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New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more


Man, my boyfriend fixed Persian.


=/ I don't know how they messed that up lol, they could could have done anything but what we actually received, but whatever at this point -shrugs-

I... really like this. Too bad this isn't the official Alolan Persian instead of... you know.


There is merit to the assertion that the addition of a Fairy typing alone is enough to greatly improve a Pokemon. Judging solely by Smogon's competitive tiers:

  1. Gardevoir went from NU to UU after becoming part Fairy-type (with Mega Gardevoir rising to the top of OU thanks to Pixielate Hyper Voice)
  2. Clefable went from RU to OU after becoming Fairy-type (and having its Special Attack buffed by ten points)
  3. Azumarill went from UU to OU after becoming part Fairy-type
  4. Granbull went from NU to RU after becoming Fairy-type
  5. Togekiss went from UU to OU/BL after becoming part Fairy-type
  6. Whimsicott went from RU to UU after becoming part Fairy-type

It's important not to understate the value of additional STAB moves, resistances and an immunity in competitive battling. I don't think it's a stretch at all to say certain Pokemon would benefit greatly solely from being given the Fairy subtyping, especially in a meta that was once (and still is, to some degree) dominated by Dragon-types.
You're not wrong but I'd argue that we have an over-abundance of Fairy-type pokemon in this gen.

Primarina, Tapu Koko, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Tapu Lele, Morelull (and presumably its giant mushroom evo), Ribombee, Comfey, Mimikyu, Magearna (likely relegated to ubers but not necessarily), Silvally (with its Fairy doodad), Alolan Ninetales, Sylveon, Carbink (okay, it's useless), Clefable, Whimsicott, Klefki, Granbull, Wigglytuff (also useless).

That's 19 despite missing out on the likes of Mega Diancie, Gardevoir (and its Mega), Florges and Azumarill. And that doesn't even account for the potential utility of any Fairy-type Ultra Beasts.

They're going to be quite plentiful compared to the representation of some other types like Poison, Bug, Grass and Fire. So even if Primarina winds up underwhelming, there's going to be a Fairy pokemon or two on just about everyone's team roster that does measure up. (The terrain ability of the Tapus might relegate them to non-competitive play if they're deemed overly broken.)
I literally talk all the time with my bird friends irl (real) about how owls are like the Ghost type of birds of prey. They're just such ghostly animals that I had a teeny bit of hope that they would do this, but I never really expected them to. It's so good.

I also really happen to love more recent Grass types so I'm pleased af that the first Ghost starter is also Grass. Chestnaught was my absolute favorite starter of all time (really), and Torterra was my favorite before that. So to see Grass stay pretty consistently winning (for me) is sogood.gif

But also let me say that the other two are perfect as well. I seriously considered raising all three of them and am still entertaining the thought. I think I'll save the other two for future playthroughs because I'll definitely want to revisit the game with a new team.

Two generations in a row of really stunning starters imo. They've realized the importance of dual-type variety and making starters unique yet cohesive. I'm confident in saying Gen VII has my favorite collective set of starters ever (and favorite individual in Decidueye).


As hype as that last bit of the trailer was I REALLY wish those two were excluded from it. That would've been a crazy ass surprise for players.
PU didn't exist as a tier before Gen VI though (NU used to be the lowest tier) so it's not quite the same. All of the examples listed were merely victims of reorganization; they didn't necessarily get worse via the addition of Fairy. They just kinda...stayed the same.
Lol Im gonna post again about the greatness of Incineroar. Im allowed to because I've never chosen a fire starter as my generation starter and Litten will be my first. What a pick, because it can easily have the potential be the best fire starter with STAB Dark moves in its corner pocket.

I do hope it has creative move type coverage like Earthquake, I think that move would still fit.

And can we take some time to admire Beltigre's idle stance?! Its SCREAMS "Come the fuck here Boi!!!!"


