that are potentially libellous if taken out of the context of the whole thread. And you could end up on the wrong end of a libel case. I don't think that's dreadfully likely though, and in any event EvilLore is not stupid enough to licence such posts out anyway.

3) There's a way around it (there's ALWAYS a way around it)

NeoGAF can only claim to be able to licence the copyright of something that is original to the poster. If the poster doesn't have copyright in the material posted, then NeoGAF can't acquire any such rights by virtue of the TOS.

So, if you're really worried about this, write out your posts and have your wife post them on her account. They're not her copyright, so NeoGAF acquires no rights in them whatsoever.

If you don't have a wife - go get one.

i agree with the transfer/takeover part.


Gui_PT said:
Smilies and animated avatars are coming back, according to an article in Kotaku
Probably just full search in addition to the ability to see other poster's previous posts/threads.
Or perhaps not.

© 2011 Shanadeus, LLC


phisheep said:
Let me just stick my oar in here briefly. Usual disclaimer - details vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so I'm just looking at common law and generally-recognised international copyright law.

Basically I'm not too fussed about this at all.

1) Your copyright

You have copyright in anything you post that is original to you (that includes original photos, text, photoshops etc). Licensing these to NeoGAF through the TOS does not take that away. So you have not lost any legal rights if somebody steals it in whole or in part.

2) Licence to NeoGAF

The revised TOS give NeoGAF a perpetual etc etc licence to republish etc etc blah blah. It does not mean that NeoGAF gets your copyright. It does mean that you can't sue for copyright breach either NeoGAF or anyone that NeoGAF lets use it.

The retrospectively applicable TOS looks a bit dodgy - but no more so than many others out there (and they haven't really been tested by the courts, so I am unsure of the impact). It looks a lot of words, but they are mostly in practice harmless except for two things.

First: there's a potential exposure if NeoGAF ever gets taken over by someone less scrupulously straightforward than EvilLore. I'd prefer if the licence were non-transferable rather than transferable, so that (a) we are protected in the event of a takeover (b) EvilLore gets an extra negotiating point to avoid a takeover if he wants to (c) nobody (e.g. Kotaku) will be able to argue they had a transferred licence and syndicate your post off to umpteen million other places.

Second: there's a potential issue if a copied post gives ground for action by a third party. For example, there are some posts on GAF (including some of mine) that are potentially libellous if taken out of the context of the whole thread. And you could end up on the wrong end of a libel case. I don't think that's dreadfully likely though, and in any event EvilLore is not stupid enough to licence such posts out anyway.

3) There's a way around it (there's ALWAYS a way around it)

NeoGAF can only claim to be able to licence the copyright of something that is original to the poster. If the poster doesn't have copyright in the material posted, then NeoGAF can't acquire any such rights by virtue of the TOS.

So, if you're really worried about this, write out your posts and have your wife post them on her account. They're not her copyright, so NeoGAF acquires no rights in them whatsoever.

If you don't have a wife - go get one.
Please add this to the OP while i'll go and look for a wife.


So is this thread now the new "Kotaku - GAF" discussion thread? anyway this is what i wrote for the closed one...

1. If it's on the internet, it will be linked to, it will be stolen, it will be rewritten and misued; has always been like this, and will always be like this. No need to get all emotional. But still...

2. One of the main reasons I love GAF is its often incredible quality content, like the beautiful OTs that people put so much work in, or the often well-informed, factual and enlightening discussions. This is an enthusiast forum, and I would like it to stay that way. Don't start monetizing the content that the members here create (out of love for the subjects), because that could easily be a first step to destroying the very things that make this community so great.

I wouldn't want a situation where
a. people make content with the intention for it to be indirectly sold to a third party. If somebody wants to be a paid writer, just send your resume/article/beautiful post to Kotaku directly!
b. people are afraid to post stuff because it can be perused without their consent (regarding TOS), which means no or less original artwork, photography, music, games (fxxxking Dudebro, people!) out of this incredibly creative community.

This all affects the high quality and variety of content on GAF, and in my opinion would make GAF a less cool place.

3. I personally wouldn't like to be associated with Kotaku because IMO it lacks that very sense for quality and variety mentioned before. Crecente, this is not meant personal, but whenever I browse your site I leave with a bitter aftertaste of cheap, rapid-fire spam about japanese bikinibabes, sensationalist videogame-violence news and other needlessly hyperbolic drama.

4. And besides all that legal talk, just out of human courtesy: If you re-use content from somebody, tell them, ask them, let them know in some way. It's just good internet manners.

tldr: Don't sell out, GAF! Dont't kill creativity, quality and variety! Kotkau derp lol


Heavy said:
Actually wouldn't be surprised if he made over a mil annually. Perez Hilton makes millions per year just off his website views (not counting side ventures, just the website). Of course Hilton gets more traffic but even if EL got a fraction of that he'd still pull over a mil annually. He's also got a monster rig worth a few grand at least, meaning disposable income is probably high. Craziest thing is that there's no huge sponsored ad backgrounds like you see on IGN or pop-ups or sticky thread promotions. He could be making a lot more but chose not to plaster the site with that trash. Could probably sell the site for a few mil right now and retire...

"He" who? Evilore? Are you really saying Evilore is a renegade millionaire?
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