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New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more


Word of God.

People need to stop using that tweet since the person deleted it making it null and void.

And beside it's wrong since in Black and White Cynthia mention that the player reminds her of the player who faced against Giratina, referring to the event of Pokémon Platinum and not Diamond and Pearl.

Plus Ruby and Sapphire does not mean the remake and doesn't even fit in the timeline as it would be that we would have to accept that Mega, Fairy typing and Sylveon somehow didn't exist in gen 4 and 5 but yet came back for gen 6.

With the release of X and Y the timeline became messed up and the Hoenn remake just fixed it by saying that X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire are part of another universe.

Though it will be interesting to see how Sun and Moon will fit and whether it's going to merge the universe into one dimension seem to the focus of the story via the Ultra Beast.

Looker was also in r/b/y/fr/lg

That wasn't Looker.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone from DP and HGSS. Which is pretty much everyone but the Hoenn gym leaders.

Right, but Hoenn takes place at the same time as FLRG, and BW2 is 16 years after that, so all of the Hoenn leaders would have aged a fair bit, but despite redoing the spritework, they didn't show this.

I think the only valid conclusion is that literally everyone is immortal except Red and Blue, because reasons.

EDIT: To the above, doesn't the tweet mostly just confirm what we know already? HGSS and DPPt are definitely three years after FRLG/RSE, it's pointed out numerous times in HGSS. BW is an undisclosed amount of time after HGSS/DPPt, but it needs to be enough time for the Team Rocket member to retire, settle down, marry someone, and raise an elementary school kid. That fits with the "10 years" that the devs have mentioned even if it isn't explicitly said to be that long in game. BW2 is pointed about to be 2 years after BW in game. I don't think it is some great contradiction that Cynthia refers to what happened in Platinum but the tweet says DP - it's usually understood the third version is the definitive one, but generations are normally referred to by the title of the duo (eg DP/RB/RS are all pretty common ways to confirm those).

The only thing the tweet is needed for is setting out where XY falls in relation to ORAS. Everything else is just confirming stuff that is in the games.
That wasn't Looker.
I know, but it's nice to think it's him. Would also explain how he washed up on the battle resort.

Plus Ruby and Sapphire does not mean the remake and doesn't even fit in the timeline as it would be that we would have to accept that Mega, Fairy typing and Sylveon somehow didn't exist in gen 4 and 5 but yet came back for gen 6.
It's not like firered/leafgreen explained the steel and dark type existing, or pokemon eggs when they were supposed to be new discoveries in gen 2. you should gloss gameplay stuff over


Guys the easiest explanation is that FR/LG is no longer canon and that OR/AS takes place an indeterminate amount of time after RBY, with Sun/Moon following shortly after.

And also the PWT happens because of GSC's time machine magic.
For anyone doubting you becoming a champion notice what Blue said in the trailer; "Nice to meet a fellow Champ, yeah?"

they never show the HAs until someone digs deep into the game
A thing to remember about HAs is they could always go ahead and lock them out for a generation and even change them. Just ask Gen V. Though hopefully they won't do that as they must know it's the HAs which tend to make starters competitively viable (but not always; Damp Swampert :lol:). Wonder if they'll get new brand new abilities like the Gen VI lot had?

Wally not aging in +17 years is a mess up, in my opinion. You can't age some characters and then recycle others. I know the timeline is not that important in Pokemon, but they have been pretty consistent up until ORAS. They never should have done split timelines and bring back past characters without consequences.
I have reason to believe that Wally is an imposter. In the RS events the main character helps Wally catch a Ralts inside a Poke Ball. In ORAS this eventually becomes a Gallade. In the trailer what ball does this Gallade come out of; an Ultra Ball. I get that they have to show off "oh looks it's not just players who can use different balls" but given that one was actually a story moment it feels a bit much.

You can say a similar thing about Cynthia and her Garchomp:

Male? But it was female in all previous encounters (with the exception of the pokemon world tournament...).

Though all that said the datmine suggested there was a lot of trainer classes in the game so from that perspective maybe Game Freak is not willing to re-imagine older versions of every guest character to appear in this mode.
Watch it be like one character per gen


BW taking place 11 years after DP is speculation, and speculation I don't buy. 3-5 years makes perfect sense and doesn't muck up the timeline badly.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
she shows up, ruins everything, and peaces the fuck out

the true villain of the franchise

if there's any consolation pokespe gave a rightful end to her garbage

A thing to remember about HAs is they could always go ahead and lock them out for a generation and even change them. Just ask Gen V. Though hopefully they won't do that as they must know it's the HAs which tend to make starters competitively viable (but not always; Damp Swampert :lol:). Wonder if they'll get new brand new abilities like the Gen VI lot had?

I don't think they have done that to starters right (the changing I mean)? The only ones they changed were Chandelure iirc.

As for locking, well HAs have been available quite frequently lately, from Friend Safaris to DexNavs, so here's hoping they would be obtainable early on.
For anyone doubting you becoming a champion notice what Blue said in the trailer; "Nice to meet a fellow Champ, yeah?"