PU didn't exist as a tier before Gen VI though (NU used to be the lowest tier) so it's not quite the same. All of the examples listed were merely victims of reorganization; they didn't necessarily get worse via the addition of Fairy. They just kinda...stayed the same.

Either way, becoming Fairy types didn't do them much good, if any at all. The ones that broke out and became popularly used did so by Fairy amplifying what they were already capable of, it's kind of weird to give 100% of the credit to Fairy being stapled onto them and ignore everything else.
Incineroar is such an awkward name to look at.

I don't know if anyone thought of it first, but I'm naming mine Luchato. Lucha and gato put together sounds way better.


Why they didn't make persians body fat as well, I'll never understand, would fix it all.

All three starters are great, legit want em all on my team. We are in unprecedented waters. Not since the original have all of them been so bad ass.
Why they didn't make persians body fat as well, I'll never understand, would fix it all.

All three starters are great, legit want em all on my team. We are in unprecedented waters. Not since the original have all of them been so bad ass.
It's not fat, it just has a lot of head fur.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Why they didn't make persians body fat as well, I'll never understand, would fix it all.

All three starters are great, legit want em all on my team. We are in unprecedented waters. Not since the original have all of them been so bad ass.


Well now that I see that my Smogon pal PK Gaming has gotten some of you to talk about competitive mons, I guess I better throw my hat into the ring now! Just note though that I tend to focus on Battle Spot (and to a lesser extent, Ubers), so my perspective is gonna be a bit different since I havent played OU since gen 4 lol.

Primarina: Aw hell yeah, gonna have to agree with PK Gaming here: Water / Fairy is one HELL of a typing! In fact, its so good that I feel like it will be hard for gamefreak to screw this up unless they go full stupid and give it a stat spread as bad as say, Samurott's, but I sorta doubt it since I feel like Gamefreak has gotten more self aware here. Should be a good alternative to Azumarill, hopefully a bulkier one. My only thing is this: There is Tapu Fini to worry about, since who knows, that might end up having a better stat spread!

If for any reason this thing gets Aurora Veil, then I think its gonna be good in doubles too, since a move that sets up dual screens in one turn sounds pretty killer there. I mean its killer in singles too, but I feel that Water Fairy isnt quite as good in Doubles with all those Amoonguss lurking around imo.

Oh and while Im not really gonna talk about Ubers much in this post, I just gotta mention that unlike Battle Spot, Water Fairy is not a god tier typing here, as Primal Groudon will seal club the poor bastard so hard that it'll get blown into another dimension (maybe full of Ultra beasts)!

Decidueye: Woah, I did NOT see that Ghost typing coming! That being said, I don't think Ghost Grass is a particularly stand out typing either, but its sig move does sound pretty sweet! I think this one is really gonna depend on its Hidden Ability and stat spread.

Incineroar: Im sorta worried that Gamefreak might be dumb enough to make it some sort of bulky Fire Dark type, which would be pretty dumb for that typing imo. Now interestingly enough, I noticed that the Japanese trailer flashed its HP stat rather quickly at 158 at level 50. A smogon pal of mind calced that and found out that Inciniroar has a base HP stat range of 83-98! That isn't quite as bulky as I was expecting off of that phyisque. That and the fact that afaik, people determined from the corocoro stream that Litten seems to be a sort of fast mixed attacker, and I have hope that Incineroar might actually be rather fast! Let's hope its better than Houndoom at least...

The Tapus: Man they have such good abilities! Something to note though: They all seem to have the same HP stat, which is anywhere from base 70-85 (I feel 70 is more likely since legendaries have 3 perfect IVs). So they might not be the bulkiest things out there unless they get some sort of crazy ass stats outside of that.

