Im fucking crying!
*when Raichu gets smacked on beat* 😂
Glad you liked it, I was surprised no one else had made a John Cena/Incineroar parody so I thought I might as well put that goofy thing together.
Im fucking crying!
*when Raichu gets smacked on beat* 😂
Man, my boyfriend fixed Persian.
=/ I don't know how they messed that up lol, they could could have done anything but what we actually received, but whatever at this point -shrugs-
You're not wrong but I'd argue that we have an over-abundance of Fairy-type pokemon in this gen.There is merit to the assertion that the addition of a Fairy typing alone is enough to greatly improve a Pokemon. Judging solely by Smogon's competitive tiers:
- Gardevoir went from NU to UU after becoming part Fairy-type (with Mega Gardevoir rising to the top of OU thanks to Pixielate Hyper Voice)
- Clefable went from RU to OU after becoming Fairy-type (and having its Special Attack buffed by ten points)
- Azumarill went from UU to OU after becoming part Fairy-type
- Granbull went from NU to RU after becoming Fairy-type
- Togekiss went from UU to OU/BL after becoming part Fairy-type
- Whimsicott went from RU to UU after becoming part Fairy-type
It's important not to understate the value of additional STAB moves, resistances and an immunity in competitive battling. I don't think it's a stretch at all to say certain Pokemon would benefit greatly solely from being given the Fairy subtyping, especially in a meta that was once (and still is, to some degree) dominated by Dragon-types.
PU didn't exist as a tier before Gen VI though (NU used to be the lowest tier) so it's not quite the same. All of the examples listed were merely victims of reorganization; they didn't necessarily get worse via the addition of Fairy. They just kinda...stayed the same.
It's not fat, it just has a lot of head fur.Why they didn't make persians body fat as well, I'll never understand, would fix it all.
All three starters are great, legit want em all on my team. We are in unprecedented waters. Not since the original have all of them been so bad ass.
PuruglyWhy they didn't make persians body fat as well, I'll never understand, would fix it all.
All three starters are great, legit want em all on my team. We are in unprecedented waters. Not since the original have all of them been so bad ass.
I hope this catches on. That's damned hilarious.Alolan Persian: Fur Coat is an awesome ability, but Im not too excited for this thing because Im worried its gonna turn out like another Furfrou. That being said, assuming it has a defense stat near Persian, I think Fur Coat actually makes it take physical hits better than Steelix! Because of that, I sorta want to call this thing Garshield lol.
People are fast on these edits.
Okay okayyy I was talking a little shit... Ive barely used Torterra but it doesn't really get a lot of love overall. Its up there with the most underused starter out there. Really easy to pass over it just because its barely seen.
Im speaking more about typing, I understand that we don't know the meat and potatoes yet but just the typing alone is super exciting and diverse.
small edit: I wanna give a small shoutout to Boss Doggie for being a true Litten squad member. Real recognize HeelLol
The new Train On video released earlier tonight.
Taking across all videos thus far, this is the pokedex
1. Rowlet
2. Dartrix
3. Decidueye
4. Litten
5. Torracat
6. Incineroar
7. Popplio
8. Brionne
9. Primarina
10. Pikipek
11. Pikipek2
12. Pikipek3
17. Caterpie
18. Metapod
19. Butterfree
20. Ledyba
21. Ledian
27. Grubbin
28. Charjabug
29. Vikavolt
30. Bonsly
31. Sudowoodo
32. Happiny
33. Chansey
34. Blissey
35. Munchlax
36. Snorlax
37. Slowpoke
38. Slowbro
39. Slowking
40. Wingull
41. Pelipper
42. Abra
43. Kadabra
44. Alakazam
45. Meowth
46. Persian
47. Magnemite
48. Magneton
49. Magnezone
56. Makuhita
57. Hariyama
128. Eevee
136 . Sylveon
175. Pinsir
253. Vulpix
254. Ninetales
269. Exeggcute
270. Exeggutor
The first thing I noticed in that video was Charjabug evolving at level 40. That's a late ass evolution for a beginning bug.
The new Train On video released earlier tonight.
Its also number 27 in the pokedex which is a bit weird considering its encountered on the first route if that hasn't changed.
yeah this was also in it
Man, my boyfriend fixed Persian.
=/ I don't know how they messed that up lol, they could could have done anything but what we actually received, but whatever at this point -shrugs-
Charjabug evolves at 40?!
The first thing I noticed in that video was Charjabug evolving at level 40. That's a late ass evolution for a beginning bug.
Hahaha, I love this
Wow, please don't bring Gen 5's late evolutions back...
Yeah, that's a crazy level for what I assumed to be the regional Caterpie line. Thankfully that high evolution level means Vikavolt is probably going to be pretty sweet. Oh of my biggest complaints about bug pokemon is that they have cool designs but wind up being weak as hell. Stuff like Scizor, Volcarona, etc... are lovely exceptions though.
Maybe Charjabug is also a decent fighter?
Maybe Charjabug is also a decent fighter?
That group of kids looked like they were about to find a dead body or face off with an evil clown.Final part of the Train On ad series is up.
I hope so, because there's some lines I've barely touched because my experience raising them has been hellacious. Reuniclus' prior two forms require immense babying, as does Litwick who doesn't evolve until level 41.
Level 41 with base 275 stats. It seems like some pokemon are meant to be raised by the daycare or something.
It's not that much of an issue in B/W since you had audino farming, two experience shares and the stadiums. X and Y have restaurant le wow, and oras, well you could use the Blissey bases or trainer's eye, or fight gabby and ty over and over again
But, Zweilous having to get to 64 just to evolve is just absurd, especially when you fight Ghetsis and he has an underleveled one
Reminds me of Lance and his bullshit three underleveled Dragonites
No no no, Quru. 40 isn't bad at all, it's just 4 levels higher than the 36 we need to hit with our starter pokemon.
That's NOTHING compared to the bullshit GF trotted out when they made Mienfoo evolve at level 50, Pawniard at 52, Volcarona at 59, and the Dark/Dragon muppet thing at 64.
After a certain level certain pokemon just become unfeasible to use on your journey because they'll be stuck at their base or stage 2 level for 99% of the game.
Well, in comparison, Whirlipede evolves at level 30. If it's the early bug Pokemon, 40 is definitely high. On one hand, it's cool that you can keep it for so long and it can still have potential for more, but on the other, I imagine its training will be quite the hassle.
Anyway, it remains to be seen. Maybe I'm overreacting...