W Willco Hollywood Square May 27, 2005 #1 Virtually no rules, except make a Star Wars tie-in with any product you can think of and watch hilarity ensue. I'll get us started!
Virtually no rules, except make a Star Wars tie-in with any product you can think of and watch hilarity ensue. I'll get us started!
T themadcowtipper Smells faintly of rancid stilton. May 27, 2005 #3 Tritroid said: Conan rip off. Click to expand... Totally....for shame...
W Willco Hollywood Square May 27, 2005 #4 Pfft. I didn't know I was competing in the late night show slot! I guess I better delete my fake headlines idea too! Just play you pussies.
Pfft. I didn't know I was competing in the late night show slot! I guess I better delete my fake headlines idea too! Just play you pussies.
Tritroid Member May 27, 2005 #5 Willco said: Pfft. I didn't know I was competing in the late night show slot! I guess I better delete my fake headlines idea too! Just play you pussies. Click to expand... Nah, not many funnies will derive from this. This is just another way for you to troll the PT.
Willco said: Pfft. I didn't know I was competing in the late night show slot! I guess I better delete my fake headlines idea too! Just play you pussies. Click to expand... Nah, not many funnies will derive from this. This is just another way for you to troll the PT.
B btrboyev Member May 27, 2005 #6 you try to damn hard willco, I suggest giving up. you lose at life.
W Willco Hollywood Square May 27, 2005 #8 Mike Works said: They JUST did this on Something Awful too Click to expand... Awesome. PM the link, because I want to make sure I don't copy something.
Mike Works said: They JUST did this on Something Awful too Click to expand... Awesome. PM the link, because I want to make sure I don't copy something.
I Iceman Member May 27, 2005 #9 when you guys redefine this photoshop thread to make it more general.. or less ripoffy.. then count on me this weekend.
when you guys redefine this photoshop thread to make it more general.. or less ripoffy.. then count on me this weekend.
B borghe Loves the Greater Toronto Area May 27, 2005 #10 lol.. Attack of the Willcos backfired. This is now The Phantom Rip-off thread!!
E evil ways Member May 27, 2005 #11 Somebody inject 200 CC's of funny into this thread, we're losing it!!
T themadcowtipper Smells faintly of rancid stilton. May 27, 2005 #12 I made a lightsaber vibrator, for this thread, but I won't post it.....
Cauliflower of Love Banned May 27, 2005 #14 If I had the energy I'd crop her face to show the excitement of this thread. :lol
Bog Junior Ace May 27, 2005 #15 Mike Works said: They JUST did this on Something Awful too Click to expand... I was coming in to say the same thing.
Mike Works said: They JUST did this on Something Awful too Click to expand... I was coming in to say the same thing.