Tapu Lele: JESUS CHRIST AT THAT ABILITY! Stopping priority moves with a terrain is one hell of a shake up. I imagine Tapu Lele is going to be very common in Battle Spot Doubles and VGC, being a great way to mess up Fake Out (and priority in general of course). That being said, I'm not sure is 100% a slam dunk for one reason: Fake Out is so big that I imagine people will have other Tapus in the back to make sure Psychic Terrain goes away. This might lead to some frightening mind games and switches! Still, I don't think there is a way Gamefreak could fuck up Tapu Lele too badly here.

For Battle Spot Singles, I think stats will be a bigger factor here than doubles, but a friend of mine pointed out a potentially nasty strategy: pairing Tapu Lele with Blaziken. A lot of offensive teams rely on Talonflame and Azumarill to defeat Blaziken, so with Psychic Terrain up, it becomes a lot harder to check without the harder defensive checks like Slowbro!

Tapu Bulu:This is a bit of a weird one. Grassy Terrain is a bit of a double edged sword, since ALL Pokemon actually get recovery from that, which does have the potential to be annoying. That being said, we know it gets Horn Leech so it might be able to last a while, and Wood Hammer which is gonna hurt like fuck under Grassy Terrain despite the piss poor coverage! That being said, speaking of coverage... gee I hope this thing has a decent offensive movepool, or Steel-types like Ferrothorn are gonna make a mockery out of it.

Also, I noticed that the site mentioned that its rather lazy. I think it being slow might be a bonus in doubles metagames, since it could mess with Tapu Lele leads and get rid of the Psychic Terrain! Might also be usable in Trick Room.

Tapu Fini: Like I said before with Primarina, Water / Fairy is a great typing! However, I can't help but feel that it got a bit gipped on the ability front. Misty Terrain is pretty nice for its Safeguardish tendencies, but I do wish it got a boost to one of its STABs like the other Tapus. Still, I imagine this thing is gonna be pretty good in Battle Spot Doubles and VGC. I think its viability in singles might depend more on how Primarina is though, since it doesnt really deal with Tapu Koko and Tapu Bulu too well.

Alolan Persian: Fur Coat is an awesome ability, but Im not too excited for this thing because Im worried its gonna turn out like another Furfrou. That being said, assuming it has a defense stat near Persian, I think Fur Coat actually makes it take physical hits better than Steelix o_O! Because of that, I sorta want to call this thing Garshield lol. Hopefully it gets some weird out of the left field moves like Moonlight or something to make it interesting!

So overall... this was an exciting trailer! I guess out of the trailer, Im most excited for the Tapus and Primarina, but this still doesn't really help me decide how my final ingame team is gonna go. See, Im a heartless monster, and my team will be based on what will be good online after I max out their IVs with bottle caps, and stuff that I expect will blast through the game like butter so I can get my competitive goodies faster (aka Ash Greninja and probably Magearna)

So basically, if the starters have really important egg moves or hidden abilities, I will chuck them into the daycare and make them into breeding factories for GTS fishing instead of battling (and just SR for females). So I guess this means I won't know my final team till the competitive data gets mined out of the game on release huh...


Alolan Persian: Fur Coat is an awesome ability, but Im not too excited for this thing because Im worried its gonna turn out like another Furfrou. That being said, assuming it has a defense stat near Persian, I think Fur Coat actually makes it take physical hits better than Steelix o_O! Because of that, I sorta want to call this thing Garshield lol.
I hope this catches on. That's damned hilarious.
People are fast on these edits.

love it

Okay okayyy I was talking a little shit... Ive barely used Torterra but it doesn't really get a lot of love overall. Its up there with the most underused starter out there. Really easy to pass over it just because its barely seen.

Im speaking more about typing, I understand that we don't know the meat and potatoes yet but just the typing alone is super exciting and diverse.

small edit: I wanna give a small shoutout to Boss Doggie for being a true Litten squad member. Real recognize Heel :p Lol

torterra is so cool though, he's the second best starter of gen IV
The new Train On video released earlier tonight.