That and while Gamefreak has made some questionable decisions in the past, I don't think they're going to advertise a league that will only appear in a sequel when SM itself hasn't even come out yet.


You can say a similar thing about Cynthia and her Garchomp:
Male? But it was female in all previous encounters (with the exception of the pokemon world tournament...)[/spoiler]

The battle tower traditionally randomizes the genders of Pokemon. I wouldn't read anything into this really. Also it was male in the Japanese trailer.

I think the same happened in the PWT.


You can say a similar thing about Cynthia and her Garchomp:

Male? But it was female in all previous encounters (with the exception of the pokemon world tournament...).
Cynthia's Garchomp in DPP had perfect IVs. She clearly had to breed it, and this may be the male partner.



Actually Wally's model is different from the one used in ORAS, even though not by much, which could mean he aged a bit. I just wonder why they didn't bother to change it more since they had to anyway.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
BW taking place 11 years after DP is speculation, and speculation I don't buy. 3-5 years makes perfect sense and doesn't muck up the timeline badly.

The Team Rocket dude from HGSS who appears in BW has a school-age kid, though. Like, if he managed to move to Unova, find his perfect chick, bang her, get a kid, and raise it to at least 5, all in 3 years, dude's even more of a wizard than Wally. Realistically 6 is an absolute minimum.
Managed to pause the Train On video when Minior's moves were seen: Stone Edge, Protect, Shell Smash, Acrobatics. Sounds like it might actually be kinda good, Shell Smash should at least make it interesting.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
That's... a really good older Blue/Green/Leaf/{FRLG girl protagonist} design.


Speaking of Pokemon Human designs.

Doesn't it bother anyone that they just sort of draw the nose. Its like they don't want full nose, but they don't want the anime moeblob face either, so they just do a tiny line to compensate.
I was tearing up when watching the last Train On trailer. What a beautiful series of advertisements. I wish Nintendo put this much effort into their marketing. Now cut those sons of bitches up into 30 second pieces and air them on tv, TPC.


I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan but I've heard people say this is doing a lot to advance the series. I don't know any specifics though. Could someone point me to an overview?
The timeline isn't split and those who talk like it for sure is because Gen VI used that to explain Megas give me a headache.

What about the physical/special split? Was that a timeline break? The addition of a proper berry system in Gen III to replace the Gen II berries? The Day/Night system introduction? Do we need an alternate universe to explain time of day not happening in Gen I? Dark and Steel being introduced?

Not every gameplay or story retcon means alternate universe. There is no need to explain away why Clefairy suddenly resists Fighting rather than being weak to it. The ORAS shit does not confirm anything in any way whatsoever. Obviously you can go "there's a multiverse," and come up with that stuff for many series, but most people I know are of the (canonically accurate) mind that there is no alternate universe and all Pokémon games take place in the same timeline.
I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan but I've heard a few people say this is doing a lot to advance the series. I don't know any specifics though. Could someone point me to an overview?
Most of the bigger things are just in presentation. The story doesn't still follow the "collect 8 badges and fight the gym leaders" format for example, and the Alolan forms seem to be doing a pretty good job of revitalizing old Pokemon. Based on this trailer there also seems to be better post-game content than we've had in close to a decade. Your best bet is probably just going through the sections of the game on Serebii.net.


People (including myself) only subscribe to the multiple universes, because it was brought up.
It makes a lot more sense then what we were going on previously, so it's cool.

If they brought up alternate universes for every retcon, I'd be fine with that, but they didn't

How would a single universe be canonically accurate.


The Team Rocket dude from HGSS who appears in BW has a school-age kid, though. Like, if he managed to move to Unova, find his perfect chick, bang her, get a kid, and raise it to at least 5, all in 3 years, dude's even more of a wizard than Wally. Realistically 6 is an absolute minimum.

At this point, the timeline works much better if you just dismiss that connection though. He doesn't even have a proper name, so it's not necessarily the same one. So seeing it as a nod. rather than an actual continuity tie in, works much better, especially considering the World Tournament and this new battle feature.
At least fanartists remember Leaf:

The hair's a bit too dark, though:

I guess they're trying to make her a more obvious counterpart to Red.

Still glad the fans remember her even if Game Freak doesn't. ;.;

Also dudes, while I always dig Pokemon getting DEEP LORE, I think people are way overthinking things. Red & Blue get aged up as a joke to the series' 20th, while Cynthia and Wally simply appear as they were in their most recognizable recent appearance - that's in the black coat (in Hawaii!) for Cynthia and the open shirt with mega stone for Wally. They're just looking recognizable, doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

PK Gaming

You can say a similar thing about Cynthia and her Garchomp:

Male? But it was female in all previous encounters (with the exception of the pokemon world tournament...).