Taking across all videos thus far, this is the pokedex
1. Rowlet
2. Dartrix
3. Decidueye
4. Litten
5. Torracat
6. Incineroar
7. Popplio
8. Brionne
9. Primarina
10. Pikipek
11. Pikipek2
12. Pikipek3
17. Caterpie
18. Metapod
19. Butterfree
20. Ledyba
21. Ledian
27. Grubbin
28. Charjabug
29. Vikavolt
30. Bonsly
31. Sudowoodo
32. Happiny
33. Chansey
34. Blissey
35. Munchlax
36. Snorlax
37. Slowpoke
38. Slowbro
39. Slowking
40. Wingull
41. Pelipper
42. Abra
43. Kadabra
44. Alakazam
45. Meowth
46. Persian
47. Magnemite
48. Magneton
49. Magnezone
56. Makuhita
57. Hariyama
128. Eevee
136 . Sylveon
175. Pinsir
253. Vulpix
254. Ninetales
269. Exeggcute
270. Exeggutor


The new Train On video released earlier tonight.

Taking across all videos thus far, this is the pokedex
1. Rowlet
2. Dartrix
3. Decidueye
4. Litten
5. Torracat
6. Incineroar
7. Popplio
8. Brionne
9. Primarina
10. Pikipek
11. Pikipek2
12. Pikipek3
17. Caterpie
18. Metapod
19. Butterfree
20. Ledyba
21. Ledian
27. Grubbin
28. Charjabug
29. Vikavolt
30. Bonsly
31. Sudowoodo
32. Happiny
33. Chansey
34. Blissey
35. Munchlax
36. Snorlax
37. Slowpoke
38. Slowbro
39. Slowking
40. Wingull
41. Pelipper
42. Abra
43. Kadabra
44. Alakazam
45. Meowth
46. Persian
47. Magnemite
48. Magneton
49. Magnezone
56. Makuhita
57. Hariyama
128. Eevee
136 . Sylveon
175. Pinsir
253. Vulpix
254. Ninetales
269. Exeggcute
270. Exeggutor

The first thing I noticed in that video was Charjabug evolving at level 40. That's a late ass evolution for a beginning bug.
The first thing I noticed in that video was Charjabug evolving at level 40. That's a late ass evolution for a beginning bug.

Its also number 27 in the pokedex which is a bit weird considering its encountered on the first route if that hasn't changed.


Its also number 27 in the pokedex which is a bit weird considering its encountered on the first route if that hasn't changed.

Maybe it's like Venipede where it's a little bit later in the dex. Points to it being far stronger than other bugs if it has to stay in Charjabug form long. Guessing Grubbin evolves well into the 20s as well.
Leaning towards picking Litten as my starter but I kind of want to go with Rowlet to even out my first gen starters (picked Water in gens 1, 4 and 5, Fire in gens 2 and 3, and Grass in gen 6). Would have preferred if Rowlet's final evolution was Grass/Flying because Ghost is a terrible offensive typing, although thinking about it now I don't think I've ever used a Ghost type in a first playthrough.


Charjabug evolves at 40?!

Yeah, that's a crazy level for what I assumed to be the regional Caterpie line. Thankfully that high evolution level means Vikavolt is probably going to be pretty sweet. Oh of my biggest complaints about bug pokemon is that they have cool designs but wind up being weak as hell. Stuff like Scizor, Volcarona, etc... are lovely exceptions though.


The worst thing about picking Primarina is that I want it to be female, but the way gender ratios work, I'll probably waste half an hour resetting the game... They really need to make starters 1:2.
The first thing I noticed in that video was Charjabug evolving at level 40. That's a late ass evolution for a beginning bug.

Wow, please don't bring Gen 5's late evolutions back...


Whoever designed the entire Litten line should be ashamed. The other two look fantastic though, going to be hard to pick between them after being initally sold on Popplio.
So, the Japanese kid beat the bullies with Exeggutor and went back to Japan?

When the kid walked into the kitchen, it looked like someone died


Wow, please don't bring Gen 5's late evolutions back...

No no no, Quru. 40 isn't bad at all, it's just 4 levels higher than the 36 we need to hit with our starter pokemon.

That's NOTHING compared to the bullshit GF trotted out when they made Mienfoo evolve at level 50, Pawniard at 52, Volcarona at 59, and the Dark/Dragon muppet thing at 64.

After a certain level certain pokemon just become unfeasible to use on your journey because they'll be stuck at their base or stage 2 level for 99% of the game.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, that's a crazy level for what I assumed to be the regional Caterpie line. Thankfully that high evolution level means Vikavolt is probably going to be pretty sweet. Oh of my biggest complaints about bug pokemon is that they have cool designs but wind up being weak as hell. Stuff like Scizor, Volcarona, etc... are lovely exceptions though.

Maybe Charjabug is also a decent fighter?


Maybe Charjabug is also a decent fighter?

I hope so, because there's some lines I've barely touched because my experience raising them has been hellacious. Reuniclus' prior two forms require immense babying, as does Litwick who doesn't evolve until level 41.

Level 41 with base 275 stats. It seems like some pokemon are meant to be raised by the daycare or something.
It's not that much of an issue in B/W since you had audino farming, two experience shares and the stadiums. X and Y have restaurant le wow, and oras, well you could use the Blissey bases or trainer's eye, or fight gabby and ty over and over again

But, Zweilous having to get to 64 just to evolve is just absurd, especially when you fight Ghetsis and he has an underleveled one

Reminds me of Lance and his bullshit three underleveled Dragonites
I hope so, because there's some lines I've barely touched because my experience raising them has been hellacious. Reuniclus' prior two forms require immense babying, as does Litwick who doesn't evolve until level 41.

Level 41 with base 275 stats. It seems like some pokemon are meant to be raised by the daycare or something.

two of my favourite pokemon. I loved leveling them up.


It's not that much of an issue in B/W since you had audino farming, two experience shares and the stadiums. X and Y have restaurant le wow, and oras, well you could use the Blissey bases or trainer's eye, or fight gabby and ty over and over again

But, Zweilous having to get to 64 just to evolve is just absurd, especially when you fight Ghetsis and he has an underleveled one

Reminds me of Lance and his bullshit three underleveled Dragonites

Just because you can grind away at them by bashing Audino heads in doesn't make those evolution levels reasonable. It's one of the things Gen V did wrong. Mienfoo, Pawniard, Litwick, Vullaby, etc... don't have the excuse Hydreigon does (it's Unova's pseudo). They're just average pokemon with ridiculous evolution levels.

It's one thing I'd wish they go back and revise.


No no no, Quru. 40 isn't bad at all, it's just 4 levels higher than the 36 we need to hit with our starter pokemon.

That's NOTHING compared to the bullshit GF trotted out when they made Mienfoo evolve at level 50, Pawniard at 52, Volcarona at 59, and the Dark/Dragon muppet thing at 64.

After a certain level certain pokemon just become unfeasible to use on your journey because they'll be stuck at their base or stage 2 level for 99% of the game.

Well, in comparison, Whirlipede evolves at level 30. If it's the early bug Pokemon, 40 is definitely high. On one hand, it's cool that you can keep it for so long and it can still have potential for more, but on the other, I imagine its training will be quite the hassle.

Anyway, it remains to be seen. Maybe I'm overreacting...


Well, in comparison, Whirlipede evolves at level 30. If it's the early bug Pokemon, 40 is definitely high. On one hand, it's cool that you can keep it for so long and it can still have potential for more, but on the other, I imagine its training will be quite the hassle.

Anyway, it remains to be seen. Maybe I'm overreacting...

Whirlipede was one that was actually pretty easy to get up to 30, his stats and learnset helped immensely. Bug/Electric is a pretty good defensive typing and providing decent coverage. Barring a completely crappy set of moves (imagine being stuck with String Shot, Thunder Shock, and Harden until level 40), it should be fine.
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