Though all that said the datmine suggested there was a lot of trainer classes in the game so from that perspective maybe Game Freak is not willing to re-imagine older versions of every guest character to appear in this mode.
Watch it be like one character per gen

They retconned Cynthia's Garchomp because they clearly see the default Garchomp as male now. Pokken was the final nail in the coffin, :X
The secret with Rockruff was, specifically, its divergent evolution: Lycanroc has two different forms it evolves into depending on your game version. Sun players get The Noble Wolf, Moon players get to go Full Bloodborne.

But yeah, that's been known for some time now.


You know what, I'm calling Ash being a battle at some point. Call it a hunch between Greninja and Hat-Pikachu and this whole "Battle / battel with legends" thing.


Neo Member
They evolve. Quote was entirely overblown and a lot of fake leakers got tripped up on it.

Yeah. It mostly became fodder for fake "leakers" to start talking about different evolutions for the starters. And it was an idea that clearly got traction because people wanted to see other final stages than Incineroar/Primarina, but at the same time had to admit that the leaked artwork was probably real.


People (including myself) only subscribe to the multiple universes, because it was brought up.
It makes a lot more sense then what we were going on previously, so it's cool.

If they brought up alternate universes for every retcon, I'd be fine with that, but they didn't

How would a single universe be canonically accurate.

Yup - if the game itself hadn't brought up the possibility, I wouldn't have ever given it a thought. And as it stands I don't particularly care either way, it's just a fun thing to think about. Gamefreak obviously give it much less thought than we do since we've got these bizarre anachronisms throughout the series they don't ever care to address, and that's fine.


I was tearing up when watching the last Train On trailer. What a beautiful series of advertisements. I wish Nintendo put this much effort into their marketing. Now cut those sons of bitches up into 30 second pieces and air them on tv, TPC.

Good, I wasn't the only one who got teary eyed. I'm not even sure what exactly started the waterworks, I was laughing at their "training" montage, otherwise yeah, the TRAIN ON thing was amazingly well done. They need to air it here in the US.
I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan but I've heard people say this is doing a lot to advance the series. I don't know any specifics though. Could someone point me to an overview?
Quite a few systems have been cleaned up that previously made certain aspects a chore or difficult to access for less 'dedicated' players:

* It's the first game to remove 'HM's (hidden machines) which were techniques required to get past obstacles in the world and had to be taught to pokemon you have in your party. Most of the time this would result in players finding a pokemon that could learn most of them, teaching them the most common used ones and bringing it along in their party as an 'HM slave': a pokemon not intended to be used in battle but entirely just there to bypass the HM requirements you'd frequently bump into.

* It's the first game you can improve pokemon's 'IV's (Internal Values) in. When a pokemon is captured/hatched it has a secret set of values (that range from 0 to 15) that normally cannot change afterwards. These are added into the stat calculations to determine how it's final stats turn out (attack, special attack, hp, etc) and so having a pokemon with perfect IVs (all of them are 15) was something people would breed for manically. Now in Sun and Moon, however, you can improve an existing pokemon's IVs with 'super training' once they reach level 100 so you may be able to escape the crazy breeding timesink that has consumed a lot of people's time :p

* QR code teams. Don't have a top level set of pokemon but want to do some competitive battling? Now in Sun and Moon, for the first time in the series, there are QR codes you can scan to get pre-made teams that you use for battling (you don't get to keep them though, they go away after the fights :p ) and if you make a perfect team you think other people would like you can share them via QR code too :3
This could also lead to a much more diverse meta, because when someone comes up with a crazy team to try out, they can upload the QR for other people to give it a shot rather than everyone having to break out the breeding farm and spending ages to recreate the team themselves just to see how they peform.

There's other improvements beyond those but those are some of the most stand-out ones.


I had zero interest in this game until I saw that Red and Blue were going to be in it. I don't know why, but just knowing that it has a direct connection to the early generations that I grew up with was enough to make me impulse preorder Moon.


Neo Member
The timeline isn't split and those who talk like it for sure is because Gen VI used that to explain Megas give me a headache.

What about the physical/special split? Was that a timeline break? The addition of a proper berry system in Gen III to replace the Gen II berries? The Day/Night system introduction? Do we need an alternate universe to explain time of day not happening in Gen I? Dark and Steel being introduced?

Not every gameplay or story retcon means alternate universe. There is no need to explain away why Clefairy suddenly resists Fighting rather than being weak to it. The ORAS shit does not confirm anything in any way whatsoever. Obviously you can go "there's a multiverse," and come up with that stuff for many series, but most people I know are of the (canonically accurate) mind that there is no alternate universe and all Pokémon games take place in the same timeline.
I don't understand how you can NOT believe that there aren't multiple universes. I mean, it was confirmed in in-game text, which is the most official source there is. You can not like it, and I know many people don't, but there really isn't anywhere to argue against it.

And also, Pokémon has always been about alternate universes. That's how I always understood version differences. Not to mention that every save file is its own alternate universe, since the actions of one player are never equal to another one's actions.
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